Unable to judge - jupyter

I hope that when I press enter, Can judge whether there is "好" or "玩啊" or "GO" or "要",If not, it will be executed "Game termination!"
%pylab inline
start = input("玩猜數字遊戲嗎?")
if start in "好" or "玩啊" or "GO" or "要":
print("遊戲開始`enter code here`,已從0-100產生一個數字")
a = randint(0, 101)
for i in range(3):
s = input("請輸入一個數字")
s = float(s)
if s == a:
i = i+1
while i ==3:
print("遊戲結束Game Over")
print("Game termination!")
But I found that as long as there is the same as [start = input("玩猜數字遊戲嗎?")] , If you can’t judge, you will execute if,not else

you need to use
if start in ["好", "玩啊", "GO", "要"]:
just put all the items to be compared inside a list.


When to use keyword return in Scala

I learned early on that there is no reason to use the return keyword in Scala (as far as I'm aware). That being said I found an example where simply changing adding the return keyword made my function work, where it previously didn't.
The code in question comes from my solution to the Advent of Code day 7 challenge.
def containsShinyGoldBag(bagContents: Map[String, List[String]], currentBag: String): Boolean = {
val contents = bagContents(currentBag)
if (bagContents(currentBag).contains("shiny gold") ) {
// Base Case: Bag Found in list of bags
} else if (contents == List.empty){
// Base Case: Dead End
} else {
// Continue searching down list
// Ideal solution ( gives same result as the working solution without return keyword )
// for (b <- contents) containsShinyGoldBag(bagContents, b)
// Working solution
for (b <- contents) {
if (containsShinyGoldBag(bagContents, b)) {
println(s"Found one! $b inside a $currentBag")
return true // <--- culprit
else false
// In the main function
var count = 0
for (bag <- bagContents.keys) {
if (containsShinyGoldBag(bagContents, bag)) {
count = count + 1
println(s"There are $count way to bring a shiny gold bag!")
When I run the code without return I end up with count = 7, which is the number of bags directly containing a shiny gold bag, rather than the correct number which counts bags that contain a shiny gold bag somewhere inside of one of their other bags down the line.
A function returns the value of the last expression it evaluates; in your case that will be one of:
true after if (bagContents(currentBag).contains("shiny gold") );
false after else if (contents == List.empty);
the last false.
true is not in such a position, so you need return to, well, make the function return it. Otherwise it's evaluated and ignored because you don't do anything with it. So is else false in the same for, actually, it can be removed without changing the meaning.
The alternative to avoid return here is
contents.exists(b => containsShinyGoldBag(bagContents, b))

