find members of groups excluding disabled users - powershell

I have 10 security groups all that are called " 'companyname' RDS Users"
I am trying to create a script that does the following: List all the groups and then list all of the members excluding the disabled members, then have it email a csv. I have done the following but cant get the disabled user excluded.
The Script belows shows how far i got but the disabled users show in there which basically means the script is pointless.
$mailServer = ""
$mailFrom = ""
$mailTo = ""
$mailSubject = ""
$file = "somepath\RDSUsers.csv"
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$US = Get-ADUser -Filter * -Property Enabled |where {$_.Enabled -eq "True"}| FT Name, Enabled -Autosize
$Groups = (Get-AdGroup -filter * | Where {$ -like "*RDS Users" -and $ -ne "RDS Users"}| select name -expandproperty name)
$Table = #()
$Record = [ordered]#{
"Group Name" = ""
"Name" = ""
"Username" = ""
Foreach ($Group in $Groups)
$Arrayofmembers = Get-ADGroupMember -identity $Group |select name,samaccountname
foreach ($Member in $Arrayofmembers)
$Record."Group Name" = $Group
$Record."Name" = $
$Record."UserName" = $Member.samaccountname
$objRecord = New-Object PSObject -property $Record
$Table += $objrecord
if ($Table -eq "RDS Users") {}
there is usualy a line here that sends the email with excel attachment

The following should produce the output you want in the $Table variable. You can then pipe $Table to one of the format-* commands.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$US = Get-ADUser -Filter "Enabled -eq '$true'" -Property Enabled
$Groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter "Name -like '*RDS Users' -and Name -ne 'RDS Users'" |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
$Table = Foreach ($Group in $Groups)
$Arrayofmembers = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object Name, SamAccountName
$compare = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $US -DifferenceObject $Arrayofmembers -ExcludeDifferent -IncludeEqual -PassThru -Property SamAccountName -ErrorAction Stop |
Select-Object Name, SamAccountName
$compare | ForEach-Object {
"Group Name" = $Group
"Name" = $_.Name
"UserName" = $_.SamAccountName
"Group Name" = $Group
"Name" = $null
"UserName" = $null
The Get-ADGroupMember command will not provide the Enabled property of its returned objects. You will need to feed its output into another command like Get-ADUser for that data. Since you already stored all of the enabled users in $US, we can simply compare $US collection to the results of each Get-ADGroupMember output.
I removed most of the Where-Object commands in favor of using the -Filter parameter on the AD commands. Almost always, the -Filter parameter will be faster especially when you are comparing AD indexed attributes like Name and Enabled.
You do not need to store each output object in a variable unless you are going to further manipulate it. This is why $Record was removed. Instead, all returned objects are stored in the array $Table. I removed the += operator mainly because of its inefficiency when repeatedly building arrays. Also, you can simply set a variable to the output of a foreach loop, which will result in the array you require. Since we created a custom object on each loop iteration and provided the properties at the time of declaration, [ordered] is not required. However, if you create the hash table first and then create a corresponding object, you will potentially need to use [ordered]. As an aside when you are creating custom objects that are involved in a loop, it is usually best practice to create a new object each time. Otherwise, you could unintentionally update values on the wrong objects. Just because you add an object to an array, you can still update its properties after the fact.
The Compare-Object command ties everything together. The -ExcludeDifferent -IncludeEqual parameter combination will only output objects with matching property values. Since we are comparing $Arrayofmembers and $US, that is ideal. The -PassThru switch allows the objects to be returned with all of the properties that were passed into the command. Then you can use the Select-Object command to pick which properties matter to you.


Trying to return AD Group members with extended info, but output CSV is showing unexpected, repeated data

