Hi all I am working on Nifi and I am trying to install it in AKS (Azure kubernetes service).
Using nifi 1.9.2 version. While installing it in AKS gives me an error
replacing target file /opt/nifi/nifi-current/conf/nifi.properties
sed: preserving permissions for ‘/opt/nifi/nifi-current/conf/sedSFiVwC’: Operation not permitted
replacing target file /opt/nifi/nifi-current/conf/nifi.properties
sed: preserving permissions for ‘/opt/nifi/nifi-current/conf/sedK3S1JJ’: Operation not permitted
replacing target file /opt/nifi/nifi-current/conf/nifi.properties
sed: preserving permissions for ‘/opt/nifi/nifi-current/conf/sedbcm91T’: Operation not permitted
replacing target file /opt/nifi/nifi-current/conf/nifi.properties
sed: preserving permissions for ‘/opt/nifi/nifi-current/conf/sedIuYSe1’: Operation not permitted
NiFi running with PID 28.
The specified run.as user nifi
does not exist. Exiting.
Received trapped signal, beginning shutdown...
Below is my nifi.yml file
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nifi-core
replicas: 1
app: nifi-core
app: nifi-core
- name: nifi-core
image: my-azurecr.io/nifi-core-prod:1.9.2
value: "8080"
value: "./conf/custom.properties"
cpu: "6"
memory: 12Gi
cpu: "6"
memory: 12Gi
- containerPort: 8080
- name: my-nifi-core-conf
mountPath: /opt/nifi/nifi-current/conf
- name: my-nifi-core-conf
shareName: my-file-nifi-core/nifi/conf
secretName: my-nifi-secret
readOnly: false
I have some customization in nifi Dockerfile, which copies some config files related to my configuration. When I ran my-azurecr.io/nifi-core-prod:1.9.2 docker image on my local it works as expected
But when I try to run it on AKS its giving above error. since its related to permissions I have tried with both user nifi and root in Dockerfile.
All the required configuration files are provided in volume my-nifi-core-conf running in same resourse group.
Since I am starting nifi with docker my exception is, it will behave same regardless of environment. Either on my local or in AKS.
But error also say user nifi does not exist. The official nifi-image setup the user requirement.
Can anyone help, I cant event start container in interaction mode as pods in not in running mode. Thanks in advance.
I think your missing the Security Context definition for your Kubernetes Pod. The user that Nifi runs under within a Docker has a specific UID and GID, and with the error message you getting, I would suspect that because that user is not defined in the Pod's security context it's not launching as expected.
Have a look at section on the Kubernetes documentation about security contexts, and that should be enough get you started.
I would also have a look at using something like Minikube when testing Kubernetes deployments as Kubernetes adds a large number of controls around a container engine like Docker.
Security Contexts Docs: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/
Minikube: https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/learning-environment/minikube/
If you never figured this out, I was able to do this by running an initContainer before the main container, and changing the directory perms there.
- name: init1
image: busybox:1.28
- name: nifi-pvc
mountPath: "/opt/nifi/nifi-current"
command: ["sh", "-c", "chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/nifi/nifi-current"] #or whatever you want to do as root
update: does not work with nifi 1.14.0 - works with 1.13.2
Can I create multiple empty dir volume and copy the content in it. Deployment has started failing after adding securityContext as:
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
Due to read only volume, deployment fails with the error:
OSError: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: '
As per your issue Nginx must be provided access to the paths which were shown in the error.
In order to prevent these errors we need to pass tmpfs arguments.
Tmpfs can be used to rectify the error: OSError: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: ' permission issue. Tmpfs theoretically works as the regular volume, which allows us to mount storage from outside the container however it’s not persistent in nature. It mounts an area of the host memory to the specified location in the container. Deploy the container by passing tmpfs arguments
<docker run -d -p 8080:80 --read-only --tmpfs:/var/cache/nginx --tmpfs:/var/run nginx:alphine>
Now if you check the logs you will be able to find the deployment is successful.
