SwiftUI: How to iterate over an array of bindable objects? - swift

I'm trying to learn SwiftUI, and how bindings work.
I have this code that works, that shows a list of projects. When one project is tapped, a binding to that project is passed to the child view:
struct ProjectsView: View {
#ObjectBinding var state: AppState
#State var projectName: String = ""
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
ForEach(0..<state.projects.count) { index in
NavigationLink(destination: ProjectView(project: self.$state.projects[index])) {
The child view, where I'm mutating the project using a binding:
struct ProjectView: View {
#Binding var project: Project
#State var projectName: String = ""
var body: some View {
VStack {
placeholder: Text("Change project name"),
onCommit: {
self.project.title = self.projectName
self.projectName = ""
However, I would rather iterate over the projects array without using indexes (beacuse I want to learn, and its easier to read), but not sure how I then can pass the binding to a single project. I tried it like this, but then I can't get access to project.title, since it's a binding, and not a String.
ForEach($state.projects) { project in
NavigationLink(destination: ProjectView(project: project)) {
How can I achieve this?

Note: I use Xcode 11.2, #ObjectBinding is obsoleted in it (so you need to update to verify below code).
I asked about model, because it might matter for approach. For similar functionality I preferred Combine's ObservableObject, so model is reference not value types.
Here is the approach, which I tune for your scenario. It is not exactly as you requested, because ForEach requires some sequence, but you try to feed it with unsupported type.
Anyway you may consider below just as alternate (and it is w/o indexes). It is complete module so you can paste it in Xcode 11.2 and test in preview. Hope it would be helpful somehow.
import SwiftUI
import Combine
class Project: ObservableObject, Identifiable {
var id: String = UUID().uuidString
#Published var title: String = ""
init (title: String) {
self.title = title
class AppState: ObservableObject {
#Published var projects: [Project] = []
init(_ projects: [Project]) {
self.projects = projects
struct ProjectView: View {
#ObservedObject var project: Project
#State var projectName: String = ""
var body: some View {
VStack {
TextField("Change project name",
text: $projectName,
onCommit: {
self.project.title = self.projectName
self.projectName = ""
struct ContentView: View {
#ObservedObject var state: AppState = AppState([Project(title: "1"), Project(title: "2")])
#State private var refreshed = false
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
ForEach(state.projects) { project in
NavigationLink(destination: ProjectView(project: project)) {
// !!! existance of .refreshed state property somewhere in ViewBuilder
// is important to inavidate view, so below is just a demo
Text("Named: \(self.refreshed ? project.title : project.title)")
.onReceive(project.$title) { _ in
.navigationBarItems(trailing: Button(action: {
self.state.projects.append(Project(title: "Unknown"))
}) {
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {

I'm sort of stuck on the same issue you are, and I found a partial solution. But first I should point out that iterating over the index with ForEach(0..<state.projects.count) { index in ... } is not a good idea because index is an Int, which does not conform to Identifiable. Because of that, the UI will not update when your array changes, and you'll see a warning in the console.
My solution directly accesses the state.projects array when creating ProjectView and using firstIndex(of:) to get a bindable form of the project element. It's kind of icky but it's as far as I could get to making it more SwiftUI-y.
ForEach(state.projects) { project in
NavigationLink(destination: ProjectView(project: self.$state.projects[self.state.projects.firstIndex(of: project)!]))) {

I've found this works:
In your AppState, when you add a project, observe its changes:
import Combine
class AppState: ObservableObject {
#Published var projects: [Project]
var futures = Set<AnyCancellable>()
func addProject(project: Project) {
.sink {_ in
.store(in: &futures)
If you ever need to create a binding for a project var in your outer view, do it like this:
func titleBinding(forProject project: Project) -> Binding<String> {
Binding {
} set: { newValue in
project.title = newValue
You shouldn't need it if you are passing the project into another view, though.

Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be possible at this time. The only way to achieve this is like the following:
ForEach(state.projects.indices) { index in
NavigationLink(destination: ProjectView(project: state.projects[index])) {
NOTE: I didn't compile this code. This is just to give you the gesture for how to go about it. i.e. use and index of type Index and not Int.


