Where does the Win10 Toast Notification snoozed data reside? - powershell

I just created a powershell script to show a toast notification with a Snooze button and time options. This is what I have problems with:
Toast Notification with Snooze option
Every time I execute the script I want to check if there is a previous snoozed notification and, if there is, the scrip will exit not showing a new notification.
Does anyone knows where does the snoozed notifications data resides?
I tried looking on the registry and Task Scheduler but no luck, I'm sure there has to be some place where it holds the notification until the snooze time finishes to show it again in the Action Center.

found the answer and I'll post it here in case someone else is looking for it:
$app = '{1AC14E77-02E7-4E5D-B744-2EB1AE5198B7}\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe'
$toasts = [Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationManager]::CreateToastNotifier($app)
$notifications = $toasts.GetScheduledToastNotifications()
This will get all your scheduled toast notifications and then you can play with that info :)


Event should trigger when Toastr notification appears

i want to trigger an event using protractor for close the Toastr notification messages. whenever the notification appears this event should triggered.. is this possible??
I have 10 forms ,i am validating these forms using protractor. In each form i have editable text fields. If you add/edit/delete any fields you will get toastr notification message. I want to close these messge whenever it appears in my appliaction.
is this possible?? Thanks in advance..
You can execute JS code while running your test for closing toastr notification, you could try this one (I tested it in their demo project - run this code toastr.remove() in a console when toastr notification was shown):
await browser.executeScript(toastr.remove())
note that browser.executeScript() return Promise so you need to resolve it.

Ionic Local Notifications interval

Hello i am trying to implement local notification
it works perfectly right and shows notification on NotificationTime
but when i add every param for daily notification,it does not show notifications
also if add minute it start showing notification every minute the moment it sets ignoring at:NotificationTime
not showing notifications for week also
my code is
title: ‘Local ILocalNotification Example’,
text: ‘Multi ILocalNotification 2’,
at: NotificationTime,
every: ‘day’
please help
I've got the same problem. i just tried with every 'minute' and 'second'. it's working fine except 'day'

Execute code within Apple Keynote

I'm trying to send some code to a remote server everytime I change a slide on Keynote. Is this possible? Can I add code to be executed on keynote?
Basically, everytime a user changes a slide, it sends a POST request to a server with a string as a parameter.
Thank you!

Appium+android+selenium switch

I have login scenario in which when the user click on the signin button then the next activity is opened in which there is a list. i am new to appium and find it hard how to get the validation that the login is successfull.
I didnt got success with the below
please guide how to get the current activity & move to awaiting activity, so that i can validate the object existance.
Can you just share the screenshot of the next activity and while launching your apk file with the starting activity name , there is no further need to specify the next activity names. Appium will run the next concurrent activitiesby itself.

The results of my form are not being automatically emailed - why?

First off - I am new to Google Apps.
I have created a form that I want to be automatically emailed to me upon submission.
I have set up a trigger as follows :
timeDriven --> Time-driven --> Minutes timer --> every minute
I have created two forms and it has collected the data.
But is is NOT being emailed to me.
Any ideas why?
When troubleshooting problems with triggers it helps to set the notification frequency to "immediately", to ensure that errors are emailed to you as soon as they happen.