Paths to specific project in trigger not working when triggered from a branch - azure-devops

We currently use Azure DevOps for our builds and have set up triggers for branches. We have a solution that contains multiple projects. To build a spefic project, we have included "paths" to include the project in the build.
However, when a build is triggered from a branch that is not the master branch, all projects are built. When triggering directly from the master branch, only the specific project is built (as expected).
Is there a way to set the "Paths: Include:" to build just the specific project for all branches?
YAML code for the trigger:
- master
- bugfix/*
- task/*
- feature/*
- '/Project1'


Trigger specific build pipeline in Azure Dev Ops with single repository(.sln) having multiple projects(.csproj)

I've a single repository having visual studio solution(.sln), where I've more than one project(.csproj) in same solution(i.e. WebAPI project, WebApp project etc.)...
Now, I've created separate pipeline(s) for individual project, which trigger whenever any commit comes to my XYZ branch...(ex. through PR code merge from feature to XYZ branch)
Now, the issue is...
Whenever any commit come to any project in that repository all pipeline start building there respective projects... Here I just want to build a specific project pipeline for which the commit file(s) comes into...
You can specify file paths to include or exclude.
# specific path build
- master
- releases/*
- docs
- docs/
When you specify paths, you must explicitly specify branches to trigger on. You can't trigger a pipeline with only a path filter; you must also have a branch filter, and the changed files that match the path filter must be from a branch that matches the branch filter.
Check here:

How to make Azure Pipelines yaml trigger branch with specific project?

I have this project repo on Github and the repo has many project in it.
So in my scenario its like this.
project-1: trigger branch-1
project-2: trigger branch-1
So if I only have an update on project-1 the project-2 should not be triggered but I don't know how to do that if their trigger is the same branch.
I want the trigger something like this
trigger: - branch-1 ..project-1
Is that possible? I don't want them use different branches if possible.
You can configure the trigger to exclude or include paths to trigger the build only when a file from that project is changed.
- branch1
- project1
- project2

How do I set up different pipelines for each branch in Azure

I have a single project but with two "master" branches.
Each of them would have their own azure-pipeline.yml specific for their branch.
The first pipeline in master has the trigger set up as
batch: true
- refs/heads/master
The second one is in the virt/master branch.
batch: true
- refs/heads/virt/master
Here's the repository that I am experimenting on
master build
virt/master build
The problem I am having is when I push a change to the virt/master branch both pipelines get executed
Am I missing something in my configuration? Or is this a bug on Azure Devops?
I also tried to exclude but to no avail.
batch: true
- refs/heads/master
- refs/heads/virt/master
If you want to have separate pipelines please create separate file definition for them. I think that your configuration is fine and the issue is that you share the same file as definition.
When I moved to separate file it works as expected:
To create different pipelines for different branches. You need to rename the azure-pipelines.yml file in virt/master branch or create a new yml file with the some contents and with a different name. And create pipeline multi-branch(virt) from this new yml file.
If both pipelines are created from the yaml file with the same name azure-pipeline.yml. And the azure-pipeline.yml file exists in both of the branches. Then they are identical pipelines(even though the azure-pipeline.yml file contents might be different).
You can see from above screen. Pipeline multi-branch and multi-branch(virt) were building the same virt/master branch(using the tasks in the azure-pipeline.yml of virt/master). If you push to master branch. You will see both pipelines will be triggered to build master branch(using the tasks in the azure-pipeline.yml of master). Pipeline multi-branch and multi-branch(virt) are one pipeline
See this thread for more information.

Push Build status to GitHub

I'd like to push the build status automatically from Azure Devops to the github repository, so that pull requests can check for a build success before they can be merged.
I realise this can be done writing some custom code and calling the github status api, but there is a checkbox for it in the edit pipeline stage. It doesn't seem to work with Github though. See this image .
Other build tools like Bamboo have an out of the box plugin for doing this.
You need to define branch policy. You can read about this on my blog. You need to selected existing pipeline here in GitHub settings:
and then when you make PR you will get this:
You need to correctly define trigger options in your yaml file. For isntance:
this will run for all non master branch (with each commit pushed to GitHub pipeline will run)
for each merge to master will trigger pipeline too
- '*'
- master
- master
- gated-checkin/*
- gated-checkin/azure-pipelines.yml

Build trigger is not invoked on push for Azure Git repositories

I have my git repository hosted on Azure DevOps. I created a new yaml based build pipeline in the master branch and have set the trigger section to two existing branches. Other branches don't have a azure-pipeline.yml file nor any kind of branch policies are set for this DevOps project.
batch: 'true'
- master
- develop
The trigger gets invoked for every change in the master branch as expected. But is ignoring any pushes to the develop branch.
If I configure a build pipeline with the visual editor and define the exact two branches there, for every push a build will be triggered.
Any idea how Azure Pipeline respects the build definition also for other branches without copy and pasting the whole definition for every possible branch?
Build trigger is not invoked on push for Azure Git repositories
I have created a sample with the syntax:
batch: 'true'
- master
- Dev
And it works fine on my side. Then I check the new project you provided, but I found that the .yml file is incomplete and does not contain a trigger: node.
So, to resolve this issue, we need to double check the .yml file you modified in under the master branch, and you build .yml file is you modified.
Besides, when we edit the build pipeline, there is a extended button, we could select the option Triggers to set the build trigger with visual editor:
If above not help you, you can try to create a new build pipeline, set the trigger only with Develop branch, check if it works fine, then return to the previous with master
and develop branch.
If all of the above methods are not worked, you may need share a detailed sample and some steps, the reason for this problem may be hidden in the corner we ignore.
Hope this helps.