How to escape $ in Visual Studio Code snippet creation - visual-studio-code

It seems when using PHP variables like $_SERVER the code snippet ignores the $. For example
// Example:
"IP Address Test": {
"scope": "php",
"prefix": "iptest",
"body": [
"// Debugging",
"\t//run only my ip",
"description": "Test only from IP address"
outputs :
// Debugging
//run only my ip

You can't use \ you have to use double $ ..
// Debugging
//run only my ip


How to select multiple values from VS Code choice-type snippet?

I use VS Code and Markdown to journal and track things. The following markdown snippet is an example of using choice-type variables in a snippet.
How would I select multiple TOOLS from the choice below?
As soon as I choose 1 option, I'm taken to $0.
"Context": {
"prefix": "scontext",
"body": [
"- **PROJECT:** ${2|Project1,Project2,Project3|}",
"- **TOOLS:** ${3|Python,Azure Storage,Azure Function,Azure Key Vault,Etc.|}",
"- **END:** ",
"- **DURATION:** ",
"- **NOTES:**",
" - $0",
"description": "New context"

Can't build customise Slack notifications

After much research, I discovered this .sh script, which allows me to send a very simple personalized notification to a Slack channel (I failed to send it to a particular member).
The problem, which I am facing, is that of formatting the message of the notification. The tags offered on the Slack site to format the notification do not work correctly (that I do not know how to use them!).
The notification must be built "from scratch" at the end of each execution of the Rundeck job.
Rundeck's "On Failure" and "On Success" notifications are not suitable for users.
This the sh script :
​#Usage: slackpost <channel> <message>
if [[ $channel == "" ]]
echo "No channel specified"
exit 1
if [[ $text == "" ]]
echo "No text specified"
exit 1
escapedText=$(echo $text | sed 's/"/\"/g' | sed "s/'/\'/g" )
json="{\"channel\": \"#$channel\", \"username\":\"${slack_username}\", \"icon_emoji\":\":${slack_icon}:\", \"text\": \"$escapedText\"}"
curl -s -d "payload=$json" "$slackhost/$token"
The variable $text is filled with the content of a .txt file (myFileText):
myFileText content is as follows:
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": "Hello world! <#UNVD64N02> :tada: \n\n - a \n-b"
"blocks": [
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": "Hello, Assistant to the Regional Manager John Doe! *Martin Scott* wants to know where you'd like to take the Paper Company investors to dinner tonight.\n\n *Please select a restaurant:*"
The .sh script is run as follows:
sh "channel-receiving-the-notification" "$(< myFileText)"
As result I have :
Any idea could be helpful.

How to add dollar signs in Code Snippets of Visual Studio Code?

$ (dollar signs) are removed from Snippets in Visual Studio Code
How to disable placeholders?
My vue-html.json file snippet
"body": ["<ActivityIndicator v-if=\"$apollo.loading\" />"]
does not add $ and produces
<ActivityIndicator v-if="apollo.loading" />
but instead it should produce
<ActivityIndicator v-if="$apollo.loading" />
"description": {
"prefix": "trigger",
"body": [
"<ActivityIndicator v-if=\"\\$apollo.loading\" />"
"description": "description"
In JSON the backslash itself needs to be encoded with \, which is why you need \\
"body": ["<ActivityIndicator v-if=\"\\$apollo.loading\" />"]
You need to escape the $ symbol individually too

Escape $ in snippet

I'm trying to escape the $ character in my snippets but I cannot seem to get it correct.
If I use \$ as it looks like I should be from the documentation, I get the error:
file: path/to/snippets/php.json'
severity: 'Error'
message: 'Invalid escape character in string'
And no $ appear in my snippet.
If I use $$ found from this answer, I get a $ to show up but it thinks that the text immediately following is a tabstop.
If I use $\ it works but I have to have a character that is part of an escape sequence immediately following. So if I wanted $factory, I would need to do $\ffactory. \f seems to be the best as it does not effect the layout of my snippet.
I'm pretty sure that I am missing what needs to be done here.
My snippet for reference:
"factory" :{
"prefix": "factory",
"body": [
"\$factory->define($1, function (Faker\\Generator \$faker){",
"\treturn [",
"description": "Creates Model factory"
After much trial and error, I found that using \\$ will give me the desired results. So if I wanted $test in my snippet output, with test not being a tabstop, I would need \\$test snippet definition body:
"factory" :{
"prefix": "factory",
"body": [
"\\$factory->define($1, function (Faker\\Generator \\$faker){",
"\treturn [",
"description": "Creates Model factory"

Installing Slack Plugin to Sensu NON-enterprise edition

I have Sensu running and followed the instructions the best I could to install the Slack plugin. I'm attempting to just do a "hello-world" to get started, but the documentation seems lacking to me.
I followed the "getting started" with checks:
and everything seems to be in the correct place on the server.
I am attempting to install the following community plugin, but they have a catch-all instruction for all community plugins. There is a json file in the plugin instructions, but doesn't say where to put it...
Here is what my check_cron.json looks like ( I tried 2 methods, 1 from another source other than Sensu):
"checks": {
"cron_checks": {
"handlers": ["default", "slack"],
"command": "/etc/sensu/plugins/check-procs.rb -p cron -C 1 ",
"interval": 60, "subscribers": ["webservers"]
"cron": {
"handlers": ["default", "slack"],
"command": "/etc/sensu/plugins/check-procs.rb -p cron",
"subscribers": [
"interval": 60
I have restarted my server after making the changes. I'm assuming that this cron will hit every minute and call the slack notification plugin, but don't know what I'm missing, or where to put the .json doc from the Slack plugin "documentation"
Any help getting me to the right direction?
You need a handler on the Sensu Server that will fire the request to Slack. Have you created that? If yes, please post it's content.
So I just solved this. benishkey did provide the solution in the link, however, just in case anyone comes across this and the link is broken, I thought I would add the solution.
-github user eugene-chow:
The Slack handler's config need to be named differently. Try the JSON below. I renamed the Slack config for each environment, and then pointed the handler to the respective config with -j config_name
"handlers": {
"slack-staging": {
"type": "pipe",
"command": "/usr/local/bin/handler-slack.rb -j slack-staging",
"severites": ["critical", "unknown"]
"slack-staging": {
"webhook_url": "",
"template" : ""
"handlers": {
"slack-production": {
"type": "pipe",
"command": "/usr/local/bin/handler-slack.rb -j slack-production",
"severites": ["critical", "unknown"]
"slack-production": {
"webhook_url": "",
"template" : ""
I dropped the handler-slack.rb file in with my checks and referenced it from there because it wasn't in my /usr/local/bin/ folder
I was facing the same issue, so the answer is already given but maybe help someone in the future,
First, install sensu slack plugin
/opt/sensu/embedded/bin/gem install sensu-plugins-slack
Then, Create a handler config file
vim /etc/sensu/conf.d/slack-handler.json
"handlers": {
"slack": {
"type": "pipe",
"command": "/opt/sensu/embedded/bin/handler-slack.rb",
"severites": ["critical", "unknown"]
"slack": {
"webhook_url": "",
"template" : ""
I found the answer in the "issues" section in Git