SwiftUI - Nested links within NavigationStack inside a NavigationSplitView not working

I'm playing around with the new navigation API's offered in ipadOS16/macOS13, but having some trouble working out how to combine NavigationSplitView, NavigationStack and NavigationLink together on macOS 13 (Testing on a Macbook Pro M1). The same code does work properly on ipadOS.
I'm using a two-column NavigationSplitView. Within the 'detail' section I have a list of SampleModel1 instances wrapped in a NavigationStack. On the List I've applied navigationDestination's for both SampleModel1 and SampleModel2 instances.
When I select a SampleModel1 instance from the list, I navigate to a detailed view that itself contains a list of SampleModel2 instances. My intention is to navigate further into the NavigationStack when clicking on one of the SampleModel2 instances but unfortunately this doesn't seem to work. The SampleModel2 instances are selectable but no navigation is happening.
When I remove the NavigationSplitView completely, and only use the NavigationStack the problem does not arise, and i can successfully navigate to the SampleModel2 instances.
Here's my sample code:
// Sample model definitions used to trigger navigation with navigationDestination API.
struct SampleModel1: Hashable, Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
static let samples = [SampleModel1(), SampleModel1(), SampleModel1()]
struct SampleModel2: Hashable, Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
static let samples = [SampleModel2(), SampleModel2(), SampleModel2()]
// The initial view loaded by the app. This will initialize the NavigationSplitView
struct ContentView: View {
enum NavItem {
case first
var body: some View {
NavigationSplitView {
NavigationLink(value: NavItem.first) {
Label("First", systemImage: "house")
} detail: {
// A list of SampleModel1 instances wrapped in a NavigationStack with multiple navigationDestinations
struct SampleListView: View {
#State var path = NavigationPath()
#State var selection: SampleModel1.ID? = nil
var body: some View {
NavigationStack(path: $path) {
List(SampleModel1.samples, selection: $selection) { model in
NavigationLink("\(model.id)", value: model)
.navigationDestination(for: SampleModel1.self) { model in
SampleDetailView(model: model)
.navigationDestination(for: SampleModel2.self) { model in
Text("Model 2 ID \(model.id)")
// A detailed view of a single SampleModel1 instance. This includes a list
// of SampleModel2 instances that we would like to be able to navigate to
struct SampleDetailView: View {
var model: SampleModel1
var body: some View {
Text("Model 1 ID \(model.id)")
List (SampleModel2.samples) { model2 in
NavigationLink("\(model2.id)", value: model2)
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
I removed this unclear ZStack and all works fine. Xcode 14b3 / iOS 16
// ZStack { // << this !!
// }
Apple just releases macos13 beta 5 and they claimed this was resolved through feedback assistant, but unfortunately this doesn't seem to be the case.
I cross-posted this question on the apple developers forum and user nkalvi posted a workaround for this issue. I’ll post his example code here for future reference.
import SwiftUI
// Sample model definitions used to trigger navigation with navigationDestination API.
struct SampleModel1: Hashable, Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
static let samples = [SampleModel1(), SampleModel1(), SampleModel1()]
struct SampleModel2: Hashable, Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
static let samples = [SampleModel2(), SampleModel2(), SampleModel2()]
// The initial view loaded by the app. This will initialize the NavigationSplitView
struct ContentView: View {
#State var path = NavigationPath()
enum NavItem: Hashable, Equatable {
case first
var body: some View {
NavigationSplitView {
List {
NavigationLink(value: NavItem.first) {
Label("First", systemImage: "house")
} detail: {
SampleListView(path: $path)
// A list of SampleModel1 instances wrapped in a NavigationStack with multiple navigationDestinations
struct SampleListView: View {
// Get the selection from DetailView and append to path
// via .onChange
#State var selection2: SampleModel2? = nil
#Binding var path: NavigationPath
var body: some View {
NavigationStack(path: $path) {
VStack {
Text("Path: \(path.count)")
List(SampleModel1.samples) { model in
NavigationLink("Model1: \(model.id)", value: model)
.navigationDestination(for: SampleModel2.self) { model in
Text("Model 2 ID \(model.id)")
.navigationTitle("navigationDestination(for: SampleModel2.self)")
.navigationDestination(for: SampleModel1.self) { model in
SampleDetailView(model: model, path: $path, selection2: $selection2)
.navigationTitle("navigationDestination(for: SampleModel1.self)")
.onChange(of: selection2) { newValue in
// A detailed view of a single SampleModel1 instance. This includes a list
// of SampleModel2 instances that we would like to be able to navigate to
struct SampleDetailView: View {
var model: SampleModel1
#Binding var path: NavigationPath
#Binding var selection2: SampleModel2?
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
Text("Path: \(path.count)")
List(SampleModel2.samples, selection: $selection2) { model2 in
NavigationLink("Model2: \(model2.id)", value: model2)
// This also works (without .onChange):
// Button(model2.id.uuidString) {
// path.append(model2)
// }
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {

Keeping data in SwiftUI MVVM hierarchy without persistence

I am new to SwiftUI, coming from Java. I know MVC pattern and try to understand MVVM in SwiftUI. It kindly works, but I don't know how to keep data between View hierarchy... also the View should not know anything about models, so I tried using the ViewModels passing around the views. Each ViewModel than should manage their Model.
First Question: Is this a good way to implement MVVM in SwiftUI like I did?
Second: Anyone here who could help me out to divide strictly Model from View and getting this code working?
For now I can add a Garage, go into GarageView and add certain Car models. After switching back to GarageListView and adding another Garage model all Car models from first Garage model are gone... what am I doing wrong? ;(
import SwiftUI
// Models
struct Car: Identifiable, Codable {
var id = UUID()
var name: String
struct Garage: Identifiable, Codable {
var id = UUID()
var name: String
var cars: [Car] = []
// ViewModels
class GarageListViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var garages: [Garage] = []
class GarageViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var garage: Garage
init(garage: Garage) {
self.garage = garage
class CarViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var car: Car
init(car: Car) {
self.car = car
// Views
struct GarageListView: View {
#ObservedObject var viewModel: GarageListViewModel
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(viewModel.garages) { garage in
NavigationLink {
GarageView(viewModel: GarageViewModel(garage: garage))
} label: {
.toolbar {
Button {
viewModel.garages.append(Garage(name: "My Garage"))
} label: {
Label("Add", systemImage: "plus")
struct GarageView: View {
#ObservedObject var viewModel: GarageViewModel
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(viewModel.garage.cars) { car in
NavigationLink {
CarDetailView(viewModel: CarViewModel(car: car))
} label: {
.toolbar {
Button {
viewModel.garage.cars.append(Car(name: "My Car"))
} label: {
Label("Add", systemImage: "plus")
struct CarDetailView: View {
#ObservedObject var viewModel: CarViewModel
var body: some View {
struct ContentView: View {
#StateObject var viewModel = GarageListViewModel()
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
GarageListView(viewModel: viewModel)
I would switch from using struct to class. Structs are passed by value, so you'd never get the exact same struct but a copy of it. By adding a new GarageViewModel, SwiftUI will rerender the List, that's why you lose your garages' cars when you add a new garage.
On a side note, you also forgot to add a NavigationView around your GarageListView and the List in the GarageView, rendering the NavigationLinks useless.
It can be a bit overwhelming to get into MVVC. I would definitely go through Apple's SwiftUI Tutorials as they subtly go through how to set up an MVVC.
As #loremipsum said, you should never init your ViewModel in a view struct because structs are immutable value types, and SwiftUI simply discards the view and recreates it, recreating EVERYTHING inside of it. Also, as you said yourself, your views shouldn't know about the inner workings of the model, so the model should change itself. Therefore, adding garages and cars should be handled in the ViewModel.
Another thing with the ViewModel; you do not need one for EACH view. In this case, one GaragesViewModel can handle all your data. And it should. Apple talks about having a "single source of truth'. That means that there is ONE place your views can go and get the data. That is your ViewModel. Unless you have a wholly unrelated set of data, keep it in one model.
Lastly, before some example code, not every view needs to have the model, or even a mutable parameter. Remember, views are disposable, and with them their parameters are disposed of. If you mutate the model, you will get a new view, so let constants are fine to use. I left your models alone and removed the CarViewModel. It is not needed in this example.
// ViewModel
class GaragesViewModel: ObservableObject {
// This initializes the model IN the model and provides a Singleton.
// You can refer to it anywhere you need to in code.
static var shared = GaragesViewModel()
#Published var garages: [Garage] = []
// Data manipulation in the model
public func addNewGarage() {
garages.append(Garage(name: "My Garage"))
public func add(car: Car, to garage:Garage) {
// The guard will stop the func if garage is not in garages.
guard let index = garages.firstIndex(where: { $0.id == garage.id }) else { return }
// Views
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
struct GarageListView: View {
// Since this is the only view that needs the model, it is called here.
// There is no need to pass it in.
#ObservedObject var viewModel = GaragesViewModel.shared
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(viewModel.garages) { garage in
NavigationLink {
GarageView(garage: garage)
} label: {
.toolbar {
Button {
} label: {
Label("Add", systemImage: "plus")
struct GarageView: View {
// GarageView doesn't mutate garage, so it can be a let constant. KISS principal.
let garage: Garage
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(garage.cars) { car in
NavigationLink {
CarDetailView(car: car)
} label: {
.toolbar {
Button {
// if you wanted, you could add a func to car to return a new "My Car"
// and further separate the model.
GaragesViewModel.shared.add(car: Car(name: "My Car"), to: garage)
} label: {
Label("Add", systemImage: "plus")
struct CarDetailView: View {
// CarDetailView doesn't mutate car, so it can be a let constant.
let car: Car
var body: some View {
Welcome to StackOverflow! You just got yourself too far into the weeds trying to implement this, but it was a good first shot.
You can add something like:
public func changeName(of car: Car, in garage: Garage, to name: String) {
guard let garageIndex = garages.firstIndex(where: { $0.id == garage.id }),
let carIndex = garage.cars.firstIndex(where: { $0.id == car.id }) else { return }
garages[garageIndex].cars[carIndex].name = name
to your model, and then use it like this:
struct CarDetailView: View {
// Make car an #State variable so you can change it, and then pass the change to the func in the model.
#State var car: Car
let garage: Garage
var body: some View {
VStack {
TextField("", text: $car.name)
Button {
GaragesViewModel.shared.changeName(of: car, in: garage)
} label: {
Now, this is for learning purposes only. I would not use this in a shipping app as you have no persistence of your data. If you need to create a database of cars and garages, etc. I would use CoreData to track it, and it works a little differently than just using the structs and class we have here.
Also, if you have any more questions, you really need to make a new question. The purpose of StackOverflow is to get discrete answers to discrete questions, and so follow on questions are discouraged.

