How to write test for page Controller? - apex

This is controller:
public class ProductTablePageController {
public List getProducts() {
List<Product__c> results = Database.query(
'SELECT Id, Name, UnitPrice__c, UnitsAvailable__c, Description__c, AddedDate__c, ImageURL__c ' +
'FROM Product__c ' +
'ORDER BY AddedDate__c desc');
return results;
Here is test
public class TestProductApplication {
public class ProductTablePageController {
static testMethod void getProductsTest(){
Product__c newpr = new Product__c();
newpr.Name = 'max';
newpr.UnitPrice__c = 2;
insert newpr;
Product__c resultpr = [SELECT Id, Name, UnitPrice__c FROM Product__c ];
System.assertEquals('max', resultpr.Name);
System.assertEquals(2, resultpr.UnitPrice__c);
} }

You can create an Instance of the controller with the new keyword then call its methods like you would any other class. This will cause the code to execute in a test execution and therefore pass apex tests. I'm not sure if you're using the product you insert as a record to check the method against but you could get rid of that if you want.
#isTest public class TestProductApplication {
static testMethod void getProductsTest(){
Product__c newpr = new Product__c();
newpr.Name = 'max';
newpr.UnitPrice__c = 2;
insert newpr;
Product__c resultpr = [SELECT Id, Name, UnitPrice__c FROM Product__c ];
System.assertEquals('max', resultpr.Name);
System.assertEquals(2, resultpr.UnitPrice__c);
//Initialize the controller
ProductTablePageController ctr = new ProductTablePageController();
List<Product__c> retrndProds = ctr.getProducts(); //Call method and get products
System.assert(retrndProds.size() > 0); //Run assertions on the list
Product__c listProd = retrndProds[0];
System.assert(listProd == resultpr); //Some more checks on the list
Hope this helps


Setting and getting a Global variable in Drools

I have something like this in drl file:
import java.lang.String
global String result;
rule ''Rule 1'' when some condition
result = "PASS";
kcontext.getKnowledgeRuntime().setGlobal("Result", result); // I got an "Unexpected global" exception.
System.out.println("result = "+ Result);
Also, I don't know how to access this global variable from my class.
I was trying to set a global variable from the drl file not my java class like Service class.
All I had to do was the following and it worked successfully
import java.lang.String
global String result;
rule ''Rule 1''
some condition
String grade = "PASS";
kcontext.getKnowledgeRuntime().setGlobal("result", grade);
Also, the global variable name should match what I pass on the setGlobal("result",...).
And then get the global variable using the session I have in the Service class. like:
Your rule should not be touching the 'kcontext'. What in the world are you trying to do? result = "PASS" is sufficient for setting the value of the global.
global String result
rule "Rule 1"
// some condition
result = "PASS";
Of course it's not going to work like you want it to because you need to change the value of the existing object; you can't overwrite it like that. Some options might be a "ResultsHolder" sort of class with a boolean variable you can set; or maybe even an AtomicBoolean that you can call set on.
To fire rules with a global, you need to add the global objects to the KieBase before invoking your rules:
var value = ...; // some OBJECT which you are going to pass in as a global
KieSession session = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();
session.insert(...); // insert data
session.setGlobal( "myGlobalFoo", value ); // sets the global; note the name must match the rule file!
After the rules are fired, you'll have your reference to value that you can use. This is also why you can't pass strings as globals and expect them to capture changes -- Java is pass-by-value, not pass-by-reference.
Here's an example for passing results out of the rules. This toy app will check the student's score on a test and then decide if they passed or failed.
class Student {
private String name;
public String getName() { return; }
public void setName(String name) { = name; }
class Exam {
private String name;
private Double score;
public String getName() { return; }
public void setName(String name) { = name; }
public Double getScore() { return this.score; }
public void setScore(String score) { this.score = score; }
class ExamResults {
private List<String> results = new ArrayList<>();
public void logResults( String name, Double score, boolean passed ) {
this.results.add(name + " scored " + score + "%, which is a " + (passed ? "passing": "failing") + " grade.");
public List<String> getResults() { return this.results; }
global ExamResults results;
rule "Evaluate exam"
Student( $name: name )
Exam ( $score: score, name == $name )
boolean passed = $score > 60.0;
results.logResults( $name, $score, passed );
List<Student> students = ...;
List<Exam> exams = ... ;
ExamResults results = new ExamResults();
KieSession session = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();
students.forEach( student -> session.insert(students) );
exams.forEach( exam -> session.insert(exam) );
session.setGlobal( "results", results);
// Print the results:
If all you're trying to do is to get some data out of your rules (eg whether certain conditions match), I've written up answers about how to do that previously here and here. If you just want to know what rules triggered, you should write a listener which logs rule hits ("afterMatchFired").

