Compound queries - rest

I have a RESTful service that accepts a custom query, like this:
"$link": {
"entityType": "Manager",
"entity": {
"name": "John Smith"
"linkName": "managers",
"backLinkName": "account",
"$set": {
"propertyName": "aclWrite",
"propertyValue": {
"$ref": {
"propertyName": "entityId"
Which simply means:
Create a new Entity of type User
Create a new Entity of type Manager with the field name, linking the User to be created to this Manager through link name "managers"
Then back-linking the Manager entity to be created to the User with a link name "account" and setting the Manager entity write ACL (Access Control List) to the ID of the User to be created.
I created this query structure because I can't find any suitable Query language that can seem to support such action/procedure.
The question here is are there any Query language that can support such compound action/procedure or can GraphQL handle such?

As a specification, GraphQL doesn't care what fields your schema defines, what arguments those fields take or what your field resolvers do with those arguments. So it's perfectly feasible to design a schema that would let the client compose an equivalent mutation:
mutation {
entityType: "Manager"
entity: {
name: "John Smith"
linkName: "managers"
backLinkName: "account"
set: {
propertyName: "aclWrite"
propertyValue: {
ref: {
propertyName: "entityId"
) {
# some fields here to return in the response
GraphQL does not support references to other nodes inside the same query, so you would still probably want a single mutation whose input mirrored your existing API. That said, using GraphQL for this may still be preferable because of request validation, which is all the more important with complex requests like this. Having an IDE like GraphiQL or GraphQL Playground that lets you write your queries using autocomplete is a big plus too.


How to generate automatic Id with Commit or Batch Document Firestore REST

Hi I am creating documents with commit like this way:
"writes": [
"update": {
"name": "projects/projectID/databases/(default)/documents/test/?documentId=",
"fields": {
"comment": {
"stringValue": "Hello World!"
"update": {
"name": "projects/projectID/databases/(default)/documents/test/?documentId=",
"fields": {
"comment": {
"stringValue": "Happy Birthday!"
The parameter ?documentId= dosen´t work like when creating a single document, if I left empty I get an error that I must specify the name of the document so how I can generate an automatic id for each document?
Unfortunately, batch commits with auto generated documentId are not possible in the Firestore REST API. As you can see in this documentation, the Document object should be provided with a full path, including the documentID:
The resource name of the document, for example projects/{project_id}/databases/{databaseId}/documents/{document_path}.”
And if it was possible to omit the documentID, it would be mentioned in this documentation.
If you would like to have this implemented in the Firestore REST API, you can create a feature request in Google’s Issue Tracker so that they can consider implementing it.
I just came across the same problem and discovered that it is still not implemented.
I created a feature request for it here:
So please go star it if you want this to be added.

Custom filters that accept objects - lighthouse-php

I am using lighthouse-php as Api Gateway in a micro services architecture.
So for all my types I make a request internally through Guzzle.
But I am needing to implement filters that are suitable for any type and that give flexibility when making queries.
I need to implement a query like this:
query news (
order_by: {publication_date: desc}
where: {
_or: {categories_id: { _eq: 1 }, title: { _ilike: "news" } }
limit: 10
offset: 20
) {
category_name: name
But I have no idea how to implement this "where" filter that receives a composite object as in this example.
Remember that this query will not use any model within lumen, since it will be a custom query that will make a request to the microservice of news.
What I need is the way that my query receives whatever comes in where, limit and order, to send it on request. But I have no idea how to build something like this in the scheme.
Anyone have any idea how to do it?
Thanks friends.
Yes, you can.
Just now I'm making an component that will receive criterias to filter in graphql query so I need to fill filter's where params with those criterias.
Imagine the following schema:
type News{
id: ID!
title: String!
views: Int!
type Query{
getNews(where: _ #whereConditions(columns:["title", "views"])) : [News!] #all
We can make a query and fill where variables later
query GetNews($whereNews: [GetNewsWhereWhereConditions!]){
getNews(where: {OR: $whereNews}){
When querying we can fill the variables sending an object like
{"column": "TITLE", "operator": "LIKE", "value": "Amazing title"},
{"column": "VIEWS", "operator": "GTE", "value": 10,

Github GraphQL API: How can I find out which fields are searchable?