My goal is to dump a CSV of our AD groups, their members, and whether those member objects are enabled, but I'm running into a strange (probably self-inflicted) issue, wherein a Foreach-Object loop is behaving unexpectedly.
The output almost works. It dumps a CSV file. The file has rows for each group, populated with the correct group-related data, and the right number of rows, following the number of group members. However, group member properties on those rows is repeated, showing the same user data over and over for each groupmember result, apparently following the properties of the last returned object from Get-ADGroupMember.
To try to diagnose the issue, I added the line Write-Host $GroupMember.Name -ForegroundColor Gray. This is how I knew the entries in the CSV were the last-returned results for each group. Confusingly, the console correctly echoes each group member's display name.
I'm assuming there's some kind of logic error at work here, but I have had no luck finding it. Any help would be appreciated!
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
# CONFIG ========================================
# Plant Number OU to scan. Used in $CSV and in Get-ADComputer's search base.
$PlantNumber = "1234"
# FQDN of DC you want to query against. Used by the Get-AD* commands.
$ServerName = ""
# Output directory for the CSV. Default is [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop"). Used in $CSV. NOTE: If setting up as an automated task, change this to a more sensible place!
$OutputDir = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop")
# CSV Output string. Default is "$OutputDir\$PlantNumber"+"-ComputersByOS_"+"$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd).csv" (+'s used due to underscores in name)
$CSV = "$OutputDir\$PlantNumber"+"GroupMembers_"+"$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd).csv"
# Create empty array for storing collated results
$collectionTable = #()
# Get AD groups, return limited properties
Get-AdGroup -filter * -Property Name, SamAccountName, Description, GroupScope -SearchBase "OU=Security Groups,OU=$PlantNumber,OU=Plants,DC=SERVER,DC=COM" -server $ServerName | Select SamAccountName, Description, GroupScope | Foreach-Object {
Write-Host "Querying" $_.SamAccountName "..."
#Initialize $collectionRow, providing the columns we want to collate
$collectionRow = "" | Select GroupName, GroupScope, GroupDesc, MemberObjectClass, MemberName, MemberDisplayName, Enabled
# Populate Group-level collectionRow properties
$collectionRow.GroupName = $_.SamAccountName
$collectionRow.GroupDesc = $_.Description
$collectionRow.GroupScope = $_.GroupScope
# Process group members
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity ($collectionRow.GroupName) -Server $ServerName -Recursive | ForEach-Object {
$GroupMember = $_
# Echo member name to console
Write-Host $GroupMember.Name -ForegroundColor Gray
$collectionRow.MemberName = $GroupMember.SamAccountName
$collectionRow.MemberDisplayName = $
$collectionRow.MemberObjectClass = $GroupMember.ObjectClass
# If the member object is a user, collect some additional data
If ($collectionRow.MemberObjectClass -eq "user") {
Try {
$collectionRow.Enabled = (Get-ADUser $GroupMember.SamAccountName -Property Enabled -ErrorAction Stop).Enabled
If ($collectionRow.Enabled -eq "TRUE") {$collectionTable += $collectionRow}
Catch {
$collectionRow.Enabled = "ERROR"
$collectionTable += $collectionRow
Write-Host "`n"
# Attempt to save results to CSV. If an error occurs, alert the user and try again.
$ExportSuccess = 'false'
while ($ExportSuccess -eq 'false') {
# Export results to $CSV
$collectionTable| Export-csv $CSV -NoTypeInformation -ErrorAction Stop
# If the above command is successful, the rest of the Try section will execute. If not, Catch is triggered instead.
$ExportSuccess = 'true'
Write-Host "`nProcessing complete. Results output to"$CSV
Write-Host "Error writing to"$CSV"!" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Read-Host -Prompt "Ensure the file is not open, then press any key to try again"
There are many things from your code you need to fix, I'll just point out the most important ones:
Don't use #() and +=
You keep using 'True' and 'False' which are strings, PowerShell booleans are $true and $false.
There is also too much redundant code. Also ForEach-Object is slow, if your groups have many members and since you're using -Recursive it's better to use a fast loop instead.
$PlantNumber = "1234"
$ServerName = ""
$OutputDir = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop")
$fileName = "${PlantNumber}GroupMembers_$(Get-Date -f yyyy-MM-dd).csv"
$CSV = Join-Path $OutputDir -ChildPath $fileName
# $collectionTable = #() => Don't do this to collect results, ever
$adGroupParams = #{
# Name and SAM are default, no need to add them
Properties = 'Description', 'GroupScope'
SearchBase = "OU=Security Groups,OU=$PlantNumber,OU=Plants,DC=SERVER,DC=COM"
Server = $ServerName
Filter = '*'
# Get AD groups, return limited properties
$collectionTable = foreach($group in Get-AdGroup #adGroupParams)
Write-Host "Querying $($group.samAccountName)..."
foreach($member in Get-ADGroupMember $group -Server $ServerName -Recursive)
# if this member is 'user' the Enabled property
# will be a bool ($true / $false) else it will be $null
$enabled = if($member.ObjectClass -eq 'User')
(Get-ADUser $member).Enabled
GroupName = $group.SamAccountName
GroupDesc = $group.Description
GroupScope = $group.GroupScope
MemberName = $member.SamAccountName
MemberDisplayName = $member.Name
MemberObjectClass = $member.ObjectClass
Enabled = $enabled
as i understand, you need to export list of groups with members to a csv file and know if member accounts are enabled or not, if this what you want, you can check the below code
$output = #()
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$ServerName = ""
$PlantNumber = "1234"
$OutputDir = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop")
$CSV = "$OutputDir\$PlantNumber"+"GroupMembers_"+"$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd).csv"
$groups = Get-AdGroup -filter * -Property Description -SearchBase "OU=Security Groups,OU=$PlantNumber,OU=Plants,DC=SERVER,DC=COM" -server $ServerName
foreach ($group in $groups){
$members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $group.SamAccountName -Recursive
foreach ($member in $members){
$output += [pscustomobject]#{
GroupName = $group.SamAccountName
GroupDesc = $group.Description
GroupScope = $group.GroupScope
MemberName = $member.samaccountname
MemberDisplayName = $member.Name
MemberObjectClass = $member.ObjectClass
Enabled = $(Get-ADUser -Identity $member.samaccountname).enabled
$output | Export-Csv $CSV -NoTypeInformation
I am explicitly NOT refering your code. I'd just like to show how I would approach this task. I hope it'll help you anyway.
$Server = ''
$SearchBase = 'OU=BaseOU,DC=contoso,DC=com'
$CSVOutputPath = '... CSV path '
$ADGroupList = Get-ADGroup -Filter * -Properties Description -SearchBase $SearchBase -Server $Server
$ADUserList = Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties Description -SearchBase $SearchBase -Server $Server
$Result =
foreach ($ADGroup in $ADGroupList) {
$ADGroupMemberList = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $ADGroup.sAMAccountName -Recursive
foreach ($ADGroupmember in $ADGroupMemberList) {
$ADUser = $ADUserList | Where-Object -Property sAMAccountName -EQ -Value $ADGroupmember.sAMAccountName
ADGroupName = $ADGroup.Name
ADGroupDescription = $ADGroup.Description
ADGroupMemberName = $ADUser.Name
ADGroupMemberSamAccountName = $ADUser.sAMAccountName
ADGroupMemberDescription = $ADUser.Description
ADGroupMemberStatus = if ($ADUser.Enabled) { 'enabled' }else { 'diabled' }
$Result |
Export-Csv -Path $CSVOutputPath -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ',' -Encoding utf8
It'll output only the a few properties but I hope you get the idea.
BTW: The properties DistinguishedName, Enabled, GivenName, Name, ObjectClass, ObjectGUID, SamAccountName, SID, Surname, UserPrincipalName are included in the default return set of Get-ADUser and the properties DistinguishedName, GroupCategory, GroupScope, Name, ObjectClass, ObjectGUID, SamAccountName, SID are included in the default return set of Get-ADGroup. You don't need to query them explicitly with the parameter -Properties.

