My goal is to have multiple ports defined for a service of type LoadBalancer and I do not want to copy paste the same thing over and over again.
I did come to a solution, but sure how I could define the range - I need all values from 50000 to 50999.
In my service, I define the range:
{{- range $service.ports }}
- name: tport
protocol: TCP
port: {{ . }}
{{- end }}
And in my values file:
- 50000
- 50001
- 50999
How could I define the ports or update the service template to do this?
Put the min and max port as two different values on your values.yaml and use the range on your template like this:
{{- range untilStep (.Values.config.min_port|int) (.Values.config.max_port|int) 1 }}
- port: {{ . }}
targetPort: "tcp-{{ . }}"
protocol: TCP
name: "tcp-{{ . }}"
{{ -end }}
I am using Helm 3. I have two values.yaml files. In common/values.yaml I have defined:
- name: http
protocol: TCP
The common is of the type library. In my-app, which is of the type application, the common is added as a dependency. In my-app/values.yaml I have added:
- containerPort: 8081
I have defined a template _deployment.yaml in common/templates. In this file I am trying to merge these two deployment dictionaries into one by using:
{{- $deployment := merge .Values.common.deployment .Values.deployment -}}
When I am printing {{ $deployment }}, it is giving output:
map[ports:[map[containerPort:8080 name:http protocol:TCP]]]
And if I do:
{{- $deployment := merge .Values.deployment .Values.common.deployment -}}
The output of {{ $deployment }} is:
Moreover the output of {{ .Values.common.deployment }} is:
map[ports:[map[name:http protocol:TCP]]]
And the output of {{ .Values.deployment }} is:
What I would like to have after merging is:
- name: http
protocol: TCP
containerPort: 8081
Any advice you could give would be much appreciated.
Looks like the merge operation does not work as expected on lists (it's a common problem, as the merge operation is ambiguous on list: should a list be appended or replaced when merging ?)
Anyway, I would suggest to merge the ports data with:
{{- $ports := merge .Values.deployment.ports[0] .Values.common.deployment.ports[0] -}}
and render the result with:
- {{- toJson $ports }}
I am setting up a Kong ingress controller, however, the default ingress controller listening ports are 80/443. I need to add an additional HTTPS port (8080). I can change the default HTTPS port using the servicePort in the values file, however this replaces the default HTTPS port 443 with 8080. Is there a way to add an additional HTTPS port? In the API Gateway we used to be able to define it in the proxy_listen config, however, this doesn't seem to work in the Kong Ingress controller.
You will need customize the chart,
{{- if .tls.enabled }}
- name: kong-{{ .serviceName }}-tls
port: {{ .tls.servicePort }}
targetPort: {{ .tls.overrideServiceTargetPort | default .tls.containerPort }}
appProtocol: https
- name: kong-{{ .serviceName }}-tls-customize
port: {{ .tls.servicePort_custom }}
targetPort: {{ .tls.overrideServiceTargetPort | default .tls.containerPort }}
appProtocol: https
and it will produce something like this
- name: kong-proxy-tls
port: 443
targetPort: 8443
appProtocol: https
- name: kong-proxy-custom-tls
port: 8080
targetPort: 8443
But i see something in the ENV, which seems like some binding so i do not belive it will work
value: "80:8000, 443:8443"
so seems like multiple change is involve or might be some limitations but this how you can play with chart, download it and customize it.
you can also try proxy_listen that was suppose to working with you before.
{{- if .tls -}}
{{- if .tls.enabled -}}
This is a bit of a hack to support always including "ssl" in the parameter
list for TLS listens. It's not possible to set a variable to an object from
.Values and then modify one of the objects values locally, although indicates it should be. Instead,
this creates a new object and new parameters list built from the original.
