IBM Watson Speech to Text not working in built app - unity3d

I'm working in a project in Unity 3D that uses the Speech to Text service. It's quite simple and works fine in the Unity editor, but when I build the project it doesn't listen.
I'm working with a MacBook Pro and I export it to the same OS. I thought that it could be any problem in the rest of my code, or a corrupted project issue, so I have created a new empty project and I've followed the steps indicated in:
When I open the scene Assets/Watson/Examples/ExampleStreaming it recognizes the speech in Unity, but when I export it the results are the same, it doesn't listen. I've checked the file permissions and I have added read and write for all users. Also I have entered in sound preferences in my OS and everything seems to be ok.
I've looked in the player logs (home/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log) and it contains:
Setting up 2 worker threads for Enlighten.
Thread -> id: 70000bd59000 -> priority: 1
Thread -> id: 70000bddc000 -> priority: 1
debugger-agent: Unable to listen on 6

Finally I solved it. I tried to export it to Windows (which worked fine) and to Web Player but it gave me an error when installing the library, so I decided to upgrade Unity to 2019.2.2f1 version. It didn't work either because it seems that the Unity Watson lib is not compatible with Web Player, but the thing is that when I tried to export it to Mac again suddenly it worked fine. The built app now ask for permissions for using the microphone, so if I accept, it listens and converts it to text perfectly. So, at the end, I don't know exactly what made it work, if it was the version upgrade, or the compilation for other platforms, which forced to rebuild everything.


The app could not be located

i integrated crashlytics into my unity game, everything worked fine, but then i had to change my package name and my working mail, since then whenever i open the dashboard it gives me an alert "Sorry the app could not be located".
I reinstalled the crashlytics sdk in unity, used new login in prepare fabric tab, but the issue is still there, although the crashlytics seems to be working.
Thanks. Usually this means we aren't detecting the build and run event. Please make sure you are building and running in the relevant IDE. Also, clean your app and dependencies in the native IDE to make sure the bundle ID is updated in all locartions. If you still run into issues, you will need to contact support as your app may be in a weird state in our system.

Weaver failure: unable to locate assemblies (no matching project) for: Temp/Assembly-CSharp.dll

I opened Unity for the first time in a while today and I'm unable to create new scripts of any type. Both the normal and right click menus are missing the option:
Adding a script through the inspector creates a file, but yields these errors:
Although the file is created, it does not appear in either the project browser, or inspector panels.
Googling various parts of these errors actually gets a lot of posts, but almost all of them come down to "restart Unity", which isn't doing anything.
All of this is reproducible for me on a fresh project file. I've tried restarting Unity and my computer, as well as reinstalling Unity from scratch. I've also double checked that I have .NET installed properly (reinstalled, and dotnet command works in terminal).
Unity: 5.4.5p5
Mac OS 10.13.3
This is a bug present in versions between Unity 5.1 and 5.4. It has been fixed in Unity 5.5.0 and an update to 5.5.0 and above should fix it.
If updating to Unity 5.5.0 which has the fix did not fix it then it's better to upgrade Unity to the latest version which is currently Unity 2017.4 at the time of posting this answer. This version should be able to get ride of that error.

Tizen Shared Object Libraries won't be loaded on Unity

I've been developing an app for the Samsung Gear S2 (which runs Tizen) for a while. I'm using Unity 5.3.5p3, and Tizen 2.4.0rev6 with Tizen Wearable 2.3.1 profile.
And now that I've almost finished, strange bugs appear.
I've made a Shared Object (.so) library, successfully connected it to Unity, successfully installed my app on the device, and everything works.
Everything works until I switch off "Development Build" in Unity build settings. Then, it seems like it can load the library (it gives me no error about missing functions or whatever), but the functions inside my library don't get executed at all, not even half a log.
What's going on here?
(I can publish some code if you want to, but I don't think it would be of any help, since it all works out fine on development build)

Unity3D is crashing when hitting play – and when Oculus is on

I am using Unity 5.2.2f1 with the Oculus Rift and Windows 7. Everything was working well till... one hour ago. I first ran a build that played smoothly. I then moved away from my computer; when I came back, it was shutting down. Upon turning the computer back on, Unity started to crash anytime I hit play and the Oculus is on. If the Oculus is turned off before I start Unity, everything works perfectly. This is the link to the Unity Editor log.
This is part of the log, where the crash happens:
Completed reload, in 0.636 seconds
Initializing Unity.PackageManager (PackageManager) v5.2.2 for Unity v5.2.2f1
Native extension for OSXStandalone target not found
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for LinuxStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Native extension for SamsungTV target not found
Native extension for Tizen target not found
Native extension for Android target not found
04/22/16 19:07:47: [CAPI] LibOVR module is located at C:\Windows\system32\LibOVRRT64_0_7.dll
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/VR/Oculus/VRDeviceOculus.cpp Line: 46)
SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Editor/Data/MonoEmbedRuntime;.;C:\Users\vcladmin\Documents\maze;C:\Program
#Programmer, I have used System Restore as you suggested.
The suggested restore point was at an install of "Dell update", right at the time of the crash. Proceeding with the restore, I realized that the NVIDIA driver was being restored from an old version (266), to the newer version (358) (that's the version I need to make the Oculus work). After the restore everything went back to normal. Then I tried to install Dropbox. After the install, the computer turned off again and, like before, once restarting, the Oculus was not working anymore. I checked the Oculus setup and it said it needed a new NVIDIA driver. So something is happening that makes the NVIDIA driver go from 358 to the old one. I don't understand why. What would you suggest?
A friend told me that probably the "Dell Command update" thinks that the new NVIDIA driver is the wrong one, so it restores it to the old one every time it updates. We have disabled automatic Dell Command updates.
Thanks for the help.

Google VR - Unity - Failed to load 'Assets/Plugins/x86_64/audioplugingvrunity.dll'

I am using Unity 5.3.5f1 Personal and I am trying to integrate Unity with Google VR SDK. Everything works great with stereoscopic rendering and I can add models to it. But console shows an error:
Failed to load 'Assets/Plugins/x86_64/audioplugingvrunity.dll' with error 'The specified module could not be found.'
Everything else works fine.
Background Information: I am using Windows 10 Pro edition
As you can see, I have the file audioplugingvrunity.dll in the desired folder but it still gives me a warning message.
Does the file exist at the stated path in your project? Note that in the prior version of the SDK, the filename was very slightly different (old: audiopluginvrunity.dll, new: audioplugingvrunity.dll, i.e. "vr" -> "gvr"). If the old file is still there, delete it in Windows explorer (with Unity closed), reopen Unity, and reimport the SDK.