scalajs removeEventListener not working if using a scala function - scala.js

This code does not work as expected (the keydown function still is executed when pressing a key):
import org.scalajs.dom.raw.Event
import org.scalajs.dom.{console, document}
import scala.scalajs.js
def keydown(e: Event) { console.log(e) }
document.addEventListener("keydown", keydown)
document.removeEventListener("keydown", keydown)
This modified code does indeed work as expected:
def keydown_(e: Event) { console.log(e) }
val keydown: js.Function1[Event, Unit] = (e: Event) => keydown_ _
document.addEventListener("keydown", keydown)
document.removeEventListener("keydown", keydown)
Why is so?
And is it possible to remove this extra boilerplate line of code?

Scala Functions and JS Functions are different types, you need to convert from one to another. This is done for you implicitly, but this conversion creates a new instance of JS Function every time the conversion is called.
So calling the conversion multiple times, even if implicitly, you will get a different instance of JS Function every time. Even though those instances wrap the same Scala function, the browser doesn't know that. In order to removeEventListener, you need to provide it with the exact same JS Function reference that you passed to addEventListener, which is why your val example works but def doesn't.


deprecation warning when compiling: eta expansion of zero argument method

When compiling this snippet, the scala compiler issues the following warning:
Eta-expansion of zero-argument method values is deprecated. Did you
intend to write Main.this.porFiles5()? [warn] timerFunc(porFiles5)
It occurs when I pass a function to another one for a simple timing. The timer function takes a parameterless function returning unit, at this line: timerFunc(porFiles5). Is this warning necessary? What would be the idiomatic way to avoid it?
package example
import java.nio.file._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import java.time._
import scala.collection.immutable._
object Main extends App {
val dir = FileSystems.getDefault.getPath("C:\\tmp\\testExtract")
def timerFunc (func:()=>Unit ) = {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val finish = System.currentTimeMillis()
println((finish - start) / 1000.0 + " secs.")
def porFiles5(): Unit = {
val porFiles5 = Files.walk(dir).count()
println(s"You have $porFiles5 por5 files.")
def timeNow(): Unit = {
porFiles5 is not a function. It is a method, which is something completely different in Scala.
If you have a method, but you need a function, you can use η-expansion to lift the method into a function, like this:
someList.foreach(println _)
Scala will, in some cases, also perform η-expansion automatically, if it is absolutely clear from context what you mean, e.g.:
However, there is an ambiguity for parameterless methods, because Scala allows you to call parameterless methods without an argument list, i.e. a method defined with an empty parameter list can be called without any argument list at all:
def foo() = ???
foo // normally, you would have to say foo()
Now, in your case, there is an ambiguity: do you mean to call porFiles5 or do you mean to η-expand it? At the moment, Scala arbitrarily disambiguates this situation and performs η-expansion, but in future versions, this will be an error, and you will have to explicitly perform η-expansion.
So, to get rid of the warning, simply use explicit η-expansion instead of implicit η-expansion:
timerFunc(porFiles5 _)

How to compile/eval a Scala expression at runtime?

New to Scala and looking for pointers to an idiomatic solution, if there is one.
I'd like to have arbitrary user-supplied Scala functions (which are allowed to reference functions/classes I have defined in my code) applied to some data.
For example: I have foo(s: String): String and bar(s: String): String functions defined in my myprog.scala. The user runs my program like this:
$ scala myprog data.txt --func='(s: Str) => foo(bar(s)).reverse'
This would run line by line through the data file and emit the result of applying the user-specified function to that line.
For extra points, can I ensure that there are no side-effects in the user-defined function? If not, can I restrict the function to use only a restricted subset of functions (which I can assure to be safe)?
#kenjiyoshida has a nice gist that shows how to eval Scala code. Note that when using Eval from that gist, not specifying a return value will result in a runtime failure when Scala defaults to inferring Nothing.
scala> Eval("println(\"Hello\")")
java.lang.ClassCastException: scala.runtime.BoxedUnit cannot be cast to scala.runtime.Nothing$
... 42 elided
scala> Eval[Unit]("println(\"Hello\")")
It nicely handles whatever's in scope as well.
object Thing {
val thing: Int = 5
object Eval {
def apply[A](string: String): A = {
val toolbox = currentMirror.mkToolBox()
val tree = toolbox.parse(string)
def fromFile[A](file: File): A =
def fromFileName[A](file: String): A =
fromFile(new File(file))
object Thing2 {
val thing2 = Eval[Int]("Thing.thing") // 5
Twitter's util package used to have util-eval, but that seems to have been deprecated now (and also triggers a compiler bug when compiled).
As for the second part of your question, the answer seems to be no. Even if you disable default Predef and imports yourself, a user can always get to those functions with the fully qualified package name. You could perhaps use Scala's to first parse your string and then compare against a whitelist, before passing to eval, but at that point things could get pretty hairy since you'll be manually writing code to sanitize the Scala AST (or at the very least reject dangerous input). It definitely doesn't seem to be an "idiomatic solution."
This should be possible by using the standard Java JSR 223 Scripting Engine
(also mentions using but not sure this is still available)
import javax.script.*;
ScriptEngine e = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("scala");
e.getContext().setAttribute("label", new Integer(4), ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
try {
} catch (ScriptException ex) {