Viewmodel not updating model after add or insert to list

I'm fairly new to MVVM and Entity framework and I've hit a problem trying to add new records to my SQL database through MVVM. Below is the first and last part of my viewmodel which loads from my entity framework and this is working fine.
internal class MainWindowViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged, IDisposable
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private TEAMSEntities ctx = new TEAMSEntities();
public MainWindowViewModel()
public void AddASale()
Tbl_Sales newsale = new Tbl_Sales();
newsale.SALEID = "2018...";
newsale.SALE = "....";
newsale.SALEDESC = "....";
newsale.START = Convert.ToDateTime("12/04/2018");
newsale.SESSIONS = 2;
newsale.DAYS = 2;
newsale.LOTS = 100;
newsale.FIRSTLOT = 1;
newsale.LASTLOT = 100;
#region Sale
private void FillSales()
var q = (from a in ctx.Tbl_Sales
select a).ToList();
this.Sales = q;
private List<Tbl_Sales> _sales;
public List<Tbl_Sales> Sales
return _sales;
_sales = value;
private Tbl_Sales _selectedSale;
public Tbl_Sales SelectedSale
return _selectedSale;
_selectedSale = value;
#endregion Sale
public void SaveChanges()
private void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] String
propertyName = "")
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public void Dispose()
When I make changes to existing data in the view bound to the viewmodel and call the SaveChanges method in the viewmodel it saves the change back to the SQL database every time. If I call the AddASale method it adds that sale to the list but doesn't refresh the UI control bound to Sales and doesn't pass the newly created sale back to the SQL DB. Through debugging I can see the set being called in the Sales property when the LINQ code runs but it doesn't fire when I add a new sale through the AddASale code which is probably why the UI isn't updating...?
Can anyone offer any guidance as to what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
First, add your new entity in your context and save it like this :
Tbl_Sales newsale = new Tbl_Sales
SALEID = "2018...",
SALE = "....",
SALEDESC = "....",
START = Convert.ToDateTime("12/04/2018"),
DAYS = 2,
LOTS = 100,
after that, I think you have to refresh your list manually :
Here, a link to MSDN
Hope I helped you

need test covrage class for salesforce trigger

I need to write test class for following trigger so that i can increase test covrage for to upload package on salesforce. I dont to how to write test class for triggers.
Trigger AutoActivityCreation on Account(after update)
List<Task> task = new List<Task>();
for (Integer i = 0; i <; i++) {
List<String> techs =[i].Toolsberry_new_tech_installs__c.split(';');
Integer added_tech = techs.size();
List<String> re_techs =[i].Toolsberry_removed_tech_installs__c.split(';');
Integer removed_tech = re_techs.size();
task.add(new Task([i].Id,[i].OwnerId,
Subject='Technologies Added '+added_tech+' , Removed '+removed_tech,
Status = 'Completed',
ActivityDate =
) ) ;
insert task;
can anybody help for this how to write test covrage class.
Rajendra J.
Please check this if it works for you.
private class TriggerTestClass {
static testMethod void autoTasktest() {
// TO DO: implement unit test
Account acc = new Account(
Name = 'Test Account 1',
Phone = '07123123123',
Toolsberry_new_tech_installs__c = 'null',
Toolsberry_removed_tech_installs__c = 'null');
insert acc;
acc.BillingCity = 'Test Area 2';
update acc;
and make sure you add the fields with values in your test method which are required in account object. It will give you best coverage.

Why is my Web API routing being re-routed / falsely routed?