How to correctly handle Picker in Update Views (SwiftUI)

I'm quite new to SwiftUI and I'm wondering how I should use a picker in an update view correctly.
At the moment I have a form and load the data in with .onAppear(). That works fine but when I try to pick something and go back to the update view the .onAppear() gets called again and I loose the picked value.
In the code it looks like this:
import SwiftUI
struct MaterialUpdateView: View {
// Bindings
#State var material: Material
// Form Values
#State var selectedUnit = ""
var body: some View {
List() {
Section(header: Text("MATERIAL")){
// Picker for the Unit
Picker(selection: $selectedUnit, label: Text("Einheit")) {
ForEach(API().units) { unit in
func prepareToUpdate() {
self.selectedUnit = self.material.unit
Does anyone has experience with that problem or am I doing something terribly wrong?
You need to create a custom binding which we will implement in another subview. This subview will be initialised with the binding vars selectedUnit and material
First, make your MaterialUpdateView:
struct MaterialUpdateView: View {
// Bindings
#State var material : Material
// Form Values
#State var selectedUnit = ""
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List() {
Section(header: Text("MATERIAL")) {
MaterialPickerView(selectedUnit: $selectedUnit, material: $material)
func prepareToUpdate() {
self.selectedUnit = self.material.unit
Then, below, add your MaterialPickerView, as shown:
Disclaimer: You need to be able to access your API() from here, so move it or add it in this view. As I have seen that you are re-instanciating it everytime, maybe it is better that you store its instance with let api = API() and then refer to it with api, and even pass it to this view as such!
struct MaterialPickerView: View {
#Binding var selectedUnit: String
#Binding var material : Material
#State var idx: Int = 0
var body: some View {
let binding = Binding<Int>(
get: { self.idx },
set: {
self.idx = $0
self.selectedUnit = API().units[self.idx].name
self.material.unit = self.selectedUnit
return Picker(selection: binding, label: Text("Einheit")) {
ForEach(API().units.indices) { i in
That should do,let me know if it works!

