Set up app authentication for Console App using Microsoft Graph API - redirect

I'm struggling to correctly configure my app in the Azure portal. My application prompts for user permission every time it runs. The goal is to prompt an admin user ONE TIME to grant permissions to my app.
I'm writing a CONSOLE application to create a new task in Microsoft Planner by making API calls to the Microsoft Graph API.
I'm using delegated permissions for this so this application needs to take on the permissions of a user.
The good news is I've gotten this to work already.
What I need help with is configuring my app in Azure portal correctly.
Right now, every time I run the app, it prompts for consent. I'd like the app to ask an administrator to grant permissions to the app up front once and let the console app work without prompting users after that.
One issue I have is setting up the Redirect URI. The ONLY way I've gotten this to work so far is to set the URI to "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob".
As much as I've read about redirect URIs, you'd think I'd have this part figured out. I've tried using:{0} ({0} = tenant id
When my console application runs, it directs the user to the and there I can choose a user, and then it asks me if I'd like to grant authority on behalf of my organization to all the permissions listed. I click the Accept button and it tells me that the Redirect URI does not match the one in my configuration.
Keeping in mind this is a console application, can someone please advise me as to how I should configure this to work correctly?
private static IAuthenticationProvider CreateAuthorizationProvider(string clientId, string authority, IEnumerable<string> scopes)
var clientApplication = new PublicClientApplication(clientId, authority);
return new MsalAuthenticationProvider(clientApplication, scopes.ToArray());
As you can see, the code is passing a client Id and authority. The authority in this case is where I'm passing the redirect URI. This is where I believe my problem is and where I could really use some help.
Every example out there is for a web app of some sort.


How can I get system user token of another facebook business to manage their audiences?

I am working to build an application which would be able to create custom audiences for many of our clients for facebook ads. I came to know that the most suitable access token for this purpose is system user token (correct me if I am wrong). To get regular user access tokens, we can make a user go through the traditional oAuth flow, I am looking for something similar to get system user access token. How can I get it for any of my clients? Thanks
You must create your system users in the Business Manager of your company:<YOUR_BUSINESS_ID>
Once you create a system user, you can generate a token for him associated with a given app.
Meanwhile, on your business settings (as stated in the docs) you can request access to an ad_account.
Request Access to an Ad Account: If you request access to an ad
account in Business Manager, the admin of that Business Manager can
grant you permission to work on it.
Once your client gives your Business permission to work with one or more of their ad_accounts, those ad_accounts will appear in your Business Manager. (menu on the left).
At that point, when checking the profile of your system users, you can click on assign assets to give the system user access to pages and ad_accounts.
The token you generated for the pair [system_user,app_id] does not need to be reissued to reflect the addition of assets to which the system_user has access.

Identity Server 3 - Silent sign-in / sign in without login page. Including single sign on

I have come across a number of articles that discuss a similar matter but I cannot find a definitive answer.
My company would like to begin using Identity Server 3, however one of the requirements is to be able to authenticate an external user without them having to manually enter their credentials.
This must be capable of providing single sign on capabilities also as we have 3 different systems and our users should only have to sign in once.
Essentially, the external user has their own CRM.
The CRM holds their username and password for our software.
They then click a button in their CRM to launch our application
This redirects them to our website with a payload containing their credentials
We call a web service to authenticate the user
It is fundamental that we do not change this process for our partners.
Can I implement a custom service provider to provide the authentication or is there some other way of achieving this? If so, could you point me in the right direction for how this can be done?
Many thanks
I would assume that you'd create a mechanism for their CRM to get a token at the time the client logs into their site and then have them send that token via url to your callback page. This would use the machine-to-machine type grant, or the client-credentials flow. Then that page could validate the token and log the user in. There would have to be some sort of unique identifier between the two systems like email or something. Just an idea.

How can I limit access to a set of authorized users in Azure Mobile Services?

If I add authentication in Azure Mobile Service with Google as the provider, I go and create an app, get the app_id and secret and plug it in. Great, now users can authenticate with google and get a user token. Now they are considered an "authenticated user" wrt the table permissions.
However, I don't want to authorize everyone with a google account access to my API. Is it possible to limit this to a list of known users? Must I check every request for specific user ids?
Perhaps social login is not the best choice here and I should use something else like Azure AD?
We added custom authentication provider to wams and synchronize the social account with "our" user-account that is stored in the database. For protected web api methods a user account needs to be activated first. You have to check manually whether an account is activated/ high privileged or not and return the result or unauthorized status code.
I decided to use Azure Active Directory to solve this problem. This way, I can create users in Azure AD but not have to manage users myself in the back end. With this choice I am still able to chose the only authenticated users permission level without having to check on every rest endpoint that the authentication users is one of the ones I want to grant access to.

Login Prompt when accessing new mobile service from browser

I am just learning Mobile Services. I've created a simple one which works fine locally. I published the mobile service to my Azure account. I then tried to access a method on it from the browser and I get a log in dialog. I figured out that I need to provide the application key generated by Azure as the password. Once I do this, it executes correctly. However, is there a way I can execute a method without providing a key? In other words, what if I wanted to expose one or more methods to everyone, without any authentication. How would I do this?
Yes, there is a way. There are four authentication levels in Windows Azure Mobile Services.
scripts and admins
authenticated users
users with application key
By default, the authentication level is set to "users with application key".
Depending on the backend you use, you either have to specify the auth level in the Management Portal in the data-tab (Javascript) or as a method attribute in your Controller-class (.NET) to "everyone".

Unexpected Authorization Request in Workflow C2QB WF3.0

We have a multi-tenanted/multi-domain app and we're looking at publishing on IPP. Because of the multi-domain nature our configured endpoints in the App setup are generic and users are then redirected to their specific account once their identity is established.
The issue is with C2QB WF3.0.
The test steps are:
go here:
on the "Launch My Apps" tab, click the app
Expected Result:
the Sign In screen for the app is displayed
The requirement is:
if not still signed into the app, sign in screen is displayed
if still signed into the app, take user into the app
The issue is that the even if the user is currently logged into our application, it still requests authorization as per this message:
"domain" is requesting some information from your Intuit account
By approving this request "domain" will be able to access your:
Email Address
The workflow that it is actually following is to perform a callback to our connect url. The normal way to determine which account the callback is coming from is via the realmId, but this is not received from Intuit and therefore it needs to be requested. Once a user has completed this authorization, it will not ask again. It should be noted that we're not actually requesting a name or an email address as the screen suggests.
We've been informed by Intuit that it should not request authorization and it is not part of the workflow.
We're wondering if anyone else has encountered this problem and if there is a workaround for it.
We discussed with the Engineering teams and they confirmed what Pete has mentioned above. This is not a bug and please follow the steps as Pete has mentioned.
If you want to replicate the 'access your app with appcenter flow', you have be either logged in QBO online company file in same browser session or navigate to the app via blue dot menu from your application or run your application from localhost(.net) and then go to Appcenter and login there on same tab and then click on your app.
Since your desktop application is running, your code will be hit.
You will then get the second Auth screen only for authorizing your company file. After authorization your realm will be set in a cookie and in the code you can see its value. You can replicate this behavior via firebug and see the qbn.parentid cookie value has the realm after authorization is done.