Is there a way to enable the panoramic mode of the camera both on Android and ios with Flutter camera plugin? Couldn't find any documentation or code around it (neither in the source).
Is it something planned?
Thank you
answer of 2019-08-12
Is it something planned?
Camera Plugin is under Refactor/Rework)
panoramic mode did not include in this Milestone.
You can trace here
Support Android Camera 16+
Support iOS Camera 8.0+
Camera Orientation Control
Video/Preview/Picture output sizes
Android Pause and Resume video recording (MediaRecorder)
Zoom Control
Automatic Exposure
Permission Handling (Camera/Audio)
Auto Focus
Memory Leak
Provide Complex Camera Example
Expand Controls over video and image formats
Direct access to image buffer when taking a photo
I need to start a broadcast for screen sharing and having the callbacks when a user start or stop streaming. But when I enabled the video my camera is algo turn on, is there a way to use screen sharing without enable my camera?
I have read the documentation but didn't find any options to disable camera and still enabling the screen sharing callbacks
The solution given by the Agora team was this :D
I am building an AR project using Unity and Meta 2 glasses. I am using Vuforia to detect an object when I add the vuforia packages to the project and run it I see like a video in the background. It is so distracting and could not manage to disable it.
See a screenshot
Any clue how to disable it?
Unless the Vuforia version you have recognizes your specific AR device, Vuforia thinks it is a phone and renders the video background. All you have to do is not to render the video background.
Here you can find the exact instructions of how to disable the rendering of the background in Unity:
Disabling video background
The important code is this:
BackgroundPlaneBehaviour bgPlane = GetComponent<BackgroundPlaneBehaviour> ();
if (bgPlane.enabled) {
bgPlane.enabled = false;
I'm using HTC sensation for testing.
the version of Android is 2.3.4.
and there are two cameras on this device.
I could open camera separated (do preview NOT at same time).
BUT, once, if I try to open camera at same time.
I'll got a RuntimeException - Fail to connect to camera service for front-facing camera.
does anyone have idea ??
According to Android Camera Api,
Your application should only have one Camera object active at a time
for a particular hardware camera.
So I guess it should not be possible.
I'm currently developing an app that has a camera functionality, with a custom camera screen, featuring a preview screen and an overlay.
I'm using the AVFoundation classes and methods as per the eradication of UIScreenCapture.
The problem I have is that the preview data I get from AVCaptureSession is too zoomed in. If i take a picture with that screen, and another with the iPhone's default camera app, without moving the iPhone, the difference in zoom is far too much.
I need the zoom of my app to be the same as is default for iPhone camera app.
I've tried changing the AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer.videoGravity, to any of it's 3 possible values, to no avail.
Please, any leads on this problem are truly appreciated.
Arcantos' solution was mostly correct. That will work assuming you're on an iPhone 3G (or any device with a camera that supports 640x480). An iPhone 4 may run into some issues there.
A more correct way would be to test for the availability of and apply this preset:
captureSession.sessionPreset = AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto;
This will use the raw camera data, regardless of the native resolution.
Turned out to be a resolution issue.
It was fixed by using
myCaptureSession.sessionPreset = AVCaptureSessionPreset640x480
Note that iPhone 3g does not support that, so you have to ask wheter the device supports it
[[AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo] supportsAvCaptureSessionPreset:AVCaptureSessionPreset640x480]
Is the aspect ratio of your preview pane identical to that of the camera capture data? If not, the OS may be changing the zoom to fit the data rect into your requested aspect ratio.
I am building a custom camera app, and would like to have the camera view similar to the native camera app in iPhone. (i.e., picks videos as a non-modal view, stays in the camera view after each video taken. I found the retake and use views unnecessary). Is there any possible way to do it? Thanks.
you can't do it for videos at present, but you can do it for still pictures in OS 3.1. if you search for "takePicture" and "cameraOverlayView" you should find helpful information; you can resize the preview window to be any size you like.