SwiftUI List selection always nil

In my macOS app project, I have a SwiftUI List view of NavigationLinks build with a foreach loop from an array of items:
struct MenuView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var settings: UserSettings
var body: some View {
List(selection: $settings.selectedWeek) {
ForEach(settings.weeks) { week in
destination: WeekView(week: week)
tag: week,
selection: $settings.selectedWeek)
Image(systemName: "circle")
.onDelete { set in
settings.weeks.remove(atOffsets: set)
.onMove { set, i in
settings.weeks.move(fromOffsets: set, toOffset: i)
This view creates the sidebar menu for a overall NavigationView.
In this List view, I would like to use the selection mechanic together with tag from NavigationLink. Week is a custom model class:
struct Week: Identifiable, Hashable, Equatable {
var id = UUID()
var days: [Day] = []
var name: String
And UserSettings looks like this:
class UserSettings: ObservableObject {
#Published var weeks: [Week] = [
Week(name: "test week 1"),
Week(name: "foobar"),
Week(name: "hello world")
#Published var selectedWeek: Week? = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "week.selected") as? Week {
didSet {
var a = oldValue
var b = selectedWeek
UserDefaults.standard.set(selectedWeek, forKey: "week.selected")
My goal is to directly store the value from List selection in UserDefaults. The didSet property gets executed, but the variable is always nil. For some reason the selected List value can't be stored in the published / bindable variable.
Why is $settings.selectedWeek always nil?
A couple of suggestions:
SwiftUI (specifically on macOS) is unreliable/unpredictable with certain List behaviors. One of them is selection -- there are a number of things that either completely don't work or at best are slightly broken that work fine with the equivalent iOS code. The good news is that NavigationLink and isActive works like a selection in a list -- I'll use that in my example.
#Published didSet may work in certain situations, but that's another thing that you shouldn't rely on. The property wrapper aspect makes it behave differently than one might except (search SO for "#Published didSet" to see a reasonable number of issues dealing with it). The good news is that you can use Combine to recreate the behavior and do it in a safer/more-reliable way.
A logic error in the code:
You are storing a Week in your user defaults with a certain UUID. However, you regenerate the array of weeks dynamically on every launch, guaranteeing that their UUIDs will be different. You need to store your week's along with your selection if you want to maintain them from launch to launch.
Here's a working example which I'll point out a few things about below:
import SwiftUI
import Combine
struct ContentView : View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
class UserSettings: ObservableObject {
#Published var weeks: [Week] = []
#Published var selectedWeek: UUID? = nil
private var cancellable : AnyCancellable?
private var initialItems = [
Week(name: "test week 1"),
Week(name: "foobar"),
Week(name: "hello world")
init() {
let decoder = PropertyListDecoder()
if let data = UserDefaults.standard.data(forKey: "weeks") {
weeks = (try? decoder.decode([Week].self, from: data)) ?? initialItems
} else {
weeks = initialItems
if let prevValue = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "week.selected.id") {
selectedWeek = UUID(uuidString: prevValue)
print("Set selection to: \(prevValue)")
cancellable = $selectedWeek.sink {
if let id = $0?.uuidString {
UserDefaults.standard.set(id, forKey: "week.selected.id")
let encoder = PropertyListEncoder()
if let encoded = try? encoder.encode(self.weeks) {
UserDefaults.standard.set(encoded, forKey: "weeks")
func selectionBindingForId(id: UUID) -> Binding<Bool> {
Binding<Bool> { () -> Bool in
self.selectedWeek == id
} set: { (newValue) in