Retrieving report of users in Active Directory Security groups

I am trying to search a list of AD security groups and create a report of users in each security group. The report should have the Group Name, Name, UserName and UPN or Email Address.
I found some code that will help me with a majority of this. I need to modify it to display UPN or email address. Also I need to have it recursively search any groups. Currently the major issue I am tackling is displaying all of the information in the security membership object.
$Group = (Get-Content -Path C:\Users\myusername\Documents\test\list.txt)
$Table = #()
$Record = [ordered] #{
"Group Name" = ""
"Name" = ""
"Username" = ""
foreach ($Group in $Groups)
$Arrayofmembers = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity -Group|selectname,samaccountname
foreach ($Member in $Arrayofmembers)
$Record."Group Name" = $Group
$Record."Name" = $
$Record."Username" = $Member.samaccountname
$objRecord = New-Object psobject -Property $Record
$Table += $objrecord
$Table |export-csv "C:\users\myusername\Documents\securitygroups.csv" -NoTypeInformation
The code is not pulling in all of the objects listed. For example a security group my have 3 users and 1 group listed as members. It looks as thought the script is only displaying the first 2 entries.
Since Get-AdGroupMember does not return userprincipalname or mail, you will need to get that data another way. One way is to call Get-ADUser.
$Record.UserPrincipalName = (Get-ADUser $Member).UserPrincipalName
You can make this slightly more efficient by replacing the New-Object command with the [pscustomobject] type accelerator. Also, you can just output the object in your foreach loop and assign that output to a variable. The way you are doing it (+=) forces PowerShell to expand the variable into memory before doing the reassignment. As the variable stores more and more data, that process becomes increasingly less efficient. The code below reflects the ideas I have mentioned.
$Groups = (Get-Content -Path C:\Users\myusername\Documents\test\list.txt)
$Table = foreach ($Group in $Groups)
$Arrayofmembers = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group | select name,samaccountname
$Output = foreach ($Member in $Arrayofmembers)
"Group Name" = $Group
"Name" = $
"Username" = $Member.samaccountname
"UserPrincipalName" = (Get-ADUser $Member.samaccountname).UserPrincipalName
$Table | export-csv "C:\users\myusername\Documents\securitygroups.csv" -NoTypeInformation

