How to write a Spark dataframe into Kinesis Stream? - scala

I am creating a Dataframe from a kafka topic using spark streaming.
I want to write the Dataframe into a Kinesis Producer.
I understand that there is no official API for this as of now. But there are multiple APIs available over the internet , but sadly, none of them worked for me.
Spark version : 2.2
Scala : 2.11
I tried using and build the jar. But getting errors due to conflicting package names between this jar and spark API. Please help.
########### Here is the code for others:
spark-shell --jars spark-sql-kinesis_2.11-2.2.0.jar,spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.11-2.1.0.jar,spark-streaming-kafka-0-10-assembly_2.10-2.1.0.jar --files kafka_client_jaas_spark.conf --properties-file gobblin_migration.conf --conf spark.port.maxRetries=100 --driver-java-options "" --conf "" --conf ""
import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils
import org.apache.spark.SparkException
import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import scala.sys.process._
import org.apache.log4j.{ Logger, Level, LogManager, PropertyConfigurator }
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.Trigger
val streamingInputDF =spark.readStream.format("kafka").option("kafka.bootstrap.servers","bootstrap server").option("subscribe", "<kafkatopic>").option("startingOffsets", "latest").option("failOnDataLoss", "false").option("", "SASL_PLAINTEXT").load()
xdf.writeStream.format("kinesis").option("checkpointLocation", "<hdfspath>").outputMode("Append").option("streamName", "kinesisstreamname").option("endpointUrl","kinesisendpoint").option("awsAccessKeyId", "accesskey").option("awsSecretKey","secretkey").start().awaitTermination()
For the jar spark-sql-kinesis_2.11-2.2.0.jar, go to quoble , download the package for your spark version, build the jar.
If you are behind a corporate network, set the proxy before launching spark.
export http_proxy=http://server-ip:port/
export https_proxy=https://server-ip:port/

Kafka Connect is a service to which you can POST your connector specifications (kinesis in this case), which then takes care of running the connector. It supports quite a few transformations as well while processing the records. Kafka Connect plugins are not intended to be used with Spark applications.
If your use case requires you to do some business logic while processing the records, then you could go with either Spark Streaming or Structured Streaming approach.
If you want to take Spark based approach, below are the 2 options I can think of.
Use Structured Streaming. You could use a Strucuted streaming connector for Kinesis. You can find one here. There may be others too. This is the only stable and open source connector I am aware of. You can find an example for using Kinesis as a sink here.
Use Kinesis Producer Library or aws-java-sdk-kinesis library to publish records from your Spark Streaming application. Using KPL is a preferred approach here. You could do mapPartitions and create a Kinesis client per partition and publish the records using these libraries. There are plenty of examples in AWS docs for these 2 libraries.


How to get Nats messages using pySpark (no Scala)

Found two libraries for working with Nats, for Java and Scala(, Writing a separate connector on Scala and sending the output to pySpark its wrong. Is there any other way to connect pySpark to Nats?
Spark-submit version
Thanks in advance.
In general, there is no normal way :( I found only an option using a python connector, sending output to a socket, and there pyspark processes the received data.

How to read HBase table as a pyspark dataframe?

Is it possible to read in Hbase tables directly as Pyspark Dataframes without using Hive or Phoenix or the spark-Hbase connector provided by Hortonworks?
I'm comparatively new to Hbase and couldn't find a direct Python example to convert Hbase tables into Pyspark dataframes. Most of the examples I saw were either in Scala or Java.
You may connect to HBase via Phoenix. The sample code can be:'jdbc').options(driver="org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixDriver",url='jdbc:phoenix:url:port:/hbase-unsecure',dbtable='table_name').load()
You may need to get spark phoenix connector jars: phoenix-spark-4.7.0-HBase-1.1.jar and phoenix-4.7.0-HBase-1.1-client.jar. Thanks

Spark Streaming with Nifi

I am looking for way where I can make use of spark streaming in Nifi. I see couple of posts where SiteToSite tcp connection is used for spark streaming application, but I think it will be good if I can launch Spark streaming from Nifi custom processor.
PublishKafka will publish message into Kafka followed by Nifi Spark streaming processor will read from Kafka Topic.
I can launch Spark streaming application from custom Nifi processor using Spark Streaming launcher API, but the biggest challenge is that it will create spark streaming context for each flow file, which can be costly operation.
Does anyone suggest storing spark streaming context in controller service ? or any better approach for running spark streaming application with Nifi ?
You can make use of ExecuteSparkInteractive to write your spark code which you are trying to include in your spark streaming application.
Here you need few things setup for spark code to run from within Nifi -
Setup Livy server
Add Nifi controllers to start spark Livy sessions.
StandardSSLContextService (may be required)
Once you enable LivySessionController within Nifi, it will start spark sessions and you can check on spark UI if those livy sessions are up and running.
Now as we have Livy spark sessions running, so whenever flow file move through Nifi flow, it will run spark code within ExecuteSparkInteractive
This will be similar to Spark streaming application running outside Nifi. For me this approach is working very well and easy to maintain compare to having separate spark streaming application.
Hope this will help !!
I can launch Spark streaming application from custom Nifi processor using Spark Streaming launcher API, but the biggest challenge is that it will create spark streaming context for each flow file, which can be costly operation.
You'd be launching a standalone application in each case, which is not what you want. If you are going to integrate with Spark Streaming or Flink, you should be using something like Kafka to pub-sub between them.

How to configure executors with custom StatsD Spark metrics sink

How do I sink Spark Streaming metrics to this StatsD sink for executors?
Similar to other reported issues (sink class not found, sink class in executor), I can get driver metrics, but executors throw ClassNotFoundException with my setup:
StatsD sink class is compiled with my Spark-Streaming app (my.jar)
spark-submit is run with:
--files ./my.jar (to pull jar containing sink into executor)
--conf "spark.executor.extraClassPath=my.jar"
Spark Conf is configured in the driver with:
val conf = new SparkConf()
.set("spark.metrics.conf.*", conf.get("host"))
.set("spark.metrics.conf.*.sink.statsd.port", "8125")
Looks you hit the bug I hit it too and googled your question :(
Copy your jar files to the $SPARK_HOME/jars folder.

Spark to MongoDB via Mesos

I am trying to connect Apache Spark to MongoDB using Mesos. Here is my architecture: -
MongoDB: MongoDB Cluster of 2 shards, 1 config server and 1 query server.
Mesos: 1 Mesos Master, 4 Mesos slaves
Now I have installed Spark on just 1 node. There is not much information available on this out there. I just wanted to pose a few questions: -
As per what I understand, I can connect Spark to MongoDB via mesos. In other words, I end up using MongoDB as a storage layer. Do I really Need Hadoop? Is it mandatory to pull all the data into Hadoop just for Spark to read it?
Here is the reason I am asking this. The Spark Install expects the HADOOP_HOME variable to be set. This seems like very tight coupling !! Most of the posts on the net speak about MongoDB-Hadoop connector. It doesn't make sense if you're forcing me to move everything to hadoop.
Does anyone have an answer?
Spark itself takes a dependency on Hadoop and data in HDFS can be used as a datasource.
However, if you use the Mongo Spark Connector you can use MongoDB as a datasource for Spark without going via Hadoop at all.
Spark-mongo connector is good idea, moreover if your are executing Spark in a hadoop cluster you need set HADOOP_HOME.
Check your requeriments and test it (tutorial)
Basic working knowledge of MongoDB and Apache Spark. Refer to the MongoDB documentation and Spark documentation.
Running MongoDB instance (version 2.6 or later).
Spark 1.6.x.
Scala 2.10.x if using the mongo-spark-connector_2.10 package
Scala 2.11.x if using the mongo-spark-connector_2.11 package
The new MongoDB Connector for Apache Spark provides higher performance, greater ease of use and, access to more advanced Spark functionality than the MongoDB Connector for Hadoop. The following table compares the capabilities of both connectors.
Then you need to configure Spark with mesos:
Connecting Spark to Mesos
To use Mesos from Spark, you need a Spark binary package available in a place accessible by Mesos, and a Spark driver program configured to connect to Mesos.
Alternatively, you can also install Spark in the same location in all the Mesos slaves, and configure spark.mesos.executor.home (defaults to SPARK_HOME) to point to that location.