If you are trying to deploy the containers using Kubernetes we use ephemeral storage for this purpose. When we use emptyDir as volume, Kubernetes will attach a local folder from the underlying worker-node, which lives as long as the pod. Please follow this official documentation for more information on ephemeral storages in Kubernetes. Please follow the below yaml file example for configuring emptyDir in Kubernetes.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: webserver
name: webserver
- name: webserver
image: nginx:alpine
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
- containerPort: 80
- mountPath: /var/run
name: tmpfs-1
- mountPath: /var/cache/nginx
name: tmpfs-2
- name: tmpfs-1
emptyDir: {}
# - name: tmpfs-ram
# emptyDir:
# medium: "Memory"
- name: tmpfs-2
emptyDir: {}
I have a Kubernetes JOB that does database migrations on a CloudSQL database.
One way to access the CloudSQL database from GKE is to use the CloudSQL-proxy container and then connect via localhost. Great - that's working so far. But because I'm doing this inside a K8s JOB the job is not marked as successfully finished because the proxy keeps on running.
$ kubectrl get po
db-migrations-c1a547 1/2 Completed 0 1m
Even though the output says 'completed' one of the initially two containers is still running - the proxy.
How can I make the proxy exit on completing the migrations inside container 1?
The best way I have found is to share the process namespace between containers and use the SYS_PTRACE securityContext capability to allow you to kill the sidecar.
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: my-db-job
restartPolicy: OnFailure
shareProcessNamespace: true
- name: my-db-job-migrations
command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
- |
<your migration commands>;
sql_proxy_pid=$(pgrep cloud_sql_proxy) && kill -INT $sql_proxy_pid;
- name: cloudsql-proxy
image: gcr.io/cloudsql-docker/gce-proxy:1.17
- "/cloud_sql_proxy"
- "-instances=$(DB_CONNECTION_NAME)=tcp:5432"
One possible solution would be a separate cloudsql-proxy deployment with a matching service. You would then only need your migration container inside the job that connects to your proxy service.
This comes with some downsides:
higher network latency, no pod local mysql communication
possible security issue if you provide the sql port to your whole kubernetes cluster
If you want to open cloudsql-proxy to the whole cluster you have to replace tcp:3306 with tcp: in the -instance parameter on the cloudsql-proxy.
There are 3 ways of doing this.
1- Use private IP to connect your K8s job to Cloud SQL, as described by #newoxo in one of the answers. To do that, your cluster needs to be a VPC-native cluster. Mine wasn't and I was not whiling to move all my stuff to a new cluster. So I wasn't able to do this.
2- Put the Cloud SQL Proxy container in a separate deployment with a service, as described by #Christian Kohler. This looks like a good approach, but it is not recommended by Google Cloud Support.
I was about to head in this direction (solution #2) but I decided to try something else.
And here is the solution that worked for me:
3- You can communicate between different containers in the same Pod/Job using the file system. The idea is to tell the Cloud SQL Proxy container when the main job is done, and then kill the cloud sql proxy. Here is how to do it:
In the yaml file (my-job.yaml)
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: my-job-pod
app: my-job-app
restartPolicy: OnFailure
- name: my-job-app-container
image: my-job-image:0.1
command: ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
- |
trap "touch /lifecycle/main-terminated" EXIT
{ your job commands here }
- name: lifecycle
mountPath: /lifecycle
- name: cloudsql-proxy-container
image: gcr.io/cloudsql-docker/gce-proxy:1.11
command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
- |
/cloud_sql_proxy -instances={ your instance name }=tcp:3306 -credential_file=/secrets/cloudsql/credentials.json &
while true
if [[ -f "/lifecycle/main-terminated" ]]
kill $PID
exit 0
sleep 1
runAsUser: 2 # non-root user
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
- name: cloudsql-instance-credentials
mountPath: /secrets/cloudsql
readOnly: true
- name: lifecycle
mountPath: /lifecycle
- name: cloudsql-instance-credentials
secretName: cloudsql-instance-credentials
- name: lifecycle
Basically, when your main job is done, it will create a file in /lifecycle that will be identified by the watcher added to the cloud-sql-proxy container, which will kill the proxy and terminate the container.
I hope it helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
Based on: https://stackoverflow.com/a/52156131/7747292
Doesn't look like Kubernetes can do this alone, you would need to manually kill the proxy once the migration exits. Similar question asked here: Sidecar containers in Kubernetes Jobs?