Comparing values in arrays from Get-ADUser

I'm trying to write a script that removes users from a security group if they aren't in a specific OU.
I'm having trouble comparing my array of users from the OU, to the array of users from the security group.
To test I looped through the content in $testGroup and $userList. Both look similar to me but it's clear they don't compare as just outputting $userList -contains $user gives me a bunch of false results even though it should be true.
$userList = #()
$testGroup = #()
#Get current members of group. Using this instead of get-adgroupmember due to speed
$testGroup = Get-AdGroup "testGroup" -properties member | select-object -ExpandProperty member | get-aduser
#Define OUs that we want to get members from
$OUlist = "OU1","OU2"
#Populate $userList with members of each OU
$OUlist | foreach {
$userList += get-aduser -filter {Enabled -eq $True} -SearchBase "OU=$_,DC=dc,DC=dc2,DC=dc3"
#Check the group for anyone no longer in one of the approved OUs
$testGroup | foreach {
if($userList -notcontains $user){
#remove the user from $testGroup
Consider using Compare-Object with the property value set to compare by distinguished name; i.e.
compare-object -ReferenceObject $OUList -DifferenceObject $userList -Property 'DistinguishedName' |
?{$_.SideIndicator -eq '=>'} |
select -expand InputObject
Full Code:
$userList = #()
$testGroup = #()
$groupName = 'testGroup'
#Get current members of group. Using this instead of get-adgroupmember due to speed
$testGroup = Get-AdGroup $groupName -properties member | select-object -ExpandProperty member | get-aduser
#Define OUs that we want to get members from
$OUlist = "OU1","OU2"
#Populate $userList with members of each OU
$OUlist | foreach {
$userList += get-aduser -filter {Enabled -eq $True} -SearchBase "OU=$_,DC=dc,DC=dc2,DC=dc3" | Get-AdUser
#Check the group for anyone no longer in one of the approved OUs & remove group group
Remove-ADGroupMember -Identity $groupName -Members (compare-object -ReferenceObject $OUList -DifferenceObject $userList -Property 'DistinguishedName' | ?{$_.SideIndicator -eq '=>'} | select -ExpandProperty InputObject)
There are a handful of issues... Using $Variable instead of $_ in $Variable | Foreach like MacroPower mentioned is one of them.
You can condense the whole thing like this:
# Get-ADGroupMember is easier than Get-ADGroup | Get-ADUser.
# You also only need the SamAccountName.
# $TestGroup will be an array automatially... No need to $TestGroup = #()
$TestGroup = (Get-ADGroupMember 'TestGroup').SamAccountName
#Define OUs using their full paths.
$OUList = #(
# Easily call the OU's from $OUList using $_.
# Again, we only need SamAccountName
# Again, $UserList will automaticall be an array no '= #()' needed.
$OUList | ForEach-Object {
$UserList += (Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $_).SamAccountName
# A proper foreach construct will let you work with $User instead of $_
foreach ($User in $TestGroup)
if ($User -notin $UserList)
# Put your action here.
A final note, you switch between camelCase, PascalCase, and lowercase all over the place. While there is no official standard for PowerShell consistency makes code easier to read. PascalCase also tends to be the recommended due to the .NET style guide.
Also, if you wanted to use a compare instead of the foreach ($User in $TestGroup):
$Compare = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject ($UserList | Select -Unique) -DifferenceObject $TestGroup
$Compare | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.sideindicator -eq '=>')
# Action here.
Here an example of comparing arrays:
$result = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject ($a1) -DifferenceObject ($b1) -PassThru
write-host $result
take also a look at this post compare arrays

How to get list of selected AD Groups, that a large list of users are members of?

