Custom script in install4j build process - install4j

We are working with Dev- and Production variables as compiler variables in our install4j project. Is it possible to add sort of a custom script for the build process, that for example checks the value of a compiler variable?
Or is there any other idea how we can be sure, that there is no compiler variable on "DEV" instead of "PRODUCTION"?

As of install4j 8.0 there is no compiler API of any kind, so it is not possible to have any active component at built time. This is planned for a future version of install4j.


Automatic build with different compiler variables?

Is it possible to automate the build process in install4j?
I'd like to build 6 instances of my installer with a different compiler variable.
I know that I could change the variable in the project file (xml), but maybe there's a standard way and an option to start the build process automatically.
Thanks! Mischa

How to activate "treat warning as error" for specific build definitions?

I would like to make my main branch TFS build definitions to treat warnings as errors so that the build fails when the projects are not error free. Since I do not want to activate "treat error as warning" in all project as a default, my first idea was to add a powershell script to my main build definition that substitues false with true in the line <TreatWarningsAsErrors>...</TreatWarningsAsErrors> in all csproj files it finds (something along the line of this). Is there any better/straighter way via some option as part of the build definition settings?
In the build definition specify /p:TreatWarningsAsErrors=True in the MSBuild argument field.
This will override any setting from the csproj files.
Unfortunately, there is no this kind of settings as part of the build definition.
However, you could be able to return warnings and errors from your powershell script using logging commands. With using task.logissue type=error you could fail the build task and then fail the build.
More details you could take a look at this similar question: Is it possible to raise and display build warnings from build steps using TFS 2015

TeamCity - AssemblyInfoPatcher not using updated variable

I'm changing the build number of the TeamCity (9.1.4) build with service messages (Build Script Interaction) like this in Powershell:
Write-Host "##teamcity[buildNumber '$version.$arg2']"
This is working absolutely fine.
The problem is that the AssemblyInfoPatcher doesn't want to use this updated build number.
So I tried to use a variable/parameter for it but this also doesn't work.
I defined the following variable "Major.Minor.Patch" as a "Configuration Parameter" or as an "Environment Variables". The AssemblyInfoPatcher is using these variables just fine and changes the file version of my files with the version defined in TeamCity in the build.
If I try to change the variable/parameter with a service message it doesn't work. The AssemblyInfoPatcher is still using the old value.
Example with environment variable
Write-Host "##teamcity[setParameter name='env.Major.Minor.Patch' value='$version']"
Example with configuration parameter
Write-Host "##teamcity[setParameter name='Major.Minor.Patch' value='$version']"
Am I doing something wrong or is it just not possible? The only thing I want is that my files have the same version number as my TeamCity build...
The AsssemblyInfoPatcher runs before any of the build steps (and then runs again to revert your AssemblyInfo files after all your build steps). Thus, if one of your build steps sets Major.Minor.Patch using a service message, it's really too late to the game.
Maybe you could string multiple build configs together. The first config (A) would set up the parameter like you're doing now, and then trigger the second config (B), which would use the AssemblyInfoPatcher. B would have a snapshot dependency on A (in addition to the finish-build trigger) and thus its AssemblyInfoPatcher would be able to refer to %dep.A.Major.Minor.Patch%. This parameter, of course, would already be available when B's AssemblyInfoPatcher runs.

In Install4J is it possible to update the sys.preferredJRE variable?

I have an installer whose purpose is updating the max version of a JDK for an existing installation (we require JDK, not JRE), and pointing the existing installation to run with the later version of the JDK (which is user pre-installed and user-specified).
In the installer, I have code that calls JVM.setPreferredJVM() from a directory chooser form component. According to the API for JVMSelector, it says this method will "Set the preferred JRE/JDK for your application." According to the help docs on variables (sys.preferredJRE), "This variable will only be set after the "Install files" action has run."
When I run the installer, I see that the setPreferredJVM() method is called, but the sys.preferredJRE is not set to what I wanted, it still references the old JVM. This is a problem because my subsequent "Add VM Options" steps use the sys.preferredJRE variable.
I expected that calling JVMSelector.setPreferredJVM() would update sys.preferredJRE, but it does not. How can I accomplish this so that the user can set the preferred JVM/JDK during the install?
This is a bug, it will be fixed in 6.0.2. Please contact to get an interim build with the fix.

Get Build Version in automated build deployment using TFS

I am deploying web application to azure using TFS CI automated build deployment.
In our config maintain build version like 2014.05.19.1 which is $(Date).$(rev) format.
All I want to update config each time build is deployed.For that I am passing value to 'BuildVersion' parameter in template to powershell script which actually performs publishing to azure.
I tried using $(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.r) but it is considered string as it is.
I want to get current build version just like IBuildDetail.BuildNumber
within template.
My question is how to get the build version?
If you are using Invoke Process, instead of passing value for BuildVersion parameter you can directly use 'BuildDetail.BuildNumber' in parameters for process like
String.Format("-BuildNumber ""{0}""",BuildDetail.BuildNumber)
This would give the required build number.
If your PowerShell script is being executed from your TFS build, it should have access to the environment variables specific to the TFS context of the build. If that is the case, you actually don't need to pass the $(BuildVersion) parameter to the script, as it already is accessible to the PS script in the $env:TF_BUILD_BUILDNUMBER environment variable. Try testing something like $env:TF_BUILD_BUILDNUMBER | Out-File "D:\Dev\BuildNumber.txt" in your script. You should hopefully see the file containing your build number after running your build.
(I am assuming you are using a relatively new build process that contains the "Post-Build script path" parameter, such as TfvcTemplate.12.xaml)
Hope this is helpful.
I would recommend that you use the right tool for the right job. The build system, is really only for building (compile & test). We have been using it for other things for years coz we did not have another integrated solution. However Microsoft recently bought InRelease and rebranded as Release Management for Visual Studio 2013. I have successfully integrated this with TFS 2012 as well.