Unable to upload content via google spreadsheet in Google Actions - actions-on-google

I am creating a Google Action's project using a Flash Card template. I am following the steps from google documentation. But after updating the questions and answers, and other required field I am not able to upload contents from my sheet to google actions console like the documentation does in step 14.
After clicking on Upload in Step 13, I see a success message saying check_circleYour content was uploaded successfully, 35 rows of content were detected but when I click on Create App after that I see the following messages.
This is the error I see everytime I click on Upload

This was due to a bug that has been resolved.


Firebase dynamics's link

Here is my base universal link https://k5j95.app.goo.gl/, it used to be working properly but all of the sudden it stopped working. when I click on the link on Text message it opens up the safari and shows 400.That's an error. The requested URL was not found on this server. That's all we know.
Here is a dynamic link https://k5j95.app.goo.gl/KPoa which was working before even it was installing the app if it wasn't installed.
The link https://k5j95.app.goo.gl is not an Firebase Dynamic Link. This is URL of your assigned domain in Firebase Dynamic Links.
You need to create dynamic link based on this domain. See here about ways to create the link.
Your Firebase Dynamic Link should look like https://k5j95.app.goo.gl/xyzabcd

Facebook messenger checkbox plugin is hidden (already checked other answers)

I have the same problem like asked here: Facebook messenger checkbox plugin is hidden
I tried the implementation of the Facebook Checkbox Plugin according to Facebooks documentation but it won't show on my VM in my Company.
The Facebook SDK Implementation works fine, I tried the "Share" and "Like"-Button, which show up correct.
I have a Facbook Page which has public access and a Messenger APP in DEV-mode. The "Send-API" from Facebook works correct too: I am able to send message to myself as administrator from my Webpage on my development VM.
Following Steps are done: use a random user_ref on every request, set my page on the whitelist, use "https", visit my page FB-loggedIN and FB-loggedOut
But the result ends in Markup and Log-Infos like this screen:
See FF DeveloperTools Markup Screenshot for current state
According to this I visited a page given as origin where the Plugin should work (see first link in my question) - but there the plugins' HTML is the same like mine.
So is there a general problem on Facebooks' site or is there quite more necessary, to get this plugin running? Could it be a problem with self-signed certificate on my VM?
At the moment I don't want to notify or login any user. All I want is that the checkbox is shown.
Pherhaps anyone has an idea or the same experiences :)
Additional Info: the console shows following message
fb:messenger_checkbox failed to resize in 45s
after some fiddling we found out that a registered webhook is required (even if you dont consume the events) to make the messenger checkbox plugin render properly.

