Additive inverse of a number: subtraction from zero or multiplication by −1 - cpu-architecture

Which method is faster when negating a number: -1*a or 0-a? where a is a double.

Both are terrible, just flip the sign bit with an XOR or a dedicated FP negation instruction.
IEEE-754 floating point uses a sign/magnitude representation so -x differs from x by exactly 1 bit: the sign-bit. (e.g. on x86 with SSE, using xorps How to negate (change sign) of the floating point elements in a __m128 type variable?). This flips NaN to -NaN or vice versa without changing the payload.
In C, write it as -a and see what your compiler does.
Even better, you can often optimize away a negation by later doing a subtract instead of add, or an FMSUB or FNMADD instead of FMADD, or producing a originally with an FNMSUB instead of FMADD to negate as part of the FMA.
But if you had to choose between an actual FP multiple or FP add instruction, normally subtraction has latency at least as good as multiplications.
Intel Haswell and Broadwell have multiply throughput twice as good as add throughput (running on FMA units with worse or equal latency to add), but most microarchitectures (including modern x86 Ryzen and Skylake) have balanced FP add vs. multiply throughput.
In general for non-x86 architectures, generally add will be at least as cheap as multiply. But again, most ISAs will have some special way of negating like x86's SSE1 xorps or legacy x87 fchs (CHange Sign).
Boolean AND or ANDN (or a dedicated instruction that has the "mask" built in) to unconditionally clear the sign bit is also useful as an absolute value.