if newValue {
self.selectedWeek = id
//Unknown what you have in here
struct Day : Equatable, Hashable, Codable {
struct Week: Identifiable, Hashable, Equatable, Codable {
var id = UUID()
var days: [Day] = []
var name: String
struct WeekView : View {
var week : Week
var body: some View {
Text("Week: \(week.name)")
struct MenuView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var settings: UserSettings
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(settings.weeks) { week in
destination: WeekView(week: week)
isActive: settings.selectionBindingForId(id: week.id)
Image(systemName: "circle")
.onDelete { set in
settings.weeks.remove(atOffsets: set)
.onMove { set, i in
settings.weeks.move(fromOffsets: set, toOffset: i)
In UserSettings.init the weeks are loaded if they've been saved before (guaranteeing the same IDs)
Use Combine on $selectedWeek instead of didSet. I only store the ID, since it seems a little pointless to store the whole Week struct, but you could alter that
I create a dynamic binding for the NavigationLinks isActive property -- the link is active if the stored selectedWeek is the same as the NavigationLink's week ID.
Beyond those things, it's mostly the same as your code. I don't use selection on List, just isActive on the NavigationLink
I didn't implement storing the Week again if you did the onMove or onDelete, so you would have to implement that.
Bumped into a situation like this where multiple item selection didn't work on macOS. Here's what I think is happening and how to workaround it and get it working
So on macOS NavigationLinks embedded in a List render their Destination in a detail view (by default anyway). e.g.
struct ContentView: View {
let beatles = ["John", "Paul", "Ringo", "George", "Pete"]
#State var listSelection = Set<String>()
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List(beatles, id: \.self, selection: $listSelection) { name in
NavigationLink(name) {
Text("Some details about \(name)")
Renders like so
When NavigationLinks are used it is impossible to select multiple items in the sidebar (at least as of Xcode 13 beta4).
... but it works fine if just Text elements are used without any NavigationLink embedding.
What's happening
The detail view can only show one NavigationLink View at a time and somewhere in the code (possibly NavigationView) there is piece of code that is enforcing that compliance by stomping on multiple selection and setting it to nil, e.g.
let selectionBinding = Binding {
} set: { newVal in
guard newVal <= 1 else {
backingVal = nil
backingVal = newVal
What happens in these case is to the best of my knowledge not defined. With some Views such as TextField it goes out of sync with it's original Source of Truth (for more), while with others, as here it respects it.
Previously I suggested using a ZStack to get around the problem, which works, but is over complicated.
Instead the idiomatic option for macOS, as spotted on the Lost Moa blog post is to not use NaviationLink at all.
It turns out that just placing sidebar and detail Views adjacent to each other and using binding is enough for NavigationView to understand how to render and stops it stomping on multiple item selections. Example shown below:
struct ContentView: View {
let beatles = ["John", "Paul", "Ringo", "George", "Pete"]
#State var listSelection: Set<String> = []
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
SideBar(items: beatles, selection: $listSelection)
Detail(ids: listSelection)
struct SideBar: View {
let items: Array<String>
#Binding var selection: Set<String>
var body: some View {
List(items, id: \.self, selection: $selection) { name in
struct Detail: View {
let ids: Set<String>
var detailsMsg: String {
ids.count == 1 ? "Would show details for \(ids.first)"
: ids.count > 1 ? "Too many items selected"
: "Nothing selected"
var body: some View {
Have fun.