Make google actions development project preview persist longer

I want to make google voice actions app for my Google Home. But, based on quick research, as of Dec 11, google does not allow private projects for Google Home.
Can I develop a private action only accessible via my google home or linked account?
How can I run my development action on my Google Home?
I understand that I can preview the app from API.ai project, and it deployes to the linked Google Home device.
But the issue is, the deployed app does not persist. It is no longer available after hour or so.
How can I make it permanent (if there is a way)?
Based on Leon's answer, I just wanted to extend the steps on how to enable the sample for 24 hours.
Click on the "Google Home Web Simulator" link on bottom right corner.
Then you will be presented with google home device - click on "Start" button on that page
On next page, top right corner you have the "ACTION PACKAGE" button Leon is talking about. Click on that and extend expiration time by clicking on "Preview for 24 hours" button. See screenshot below:
I have found a way to create the Action on API.ai and then preview it indefinitely.
From API.ai:
Open browser dev console (Network tab)
Go to Integrations
Turn on "Actions on Google" integration
Click "Authorize"
Click "Preview"
Inspect the XHR response from https://console.api.ai/api/agent/googleassistant/preview in the Network dev console
"errorDetails":"You are not authorized for this operation. ",
Copy/paste the content of the response into a file called action.json
Then, download and install the gactions CLI from here - gactions CLI and then run this command:
gactions preview --action_package action.json --preview_mins 9999999 \
--invocation_name [your_own_invocation_name_here]
The preview_mins value of 9999999 makes the preview effectively indefinite.
Here is a video demonstrating it:
As of today, May 17 2017, the highest voted answer to this question no longer works for new API.ai projects due to the upgrading of the Actions on Google SDK to v2. A similar methodology to #Brady's answer does work still, but they've made it more difficult in some ways (more information needs to be provided to Google, globally unique invocation name despite being a local only test), and better in others (gactions CLI docs now explicitly state that indefinitely timed previews are accepted, and actually is the default if not provided as a argument to the gactions test call).
Create your API.ai agent as normal.
Under the "Integrations" side menu, open the "Actions on Google" settings.
Select "Test" from the bottom of the dialog box that appears (you may need to jump through a few hoops here, signing in, authorizing account access, etc.)
This is where it gets a little different. You now need to create a project on the Actions on Google console. Create or import a project to the console.
The first required step is to supply an action package, which can come from either API.ai or the SDK directly. For API.ai, you have to go back to the Integrations page we were at and press "Update" on your Actions on Google settings. (On the previous version of the SDK, this was labeled "Deploy" and would have made your app public, but don't worry - all this does now is update the AoG console. You publish publicly from the AoG console later if desired).
This new console requires more information outright than was necessary before. I found that the "Assistant app name" can be whatever you want, but the "Pronunciation" is strictly limited to a few conditions (globally unique, reserved keywords, non-brand violating). I also found that I could still invoke using the app name and not just the pronunciation, but I suspect that will be fixed.
Once you've filled out all the necessary information, you can test
from API.ai. Return to the AoG settings menu in API.ai and retrieve
the response content from the HTTP request preview (just like in
#Brady's answer above). Here we hit another difference. The content
of the request response can't be used directly in the action.json
file as it is wrapped in another object. You want to use only the
object from the property actionPackage. (i.e. remove
from the beginning of the content and
from the end). You should end up with a object of a structure similar
to this (but maybe not exactly, it depends on the content of your
API.ai agent):
"actions": [...],
"types": [...],
"manifest": {...},
"conversations": {...}
Put this into your action.json file.
Execute the new gactions CLI command:
gactions test --project <your_project_name_from_aog_console> --action-package action.json
Enjoy your local v2 Actions on Google SDK project! And pray Google does not alter the deal any further...
I tried my best to recall what I had to do from memory, so there may be some mistakes in this write up. Hopefully this helps someone.
You can extend the time the development action can be previewed on the web simulator or Google Home device. After you preview the action from API.AI, click on the list of action packages in the web simulator. Then select the "Preview for 24 hours" link for your action package.

Phone gap ios app - show pdf file with print/email options

I have a requirement to do the following task.
Inside a Phonegap iOS app, the user wants to view a pdf file after clicking a link which will load the pdf from the remote server.
And also user needs print, email functions with this document viewer.
So far I have tried following options.
Exit from the app when user click on the link and try to load the pdf throught the Safari. This is not working because user has to relogin for viewing the application.
Check with child-browser plugin. But it does not provide the options like print/email.
It'll be really great if some one can help on this who has similar experience.

Ad-Hoc distribution prompt message says (null) would like to install {app name}

I've successfully created an ad-hoc file for over-the-air installation of my app for beta testers. Everything is working as expected apart from the initial message that gets display.
When I click the install link the iPhone prompts the user with the following message:
"(null) would like to install {My App Name}"
Does anyone know how I can replace the (null) text? is there an additional setting in the .plist file I can add?
For the add-hoc distribution I have 4 files - large+small icons, app.ipa and app.plist - the .plist file conatins the urls for the icons and app and also contains the a title and subtitle field in the metadata portion. These 2 both have values in them.
I found the solutions to this.
If the link is sent in an email the "(null) would like to install" will appear when clicking the link.
If however I browse to a webpage which includes the link the message will replace the (null) with the domain name where the webpage is hosted.
So to solve my problem I just email out a link to a webpage which includes the original link.
I am also facing similar problem, solved it in following ways-
Issue arise because we use single slace after http:/ in web page where give .plist path.
Now changed, it become-:
You can also refer this-
Enterprise distribution prompt message says (null) would like to install {app name}