RxJava: chain two flatmaps - rx-java2

I have a method getListFromDatabase() that returns Single<List<User>> users, and what I want to do:
.flatMap(// send list to another server)
.flatMap(// check if there are users that I have to added manually from a bundle, here I needs database connexion so I have to do this asynchronously, and I need the list I just retrieved)
.subscribe(// handle onSuccess, onError etc.)
But in the first flatMap, it keeps telling me missing return statement. I didn't figure out what is the right syntax ?

.flatMap(users -> sendAnotherService().map(ingoreResult -> users))
.flatMap(// check if there are users that I have to added manually from a bundle, here I needs database connexion so I have to do this asynchronously, and I need the list I just retrieved)
.subscribe(// handle onSuccess, onError etc.)
where sendAnotherService() return Single with any type arg.


How to write the query function for checking duplicate registereD in Appwrite using Flutter

I'm a new intern at this small tech company that uses appwrite as a database for developing mobile applications using flutter. The task was to check if there are duplicate registration IDs in Appwrite database and, if there are, notify users that the ID already exists and ask them to enter a different registration ID when completing their user profile. The query function for checking duplicate IDs is proving to be a challenge for me because I'm a newbie to flutter and appwrite.  
It first checks whether the registryID parameter is successfully received, and returns the registration ID under the registryID column in the Appwrite document, but when printing out the result, it returns an empty map. So I believe I somehow wrote the function incorrectly.
Future<dynamic> checkDuplicateID(String registerID) async{
try {
dynamic res = await db.listDocuments(
collectionId: kycCollectionId,
queries: [
Query.equal('registryId', registerID),
} on AppwriteException catch(e) {
here is the appwrite image that contains document information and registryID row
In submit button section where the user submits her information, I used a provider package and called the checkDuplicateID method and passed the id "UKH00250238", which is repeated twice in the database.
onTap: () {
dynamic result = state.checkDuplicateID('UKH00250238');
If the above function is incorrect, how do I write a function in which I can pass a registerID as a parameter and check if the id is already repeated? If my implementation is incorrect, what are the other ways to check duplicate IDs in the Appwrite?
Your checkDuplicateID() function should probably return something to indicate whether there's a duplicate or not. Otherwise, the function seems fine, assuming the user has access to the data.
Your next step is probably to have some sort of UI to collect input from the user so that you can pass it into your checkDuplicateID() function. The Flutter Docs have plenty of resources you can use, like this.
If you still need help from the Appwrite size, feel free to join the Appwrite Discord server.

scalajs-react router. How to perform ajax request inside conditional route

I am trying to make some conditional routes. The condition resolves on the serverside.
Route rule example:
| (dynamicRouteCT("#user" / long.caseClass[User]) ~> dynRender((page: User) => <.div("Hello, " + page.id.toString)))
.addCondition((page: User) => checkPermissions(page.id))(_ => Some(redirectToPage(Page403)(Redirect.Push)))
checkpermissions body:
def checkPermissions(id: Long) = CallbackTo.future{
/*Ajax.get(s"http://some.uri/?id=$id") map (res =>
* if (something) true
* else false
* )
//the request before returns Future[XMLHttprequest] witch maps to Future[Boolean]
I got type missmatch here: (page: User) => checkPermissions(page.id)
Is it possible to perform ajax request inside conditional routes?
If we look at def addCondition(cond: Page => CallbackTo[Boolean])(condUnmet: Page => Option[Action[Page]]): Rule[Page] we can see that it requires a CallbackTo[Boolean]. Because of the nature of the JS env, there is now way to go from Future[A] to A. Although it's not a limitation from scalajs-react itself, it is an inherited reality that will affect your scalajs-react code; as this table in the doc shows, there's no way to go from a CallbackTo[Future[Boolean]] to a CallbackTo[Boolean].
This type-level restriction is actually a really good thing for user experience. The router is synchronous, it must determine how to render routes and route changes immediately. If it were allowed to be async and somehow supported Futures, then the user would experience noticable (and potentially huge) delays without any kind of visual feedback or means of interruption.
The "right way" to solve this problem is to use a model that covers the async state. This is what I would do:
Create an AsyncState[E, A] ADT with cases: Empty, AwaitingResponse, Loaded(value: A), Failed(error: E).(You can enrich these further if desired, eg. loadTime on Loaded, retry callback on Failed, timeStarted on AwaitingResponse, etc.)
Have an instance of AsyncState[Boolean] in your (local/client-side) state.
Optionally kick-off an async load on page startup.
Have the router pass its value to a component and/or check the value of this.(The router won't know the value because it's dynamic, use Callback in a for-comprehension to wire things up and satisfy the types.)
Depending on the value of AsyncState[Boolean], render something meaningful to the user. If it's AwaitingResponse, display a little spinner; if it's failed display an error and probably a retry button.
(It should also be noted that AsyncState[Boolean] shouldn't actually be Boolean as that's not very descriptive or true to the domain. It would probably be something more meaningful like AsyncState[UserAccess] or something like that.)
Hope that helps! Good luck!