Google cloud sql has recently launched private ip address connectivity for cloudsql. If the cloud sql instance and kubernetes cluster is in same region you can connect to cloudsql without using cloud sql proxy.
A possible solution would be to set the concurrencyPolicy: Replace in the job spec ... this will agnostically replace the current pod with the new instance whenever it needs to run again. But, you have to make sure that the subsequent cron runs are separated enough.
Unfortunately the other answers weren't working for me because of CloudSQLProxy running in a distroless environment where there is no shell.
I managed to get around this by bundling a CloudSQLProxy binary with my deployment and running a bash script to start up CloudSQLProxy followed by my app.
FROM golang:1.19.4
RUN apt update
COPY . /etc/mycode/
WORKDIR /etc/mycode
RUN chmod u+x ./scripts/run_migrations.sh
RUN chmod u+x ./bin/cloud_sql_proxy.linux-amd64
RUN go install
ENTRYPOINT ["./scripts/run_migrations.sh"]
Shell Script (run_migrations.sh):
# This script is run from the parent directory
echo "Starting Cloud SQL Proxy"
./bin/cloud_sql_proxy.linux-amd64 -instances=${dbConnectionString}=tcp:5432 -enable_iam_login -structured_logs &
echo "CloudSQLProxy PID: $CHILD_PID"
echo "Migrating DB..."
go run ./db/migrations/main.go
kill $CHILD_PID;
echo "Migrations complete.";
K8s (via Pulumi):
import * as k8s from '#pulumi/kubernetes'
const jobDBMigrations = new k8s.batch.v1.Job("job-db-migrations", {
metadata: {
namespace: namespaceName,
labels: appLabels,
spec: {
backoffLimit: 4,
template: {
spec: {
containers: [
image: pulumi.interpolate`gcr.io/${gcpProject}/${migrationsId}:${migrationsVersion}`,
name: "server-db-migration",
args: [
restartPolicy: "Never",
serviceAccount: k8sSAMigration.metadata.name,
provider: clusterProvider,
I have created kubernetes cluster on digitalocean. and I have deployed k6 as a job on kubernetes cluster.
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: benchmark
- name: benchmark
image: loadimpact/k6:0.29.0
command: ["k6", "run", "--vus", "2", "--duration", "5m", "--out", "json=./test.json", "/etc/k6-config/script.js"]
- name: config-volume
mountPath: /etc/k6-config
restartPolicy: Never
- name: config-volume
name: k6-config
this is how my k6-job.yaml file look like. After deploying it in kubernetes cluster I have checked the pods logs. it is showing permission denied error.
level=error msg="open ./test.json: permission denied"
how to solve this issue?
The k6 Docker image runs as an unprivileged user, but unfortunately the default work directory is set to /, so it has no permission to write there.
To work around this consider changing the JSON output path to /home/k6/out.json, i.e.:
command: ["k6", "run", "--vus", "2", "--duration", "5m", "--out", "json=/home/k6/test.json", "/etc/k6-config/script.js"]
I'm one of the maintainers on the team, so will propose a change to the Dockerfile to set the WORKDIR to /home/k6 to make the default behavior a bit more intuitive.
I need to copy a file inside my pod during the time of creation. I don't want to use ConfigMap and Secrets. I am trying to create a volumeMounts and copy the source file using the kubectl cp command—my manifest looks like this.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: copy
app: hello
- name: init-myservice
image: bitnami/kubectl
command: ['kubectl','cp','./test.json','init-myservice:./data']
- name: my-storage
mountPath: data
- name: init-myservices
image: nginx
- name: my-storage
mountPath: data
- name: my-storage
emptyDir: {}
But I am getting a CrashLoopBackOff error. Any help or suggestion is highly appreciated.
it's not possible.
let me explain : you need to think of it like two different machine. here your local machine is the one where the file exist and you want to copy it in another machine with cp. but it's not possible. and this is what you are trying to do here. you are trying to copy file from your machine to pod's machine.
here you can do one thing just create your own docker image for init-container. and copy the file you want to store before building the docker image. then you can copy that file in shared volume where you want to store the file.
I do agree with an answer provided by H.R. Emon, it explains why you can't just run kubectl cp inside of the container. I do also think there are some resources that could be added to show you how you can tackle this particular setup.