{{- $listenConfig := dict -}}
{{- $listenConfig := merge $listenConfig .tls -}}
{{- $parameters := append .tls.parameters "ssl" -}}
{{- $_ := set $listenConfig "parameters" $parameters -}}
{{- $_ := set $listenConfig "address" (default "" .address) -}}
{{- $tlsListen := (include "kong.singleListen" $listenConfig) -}}
{{- $unifiedListen = append $unifiedListen $tlsListen -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
I am trying to create a helm template for Istio's ServiceEntry which has a list of addresses for static ip addresses. In values.yaml, I have
- name: test-se
namespace: test-se-ns
port: 32306
protocol: TCP
In the .tpl file I am trying to add the value of ipAddress to a list
{{- with .ipAddress }}
- {{ .ipAddress | quote }}
{{- end }}
Always fails with exception
templates/_service_entry.tpl:18:13: executing "common.serviceentry.tpl" at <.ipAddress>: can't evaluate field ipAddress in type string
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
If you use with you make the thing that you have used as with the context inside that block.
So, use the dot to refer to it.
{{- with .ipAddress }}
- {{ . | quote }}
{{- end }}
From the docs:
{{with pipeline}} T1 {{end}}
If the value of the pipeline is empty, no output is generated;
otherwise, dot is set to the value of the pipeline and T1 is
In this case, an if seems also fitting, since you do not much with the new context.
{{- if .ipAddress }}
- {{ .ipAddress | quote }}
{{- end }}
when you use with in Helm, you change the scope of the ., so Helm looks for an object and not a string, you can read more about it in the docs.
but anyway, I think that in your case, you need to use range instead of with, you can see an example here
I have values.yml file that takes in a list of ports with this format and default values:
- number: 443
protocol: http
The script that output the list of port to use as my input gives me this format:
- 80
- 8080
I want the resulting rendered template to be
- number: 80
- number: 8080
How would I accomplish this? I tried the following in my template file:
{{- with .Values.Ports }}
{{- toYaml . | nindent 8 }}
{{- end }}
using helm template and setting values.Ports=$port_list, it ended up giving me a pipe and an extra dash like below, which I do not know where they come from, how do I accomplish getting to the format I want above based on the input?
- number: 80
- number: 8080
As a bonus, I would also like to have a default protocol in my port list when the protocol isn't specified.
- number: 80
protocol: http
- number: 8080
protocol: http
Is there a clean way to do this with just templating?
First, you have to know about the YAML syntax about string. You can find it by searching on the internet. For example: see YAML Multiline.
| enables multiline string and - chops the trailing \n from the end of the string.
The reason for appearing |- is the output of the script (is being treated as a single string). You can test this,
# pass this to the `--set` flag in both of the following ways
# 01: pass the var $port_list
--set ports=$port_list
# 02: directly pass the value of the var $port_list
--set ports="- 80
- 8080"
For both of the tests you have the same output as follows:
- 80
- 8080
If you put a newline at the end of the output of your script, then you will see the - has disappeared.
--set ports="- 80
- 8080
The output is like as following:
- 80
- 8080
Now try in a different way. Change your template to like this one:
{{- if .Values.ports }}
{{- print "ports:" | nindent 2 }}
{{- range $_, $p := .Values.ports }}
- number: {{ $p }}
protocol: http
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
This template expects the value of your ports in the --set flag as a list (not a string). According to my knowledge at the time of writing this answer, to provide a list value in --set flag either of the followings can be used:
--set ports={80\,8080}
--set ports[0]=80,ports[1]=8080
Now the output is same as you want.
$ helm template test . --set ports={80\,8080}
- number: 80
protocol: http
- number: 8080
protocol: http
So all you need to process the output of That's it.
You may need to adjust the indentation in the template
I can not find a way to just iterate over a simple range, 10 -> 20 using helm templating.
{{range 10 until 20 }}
- port: {{ . }}
targetPort: {{ . }}
protocol: TCP
name: brick-{{ . }}
Helm uses the standard Go text/template system for rendering templates, plus (most of) the Sprig extension library, plus a couple more things. In particular, Sprig includes until and untilStep functions to generate lists of numbers, which you can then range over. So you should be able to:
{{- range untilStep 10 20 1 }}
- port: {{ . }}
{{- end }}