Scala Fork-Join-All With Multiple Generic Types and 1 Generic Unit of Work

I'm attempting to write a method which accepts multiple generic types and takes as an argument a unit of work to execute.
The idea is that the unit of work is a common function that itself is generic. For the sake of example, let's say it's something like the following:
def loadModelRdd[T: TypeTag](sc: SparkContext): RDD[T] = {
loadModelRdd() will construct an RDD of the given type after some internal processing like loading the Model information, etc.
A prototype method I've been hacking on looks something like the following (non-working):
def forkAll[A : Manifest, B : Manifest](work: => RDD[_]): (RDD[A], RDD[B]) = {
def aFuture = Future { work } // How can I notify that this work call returns type A?
def bFuture = Future { work } // How can I notify that this work call returns type B?
val res = for {
a <- aFuture
b <- bFuture
} yield (a.asInstanceOf[A], b.asInstanceOf[B])
Await.result(res, 10.seconds)
This is a shortened version of the code I'm working on as I'm actually looking at accepting as many as 10 different types.
As you can see, the overall goal of the forkAll method is to wrap the unit of work in a Future, fork-join the execution of the unit of work for each type, then return the results as a Tuple'd result. An example consumer statement would be:
val (a, b) = forkAll[ClassA, ClassB](loadModelRdd)
i.e I want to fork-join at this point and wait for the results, but I want the executions to be executed in parallel and then collected back to the Driver (Spark Driver to be specific).
The problem is I'm not sure how to coerce the type returned by the unit of work within forkAll when constructing the Future {} blocks. Without the forkAll, the implementation looked like the following:
val resA = loadModelRdd[ClassA](sc)
val resB = loadModelRdd[ClassB](sc)
I am looking at doing this for two reasons:
To abstract the details of fork-join for any unit of work which matches this model.
A version of this code, which explicitly states what the unit of work is, is working in Production and was responsible for cutting execution of a long-running block by close to half. I have a couple of execution steps where this pattern could be applied
Is this something that is possible in Scala's type system? Or should I look at this problem from a different perspective? I've tried a couple of implementations (including one described here) but I haven't quite found one that fits my current view of the problem
Please let me know if there is any additional information needed.
Short answer: Scala does not allow functions with type parameters, so what you want is not exactly possible.
You are attempting to pass a method with a type parameter. Although methods are allowed to have type parameters, functions are not. When you try to pass a method, it acts like an anonymous function, so you must specify a type.
However, since methods do allow type parameters, you can take advantage of this by creating an abstract class that will do your fork/join
abstract class ForkJoin {
protected def work[T]: RDD[T]
def apply[A, B]: (RDD[A], RDD[B]) = {
// Write implementation of fork/join here
(work[A], work[B])
then overriding the type generic work method so that it does what you want, such as calling some other pre-defined method.
val forkJoin = new ForkJoin {
override protected def work[T]: RDD[T] =
val (intRdd, stringRdd) = forkJoin[Int, String]
Check out this for a prototype implementation that compiles and runs without issues.

What does the word "Action" do in a Scala function definition using the Play framework?

