I have a layout with several identical columns which should yield to respective sections:
<div class="column_1">
some column content here
{{ yield:column_1 }}
some more column stuff
<div class="column_2">
some column content here
{{ yield:column_2 }}
some more column stuff
Now I would like to put that into its own partial:
****** LAYOUT ******
{{ partial:column column_name="column_1" }}
{{ partial:column column_name="column_2" }}
<div class="{{ column_name }}">
some column content here
{{ yield to-section="{column_name}" }}
some more column stuff
****** TEMPLATE *****
{{ section:column_1 }} **Additional stuff for column 1** {{ /section:column_1 }}
{{ section:column_2 }} **Additional stuff for column 2** {{ /section:column_2 }}
But in the documentation I can only find the colon syntax {{ yield:section }} and no hint to a possible variable syntax {{ yield unknown_word_here="section" }}. Most tags have a variable syntax, so I am hoping there is one. Or another solution...
I believe you're looking for the Section tag, which pairs nicely with the Yield tag.
I'm trying to build a form in my controller, my form contain two "select" options which use the same database table field "villes"
I want to to use this field twice, one time for city departure and another time for city arrival
$form = $this->createFormBuilder($vol)
->add('reduc', CheckboxType::class, array('required' => true, 'label' => 'Réduction'))
but when I try to render this form.html.twig
<div class="col-lg-6">
{{ form_label(form.hor_dep,'Heure de départ') }}
{{ form_widget(form.hor_dep) }}
{{ form_label(form.villes,'Ville de départ') }}
{{ form_row(form.villes) }}
{{ form_label(form.hor_arrivee,"Heure d'arrivée") }}
{{ form_widget(form.hor_arrivee) }}
{{ form_label(form.villes,"Ville d'arrivée") }}
{{ form_widget(form.villes) }}
<div class="col-lg-6">
{{ form_label(form.prix,'Prix') }}
{{ form_widget(form.prix) }}
{{ form_label(form.reduc,'possède une réduction ?') }}
{{ form_widget(form.reduc) }}
{{ form_label(form.nbr_place,'Nombre de place') }}
{{ form_widget(form.nbr_place) }}
it throws this error
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Field "villes" has already been rendered, save the result of previous render call to a variable and output that instead.").
In your case, you have to add two fields in your formType: villeDepart & villeArrivee (like what you did with the heure) because you don't want the first form field be overwritten by the second one.
In your mapping, the two fields will point to the same villes table, but each one will have a different value.
I try to make a registration form in Symfony 3.4 but it makes me mad that I cannot place errors properly.
This is how I render the form itself:
{{ form_start(registrationForm) }}
{{ form_widget(registrationForm) }}
{{ form_end(registrationForm) }}
And the fields are rendered from a custom template, where I declare that errors should appear under the field:
{% block form_row %}
<div class="form-group">
{{ block('form_label') }}
{{ block('form_widget_simple') }}
{{ block('form_error') }}
{% endblock %}
However all my errors are appearing above the whole form as li elements in an ul element. I tried to add 'error_bubbling' => false but it won't make any difference. (The error messages come form the Assert annotations on the underlying model object.)
What am I doing wrong?
I having a problem with getting/generating the download link from a Collection Type Field in a form, inside the collection type I have a File Field. Everything works fine with uploading files but in order to generate their own respective download link is where I'm stucked right now.
Is there any way to get the url from the file field? What can I do?
<li><ul class="preguntas" data-prototype="{{ form_widget(form.seguimientos.vars.prototype)|e }}">
{% for pregunta in form.seguimientos %}
{{ form_row(pregunta.seguimientoTipo) }}
{{ form_row(pregunta.fecha_entrega) }}
{{ form_row(pregunta.fecha_prorroga) }}
{{ form_row(pregunta.descripcion) }}
{{ form_row(pregunta.loQueSeEspera) }}
{{ form_row(pregunta.isRecibido) }}
{{ form_row(pregunta.contactos) }}
{{ form_row(pregunta.comentarios) }}
{{ form_row(pregunta.archivo) }}
{% endfor %}
This is what I got with {{ dump(pregunta.archivo.vars.value) }}
object(Proxies\__CG__\daci\contratosBundle\Entity\Document)#596 (5) { ["__isInitialized__"]=> bool(true) ["id":protected]=> int(160) ["path":protected]=> string(44) "1feb865f404cba0567e075c76bf6c0b402621e8e.png" ["file":"daci\contratosBundle\Entity\Document":private]=> NULL ["temp":"daci\contratosBundle\Entity\Document":private]=> NULL }
What I want to get is "path" from the object and create the download link
To access to the field I just needed to use {{ pregunta.archivo.value.path }}
From that I created the download link
when I follow this tutorial: http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/form/form_collections.html
and I render the
<ul class="tags" data-prototype="{{ form_widget(form.tags.vars.prototype)|e }}">
the prototype stay empty if I put it after the {{ form(form)}} but gets filled If I put it i before the {{ form(form) }} tag. any one an idea why this is and how to solve it.
The tag {{ form(form) }} is supposed to output all your form, so there is nothing to output after this tag.
If the tag {{ form(form) }} does not output the prototype, then it was not configured right in the form type class.
But if you chose to output prototype by using form_widget, you should not use form(form) and should output the form by parts:
{{ form_start(form) }}
{{ form_errors(form) }}
{{ form_row(form.another_form_property) }}
<ul class="tags" data-prototype="{{ form_widget(form.tags.vars.prototype)|e }}">
{{ form_end(form) }}
I am defining my own twig layout for new user registration and I have everything laid out the way I want it with the exception of the plainPassword field from the FOSUserBundle.
<p class="left">
{{ form_widget(form.plainPassword) }}
<div class="clearfix"></div>
The code above displays both the password and verification block. I would like to break this up into the 4 elements of form.plainPassword.label, form.plainPassword.field, form.plainPassword2.label, and form.plainPassword2.field. I cannot figure out what to put in the form_label() and form_widget() calls.
<p class="left">
{{ form_label( ??? ) }}
{{ form_widget( ??? ) }}
<p class="left">
{{ form_label( ??? ) }}
{{ form_widget( ??? ) }}
<div class="clearfix"></div>
I am assuming this can be done.
I had the same problem. My solution (seems to be official :) :
{{ form_label (form.plainPassword.first) }}
{{ form_widget (form.plainPassword.first) }}
{{ form_label (form.plainPassword.second) }}
{{ form_widget (form.plainPassword.second) }}
Hope it can helps !
This blog post shows how to output a repeated field in twig.
But in short this worked for me:
{{ form_label (form.plainPassword.children['New Password']) }}
{{ form_widget (form.plainPassword.children['New Password']) }}
{{ form_label (form.plainPassword.children['Confirm Password']) }}
{{ form_widget (form.plainPassword.children['Confirm Password']) }}
I have to say I'm sure using .children isnt the best/official way of doing it, but it works!