For this particular use case it is recommended to use an initContainer.
initContainers - specialized containers that run before app containers in a Pod. Init containers can contain utilities or setup scripts not present in an app image.
Kubernetes.io: Docs: Concepts: Workloads: Pods: Init-containers
You could use the example from the official Kubernetes documentation (assuming that downloading your test.json is feasible):
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: init-demo
- name: nginx
image: nginx
- containerPort: 80
- name: workdir
mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html
# These containers are run during pod initialization
- name: install
image: busybox
- wget
- "-O"
- "/work-dir/index.html"
- http://info.cern.ch
- name: workdir
mountPath: "/work-dir"
dnsPolicy: Default
- name: workdir
emptyDir: {}
-- Kubernetes.io: Docs: Tasks: Configure Pod Initalization: Create a pod that has an initContainer
You can also modify above example to your specific needs.
Also, referring to your particular example, there are some things that you will need to be aware of:
To use kubectl inside of a Pod you will need to have required permissions to access the Kubernetes API. You can do it by using serviceAccount with some permissions. More can be found in this links:
Kubernetes.io: Docs: Reference: Access authn authz: Authentication: Service account tokens
Kubernetes.io: Docs: Reference: Access authn authz: RBAC
Your bitnami/kubectl container will run into CrashLoopBackOff errors because of the fact that you're passing a single command that will run to completion. After that Pod would report status Completed and it would be restarted due to this fact resulting in before mentioned CrashLoopBackOff. To avoid that you would need to use initContainer.
You can read more about what is happening in your setup by following this answer (connected with previous point):
Stackoverflow.com: Questions: What happens one of the container process crashes in multiple container POD?
Additional resources:
Kubernetes.io: Pod lifecycle
A side note!
I also do consider including the reason why Secrets and ConfigMaps cannot be used to be important in this particular setup.
I have a deployment that runs two containers. One of the containers attempts to build (during deployment) a javascript bundle that the other container, nginx, tries to serve.
I want to use a shared volume to place the javascript bundle after it's built.
So far, I have the following deployment file (with irrelevant pieces removed):
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
hostNetwork: true
- name: personal-site
image: wheresmycookie/personal-site:3.1
- name: build-volume
mountPath: /var/app/dist
- name: nginx-server
image: nginx:1.19.0
- name: build-volume
mountPath: /var/app/dist
- name: build-volume
emptyDir: {}
To the best of my ability, I have followed these guides:
One other things to point out is that I'm trying to run this locally atm using minikube.
EDIT: The Dockerfile I used to build this image is:
FROM node:alpine
WORKDIR /var/app
COPY . .
RUN npm install
RUN npm install -g #vue/cli#latest
CMD ["npm", "run", "build"]
I realize that I do not need to build this when I actually run the image, but my next goal is to insert pod instance information as environment variables, so with javascript unfortunately I can only build once that information is available to me.
The logs from the personal-site container reveal:
- Building for production...
ERROR Error: EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rmdir '/var/app/dist'
Error: EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rmdir '/var/app/dist'
I'm not sure why the build is trying to remove /dist, but also have a feeling that this is irrelevant. I could be wrong?
I thought that maybe this could be related to the lifecycle of containers/volumes, but the docs suggest that "An emptyDir volume is first created when a Pod is assigned to a Node, and exists as long as that Pod is running on that node".
What are some reasons that a volume might not be available to me after the containers are already running? Given that you probably have much more experience than I do with Kubernetes, what would you look into next?
The best way is to customize your image's entrypoint as following:
Once you finish building the /var/app/dist folder, copy(or move) this folder to another empty path (.e.g: /opt/dist)
cp -r /var/app/dist/* /opt/dist
PAY ATTENTION: this Step must be done in the script of ENTRYPOINT not in the RUN layer.
Now use /opt/dist instead..:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
hostNetwork: true
- name: personal-site
image: wheresmycookie/personal-site:3.1
- name: build-volume
mountPath: /opt/dist # <--- make it consistent with image's entrypoint algorithm
- name: nginx-server
image: nginx:1.19.0
- name: build-volume
mountPath: /var/app/dist
- name: build-volume
emptyDir: {}
Good luck!
If it's not clear how to customize the entrypoint, share with us your entrypoint of the image and we will implement it.