Do you need to save ParseUser before Cloud Function Calls?

I have an app on unity that uses ParseUser to store the user Level and Experience. When the user reaches a new Level a ParseCloud function call is made. However whenever user is retrieved via:
Parse.Cloud.define("LevelUp", function (request, response){
var user = request.user;
All the attributes in user have the values that are currently saved on the database, but not the ones that the ParseUser that made the request have in the Parse client.
Do I need to call ParseUser.CurrentUser.SaveAsync(); before every call to the server to get current user values or is there a way to send the dirty ParseUser values to the ParseCloud function and update them from that function.
Short answer yes.
Long answer: Not necessarily, but you need to wrap the unsaved (or dirty) attributes in an object and send it to ParseCloud, due the fact that you can't send ParseObject in a ParseCloud call.
In my case, I ended up changing the approach: retrieve the necessary
information about the level, and do the modifications on the ParseUser on the client.

(Perl/POE) In POE::Component::IRC, How do you return/get data from a package_state in an external subroutine?

I am trying to get the output data from a package_state in my IRC bot, which uses POE::Component::IRC as a base. But I just cannot seem to do it.
Basically, in a subroutine outside of the POE session, I wish to get the data from an event subroutine fired by POE when it receives the data from the server.
I've tried saving the data in a global array and even external file, but the outer subroutine will read the old data from it before that data gets updated.
More specifically, I am trying to get this bot to check if someone is 'ison' and if they are, return true (or get all data ( #_ ) from irc_303).
Something like this:
sub check_ison {
my $who = "someguy";
$irc->yield(ison => $who);
$data = (somehow retrieve data from irc_303);
return $data; #or true if $data
It sounds like you want a synchronous solution to an asynchronous problem. Due to the asynchronous nature of IRC (and POE, for that matter ...), you'll need to issue your ISON query and handle the numeric response as it comes in.
As far as I know, most client NOTIFY implementations issue an ISON periodically (POE::Component::IRC provides timer sugar via POE::Component::Syndicator), update their state, and tell the user if something changes.
You have options...
You could issue ISONs on a timer, save state appropriately in your numeric response handler, and provide a method to query the state. If your application looks more like a client (the user/something needs to be notified when something changes, that is) your numeric response handler could do some basic list comparison and issue appropriate events for users appearing/disappearing.
Otherwise, you could simply have a 'check_ison' that issues the ISON and yields some sort of 'response received' event from the numeric response handler, letting you know fresh data is available.

Tastypie build_filters access tp request.user

Is there any way to access the user that initiated the request in build_filters override in tastypie.
I want to use the logged in user to give context to one of the filters for example filter contains the word Home and i want to use this as a lookup to the requesting users locations to find their home address.
If build filters took the request as an argument this would be easy as i could simply call
Is there anyway to force the user into the list of filters or alternatively enrich get parameters before they are passed to build_filters.
There still isn't a great method for this. I'm currently overriding obj_get_list like so, so that I can manually pass the bundle object to build_filters:
def obj_get_list(self, bundle, **kwargs):
filters = {}
if hasattr(bundle.request, 'GET'):
filters = bundle.request.GET.copy()
applicable_filters = self.build_filters(filters=filters, bundle=bundle)
objects = self.apply_filters(bundle.request, applicable_filters)
return self.authorized_read_list(objects, bundle)
except ValueError:
raise BadRequest("Invalid resource lookup data provided (mismatched type).")
There is currently an open pull request for this change:
I haven't found a way to do that. I generally 'cheat' by adding the code into apply_authorization_limits where the session is available.