I am developing Play application and I've just started with Scala. I see that there is this word Action after the equals sign in the function below and before curly brace.
def index = Action {
Ok(views.html.index("Hi there"))
What does this code do? I've seen it used with def index = { but not with the word before the curly brace.
I would assume that the name of the function is index. But I do not know what the word Action does in this situation.
This word is a part of Play Framework, and it's an object, which has method apply(block: ⇒ Result), so your code is actually:
def index: Action[AnyContent] = Action.apply({
Ok.apply(views.html.index("Hi there"))
Your index method returns an instance of the class Action[AnyContent].
By the way, you're passing a block of code {Ok(...)} to apply method, which (block of code) is actually acts as anonymous function here, because the required type for apply's input is not just Result but ⇒ Result, which means that it takes an anonymous function with no input parameters, which returns Result. So, your Ok-block will be executed when container, received your instance of class Action (from index method), decided to execute this block. Which simply means that you're just describing an action here - not executing - it will be actually executed when Play received your request - and find binding to your action inside routing file.
Also, you don't have to use def here as you always return same action - val or lazy val is usually enough. You will need a def only if you actually want to pass some parameter from routing table (for instance):
GET /clients/:id controllers.SomeController.index(id: Long)
def index(id: Long) = Action { ... } // new action generated for every new request here
Another possible approach is to choose Action, based on parameter:
def index(id: Long) = {
if (id == 0) Action {...} else Action{...}
But uasually you can use routing table itself for that, which is better for decoupling. This example just shows that Action is nothing more than return value.
Update for #Kazuya
val method1 = Action{...} //could be def too, no big difference here
// this (code inside Action) gonna be called separately after "index" (if method2 is requested of course)
// notice that it needs the whole request, so it (request) should be completely parsed at the time
val method2 = Action{ req => // you can extract additional params from request
val param1 = req.headers("header1")
//This is gonna be called first, notice that Play doesn't need the whole request body here, so it might not even be parsed on this stage
def index(methodName: String) = methodName match {
case "method1" => method1
case "method2" => method2
GWT/Scala.js use simillar approach for client-server interaction. This is just one possible solution to explain importance of the parameter "methodName" passed from routing table. So, action could be thought as a wrapper over function that in its turn represents a reference to OOP-method, which makes it useful for both REST and RPC purposes.
The other answers deal with your specific case. You asked about the general case, however, so I'll attempt to answer from that perspective.
First off, def is used to define a method, not a function (better to learn that difference now). But, you're right, index is the name of that method.
Now, unlike other languages you might be familiar with (e.g., C, Java), Scala lets you define methods with an expression (as suggested by the use of the assignment operator syntax, =). That is, everything after the = is an expression that will be evaluated to a value each time the method is invoked.
So, whereas in Java you have to say:
public int three() { return 3; }
In Scala, you can just say:
def three = 3
Of course, the expression is usually more complicated (as in your case). It could be a block of code, like you're more used to seeing, in which case the value is that of the last expression in the block:
def three = {
val a = 1
val b = 2
a + b
Or it might involve a method invocation on some other object:
def three = Numbers.add(1, 2)
The latter is, in fact, exactly what's going on in your specific example, although it requires a bit more explanation to understand why. There are two bits of magic involved:
If an object has an apply method, then you can treat the object as if it were a function. You can say, for example, Add(1, 2) when you really mean Add.apply(1,2) (assuming there's an Add object with an apply method, of course). And just to be clear, it doesn't have to be an object defined with the object keyword. Any object with a suitable apply method will do.
If a method has a single by-name parameter (e.g., def ifWaterBoiling(fn: => Tea)), then you can invoke the method like ifWaterBoiling { makeTea }. The code in that block is evaluated lazily (and may not be evaluated at all). This would be equivalent to writing ifWaterBoiling({ makeTea }). The { makeTea } part just defines an expression that gets passed in, unevaluated, for the fn parameter.
Its the Action being called on with an expression block as argument. (The apply method is used under the hood).
Ok("Hello world")
A simple example (from here) is as follows (look at comments in code):
case class Logging[A](action: Action[A]) extends Action[A] {
def apply(request: Request[A]): Result = {// apply method which is called on expression"Calling action")
action(request) // action being called on further with the request provided to Logging Action
lazy val parser = action.parser
Now you can use it to wrap any other action value:
def index = Logging { // Expression argument starts
Action { // Action argument (goes under request)
Ok("Hello World")
Also, the case you mentioned for def index = { is actually returning Unit like: def index: Unit = {.

How can I use Scalas runtime reflection to inspect a passed anonymous function?

Assuming I have a method like the following:
def getInfo(func: () => T) = {
//Code goes here.
How could I use the runtime reflection of Scala 2.11.1 to inspect the passed anonymous function func?
I'm especially interested in getting an AST (abstract syntax tree) of func and, if possible, the location (line number, file) where the method was first defined.
All I have accomplished so far is to get information about the type of parameter func, not the function itself.
I am aware of the fact that there have been similar questions on SO, but they mainly target other Scala versions.
As Ben mentioned in the comments, this can be done using Scala macros at compile time.
A possible option is to expand the original call to a macro, which queries the necessary information, and then call a internal getInfoMethod, which does something with the information.
Example for getInfo function:
import scala.language.experimental.macros
//getInfo method which gets expanded to macro
def getInfo(func: => Any):Unit = macro FindFreeVars.findMacro
def getInfoInternal(info: Any) {
//Do something with the collected information
Example for macro:
//Macro delclaration
def getInfoMacro(c: Context)(func: c.Tree): c.Expr[Unit] = {
import c.universe._
//Extract information, like enclosingPosition or symols from the function tree.
val functionInfo = getFunctionInfo(func)
//Call internal method
c.Expr[List[(String, Any)]](q"getInfoInternal($func, $closedVars)")
More on Symbols, Trees and Types for analysis.
More complete example of a macro which finds all variables bound from another scope in a function by applying the same technique.