Orthogonality of Instruction Set Architecture

I am studying the difference between CISC and RISC recently, and I've encountered into the term "Orthogonality". After doing some research, my understanding so far is that there are two "axes", addressing modes & operations, which are independent of each other, so it produces a maximum number of (#addressing modes * #operations) instructions in the ISA.
For CISC machine, which is a register-memory architecture, operands may come from register or memory and RISC a register-register(or load-store) one on the contrary.
So, what's the role of orthogonality playing in these two ISA? Is CISC more orthogonal than RISC or vice versa?
As the wiki describes, "Modern CPUs often simulate orthogonality in a preprocessing step before performing the actual tasks in a RISC-like core. This "simulated orthogonality" in general is a broader concept, encompassing the notions of decoupling and completeness in function libraries, like in the mathematical concept: an orthogonal function set is easy to use as a basis into expanded functions, ensuring that parts don’t affect another if we change one part." What does this paragraph mean? What is the preprocessing step, does it have anything to do with the microcode?
Any explanation are appreciated! Thanks a lot!
Maximizing total choices of possible instructions like a CISC is generally not what's meant. Instead it's more about being a simpler compiler target, without complex interactions in what makes an instruction legal or not. RISC machines are often highly orthogonal, and designed with being a compiler target in mind, not human programmers.
My understanding of the term is that orthogonality is more about any register being usable in any case where any other register is usable. Unlike x86 shl reg, cl where variable-count shifts require a specific register. (I know this is a RISC-V question, but the examples of non-orthogonality I know of come from other ISAs, primarily x86.)
And definitely not like 8086 (before 386), where if you needed to multiply, one of the operands had to be in the accumulator, AL or AX. And sign-extension was also only available there. 386 introduced movsx reg, r/m8 and r/m16. (And movzx, allowing easy and more efficient zero-extending of a byte from memory into SI or DI, without having to load 2 bytes and and si, 0x00ff.)
Even worse, 16-bit addressing modes only allow a few registers in very limited ways: [bp|bx] + [si|di] + disp0/8/16, vs. 32-bit addressing modes allowing stuff like lea eax, [ecx + ecx + 3] to use the same register twice, or address memory relative to the stack pointer without having to copy it to the base pointer (BP) register.
Or if some memory operands can use a certain addressing mode, can all memory operands use it? AArch64 ldp/stp (load-pair/store-pair of registers) I think has fewer available addressing modes than single-register loads, because it needs 5 extra bits for a second register number. Unlike ARM32 ldrd where the pair of registers is two contiguous registers, starting with an even number.
In general, the less interaction there is between a choice of one thing (like instruction) and the possible choices for another (a register), the more orthogonal.
One of the major benefits with this is being a simple compiler target. The most optimal code can more often be found with a greedy algorithm that only takes into a account one thing at a time, not interlocking tradeoffs. Not like x86-64 "if I use ECX instead of R9d for this variable, that'll save bytes in multiple instructions not needing REX prefix, but later mean I need an extra mov to copy a register for a shift count". (x86 BMI2 introduced variable-count shifts that can use a count from any register, like shlx ebx, eax, r15d)
Or far worse targeting 8086 or 286, where 16-bit addressing modes impose a lot more constraints on register allocation. And you'd more often you'd want to use instructions that needed their operands in specific registers, especially the accumulator.
But if you're not worried about every byte of code size, x86-64 is a fairly orthogonal ISA, usually you don't need to care about which register you use for what. One change in that direction beyond 386's important changes was making the low byte of every register addressable, like bpl, spl, sil, dil as the low bytes of RBP, RSP, RSI, RDI. (But those require REX prefixes, overlapping encodings with AH/CH/DH/BH which are only usable in instructions without REX prefixes.)
Another example of non-orthogonality is x86's notorious integer SIMD extensions, MMX and SSE2. Want to do minimum of unsigned integers 16 bytes at a time? In SSE2 we have pminub for unsigned byte elements. And pminsw, signed 16-bit elements. But no other combination of size and signedness until SSE4.1, several years later, which filled in the gaps allowing signed bytes and u16, as well as i32 and u32. And then AVX-512 added i64 and u64. Every min available always had a corresponding max, but other than that, SSE2 was highly non-orthogonal in that and many other ways, including signed/unsigned saturating add/sub, and pack of wider to narrower elements with signed or unsigned saturation. And FP vs. integer shuffles, e.g. there's no integer equivalent to shufps that takes two elements from one vector, two from another, using an immediate control operand. Fortunately for shuffles you can use FP shuffles on integer data.
x86 SIMD is still not very orthogonal in many ways, for example in integer multiply where not all combinations of element size are available for everything; 16-bit has 16x16 => 16-bit low half, signed high half, or unsigned high half. (And a widening multiply and horizontal-add, pmaddwd). 32-bit has signed and unsigned widening 32x32 => 64-bit, and with SSE4.1 also non-widening. 8-bit only has a multiply and horizontal-add where one operand is treated as signed, the other as unsigned.
Again, if I'm picking on x86 a lot, it's because it's what I know. And Intel painted a huge "kick me" sign on their back when they designed MMX and SSE2, only taking some steps to fix things later with SSE4.1. (I'm sure there are reasons for some of those choices, including transistor budget and opcode coding-space in x86's notoriously cramped machine-code.) But a lot of programs don't want to assume SSE4.1 as a requirement to run at all, even now, over a decade since the first SSE4.1 CPUs. Most other SIMD ISAs are more orthogonal than x86, like ARM NEON or PowerPC AltiVec.
Anyway, in general, it's more orthogonal if all operations are available in all combinations of size and signedness that exist for any operation. This isn't always a big deal for compilers per-se, more for humans not realizing that a compiler could make their code faster if this variable was unsigned or something.
Modern CPUs often simulate orthogonality in a preprocessing step before performing the actual tasks in a RISC-like core
That sounds like they're talking about decoding to uops, but I don't see how that would gain orthogonality.
Unless they're counting the concept of any instruction allowing a memory source operand as being more orthogonal. Normally you wouldn't, being a load/store architecture is basically a fixed constraint that doesn't make other things harder.
But if you do consider that more orthogonal, then yes, decoding add eax, [rdi] to 2 uops lets it run on a back-end that separates the load work from the store work, like a RISC.
I hadn't heard this term orthogonal instruction set before, however:
The VAX is perhaps the epitome of CISC.  The VAX supports many addressing modes, ranging from register itself, to memory specified by various indexing computations (some including pointer advancement, so as to do *p++ or *--p).
The VAX allows all addressing modes for all operands of any instruction.  Further, the VAX allows both 2 operand and 3 operand instructions, so addl2 is operand2 += operand1, and addl3 is operand3 = operand1 + operand2.
Basically it can encode a lot of stuff in a single instruction, so we can do for example, a[i] = *p++ + b[j]; in one instruction, assuming a, b, i, j, and p are in registers.
Other CISC-style processors limit the encoding, for example, so that we can only do two-operand instructions (no 3 operand), and some even limit the 2nd operand to a register, so only one memory operand.  I believe this is what they're getting at with the term orthogonal or not.
Meanwhile, a RISC processor instead follows a load/store architecture.  Access to memory is not allowed for any operand, but rather only via load and store instructions, and only with those instructions are there addressing modes.  Most all arithmetic operations (except the add for addressing) happen between registers alone.  (In some sense the RISC philosophy has an orthogonality since all arithmetic operations work on registers alone.)
I don't think the term orthogonality is of high value.  I wouldn't dwell on the term itself, but rather take away from that article the comparison between CISC ala VAX, vs. others CISC, vs. RISC.
#Peter also makes a good points, such as that certain registers being hard code (i.e. an implicit source/target) in some architectures for some instructions, which reduces orthogonality.
By that point I might stress that RISC architectures generally don't hard code registers, though MIPS hard codes the return address register ($31) for the jal instruction whereas RISC V does not ($sp and $ra are hard coded but only in the compressed instruction extension).  Whereas some CISC architectures (except VAX) hard code more registers. 
The MC68000 divides the registers into two sets of 8: addressing registers and data registers, which helps encoding by providing 16 registers with only 3-bit register fields, but also limits what you can do with them (and there aren't enough address registers, since one is the stack pointer and another the global pointer, leaving only 6).
CISC architecture often support byte vs. word sized arithmetic, whereas RISC architectures usually support only word sized arithmetic, so if you want byte, you have to simulate it (i.e. with range check or other).