I have the below working script that checks if a large list of users in a CSV file are a member of an AD group and writes the results to results.csv.
Not sure how to convert the script so I can change $group = "InfraLite" to $group = DC .\List_Of_AD_Groups.CSV.
So the script doesn't just return matches for one AD group but so it returns matches for the 80 AD groups contained in the List_of_AD_groups.csv also. Writing a YES/NO for each AD group in a new column in the CSV (or if that's not possible creating a seperate .csv file for each group with results would do also.
I could do this manually by changing the value of $group and export file name, and re-running the script 80 times but must be a quick was with PS to do this?
e.g. results.csv:
user1 yes no yes
user2 no no yes
user3 no yes no
echo "UserName`InfraLite" >> results.csv
$users = GC .\user_list.csv
$group = "InfraLite"
$members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $group -Recursive |
Select -ExpandProperty SAMAccountName
foreach ($user in $users) {
if ($members -contains $user) {
echo "$user $group`tYes" >> results.csv
} else {
echo "$user`tNo" >> results.csv
I played with this for a while, and I think I found a way to get you exactly what you were after.
I think Ansgar was on the right path, but I couldn't quite get it to do what you were after. He mentioned that he didn't access to an AD environment at the time of writing.
Here is what I came up with:
$UserArray = Get-Content 'C:\Temp\Users.txt'
$GroupArray = Get-Content 'C:\Temp\Groups.txt'
$OutputFile = 'C:\Temp\Something.csv'
# Setting up a hashtable for later use
$UserHash = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Hashtable
# Outer loop to add users and membership to UserHash
$UserArray | ForEach-Object{
$UserInfo = Get-ADUser $_ -Properties MemberOf
# Strips the LPAP syntax to just the SAMAccountName of the group
$Memberships = $UserInfo.MemberOf | ForEach-Object{
#Adding the User=Membership pair to the Hash
# Outer loop to create an object per user
$Results = $UserArray | ForEach-Object{
# First create a simple object
$User = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property #{
Name = $_
# Dynamically add members to the object, based on the $GroupArray
$GroupArray | ForEach-Object {
#Checking $UserHash to see if group shows up in user's membership list
$UserIsMember = $UserHash.($User.Name) -contains $_
#Adding property to object, and value
$User | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $_ -Value $UserIsMember
#Returning the object to the variable
Return $User
#Convert the objects to a CSV, then output them
$Results | ConvertTo-CSV -NoTypeInformation | Out-File $OutputFile
Hopefully that all makes sense. I commented as much of it as I could. It would be very simple to convert to using ADSI if you didn't have RSAT installed on whatever machine you're running this on. If you need that let me know, and I'll make some quick modifications.
I've also tossed a slightly modified version of this in a Gist for later reference.
The trivial solution to your problem would be to wrap your existing code in another loop and create an output file for each group:
$groups = Get-Content 'C:\groups.txt'
foreach ($group in $groups) {
$members = Get-ADGroupMember ...
A more elegant approach would be to create a group mapping template, clone it for each user, and fill the copy with the user's group memberships. Something like this should work:
$template = #{}
Get-Content 'C:\groups.txt' | ForEach-Object {
$template[$_] = $false
$groups = #{}
Get-ADGroup -Filter * | ForEach-Object {
$groups[$_.DistinguishedName] = $_.Name
Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties MemberOf | ForEach-Object {
$groupmap = $template.Clone()
$_.MemberOf |
ForEach-Object { $groups[$_] } |
Where-Object { $groupmap.ContainsKey($_) } |
ForEach-Object { $groupmap[$_] = $true }
New-Object -Type PSObject -Property $groupmap
} | Export-Csv 'C:\user_group_mapping.csv' -NoType

Trying to rename several account types at once based on current displayName

This morning some awesome people helped me make a script to move user accounts based on their displayName to a certain OU. I tested and it worked. I cannibalized the script to make another one that will rename the same accounts based off of the same criteria. I've gone through several errors but basically it all boils down to "I am having an identity crisis!". I can't seem to figure out exactly what I need to input as the $Identity. Here is what I have:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$Renames = #(
Filter = 'DisplayName -like "*Supply*"'
NewName = "Supplies"
Filter = 'DisplayName -like "*Accountant*"'
NewName = "Accounting"
) | ForEach-Object {New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property $_}
$OriginOU = "OU=Test,OU=Standard Users,OU=Domain Users,DC=com"
foreach ($Rename in $Renames) {
Get-ADUser -SearchBase $OriginOU -Filter $Rename.Filter -Properties displayName |
Where-Object {($_.Enabled -eq 'True') -and ($_.DistinguishedName -notlike '*DontTouch*')} |
%{Set-ADUser $_ -DisplayName {$_.DisplayName -replace '(.EPSILON ).+',"`$1$Rename.NewName"}}
You can't use the current object variable ($_) if you have Set-ADUser read directly from the pipeline. And since Set-ADUser apparently doesn't play nice with scriptblock arguments, you have to put the statement in a loop:
... | % { Set-ADUser $_ -DisplayName ($_.DisplayName -replace '(.EPSILON ).+',"`$1$($Rename.NewName)") }
Note that if you want to expand object properties inside a string you have to put $Rename.NewName in a subexpression ($()), otherwise the whole object $Rename would be stringified and the string ".NewName" would be appended to it.