How to show building floors in - mapbox-gl-js

So I'm currently working on and React and I need to load a geojson file which has an additional property named "floors" or something similar which tells how many floors the building has.
Is there any way to extrude alternating floors horizontally just a little bit so that it looks like a floor edge like some of the buildings in this image (although most of them just go thinner at the top). I tried searching the but there is no such thing. I looked up and found MapBox-gl-js has something called an extrusion-base-height which lets you add polygon above another but there is no such thing as extruding horizontally to make 1 floor thinner and then back to the original size. This would give and edge whenever a new floor starts.
I have scoured the docs for but couldn't find any thing on extruding horizontally or in another sense changing the polygon area/size so that I can draw multiple size polygons on the same spot.
Another clear picture of what I'm trying
Things I want to do.
The red polygon is tilted. Need to make it's orientation the same as the green one and reducing it's area at the same time.
Move the red polygon base at the top of the green polygon.
The test data I'm using is given below,
var offset = 0.00001;
var data = [{
polygon: [
height: 30
polygon: [
[-77.014904 + offset ,38.816248],
[-77.014842 - offset, 38.816395 - offset],
[-77.015056 - offset, 38.816449 - offset],
[-77.015117 + offset, 38.816302],
[-77.014904 + offset, 38.816248]
height: 40
EDIT:- I think the proper way would be to convert longitude/latitude to Cartesian Coordinates, get the vectors to the 4 corners of the polygon translate the vectors to move towards the center by the offset amount then convert back. But this would only work with quad/rectangle polygon, for buildings that are made up of multiple quads I'd need another way.

If I'm understanding correctly, your problem boils down to: given a polygon (the footprint of the lower part of the building), generate a slightly smaller version of the same polygon, centered within it.
Fortunately, this is really easy using Turf's transformScale method.
So your steps will be:
Convert your polygon data into GeoJSON. (Which I assume you have some mechanism to do, in order to display it in Mapbox-GL-JS in the first place.)
Generate a smaller polygon using turf.transformScale(base, 0.9)
Add the new polygon with map.addSource
Display the new polygon with map.addLayer, setting the extrusion base height etc as required.


How to have a generator class in shader glsl with amplify shader editor

i want to create a shader that can cover a surface with "circles" from many random positions.
the circles keep growing until all surface covered with them.
here my first try with amplify shader editor.
the problem is i don't know how make this shader that create array of "point maker" with random positions.also i want to controll circles with
c# example:
point_maker = new point_maker[10];
point_maker[1].position =;
point_maker[1].scale = 1;
and etc ...
Heads-up: That's probably not the way to do what you're looking for, as every pixel in your shader would need to loop over all your input points, while each of those pixels will only be covered by one at most. It's a classic case of embracing the benefits of the parallel nature of shaders. (The keyword for me here is 'random', as in 'random looking').
There's 2 distinct problems here: generating circles, and masking them.
I would go onto generating a grid out of your input space (most likely your UV coordinates so I'll assume that from here), by taking the fractional part of the coords scaled by some value: UV (usually) go between 0 and 1, so if you want 100 circles you'd multiply the coord by 10. You now have a grid of 100 pieces of UVs, where you can do something similar to what you have to generate the circle (tip: dot product a vector on itself gives the square distance, which is much cheaper to compute).
You want some randomness, so you need to add some offset to the center of the circle. You need some sort of random number (there might be some in ASE I can't remember, or make one your own - there's plenty of that you look online) that is unique per cell of the grid. To do this you'd input the remainder of your frac() as value to your hash/random method. You also need to limit that offset depending on the radius of the circle so it doesn't touch the sides of the cell. You can overlay more than one layer of circles if you want more coverage as well.
Second step is to figure out if you want to display those circles at all, and for this you could make the drawing conditional to the distance from the center of the circle to an input coordinate you provide to the shader, by some threshold. (it doesn't have to be an 'if' condition per se, it could be clamping the value to the bg color or something)
I'm making a lot of assumptions on what you want to do here, and if you have stronger conditions on the point distribution you might be better off rendering quads to a render texture for example, but that's a whole other topic :)

How do I Convert an OpenLayers Polygon to a Circle?

I have a drawing feature where, as in one case, a person can draw a circle using the methodology in OL docs example. When that's saved, the server needed to be have it converted to a polygon, and I was able to do that using fromCircle.
Now, I'm needing to make the circle modifiable after it's been converted and saved. But I don't see a clear cut way to get a Circle geometry out of the Polygon tools provided in the library. There is a Polygon.circular, but that doesn't sound like what I want.
I'm guessing the only way to do this is to grab the center, and one of the segment points, and figure out the radius manually?
As long as fromCircle used sides set to a multiple of 4 and rotation zero (which are the default) center and radius can be easily obtained to convert back to a circle:
center = ol.extent.getCenter(polygon.getExtent());
radius = ol.extent.getWidth(polygon.getExtent())/2;

