How to change icon showing my location on google map? [Flutter] - flutter

A blue dot shows my location on google map.
a blue dot
I want to change this icon. I even want to show it in an animated shape. It would be nice to show it as in this design
focus center

You can use Location package to get current geo-location, and pin your custom marker, currently flutter google map doesn't support gif or any animated image, of course you can also place a animated image using Stack widget on top of map as a fake 'my location' marker.
Remember to disable default current location.


google_maps_flutter, how not to start image from bottom

google_maps_flutter, how not to start image from bottom?
By default, the marker appears directly above the coordinates,(LatLng) so it seems like Google has made it this way, but I am currently making a custom marker and I want this position to be in the center, not directly above the coordinates. It's probably related to the render object key, but I want to edit it myself. On which page can I edit it?
Does anybody knows this issue??
(If that coordinate is a point. Make sure the dot is in the middle of the marker, not the bottom of the marker.)
I think this is the similar issue
How to center the camera so that marker is at the bottom of screen? (Google map api V2 Android)

Flutter Custom Event Map

I am making an event app that has a custom map to help guess navigate the ground. I'd know how zoom and pan the image but is there a way to add tooltips to an image based on what was clicked on the map image?
Click certain booths to get a custom tooltip class in flutter.
similar to this image

How to let the user to build a polygon on the open street map?

UPD: Done. Look at this beautiful polygon.
UPD: In Flutter / openstreetmap, I want to let users draw a polygon by tapping a map and/or clicking a button. The polygon should be not filled. I need a very simple example just to get an idea of how it works.
The final task is:
I am making a flutter application that should give the user the ability to get information about markers located within a certain area on the map. I use osm. By pressing the button, the user initiates the construction of an arbitrary polygon, each corner of which is formed at the place of the next pressing of the button. When the construction of the polygon is completed, the objects inside the polygon are shown, the rest are hidden or not built. After that, the cycle ends by clearing the map.
I haven't found any solution for osm. I would appreciate any help. I don't have any code yet)
You can use the flutter_map library, I'm sure you can understand the documentation and how to set it up.
Then use PolygonLayerOptions(polygons: [Polygon(points: polygonList)]) as a layer on top of the OSM layer. Then set up the list polygonList and use the FlutterMap()'s onTap callback to get the position at which the user tapped and add the LatLng to the polygonList list. There are multiple other configuration options within the Polygon() constructor, and those can be found through IntelliSense or similar. To have no fill, just set the color to transparent.
I use this method (or a very similar one) for my app which lets users download areas of map. The user taps the top left and bottom right of a rectangular area they want to download, by code calculates the top right and bottom left, and a polygon is drawn to show the user exactly where they tapped. Make sure to use setState() or similar.

How to animate map marker in flutter?

Is there any way to animate map markers in flutter. I am using the official google map plugin. My issue is when the marker position changes it jumps from one location to another. But I want a smooth transition when it changes it's position.

How to remove buttons when MyLocationEnabled is on in google_maps_flutter

Whenever MyLocationEnabled is true, there are buttons that show up to take the camera to the current location. On iOS I covered it up using my own FloatingActionButton, but on Android it's in the top left so I can't cover it up. Is there any way to remove these buttons while keeping the current location shown on the map?