How to show datepicker on focus of datefield - datepicker

This should be quite simple but, in ExtJs 6.2, I can't figure out how to make the datepicker (calendar) open by itself when the datefield focus event fires. You would think there would be a method for that on the field itself.

Try this:
focusenter: function(myfield,o,opt){

The focusenter event will fire when focus enters in this Component's hierarchy. Try focus event instead
focus: function(thisObj, event, eOpts) {


valueHelpRequest method not get fired in sap.m.input by enabling showValueHelp="true"

I want to show password by clicking help indicator in control sap.m.input.
As per code valueHelpRequest method must fired but not fired when clicking help indicator.
Its working fine for me. Share some code.
jsbin sample
js view code
createContent: function(oController) {
// button text is bound to Model, "press" action is bound to Controller's event handler
return new sap.m.Input({text:'{/actionName}',press:oController.doSomething,showSuggestion:true,showValueHelp:true,valueHelpRequest:oController.onVHR});
I got solution :
var oInput = this.getView().byId("idName"); oInput.attachValueHelpRequest(function(){
console.log("You click on value helper.")

Summernote WYSIWYG : set code view as default view

I can't find anything about this on the web. Is there a way to set the default view of Summernote (WYSIWYG jQuery text editor) to be the code/html view. I want to see directly the HTML code when landing on the form page.
Thank you
You can simulate a click on the codeview button (after summernote initialization), it works for me :
oninit: function() {
$("div.note-editor button[data-event='codeview']").click();
From Summernote documentation:
After v0.7.0, every callbacks should be wrapped by callbacks object.
So, in order to work, the js should be like this:
callbacks: {
onInit: function() {
$("div.note-editor button.btn-codeview").click();
Not very elegant and I don't know if there is a proper way to do it but give this a try if you like:
From what I can tell, and I didn't look very hard, the codeview button does this:
adds a 'codeview' class to div.note-editor
disables all the buttons
adds an 'active' class to the codeview button elemment.
You may discover that it does other things as well but this should put you on a workable path.
$('div.note-editor.codeview button').addClass('disabled');
$("div.note-editor.codeview button[data-event='codeview']").removeClass('disabled').addClass('active');
Well, you can use the init callback.
$('.summernote').on('summernote.init', function () {
height: 300,
placeholder: 'Paste content here...',
codemirror: {
theme: 'monokai'

Fire click event on button by code?

Simple enough just can't get it to work and see no info within the docs. How to fire click event on button by code?
I have tried:
The button already has an event listener, I want it to run the code within the listener when the app is in a certain state.
you have to add EventListner to check whether click event is fired or not,see below code ,it fires without clicking the button. you can replace commented if condition with your condition on which you want to fire btn's click event
var win= Titanium.UI.createWindow({ backgroundColor:'white'});;
var btn= Titanium.UI.createButton({ title :' fire by code'});
alert('Click event fired ');
I would probably approach this a different way. You want an application to do the same thing if the button is clicked or if the app is already in a certain state.
function doThisThing(){
alert('This thing happened');
var win = Titanium.UI.createWindow({ backgroundColor:'white'});;
var btn = Titanium.UI.createButton({ title :' fire by code'});
// could also be defined as btn.addEventListener('click', doThisThing());
+1 to adnan for providing the code example to change around.

How to programmatically fire keydown event in ExtJS 4

In ExtJs 4 how can I programmatically fire 'keydown' (or 'keypress') event (on TAB key) ?
I should want to simulate a TAB key pression in response to another event.
I have tried with code (in this event handler) :
field.fireEvent('keydown', {keyCode: 9})
but it's not working...
You may have to spy your DOM a bit (to see what elements are there, like fileInputEl in the example below), but this works for me:
var uploadField = Ext.getCmp( 'uploadField' );;
I am also looking for a solution .... I have a numberfield component and a pop-up keyboard... when I try to click on key ('.') on the keyboard-pop-up... I want to attach to numberfield (like when you press '.')... but nothing happens. I try this:
// Ext version 5.1
var field = Ext.getCmp('numberfield-test');
var event = Ext.create('Ext.event.Event', {
key: 110 // Want to emulate '.' key
// none of the following works
field.fireEvent('keydown', [ field, event ]);
field.fireEvent('keypress', [ field, event ]);
field.fireEvent('keyup', [ field, event ]);
// neither this ones
field.fireEvent('keydown', field, event);
field.fireEvent('keypress', field, event);
field.fireEvent('keyup', field, event);

ExtJS 4: Prevent changing tab using TabBar

I don't use tab panel just tab bar, and have to prevent changing tab by some criteria.
In ExtJS docs I found change event for, but it fires when tab is already changed. So preventDefault() and return false are not working in this case.
Second I tried is set property when tabs were initialized, but it fires when tab button is already clicked. So preventDefault() and return false don't work too.
Can ony body help with this? How can I prevent changing tabs using only and
I think you can use the 'beforetabchange' event on the tab panel itself.
From sencha docs:!/api/ .
Return false in any listener to cancel the tabchange.
Maybe you could then extend the component and register the beforechange event by modifying the setActiveTab method, I think it's a pretty easy modification
setActiveTab: function(tab) {
//test the beforechange return
if (tab.disabled && me.fireEvent('beforechange', tab) === false) {
var me = this;
if (me.activeTab) {
me.previousTab = me.activeTab;
if (me.rendered) {
tab.el && tab.el.scrollIntoView(me.layout.getRenderTarget());
me.activeTab = tab;
me.fireEvent('change', me, tab, tab.card);
Add a controller action "beforeshow" on the tab panel container and disable the listeners. Allows the tabs to behave normally without clickability.