Dynamic UID to edit the current news item - typo3

I use "Frontend_Editing" extension on TYPO3, to edit News items from Frontend.
How can i edit this code to change uid with the value of the current News item :
<core:contentEditable table="tx_news_domain_model_news" uid="9">
<f:render section="content" />

Did you have a look at the documentation of EXT:frontend_editing?
A full example for inline editing of a certain field looks like this:
<core:contentEditable table="{item.table}" field="{item.field}" uid="{item.uid}">

I found the solution uid="{item.uid}" need to be uid="{newsItem.uid}"
So the code is :
<core:contentEditable table="tx_news_domain_model_news" uid="{newsItem.uid}">
<f:render section="content" />


In TYPO3 Fluid, how to pass additional arguments to a partial when {_all} is used

Fluid Styled Content uses the f:render Viewhelper as such:
<f:render partial="Header" arguments="{_all}" />
I'd like to pass another info to the partial, like
<f:render partial="Header" arguments="{_all, settings : doThis}" />
But it seems to me that's the wrong way, as it throws an error.
I also tried accessing settings.doThis with f:alias, but no luck (or rather, skill) either.
How's that done correctly?
This is possible with the alias ViewHelper. I already used it with TYPO3 version 6 and 7.
Just extend the {_all} var as following
<f:alias map="{additionalVar: 'foobar'}">
<f:render partial="Partial" arguments="{_all}"/>
<f:alias map="{additionalVar: 'foobar'}">
<f:render section="Section" arguments="{_all}" />
You can use the "additionalVar" variable as any other.
It is working with section and partial.
You can't, so just modify your settings (or any other var) in the controller yet or use ViewHelper, which allows you to declare vars in the view, like i.e.: v:variable.set of VHS ext.
It is possible to use this one, but donĀ“t use the var 'settings'. This one is used by typoscript.
<f:render partial="Header" arguments="{_all, myvar:'myvalue'}" />
Try the <f:debug> tag in the Header Partial and see
You can use vhs viewhelper with fluid like below.
<v:variable.set value="{yourValue}" name="variable">
<f:render partial="Header" arguments="{_all, newVar:variable}" />

Inserting news teaser inside FalMediaContainer template

Is it possible to insert {newsItem.teaser} into FalMediaContainer.html? Do I need to insert something more to fluid template to see on output news teaser?
Thanks for any help
This is of course possible, however you need to change the Detail.html as well.
Please change the line
<f:render partial="Detail/FalMediaContainer" arguments="{media: newsItem.falMedia, settings:settings}" />
<f:render partial="Detail/FalMediaContainer" arguments="{newsItem:newsItem, media: newsItem.falMedia, settings:settings}" />
afterwards you can use any property of the {newsItem}also in the partial!

Access flux fields from another Fluidtypo3 FCE element (flux, fluidcontent, vhs)

I'm trying to access the settings of a Fluidtypo3 FCE element. My FCE is a news article that I want to include in another FCE, which is a slider. The slider only has one field and the configuration is the following:
condition="AND tt_content.pid = {record.pid} AND CType = 'fluidcontent_content' AND colPos = 1 AND sys_language_uid = {record.sys_language_uid}"
This configuration works, I can select all my news FCE's as a relation. The field articles saves the uid's of all referenced FCE's. Now I am trying to use these uid's to receive the content. Right now my code is the following:
<f:section name="Main">
<f:if condition="{articles}">
{v:iterator.explode(content: '{articles}', glue: ",", as: 'articles')}
{v:content.get(contentUids: "{articles}", render: 0) -> v:variable.set(name: 'slides')}
<f:for each="{slides}" as="element">
The <v:content.get> ViewHelper gets the tt_content record as it is recorded in the database. The flux settings are stored in XML-Format in the field pi_flexform. I am trying to access those specific flux settings one by one and not just the whole pi_flexform field in xml format.
I've looked for ViewHelpers that can convert XML to an Array and tried many other things, but nothing worked for me. I am grateful for any ideas how to solve this problem.
<flux:form.data> is the Viewhelper you seek. You can use it like this:
<f:for each="{slides}" as="element">
<flux:form.data table="tt_content" field="pi_flexform" record="{element}" as="flexformData">
<!-- Do stuff with flexformData -->

Is it possible to set by fluid a argument that the typo3 backend uses as input

In the typo3 template I'm using the following line to get the last 5 added items from the backend and this works.
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.lastaddeditmes" />
Only the number of item I want to have it flexible and set in the fluid template. So for example like below where the qty is set to three, is this possible?
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.lastaddeditmes(3)" />
You can't do that in the view, instead you can make a copy of lib.lastaddeditmes in TypoScript and then use it in other place like:
lib.lastaddeditmesOnlyThree < lib.lastaddeditmes
lib.lastaddeditmesOnlyThree.someSetting.items = 3
and in view:
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.lastaddeditmesOnlyThree" />
Remember that TypoScript is just a configuration syntax (not programming language) so it shouldn't give you any huge performance drop.

Typo3 6.2: Table Records in FCE (Flux)

I am trying to get a list of table-records in my FCE.
In documentation, i found the part "items" can use a Query.
But i can not find a way to make it work.
<flux:field.select name="myRecord" items="NOTHING WORKS HERE" label="Choose" maxItems="1" minItems="1" size="5" multiple="false" />
Does anybody know how the items can be filled with table-records ?
If you are trying to get the select box with all items maybe you can then switch to this:
<flux:field.relation size="1" minItems="0" table="tx_{YourExtensionName}_domain_model_{YourObjectName}" maxItems="1" name="package">
Of corse, you can use any table from the DB, like "pages"..
Hope it helps!