Youtube-dl how to get a direct download link to the merged file without creating a temp file on server - merge

Is there any way to create a direct download link to the merged file without creating a temp file on the server in youtube-dl?
youtube-dl -f 255+160
The above code will merge the file and output the merged file.
I want to allow users to directly download the merged file to their computers -- without creating any temp file on my server. Is this possible?
(Creating a temp file and then letting the user download it is already possible.)


cannot zip locked access file

I am writing a powershell script which creates a zip file of a local folder:
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory('c:\myfolder\', 'c:\', [System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel]::Fastest,$true)
This folder contains an MS-Access database. This database is opened at the same time by another user. I cannot ask him to close this database.
The zip operation fails because the database is locked. Is there a way to bypass this lock and make a copy of the database ?
Thanks a lot
Copy the folder to a temporary place and zip the copy.

Skipping the errors and recording downloads in kdb

I am trying to use kdb q script to download file from remote source.
How can I make the download keep going if there is an error?
also, how can i mark it down what its downloaded in linux when there are other files in the same directory???
Here is my code:
system " user /"get /remote/path/",x /",dbdir};
dlFunc each file;
If you're asking how to continue downloading other files if one file fails then you can put a protected eval around your dlFunc each file, e.g.
#[dlFunc;;()]each file;
You could capture the list of failed files using something like:
{#[dlFunc;x;{y;badfiles,:enlist x}x]}each file;
Then inspect the badfiles list afterwards. The ones that succeeded would be:
file except badfiles

Using p4 zip and unzip to export files from one perforce server to another

I was trying to export files along with their revision history inside my depot folder from 2015.2 to 2019 perforce server.Also , I would want perforce to create new user on my new server corresponding to the commiter/submitter on my original 2015 repo.
Perforce replicate looked like overkill for my current task and then I came across this read on perforce's website that mentioned P4 zip.
This looked like it will solve my problem, but the article has a few issues I could not understand.
Let's say I am moving data from server1_ip:port --> server2_ip:port
I am currently following these steps
Making zip of folder to be copied using
p4 remote my_remote_spec , setting
Address: server1_ip:port
DepotMap://depot/... //depot2/...
p4 -p server1_ip:port zip -o -r my_remote_spec -A //depot/.... But on this step I get permission denied error. This is weird to me because the user although not super/admin has access to files i ask to get zipped.
Also, when i did try with a super user, i could not find even though i was not prompted any errors.
Isn't the above command supposed to generate a zip file inside the directory which i run it from?
Is the unzip command supposed to be run after a p4 login from user of second server?
Lastly, from the document why is a third port , 1667 mentioned in the transfer of files from server running on 1666 and 1777.
on this step I get permission denied error. This is weird to me because the user although not super/admin has access to files i ask to get zipped.
This is expected:
C:\Perforce\test>p4 help zip
zip -- Package a set of files and their history for use by p4 unzip
The zip command requires super permission granted by p4 protect.
Isn't the above command supposed to generate a zip file inside the directory which i run it from?
Similar to p4 admin checkpoint, the zip file is written to the server machine (relative to the server root, if you don't specify an absolute path), rather than being transferred to the local client directory. This is not explicitly stated in the documentation (which seems like an oversight), but if you look in the root directory of the server where you ran the zip, you should find your there.
Is the unzip command supposed to be run after a p4 login from user of second server?
Yes, any time you run a command against a particular server, you will need to be logged in to that server. In the case of p4 unzip you will need at least admin permission on the second server.
Lastly, from the document why is a third port , 1667 mentioned in the transfer of files from server running on 1666 and 1777.
I'm pretty sure that's a typo; whoever wrote the article started off using ports 1666 and 1777, changed their mind halfway through, and didn't proofread. :)

How to overwrite existing files with ncftpget?

When getting a remote ftp file that exists in the local destination
ncftpget says that
local file appears to be the same as the remote file, download is not necessary.
What does appears mean? How does ncftpget check if this is the same file?
It seems that it compares time and size of the file. But does it compare content or at least checksum?
Is there a way to force to overwrite the existing file. Of course other than remove it first.

upload files to github directory using github api

I want to upload files from my system to a directory in github repo using the api .Is there any api endpoint which allows me to do that.
You should use the GitHub CRUD API which wans introduced in .May 2013
It includes:
File Create
PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/contents/:path
File Update
PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/contents/:path
File Delete
DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/contents/:path
There's deffinitly a way to do it.
This is how I did it;
curl -i -X PUT -H ‘Authorization: token 9xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe2’ -d
‘{“message”: “uploading a sample pdf”,
Where the content property is a base64 encoded string of characters. I used this tool to encode my pdf file.
Notice, "batman" is the owner, "toys" is my repo, "contents" has to be there by default, and sample.pdf would the name of the file you want to upload your file as.
In short, stick to this format: /repos/:owner/:repo/contents/:path
And you can run the identical step for any of these files:
PNG (.png)
GIF (.gif)
JPEG (.jpg)
Log files (.log)
Microsoft Word (.docx), Powerpoint (.pptx), and Excel (.xlsx) documents
Text files (.txt)
PDFs (.pdf)
ZIP (.zip, .gz)
Good luck.
Btw, I have these same details added on here: