How to use Icon fonts - visual-studio-code

I just installed Icon fonts from market in VS-Code, but it seems like this extension doesn't work well in my React project, but it does support JSX which has mentioned in the introduction.Here are two main problems:
I could use the snippets, but the icon just don't show on the page.
There is even no suggestions when I typing on React page whose language mode is babel javascript.


I'm having trouble while customizing the TinyMCE in OpenedX (Devstack). How can I fix?

I'm having trouble customizing the TinyMCE in OpenedX Devstack. Normally I didn't have any problems in front-end-course-authoring TinyMCE editor, but when I installed the 'front-end-lib-content-components' app for customization, the data didn't show up in the editor. I did not change the props, they are the same as the default ones.
(click for larger images)

Is there a way to change background color of syntax highlight in Visual Studio Code

I was looking for a better code editor for my projects and wanted to give VSCode a try. But I couldn't find where to customize the syntax highlighting settings. What I actually need is to change the background color of embedded languages within a file so that I can identify different parts of the code a lot easier.
I have this PHP file which contains, HTML, CSS and JavaScript and I'd like to set different background colors for all 4 languages within this single file. Is this possible with VSCode? or does anyone know a code editor that supports this? UltraEdit supports this but it has so many other shortcomings.
Not possible #3429 Themes don't support background styling

VS Code customize sidebar

Is there any way to customize sidebar in VS Code? In particular, I want to change the font size. Is there a user setting for that? Or, maybe, I can edit it somehow via stylesheet since it's an Electron app, like in Atom?
There are no user-defined stylesheets for vscode.
The only ways to scale various parts of the UI currently are through the overall zoom level (window.zoomLevel) and the editor's font size (editor.fontSize).
I created a feature request for this on the repo.
As mentioned in other answers there are extensions which allow injecting custom CSS, you should be careful using these as they directly manipulate the source code of VS Code which could lead to problems elsewhere and any modifications could break when you update.
I Found a way to change the font of Visual Studio Code Window.
First, open command Pallete, and type "Toggle Developer Tools"
This will open "Chrome Inspector".
Select any text of sidebar of app.
Search .monaco-shell class in "styles" tab at right side inspector ( Where show every styles of the current document ), then the font-family attribute.This is tab and stylesheets.
In workbrench.main.css hit right click and click in "Open Soruce Panel" Show like this
Format the css Code with this icon.
ctrl+f for found font-family attribute again, 'cause the format redirect to end of css document, and get .monaco-shell class like this in ~6371 line.
Change this font ( I have change to Droid sans Mono font ), but you change to you want.
Why i'm not change in the real document css
'Cause, when i changed the font family in the real document css ( C:\Users\${user}\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\workbrench.main.css) generate a error saying "Vscode have a error, please reinstall the program" or similar
When generate a actualization of application, the font family declareated will deleted, and the document css is´t a pretty code.
This process change every fonts of visual studio code application (not include the editor font )
I found it very effective to use the general zoom settings (it's somewhere in that huge settings window). This adjusts the zoom level of the entire app. Tweak it till you like the size of your explorer window, then adjust the settable editor font to be readable with that zoom level. I three parallel code windows of 80 columns plus the explorer on a good 17" laptop monitor, readable if you are OK with 8pt code font (which is actually 11 point font zoomed two notches down).
Although there is no direct way of customize the sidebar from settings as #Daniel Imms mentioned in his answer, but I found 2 plugins which helped to resolve this issue. You can either one of them if you want.
1. Custom CSS and JS Loader
In Custom CSS and JS Loader plugin, you need to create a custom css and then this plugin will inject that code directly in electron-browser/index.html(as VS Code is an electron based editor). I use this CSS in my Mac:
".explorer-viewlet .mac": "font-size: 1.2em !important",
2. CustomizeUI
CustomizeUI relies on the Monkey Patch Extension to inject custom javascript in VSCode. Here is the settings I use (in settings.json) for my Mac:
"customizeUI.stylesheet": {
".explorer-viewlet .mac": "font-size: 1.2em !important; overflow: auto; border-left:none!important",

Is there a way to change the default eclipse toolbar icons built into eclipse?

I am talking about the tiny icons on the toolbar.
There doesn't seem to be any questions like this on the web, they all refer to android or a custom application as opposed to the icons bundled with eclipse.
I want to know if anyone has tried this or can tell me that its not worth my time because it is a lot of work.
I don't think this is possible. The standard icons are declared using the org.eclipse.ui.commandImages extension point in the org.eclipse.ui plugin and reference icons in that plugin.
Try Darkest Dark Theme. Also its dev style preview (for more themes). It can change icons as well as have an icon designer integrated in it.

Is there a color picker plugin for Eclipse?

I'm using Eclipse Galileo PDT for my work. I also use it to edit my CSS files.
Is there a plugin that lets me pick a color (from a palette or even anywhere from the screen) and which returns the HEX value of that color into my CSS file?
Jspresso Colors 'n Fonts
Just select any java string literal and right click on it to open the contextual popup menu... then select Jspresso>Choose Color... or select Jspresso>Choose Font...
Supports also tooltip : fly over your string literal to display the current color or font... and activate hyperlink to open the editor popup !
Aptana Studio has really great support for CSS. CSS color picking is easy, you can grab a color from anywhere on the screen.
You can install Aptana as a plug into an existing Eclipse installation.
I would recommend to use external software:
You can integrate it into Eclipse.
I have used this plugin called colors in both Galymeade and I just dropped into Galileo. you can copy the color code to/from clipboard or editor. Slider bar for coloring, color picker etc. I used it to edit css files on a recent project. Good Luck.
You might want to check out the second example at
I created a Groovy Monkey script that opens Eclipse's color picker. It was inspired by what fornwall pointed at (second example of Eclipse Script plugin). It's also able to recognize if current selection is a color so it can be selected it in the picker.
The script is on gist.github, instructions included.
Having a shortcut key for a script is not (yet?) possible in Groovy Monkey, but Crtl+Alt+M runs the last executed script.
A good plugin to consider is the Designerator Color Plugin from the Designerator project. It contributes a Colors view as explained in this blog post. No need to install the whole software, the color view is in a separate feature that can be installed by itself.
The Sampler plugin could also be of interest. However it does not show a color picker dialog where one can select a color, it only has the color picker tool for selecting a color from the screen.
There are a few plugins at the Eclipse plugins site that might meet your needs.
CSS Designer looks promising:
JointLogic CSS Designer is an Eclipse plugin that provides CSS authoring facilities like - CSS Styles view, CSS declaration designer with preview and web-oriented color picker. It integrates with Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) to allow CSS authoring while editing CSS and HTML files.
Here's a screesnhot from the homepage: