Scaffolding issue in toy_app -

I am working through the rails tutorial online and I've hit a snag.
I worked through the Learn Enough Rails to Be Dangerous course on my native machine (macOS Mojave) and have rails 5.1.6 installed with rbenv. I had no issues working through the Rails Tutorial until lesson 2.2. I made it all the way through the $ rails db:migrate then $ rails server commands without issue but when attempting to load my web app with "the slash" + /users, I get this error:
"The page you are looking for doesn't exist. You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved. If you are the application owner check the logs for more information."
The normal slash page still brings up "hello, world!" but none of the pages will load with the new files (/users, /users/1, /users/new, etc.).
I've tried deleting the application and the related repos (BitBucket, Heroku) and starting new from the beginning of lesson 2 and I still have the same problem.
Any insight is greatly appreciated.

So, I googled the error message I found in $ heroku logs
and found this:
Heroku Ruby On Rails Server Logs says 'Users' does not Exist
which led me to the command: $ heroku run rake db:migrate
which solved the problem--the /users page et al are now accessable.


Rails Tutorial Chapter 9 Deploy to Heroku

first time asking on stackoverflow.
I completed chapter 9 of Rails Tutorial.
All the tests go through, the sample_app works fine on the server (I'm using cloud 9 btw). Everything is working...
until I try it after deploying it to Heroku.
So I deployed to Heroku following Hartl's instructions.
I did the $ heroku run rake db:migrate too.
Now, when I try to log in at the Heroku deployed app,
I get the error message :
"invalid email/password combination".
I'm 100% sure I have the right email/password, and the same email/password combination works fine on the rails server.
Can anyone please tell me what's wrong? I'm not sure where to even start look for bugs.. (if there are bugs)
You need to run $ heroku run rake db:seed so that you populate the database on your Heroku app with user account information.

Deploying Meteor + Angular2 app to Heroku

I have an app I'm writing using Meteor, Angular2 (using the angular-meteor package), Typescript, and MongoDB. I'm trying to put it up on Heroku and running into difficulties. I'm using this meteor buildpack. I'm not sure whether the problems are with Meteor, Heroku, or Angular2, though I suspect it's something Heroku isn't configuring correctly for Angular2. The site is at and the error I'm getting is:
EXCEPTION: No provider for t! (e -> t)
I've checked the Heroku logs and there is no sign of trouble there. Part of my problem is that I can't see what t and e are, as someone (Heroku?) is uglifying the JavaScript. I'm not really sure how to proceed in debugging this.
One way to solve this problem would be to figure out and fix the error, but I'd be happy if there's a better build pack, or even a better (must be free!) hosting environment that I could be using.
It's not Heroku's problem. The same thing happens when deploying to Meteor's built in deployment testing (meteor deploy If I deploy using meteor deploy --debug, however, it works, so Angular2 has some problem with the extra processing that happens when Meteor prepares an app for production.
On the angular2-meteor Github I found out that this is an issue with Angular 2 in particular, when using UglifyJS. For now, it seems the only solution is to use meteor deploy --debug. I'm planning to just use that on meteor's built in hosting until Angular 2 plays nicely.

quickstart Apache DayTrader

I am trying to get the Apache DayTrader benchmarking app on OpenShift quickstart working see link!17609
I have a free 3 gear openshift online account and the quickstart starts up but then after a while posts the message
"Application creation is taking longer than expected. Please wait a few minutes, then refresh this page."
Waiting and refreshing the page shows the whole application rolled back and removed from the gear.
I suspected it might need a larger gear but I can build an openshift gear manually with JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 and PostgreSQL 9.2 as per requirements in a small gear
I tried manually building the application via jboss developer studio and downloaded the git locally, imported it as a general project,converted to Mavern project, started openshift application wizard and choose the jbosseap-6 app type with postgresql-9.2 cartridge and went through using the existing daytrader project.
That all seemed to work and the app was created in my openshift online gear
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6
Status: Started
1 small, Storage 1 GB PostgreSQL 9.2
the account webpage then displays
"Welcome to your JBoss EAP application on OpenShift"
but I cant seem to access the daytrader index.jsp or app from there.
If anyone has successfully built Daytrader on openshift either manually or via quickstart could they please post the steps.
I am just starting with jboss and the solution may be an absurdly simple oversight on my part.
Much appreciated John
I am assuming this is not your cartridge. If that is the case, you should try logging an issue on the github project that feeds into that quickstart here:
The creator of the cartridge should be able to help you out.
I posted ( some time ago ) the issue in github for gvijayar but there has been no reponse. I have managed to build via command line as per "Deploying from Source" making allowance for the error.
The application name needs to change in the create command to be consistent across all the commands you list.
rhc app create -a daytradereap -t jbosseap-6 -g large
but the quickstart still fails consistently.

How to debug custom slug crashing

For various reasons we have decided to try to sidestep the slug-compilation and build our own slug locally to deploy through the API (as described here:
The slug is built mostly like the java/scala buildpack using that buildpack jvm and is then combined with our play framework application dist file. Looking at the app dir of a normal/git-deployed app it looks aboutish the same.
Now, after deploying the slug through the api we get the expected dynos listed in the config page but the app crashes right away without giving any further information. Trying to attach a bash shell through heroku run bash it just times out.
Is there any way to get more information about why the app crashed out of heroku?
Ok, after some help from heroku support we figured out the following:
The slug tar files must be created so that the paths start with './' regular relative paths doesn't cut it. When we had that figured out we didn't really have any more big problems and now we have got a working alternative build and deploy to heroku pipeline that allows us to build or app locally and then deploy that.

Heroku error: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException?

Hi my friend and I are facing this problem where we are unable to create a Heroku application in eclipse. We keep running into the error and the error is java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException. We followed Heroku eclipse but it still gives the error. My friend even downloaded the newest eclipse no no avail.
You must have reached the app limit in heroku. Heroku provides 5 free apps. Delete one and try again.
Go to and login. You will see all the apps you created.
Then go to the settings and delete one app and try creating template again in eclipse.
No help I know, but I am also seeing this. I have used heroku from the command line in the past, but following the instructions on the heroku site don't appear to be working.