Why does SIMD have single data instructions when it's called SIMD?

I've been wondering.. It's called SIMD as in single instruction multiple data. So why does it have single data instructions?
For example, vaddss is the single data equivalent of the multiple data vaddps. Just about every SIMD instruction have a single data version.
Why does SIMD have single data instructions when it's called SIMD?
It isn't a SIMD instruction in that sense
vaddss is a scalar FP math instruction that operates on data in the FP/SIMD registers (XMM0..15). It exists because x87 is not a very convenient compiler target with its stack-based registers that often need fxch, and other quirks. Intel added a new way to do scalar FP math along with SSE1 (float) and SSE2 (double), which is fortunately baseline for x86-64 so everyone can just use it.
People who call that a SIMD instruction are talking about one of:
Which registers it operates on. (XMM0 is 16 bytes wide and clearly a SIMD register, even when you only care about the low element holding a scalar value.)
The fact that it's an AVX instruction, so it was introduced with an ISA extension that was primarily aimed at SIMD usage, and thus is called a SIMD extension or instruction set.
Which also means it uses the MXCSR for rounding mode and FP exception recording / unmasking, and the kinds of exceptions it can take are the same as other SSE/AVX instructions which Intel documents as "SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions" as concise terminology to distinguish it from legacy x87.
Or they're talking about the use-case of doing something to just the low element when the high elements have actual data. (Quite rare, but something you could do. Maybe more likely with sd scalar double, where the low double is one half of an XMM register.)
Or they're just plain wrong if they actually mean it in terms of Flynn's taxonomy of SISD vs. SIMD vs. MIMD etc. I highly doubt anyone would actually mean that, though. The ss and sd scalar FP math instructions are SISD, single-instruction single-data. And BTW, they only exist for FP math; x86 already has instructions like add eax, ecx for scalar integer math, and doesn't have scalar versions of paddb or even xorps.
One reason for having separate scalar FP math instructions is that using addps would also operate on whatever garbage might be in the high elements of XMM registers. This can raise extra FP exceptions (usually masked, so only recorded in MXCSR (fenv.h), but if unmasked would trap to the OS.)
With the upper elements all 0.0 (which isn't required by the calling convention, BTW), addps wouldn't raise any extra exceptions, but divps would divide by zero.
With non-zero garbage like small integers, it might be a bit-pattern for a subnormal float, or a result might be subnormal, causing huge slowdowns (factor of ~100) as the CPU takes a microcode assist to get handle subnormal input or output in many cases (or when SSE1 was new in Pentium III, probably all cases of subnormals). Unless you set FTZ and DAZ (flush to zero, denormal are zero) like gcc -ffast-math does.
For instructions like xorps or paddq which don't do actual FP math, no FP exceptions or microcode assists are possible. You can just use them even if you only care about the low 32 or 64 bits of an XMM.
MMX or SSE2 had occasional uses in 32-bit code for doing scalar 64-bit integer math, with zeros or garbage in the upper bytes. MMX paddq mm0, mm1 is a SISD instruction, but SSE2 paddq xmm0, xmm1 is a SIMD instruction.
SSE1 was new in Pentium 3, where the SIMD execution units and registers were only 64 bits wide. addps decoded to 2 uops; addss decoded to 1. So there was a performance motivation, too, even in the best case.
This is also likely the reason for Intel's unfortunate design where sqrtss and cvtsi2ss and others merge into the destination, requiring either spending extra front-end bandwidth on xor-zeroing, or risking false dependencies: Why does adding an xorps instruction make this function using cvtsi2ss and addss ~5x faster? . It's a short-sighted design decision to make them single-uop on Pentium 3, which they unfortunately followed in SSE2 for double precision, and stuck to for AVX and AVX-512 when they had a chance to introduce better versions with different semantics. At least the AVX versions take a 2nd source register to merge with, so you can pick a "cold" reg as a workaround, see my answer on the linked duplicate.
It's normal for scalar FP to share registers with SIMD
It isn't necessary or useful to have yet another set of registers for scalar FP, and sharing with the x87 FPU or the general-purpose integer registers would each be worse for separate reasons.
It's totally normal on other ISAs for the SIMD registers to overlap or be the same as the scalar FP registers; Some ISAs (like ARM) that didn't have weirdo designs like x87 didn't need new architectural state to introduce SIMD. e.g. ARM's NEON q0..q15 16-byte registers map to pairs of d0..d31 double-precision FP registers that existed with VFPv3.
(I'm not sure if the partial-register aliasing was actually common in SIMD extensions for other ISAs, though. Probably some introduced new architectural state, or just used FP double-precision registers as 64-bit integer SIMD instead of 128-bit.)
In an OS kernel you often talk about saving "FPU state" on context switch (as opposed to just the general-purpose integer registers), and these days that's short-hand for FPU and SIMD state. e.g. in the Linux kernel, you need to use kernel_fpu_begin() before running instructions that use XMM/YMM/ZMM registers. (e.g. in the RAID5 / RAID6 drivers).