When I run the query:
"query": "{user(login: \"furknyavuz\") {repositories(first: 50, isPrivate: false) {nodes {name url}}}}"
I getting the following error:
"data": null,
"errors": [
"message": "Field 'repositories' doesn't accept argument 'isPrivate'",
"locations": [
"line": 1,
"column": 51
I can see isPivate is field of Repository object but I'm unable to search with it.
I'm not expecting to search with all fields of the object, but critical question is, how can I see which fields are searchable or indexable?
isPrivate is a field of Repository object but repositories inside User object is of type RepositoryConnection and repositories connection item has the following argument/type :
affiliations [RepositoryAffiliation]
after String
before String
first Int
isFork Boolean
isLocked Boolean
last Int
orderBy RepositoryOrder
privacy RepositoryPrivacy
RepositoryPrivacy is an enum with two values : PUBLIC and PRIVATE.
the following request will return private repo :
user(login: "furknyavuz") {
repositories(first: 50, privacy:PRIVATE) {
nodes {
Note that in the explorer, if you type CTRL+space you will have the schema listing with types :
Also, CTRL+space again after ":" will gives you the enum values :
Navigate to Github's GraphQL API Explorer. This is a GraphiQL interface that lets you write your queries and run in them in real time. One of the neat features of GraphiQL is that includes an auto-complete feature. When you're typing the arguments for a field, just press Alt+Space or Shift+Space and a list of possible arguments will pop up. This works for fields too.
The docs:
You can also view the documentation for the schema by hitting the Docs link in the upper right corner of the interface. This will bring up a list of all possible fields, including what arguments they take. There's also a schema reference page here.
Lastly, you can actually just ask the GraphQL endpoint yourself. For example, running this query will list all types for the schema and the arguments used by each one:
__schema {
types {
inputFields {
type {

Cannot connect loopback model to mongo db collection

I have a mongo db collection named like "name.types". When I am creating model for the collection in loopback, I cannot enter the model name with the "." as it says special characters not allowed. So I created the model as "name_types". Now how can I connect this model to the collection "name.types"? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
You can set collection name in model.json file :
"options": {
"validateUpsert": true,
"mongodb": {
"collection": "name_types"
You can define a different collection name for your existing model by passing an option in model definition, something like this
Post = db.define('Post', {
title: { type: String },
content: { type: String }
mongodb: {
collection: 'PostCollection', // Custom the collection name
You can do it from the model.json file or from a boot script.
Good Luck.. :)

Rest API get resource id by field

What is a correct rest way of getting a resource ID by a field, for example a name. Take a look at the following operations:
GET /users/mike-thomas
GET /users/rick-astley
I don't want to use these operations at my API end, instead I want to write an API operation that will get me the ID when submitting a field (name in the case of users) for example:
GET /users/id-by-field
Submitted data:
"fullName": "Mike Thomas"
Return data:
"data": {
"id": "123456789012345678901234"
What you want is known as an algorithmic URL where the parameters for the algorithm are passed as URL parameters:
GET /users?name="Mike Thomas"
Advantages are that you are using the "root" resource (users) and the search parameters are easily extended without having to change anything in the routing. For example:
GET /users?text="Mike"&year=1962&gender=M
where text would be searched for in more than just the name.
The resultant data would be a list of users and could return more than the identification of those users. Unless fullName uniquely identifies users, that is what you need to allow for anyway. And of course the list could contain a single user if the parameters uniquely identified that user.
users: [
id: "123456789012345678901234",
fullName: "Mike Thomas",
dateJoined: 19620228
, {
id: "234567890123456789012345"
fullName: "Rick Astley",
dateJoined: 19620227