SwiftUI ObservedObject causes undesirable visible view updates

I am working on an app that applies a filter to an image. The filter has a number of parameters that the user can modify. I have created an ObservableObject that contain said parameters. Whenever one of the parameters changes, there is a visible update for views, even if the view displays the same value as before. This does not happen when I model the parameters as individual #State variables.
If this is to be expected (after all the observed object does change, so each view depending on it will update), is an ObservedObject the right tool for the job? On the other hand it seems to be very inconvenient to model the parameters as individual #State/#Binding variables, especially if a large number of parameters (e.g. 10+) need to be passed to multiple subviews!
Hence my question:
Am I using ObservedObject correctly here? Are the visible updates unintended, but acceptable, or is there a better solution to handle this in swiftUI?
Example using #ObservedObject:
import SwiftUI
class Parameters: ObservableObject {
#Published var pill: String = "red"
#Published var hand: String = "left"
struct ContentView: View {
#ObservedObject var parameters = Parameters()
var body: some View {
VStack {
// Using the other Picker causes a visual effect here...
Picker(selection: self.$parameters.pill, label: Text("Which pill?")) {
// Using the other Picker causes a visual effect here...
Picker(selection: self.$parameters.hand, label: Text("Which hand?")) {
Example using #State variables:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
#State var pill: String = "red"
#State var hand: String = "left"
var body: some View {
VStack {
Picker(selection: self.$pill, label: Text("Which pill?")) {
Picker(selection: self.$hand, label: Text("Which hand?")) {
Warning: This answer is less than ideal. If the properties of parameters will be updated in another view (e.g. an extra picker), the picker view will not be updated.
The ContentView should not 'observe' parameters; a change in parameters will cause it to update its content (which is visible in case of the Pickers). To prevent the need for the observed property wrapper, we can provide explicit bindings for parameter's properties instead. It is OK for a subview of ContentView to use #Observed on parameters.
import SwiftUI
class Parameters: ObservableObject {
#Published var pill: String = "red"
#Published var hand: String = "left"
struct ContentView: View {
var parameters = Parameters()
var handBinding: Binding<String> {
get: { self.parameters.hand },
set: { self.parameters.hand = $0 }
var pillBinding: Binding<String> {
get: { self.parameters.pill },
set: { self.parameters.pill = $0 }
var body: some View {
VStack {
InfoDisplay(parameters: parameters)
Picker(selection: self.pillBinding, label: Text("Which pill?")) {
Picker(selection: self.handBinding, label: Text("Which hand?")) {
Text("left" ).tag("left")
struct InfoDisplay: View {
#ObservedObject var parameters: Parameters
var body: some View {
Text("I took the \(parameters.pill) pill from your \(parameters.hand) hand!")
Second attempt
ContentView should not observe parameters (this causes the undesired visible update). The properties of parameters should be ObservableObjects as well to make sure views can update when a specific property changes.
Since Strings are structs they cannot conform to ObservableObject; a small wrapper 'ObservableValue' is necessary.
MyPicker is a small wrapper around Picker to make the view update on changes. The default Picker accepts a binding and thus relies on a view up the hierarchy to perform updates.
This approach feels scalable:
There is a single source of truth (parameters in ContentView)
Views only update when necessary (no undesired visual effects)
Seems a lot of boilerplate code for something that feels so trivial it should be provided by the platform (I feel I am missing something)
If you add a second MyPicker for the same property, the updates are not instantaneous.
import SwiftUI
import Combine
class ObservableValue<Value: Hashable>: ObservableObject {
#Published var value: Value
init(initialValue: Value) {
value = initialValue
struct MyPicker<Value: Hashable, Label: View, Content : View>: View {
#ObservedObject var object: ObservableValue<Value>
let content: () -> Content
let label: Label
init(object: ObservableValue<Value>,
label: Label,
#ViewBuilder _ content: #escaping () -> Content) {
self.object = object
self.label = label
self.content = content
var body: some View {
Picker(selection: $object.value, label: label, content: content)
class Parameters: ObservableObject {
var pill = ObservableValue(initialValue: "red" )
var hand = ObservableValue(initialValue: "left")
private var subscriber: Any?
init() {
subscriber = pill.$value
.sink { _ in
struct ContentView: View {
var parameters = Parameters()
var body: some View {
VStack {
InfoDisplay(parameters: parameters)
MyPicker(object: parameters.pill, label: Text("Which pill?")) {
MyPicker(object: parameters.hand, label: Text("Which hand?")) {
struct InfoDisplay: View {
#ObservedObject var parameters: Parameters
var body: some View {
Text("I took the \(parameters.pill.value) pill from your \(parameters.hand.value) hand!")