What accounts for most of the integer multiply instructions?

The majority of integer multiplications don't actually need multiply:
Floating-point is, and has been since the 486, normally handled by dedicated hardware.
Multiplication by a constant, such as for scaling an array index by the size of the element, can be reduced to a left shift in the common case where it's a power of two, or a sequence of left shifts and additions in the general case.
Multiplications associated with accessing a 2D array, can often be strength reduced to addition if it's in the context of a loop.
So what's left?
Certain library functions like fwrite that take a number of elements and an element size as runtime parameters.
Exact decimal arithmetic e.g. Java's BigDecimal type.
Such forms of cryptography as require multiplication and are not handled by their own dedicated hardware.
Big integers e.g. for exploring number theory.
Other cases I'm not thinking of right now.
None of these jump out at me as wildly common, yet all modern CPU architectures include integer multiply instructions. (RISC-V omits them from the minimal version of the instruction set, but has been criticized for even going this far.)
Has anyone ever analyzed a representative sample of code, such as the SPEC benchmarks, to find out exactly what use case accounts for most of the actual uses of integer multiply (as measured by dynamic rather than static frequency)?

32-1024 bit fixed point vector arithmetic with AVX-2

For a mandelbrot generator I want to used fixed point arithmetic going from 32 up to maybe 1024 bit as you zoom in.
Now normaly SSE or AVX is no help there due to the lack of add with carry and doing normal integer arithmetic is faster. But in my case I have literally millions of pixels that all need to be computed. So I have a huge vector of values that all need to go through the same iterative formula over and over a million times too.
So I'm not looking at doing a fixed point add/sub/mul on single values but doing it on huge vectors. My hope is that for such vector operations AVX/AVX2 can still be utilized to improve the performance despite the lack of native add with carry.
Anyone know of a library for fixed point arithmetic on vectors or some example code how to do emulate add with carry on AVX/AVX2.
FP extended precision gives more bits per clock cycle (because double FMA throughput is 2/clock vs. 32x32=>64-bit at 1 or 2/clock on Intel CPUs); consider using the same tricks that Prime95 uses with FMA for integer math. With care it's possible to use FPU hardware for bit-exact integer work.
For your actual question: since you want to do the same thing to multiple pixels in parallel, probably you want to do carries between corresponding elements in separate vectors, so one __m256i holds 64-bit chunks of 4 separate bigintegers, not 4 chunks of the same integer.
Register pressure is a problem for very wide integers with this strategy. Perhaps you can usefully branch on there being no carry propagation past the 4th or 6th vector of chunks, or something, by using vpmovmskb on the compare result to generate the carry-out after each add. An unsigned add has carry out of a+b < a (unsigned compare)
But AVX2 only has signed integer compares (for greater-than), not unsigned. And with carry-in, (a+b+c_in) == a is possible with b=carry_in=0 or with b=0xFFF... and carry_in=1 so generating carry-out is not simple.
To solve both those problems, consider using chunks with manual wrapping to 60-bit or 62-bit or something, so they're guaranteed to be signed-positive and so carry-out from addition appears in the high bits of the full 64-bit element. (Where you can vpsrlq ymm, 62 to extract it for addition into the vector of next higher chunks.)
Maybe even 63-bit chunks would work here so carry appears in the very top bit, and vmovmskpd can check if any element produced a carry. Otherwise vptest can do that with the right mask.
This is a handy-wavy kind of brainstorm answer; I don't have any plans to expand it into a detailed answer. If anyone wants to write actual code based on this, please post your own answer so we can upvote that (if it turns out to be a useful idea at all).
Just for kicks, without claiming that this will be actually useful, you can extract the carry bit of an addition by just looking at the upper bits of the input and output values.
unsigned result = a + b + last_carry; // add a, b and (optionally last carry)
unsigned carry = (a & b) // carry if both a AND b have the upper bit set
| // OR
((a ^ b) // upper bits of a and b are different AND
& ~r); // AND upper bit of the result is not set
carry >>= sizeof(unsigned)*8 - 1; // shift the upper bit to the lower bit
With SSE2/AVX2 this could be implemented with two additions, 4 logic operations and one shift, but works for arbitrary (supported) integer sizes (uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64). With AVX2 you'd need 7uops to get 4 64bit additions with carry-in and carry-out.
Especially since multiplying 64x64-->128 is not possible either (but would require 4 32x32-->64 products -- and some additions or 3 32x32-->64 products and even more additions, as well as special case handling), you will likely not be more efficient than with mul and adc (maybe unless register pressure is your bottleneck).As
As Peter and Mystical suggested, working with smaller limbs (still stored in 64 bits) can be beneficial. On the one hand, with some trickery, you can use FMA for 52x52-->104 products. And also, you can actually add up to 2^k-1 numbers of 64-k bits before you need to carry the upper bits of the previous limbs.