I have two GET methods for a particular Controller / Repository:
public IEnumerable<InventoryItem> GetAllInventoryItems()
return inventoryItemsRepository.GetAll();
public IEnumerable<InventoryItem> GetBatchOfInventoryItemsByStartingID(string ID, int CountToFetch)
return inventoryItemsRepository.Get(ID, CountToFetch);
Even though I've tried calling it all these ways from the client, with two arguments:
formatargready_uri = string.Format("http://localhost:28642/api/inventoryItems/{0}/{1}", lastIDFetched, RECORDS_TO_FETCH);
var webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(formatargready_uri);
formatargready_uri = string.Format("http://localhost:28642/api/inventoryItems/?ID={0}&CountToFetch={1}", lastIDFetched, RECORDS_TO_FETCH);
var webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(formatargready_uri);
formatargready_uri = string.Format("http://localhost:28642/api/inventoryItems/ID={0}&CountToFetch={1}", lastIDFetched, RECORDS_TO_FETCH);
var webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(formatargready_uri); each case it is still the first method (GetAll) that is being called. Why?
Here is my Repository code:
public IEnumerable<InventoryItem> GetAll()
return inventoryItems;
public IEnumerable<InventoryItem> Get(string ID, int CountToFetch)
return inventoryItems.Where(i => 0 < String.Compare(i.Id, ID)).Take(CountToFetch);
...and here is what's in WebApiConfig.cs:
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
name: "DefaultApiWithParameters",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{ID}/{CountToFetch}",
defaults: new { ID = RouteParameter.Optional, CountToFetch = RouteParameter.Optional }
This will show what I've tried as to routing calls to the Controller method I'm trying to have run:
//[Route("api/{controller}/{ID:string}/{CountToFetch:int}")] <-- throws exception - won't run
//[Route("{controller}/{ID:string}/{CountToFetch:int}")] <-- throws exception - won't run
//[Route("inventoryItems/{ID:string}/{CountToFetch:int}")] <-- throws exception - won't run
//[Route("api/inventoryItems/{ID:string}/{CountToFetch:int}")] <-- throws exception - won't run
//[Route("api/{controller}/{ID}/{CountToFetch}")] // <-- runs, but is not called
[Route("api/InventoryItemsController/{ID}/{CountToFetch}")] // <-- runs, but is not called
//[Route("api/{controller}/{ID:string}/{CountToFetch:int}")] <-- throws exception - won't run
So the method that I don't want to be called is extremely robust: no matter how I decorate the other method, or how I call it, the undesired one runs.
Wouldn't it have been easier to just allow the calling of Controller methods by name? e.g, given this Controller method:
public IEnumerable<InventoryItem> GetBatchOfInventoryItemsByStartingID(string ID, int CountToFetch)
return inventoryItemsRepository.Get(ID, CountToFetch); //.Where(i => string.Equals(p.Category, category, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
...why [c,w]ouldn't it be called from the client like so:
formatargready_uri = string.Format("http://localhost:28642/api/InventoryItemsController.GetBatchOfInventoryItemsByStartingID/{0}/{1}", lastIDFetched, RECORDS_TO_FETCH);
ISTM that would be something that like that would have been a lot more intuitive.
So what it boils down to is: Why is my GetAll() method getting called, when it takes no args?
Possibly the routing mechanism is getting confused because of lastIDFetched being set to an empty string:
string lastIDFetched = string.Empty;
...and so then formatargready_uri. which is assigned to this way:
formatargready_uri = string.Format("http://locohost:28642/api/InventoryItems/{0}/{1}", lastIDFetched, RECORDS_TO_FETCH); at first:
(when I would expect it to be:
Could it be that the "missing" first arg is what's throwing the routing mechanism off, so that when it sees:
"http://locohost:28642/api/InventoryItems//100" doesn't know whether to call this:
public IEnumerable<InventoryItem> GetBatchOfInventoryItemsByStartingID(string ID, int CountToFetch)
return inventoryItemsRepository.Get(ID, CountToFetch); //.Where(i => string.Equals(p.Category, category,
...or this:
public IEnumerable<InventoryItem> GetAllInventoryItems()
return inventoryItemsRepository.GetAll();
When I comment out the other method, so that the client has no choice but to see the only existing method in the Controller/Repository, it does nothing on this line:
var webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(formatargready_uri);
(the two-arg method in the Controller still isn't called)
This is all that's in the Controller now:
public class InventoryItemsController : ApiController
static readonly IInventoryItemRepository inventoryItemsRepository = new InventoryItemRepository();
[Route("api/InventoryItems/{ID}/{CountToFetch:int}")] // <-- with this route decoration commented out or not, makes no difference
public IEnumerable<InventoryItem> GetBatchOfInventoryItemsByStartingID(string ID, int CountToFetch)
return inventoryItemsRepository.Get(ID, CountToFetch); //.Where(i => string.Equals(p.Category, category, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
Here is the corresponding Repository interface:
interface IInventoryItemRepository
IEnumerable<InventoryItem> Get(string ID, int CountToFetch);
InventoryItem Add(InventoryItem item);
...Repository implementation:
public class InventoryItemRepository : IInventoryItemRepository
private readonly List<InventoryItem> inventoryItems = new List<InventoryItem>();
public InventoryItemRepository()
// code that populates inventoryItems by calling Add() not shown - it works, though
public IEnumerable<InventoryItem> Get(string ID, int CountToFetch)
return inventoryItems.Where(i => 0 < String.Compare(i.Id, ID)).Take(CountToFetch);
public InventoryItem Add(InventoryItem item)
if (item == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("item");
return item;
...and the client code that calls it:
formatargready_uri = string.Format("http://localhost:28642/api/InventoryItems/{0}/{1}", lastIDFetched, RECORDS_TO_FETCH);
var webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(formatargready_uri);
Well, I'll be darned like a holey sock. It seems to have been a problem with starting out with the empty string, after all. When I changed the initial value of lastIDFetched from string.Empty to "billy" it worked... Is this a bug? Is there a workaround? If I want to start from "scratch," what would I use rather than string.Empty? A blank space (" ") also doesn't work.
First, why are you having {controller} in the following attribute route? By decorating with an attribute route here you already are indicating the controller and action which should be hit, so remove {controller} here and replace it with the controller name.
public IEnumerable<InventoryItem> GetBatchOfInventoryItemsByStartingID(string ID, int CountToFetch)
return inventoryItemsRepository.Get(ID, CountToFetch);
Requests 1) and 2) where you are using query string would not work because ID and CountToFetch are required route parameters.

