Up-to-date recommendations for yocto build host version - yocto

Because the documentation recommends Ubuntu 15.10 as a yocto build host, we went to considerable effort to set this up, only to find that Bitbake still tells us that this is not a supported version.
What is the latest recommended Ubuntu version, please? I'm thinking we may as go with the latest LTS.

If you use Warrior Yocto version, you can use Ubuntu 18.04 as stated here. For older Yocto version, you'll need an older host distribution due to GCC support.
Anyway, I suggest you to build Yocto within a Docker environment, for example this one.


How to install Modsecurity 2.9.6 on Debian 11 with Apache2?

If you want you use the new CRS versions you need at least 2.9.6 of libapache2-mod-security2. see:
Is this possible on Debian11? I searched for backports but couldn't find any method on getting this version. Default Debian 11 Version 2.9.3
If you want you use the new CRS versions you need at least 2.9.6 of libapache2-mod-security2. see: https://coreruleset.org/installation/
Thanks, we (CRS team) should add some links to this documentation.
Is this possible on Debian11? I searched for backports but couldn't find any method on getting this version. Default Debian 11 Version 2.9.3
We are working on it, that Debian 11 accepts this version too. Actually, the Debian's package source repository already has the patched 2.9.3:
You can download that and make an own package.
If you want to avoid to make a custom/own package, follow this link, and you can try the Digitalwave's ModSecurity repository. There you can find the 2.9.6 for Debian 10, 11, Ubuntu 18.04, 20,04 and 22.04.
Note: I'm CRS developer, and Debian maintainer. I made the packages for Debian too.

Unable to find postgresql-client-10 on Debian Stretch ARM

I am trying to build docker image on Apple M1 chip Mac and one of the steps include installing postgresql-client-10 package. The base image is ruby-2.6.5-stretch and I have added file repository configuration and repo signing key as listed on postgresql documentation page for Debian. In the last step, when I am trying to install a specific version postgresql-client-10, the build errors out because it is not able to find this package.
This was working fine on AMD Debian Stretch build but not finding this client on ARM Debian stretch. If I install postgresql-client (without specifying version), it installs version 9. Is it possible that the client is not available for versions 9 and above? Where can I get the list of available client versions for postgresql based on Debian releases?
There's one more caveat, when I try to install it on Buster release, the installation is successful but since I need to have libproj12 (due to gem dependency), libproj.so.12 file is not found. Since the libproj package list for version 12 shows only stretch release, I think I am confined to using stretch release only and have to make it work for postgresql 10.

Why is there No more Kubernetes for Latest version of Ubuntu

I am trying to install Kubernetes on Ubuntu 20.04 but the latest release is for Ubuntu 16.04. I am following the official tutorial by kubernetes https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl-linux/
Is it discontinued for Ubuntu?
As #jordanm and #mdaniel mentioned
likely the upstream disagreements in Debian about vendoring k8s dependencies. Lot of dev discussion about whether or not k8s should even be included in a stable release. OS provided packages are probably the least-common way to provision a cluster.
Related to that, kubernetes binaries are statically linked golang
programs, and thus have very little in the way of "dependency upon. Ubuntu whatever" so it's likely fine to just use the 16.04 repo.
Read: minikube-ubuntu-20.04.
See also: kubernetes-on-ubuntu.

postgresql-9.3-pljava-gcj for 64 bit architecture

I need to install pljava for postgresql 9.3 on Ubuntu 14.04. I installed the 64bit version of postgre using the apt-get packet manager of Ubuntu, and I tried installing pljava in the same way
sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.3-pljava-gcj
but it gives me the "unmet dependencies error"
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
postgresql-9.3-pljava-gcj:i386 : Depends: postgresql-9.3:i386 but it is not going to be installed
Apparently, there's no version of pljava for 64bit architectures of pljava for postgresql 9.3. Also searching the Web led me to this conclusion (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/postgresql-pljava/1.4.3-3 - see the "not build" versions of the packet).
Now, my problem is that I have to use a 64bit version of postgresql-9.3, and I definitely need pljava to embed some "java triggering" inside the db. Does anyone know any solution to this issue? Can I use pljava-9.1 with postgresql-9.3? Anything else?
Thanks a lot
There is no maintained PL/JAVA package for Ubuntu anymore. The package you mentioned is using a too old version of PL/JAVA, depending on gcj. It is highly recommended to use PL/JAVA version 1.5.0, using a recent Oracle or OpenJDK java version.
The sad news is you have to build it yourself. For instructions, see
https://tada.github.io/pljava/build/build.html (building)
https://tada.github.io/pljava/install/install.html (installing)
At the time this question was asked, it was true that there were not maintained PL/Java packages for Ubuntu.
Just to update the story, more recently there are. They can be found in the PGDG apt repository.

JProfiler on Centos 5.7 `GLIBC_2.7' not found

JProfiler agent seems to require glibc 2.7, but Centos has glibc 2.5. Has anyone successfully compiled the jprofiler agent for glibc 2.5 or did previous version of JProfiler create agents with 2.5?
Actul error is
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not find agent library /opt/jprofiler/bin/linux-x64/libjprofilerti.so in absolute path, with error: /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.7' not found (required by /opt/jprofiler/bin/linux-x64/libjprofilerti.so)
The problem is that JProfiler you are using has been built on a system with glibc-2.7 (or later).
In general, UNIX systems support backwards compatibility (code compiled on an older system continues to work on a newer one), but not forward compatibility (you can't expect code built on a newer system to work on an older one).
Your choices are: upgrade your version of glibc, or obtain a different build of JProfiler (that was built on glibc-2.5 based system or older).
That's actually a regression in 7.0.1, an easy workaround is to use 7.0:
We'll fix this dependency problem shortly (my company develops JProfiler). Thanks for letting us know.