Why is there no fused multiply-add for general-purpose registers on x86_64 CPUs?

On Intel and AMD x86_64 processors, SIMD vectorized registers have specific fused-multiply-add capabilities, but general-purpose (scalar, integer) registers don't - you basically need to multiply, then add (unless you can fit things into an lea).
Why is that? I mean, is it that useless so as to not be worth the overhead?
Integer multiply is common, but not one of the most common things to do with integers. But with floating point numbers, multiplying and adding is used all the time, and FMA provides major speedups for lots of ALU-bound FP code.
Also, floating point actually avoids precision loss with an FMA (the x*y internal temporary isn't rounded off at all before adding). This is why the ISO C99 / C++ fma() math library function exists, and why it's slow to implement without hardware FMA support.
Integer FMA (or multiply-accumulate, aka MAC) doesn't have any precision benefit vs. separate multiply and add.
Some non-x86 ISAs do provide integer FMA. It's not useless, but Intel and AMD both haven't bothered to include it until AVX512-IFMA (and that's still only for SIMD, basically exposing the 52-bit mantissa multiplier circuits needed for double-precision FMA/vmulpd for use by integer instructions).
Non-x86 examples include:
MIPS32, madd / maddu (unsigned) to multiply-accumulate into the hi / lo registers (the special registers used as a destination by regular multiply and divide instructions).
ARM smlal and friends (32x32=>64 bit MAC, or 16x16=>32 bit), also available for unsigned integer. Operands are regular R0..R15 general purpose registers.
An integer register FMA would be useful on x86, but uops that have 3 integer inputs are rare. CMOV and ADC have 3 inputs, but one of those is flags. Even then, they didn't decode to a single uop on Intel until Broadwell, after 3-input uop support was added for FP FMA in Haswell.
Haswell and later can track fused-domain uops with 3 integer inputs, though, for (some) micro-fused instructions with indexed addressing modes. Sandybridge/Ivybridge un-laminate instructions like add eax, [rdx+rcx]. (But Nehalem could keep them micro-fused, like Haswell; SnB simplified the fused-domain uop format). Anyway, that's fused domain, not in the scheduler. Only Broadwell/Skylake can track 3-input integer uops in the scheduler, and that's only for 2 integer + flags, not 3 integer registers.
Intel does use a "unified" scheduler, where FP and integer ops use the same scheduler, and it can track proper 3-input FP FMA. So IDK if there's a technical obstacle. If not, IDK why Intel didn't include integer FMA as part of BMI2 or something, which added stuff like mulx (2-input 2-output mul with mostly explicit operands, unlike legacy mul that uses rdx:rax.)
SSE2/SSSE3 does have integer mul-add instructions for vector registers, but only horizontal add after widening 16x16 => 32-bit (SSE2 pmaddwd) or (unsigned)8x(signed)8=>16-bit (SSSE3 pmaddubsw).
But those are only 2-input instructions, so even though there's a multiply and an add, it's very different from FMA.
Footnote: The question title originally said there was no FMA "for scalars". There is scalar FP FMA with the same FMA3 extension that added the packed versions of these: VFMADD231SD and friends operate on scalar double-precision, and the same flavours of vfmaddXXXss are available for scalar float in XMM registers.