setting map boundary / edge when nowrap is engaged

Is there any way to adjust the bounds of the map so that the right-edge of Russia doesn't appear over to the left? You can see in the image I have a MultiPolygon area overlaying Russia but the map and the overlay are split. I'd like that tiny piece of the country to be on the right if possible!
Edge of Russia on the wrong side of the map:
A workaround I can think of is using the maxBounds property, where you would shift the default bounds slightly to the right, along with minZoom: 1. This won't prevent the user from seeing the world several times for a short time if zoomed out far / panning outside, as it says there:
... bouncing the user back when he tries to pan outside the view
var map ='map',{
maxBounds:[ [-90, -160], [90, 200] ],
minZoom: 1
}).setView([66.058, 189.459], 4);
Welcome to SO!
If your multi polygon is the blueish area, then I am afraid you have to refactor your data in order to achieve what you want (shifting the left area onto the right, as if it were stitched back to Russia main land).
Your data (probably GeoJSON?) contains a separate polygon which longitudes are in the [-180, -120] range. Leaflet has no choice but to display it on the left of your map, independently from the noWrap option.
So you would need to dig into your data, and add 360 degrees longitude to every node of this polygon, so that they now sit in the range [180, 300].
Or somehow introduce a "detection" in your code that would perform the longitude addition automatically for shapes which bounds and/or center are far away (let's say in the [-180, -120] longitude range). Leaflet does not perform that operation automatically out-of-the-box.
Note: the noWrap option is for your Tile Layer not to load tiles outside that "central" world (in order to avoid showing multiple copies of the world). But in your case, you want to show a part of Russia / Siberia on an "adjacent copy of the world", so you might want to remove that option, or you will have your polygon not sitting over any basemap.

Specifying Lat & Long for Leaflet TileLayer

Seems like a simple question, but I have been tearing my hair out for hours now.
I have a series of files ie.
etc. However just plotting them on the leaflet map surface understandibly puts the images at 0,0 on the earths surface, and the 0 zoom level inferred by the files should really be about 15 or so.
So I want to specify the latitude and longitude where the images should originate , and what zoom level they should start at. I have tried bounds (which doesn't display anything) and I have tried playing with offsetting the zoom level.
I need this because a user needs to click on an offline map to specify where they are and I need the GPS coordinates.
I also have a KML file but it seems to be of more help for plotting vector data on the map.
Any help is much appreciated, cheers.
If I understand correctly, the "kml_image_Lz_x_y.jpg" images that you have are actually tiles, with zoom, horizontal and vertical indices in their file name?
And your issue is that they use (z,x,y) numbers as if they started from the top-most level (zoom 0, single tile for entire world), but in fact they are just a small portion of the pyramid of tiles?
And you cannot use them as is because you still want to get actual geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude), which would be totally wrong if you used the tiles as if they were showing the entire world?
In that case, you have several options as workarounds:
The most simple and reliable would probably be to simply write a small script to rename all your tiles to their true (z,x,y) numbers.
Another option would be to modify the (z,x,y) numbers before they are written in the tile src attribute, and apply the appropriate offset (constant for z, scaled by z for x and y). That should probably happen in L.TileLayer.getTileUrl() method.
Good luck! :-)

MATLAB image processing of small circles

I have an image which looks like this:
I have a task in which I should circle all the bottles around their opening. I created a simple algorithm and started working it. My algorithm follows:
Threshold the original image
Do some morphological opening in it
Fill the empty holes
Separate the portion of the image using region props such that only the area equivalent to the mouth of the bottles is selected.
Find the centroid for each and draw circle around each bottle.
I did according to the algorithm above and but I have some portion of the image around which I draw a circle. This is because I have selected the area since the area of the mouth of bottle and the remained noise is almost same. And so I yielded a figure like this.
The processing applied on the image look like this:
And my final image after plotting the circle over the original image is like this:
I think I can deal with the extra circle, that is, because of some white portion of the image remained as shown in the figure 2 below. This can be filtered out using regionproping for eccentricity. Is that a good idea or there are some other approaches to this? How would I deal with other bottles behind the glass and select them?
Nice example images you provide for your question!
One thing you can use to detect the remaining bottles (if there are any) is the well defined structure of the placement of the bottles.
The 4 by 5 grid of the bottle should be relatively easy to locate, and when the grid is located you can test if a bottle is detected at each expected bottle location.
With respect to the extra detected bottle, you can use shape features like
the first Hu moment
a ratio between the perimeter length squared over the area (which is minimized for a circle) details here
If you are able to detect the grid, it should be easy to located it as an outlier (far from an expected bottle location) and discard accordingly.
Good luck with your project!
I've used the same approach as midtiby's third suggestion using the ratio between area and perimeter called shape factor:
4π * Area /perimeter^2
to detect circles from a contour traced image (from the thresholded image) to great success;
Regarding the 4 unfound bottles, this is rather tricky without some a priori knowledge of what it is you're looking at (as discussed using the 4 x 5 grid, then looking from the centre of each cell). I did think that from the list of contours, most would be of the bottle tops (which you can test using the shape factor stuff), however, one would be of a large rectangle. If you could find the extremities of the rectangle (from the largest contour in terms of area), then remove it from the third image, you'd be left with partial circles. If you then contour traced those partial circles and used a mixture of shape factor/curve detection etc. may help? And yes, good luck again!