How to apply like search on GWT cell table?

I am using GWT 2.3.I which I am using GWT cell table.
Here below is the code for my cell table:
public class FormGrid extends SuperGrid {
List<Form> formList;
public void setColumns(CellTable table) {
TextColumn<Form> nameColumn = new TextColumn<Form>() {
public String getValue(Form object) {
return object.getName();
table.addColumn(nameColumn, "Name");
public void setData() {
if (formList != null && formList.size() > 0) {
AsyncDataProvider<Form> provider = new AsyncDataProvider<Form>() {
protected void onRangeChanged(HasData<Form> display) {
int start = display.getVisibleRange().getStart();
int end = start + display.getVisibleRange().getLength();
end = end >= formList.size() ? formList.size() : end;
List<Form> sub = formList.subList(start, end);
updateRowData(start, sub);
provider.updateRowCount(formList.size(), true);
public List<Form> getFormList() {
return formList;
public void setFormList(List<Form> formList) {
this.formList = formList;
In this my set column and set data will be called fro super class flow.This cell table is working fine.
Now I want to put a filter type facility (like search) in this cell table.It should be like, there is a texbox above the cell table and what ever written in that text box, it should fire a like query to all form name for that text box value.
for example I have 1000 form in the grid.Now if user writes 'app' in some filter textbox above the cell table the all the form which have 'app' in there name will be filtered and grid has only those forms only.
This is the first case:
Another case is I am only render one column in grid name.I have two more properties in form (description,tag).But I am not rendering for filter if user writes 'app' in filter box then it should make a query to all three (name, description, and tag) and should return if 'app' matched to any of three.
I am not getting how to apply filter in cell table.
Please help me out.Thanks in advance.
You can find an implementation in the expenses sample.
Here is a short summary of the steps
1.) Create a Textbox and a SearchButton.
2.) add a clickHandler to the SearchButton (You can also add KeyUpHandler to the Textbox alternatively)
searchButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
3.) In the search function retrieve the searchString and store it.
private void search() {
searchString = searchBox.getText();
4.) modify your setdata() function to take searchString into account
public void setData() {
if (formList != null && formList.size() > 0) {
AsyncDataProvider<Form> provider = new AsyncDataProvider<Form>() {
protected void onRangeChanged(HasData<Form> display) {
int start = display.getVisibleRange().getStart();
int end = start + display.getVisibleRange().getLength();
//new function if searchString is specified take into account
List<Form> sub = getSubList(start,end);
end = end >= sub.size() ? sub.size() : end;
updateRowData(sub.subList(start, end);, sub);
provider.updateRowCount(formList.size(), true);
private List<Form> getSubList(int start, int end) {
List<Form> filtered_list = null;
if (searchString != null) {
filtered_list= new ArrayList<Form>();
for (Form form : formList) {
if (form.getName().equals(searchString) || form.getTag().equals(searchString) || form.getDescription().equals(searchString))
filtered_list = formList;
return filtered_list;
can propose another solution what can be used quite easy multiple times.
Idea is to create custom provider for your celltable.
GWT celltable filtering
Video in this post shows it in action.
Here is the part of code of custom list data provider which u have to implement.
protected void updateRowData(HasData display, int start, List values) {
if (!hasFilter() || filter == null) { // we don't need to filter, so call base class
super.updateRowData(display, start, values);
} else {
int end = start + values.size();
Range range = display.getVisibleRange();
int curStart = range.getStart();
int curLength = range.getLength();
int curEnd = curStart + curLength;
if (start == curStart || (curStart < end && curEnd > start)) {
int realStart = curStart < start ? start : curStart;
int realEnd = curEnd > end ? end : curEnd;
int realLength = realEnd - realStart;
List<t> resulted = new ArrayList<t>(realLength);
for (int i = realStart - start; i < realStart - start + realLength; i++) {
if (filter.isValid((T) values.get(i), getFilter())) {
resulted.add((T) values.get(i));
display.setRowData(realStart, resulted);