Kivy getting values from Popup Window and use it at a Screen

Hi i am new to kivy and just started programming. So what i want to do is,once a user key in a valid date/time in the popup window, popup will close and will goes to a screen and create buttons. May i know how to pass the values get from getDay() which is dayoutput,timeoutput from popupwindow and transfer use it in another other class? and be able to use in the VariesTimeScreen?
Thank your for taking your time to help :)
class SetDateTime(Popup):
def getDay(self):
set_day = (self.ids.dayofmonth).text
set_month = (self.ids.month).text
set_year = (self.ids.year).text
set_hour = (self.ids.houroftime).text
set_minutes = (self.ids.minuteoftime).text
wrongtime = self.ids.wronginput_time
#Calculate Date and Time only when user input a valid number
if set_day.isdigit() and set_month.isdigit() and
and set_minutes.isdigit():
set_date = datetime.date(int(set_year),
set_time = datetime.time(int(set_hour), int(set_minutes))
if not (set_date >= counttime.todaydate()):
wrongtime.text = "[color=#FF0000]Date is out of
if not (set_time >= counttime.todaytime()):
wrongtime.text = "[color=#FF0000]Time is out of
dayoutput = counttime.calculatedate(set_date)
timeoutput = set_hour + set_minutes
return dayoutput,timeoutput
except ValueError:
wrongtime.text = "[color=#FF0000]Please enter a valid
wrongtime.text = "[color=#FF0000]Please enter a valid
class VariesTimeScreen(Screen):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(VariesTimeScreen, self).__init__(**kwargs)
a = '_icons_/mcdonald.png'
b = '_icons_/kfc.png'
c = '_icons_/subway.png'
Outlet_Store = [a,b,c]
layout = GridLayout(rows=1, spacing=100, size_hint_y=None,
pos_hint ={"top":.6,"x":0.2})
#Before the for loop there will be an if statement which is
the Day and Time i get from getDay() values. This part i'm
unsure how to retrieve the values from the SetDateTime Class
for image in Outlet_Store:
food_image = ImageButton(size_hint=(None, None),size=
One problem with your design is that the VariesTimeScreen is created very early in the App run, like when the GUI is created. So, the day and time from the SetDateTime Popup is not yet available. One way to handle this is to add an on_enter() method to the VariesTimeScreen to make any adjustments to the Screen at that time. To do that, I added Properties to the VariesTimeScreen:
class VariesTimeScreen(Screen):
day = StringProperty('None')
time = NumericProperty(0)
And add the on_enter() method to the VariesTimeScreen class:
def on_enter(self, *args):
print('day:', self.day, ', time:', self.time)
# make changes to the Screen
And then change the SetDateTime class slightly:
class SetDateTime(Popup):
def getDay(self):
set_day = (self.ids.dayofmonth).text
set_month = (self.ids.month).text
set_year = (self.ids.year).text
set_hour = (self.ids.houroftime).text
set_minutes = (self.ids.minuteoftime).text
wrongtime = self.ids.wronginput_time
# Calculate Date and Time only when user input a valid number
if set_day.isdigit() and set_month.isdigit() and set_year.isdigit() and set_hour.isdigit() and set_minutes.isdigit():
set_date = datetime.date(int(set_year),
int(set_month), int(set_day))
set_time = datetime.time(int(set_hour), int(set_minutes))
if not (set_date >= counttime.todaydate()):
wrongtime.text = "[color=#FF0000]Date is out of range[ / color]"
if not (set_time >= counttime.todaytime()):
wrongtime.text = "[color=#FF0000]Time is out of range[ / color]"
dayoutput = counttime.calculatedate(set_date)
timeoutput = set_hour + set_minutes
# get the VariesTimeScreen
varies_time = App.get_running_app().root.ids.screen_manager.get_screen('variestime_screen')
# set the day and time for the VariesTimeScreen
varies_time.day = dayoutput
varies_time.time = timeoutput
# switch to the VariesTimeScreen
# dismiss Popup
except ValueError:
wrongtime.text = "[color=#FF0000]Please enter a valid datetime.[ / color]"
wrongtime.text = "[color=#FF0000]Please enter a valid date[ / color]"
The only changes are to set the day and time in the VariesTimeScreen, and to actually switch to the VariesTimeScreen. The switch to the VariesTimeScreen doesn't have to happen there, once the day and time are set, the on_enter() method will get called whenever it becomes the current Screen.

How to add timeout to Runtime.getRuntime().exec(

My program stucks while executing a command. Can we add a delay timeout in order to proceed even if there is no response from command line ?
try {
if (System.getProperty("os.name").toUpperCase().indexOf("WINDOWS") != -1)
p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd.exe /C " + line);
int exitCode = p.waitFor();
p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( line );
Your question is very vague; I can't really tell what you're asking. However, from what I understand, a break() statement may be of use to you. Perhaps using Thread.sleep() followed by a break()?

my loop keeps looping also its looping the wrong thing?

boolean test = true;// my loop starts here and i want to be able to loop the //switch statement when non of the cases are selected, I want the loop to go to back to case 1 after displaying the error message.
while (test)
Proceed = Next.nextInt();
switch (Proceed) {
case 1:// Proceed
System.out.println("Please enter your 5 digit pin below.");
Scanner Pin = new Scanner(System.in);
int Pincode = Pin.nextInt();
if (Pincode > 9999 && Pincode < 99999) {
System.out.println("1)Display Balance");
System.out.println("2)Withdraw Cash");
System.out.println("3)Other services");
} else {
.println("Sorry,the pin you enterd was incorrect\nyour card is being ejected\nPlease wait...");
case 2:// Return Card
System.err.println("Your card is being ejected.\n Please Wait..");
default: // i want to display this message and send it back to case 1. when i do the method i'm doing it just keeps spamming this message.
System.err.println("Sorry your request could not be processed.Please re-try");
If you want to send it back to case 1 then you need to set proceed to 1. I'm guessing that Next.nextInt() will give you 1, 2 but then 3 and then 4, etc. And anything over 2 will go to the default case

Libreoffice Calc run macro with HYPERLINK

I'm trying to use hyperlinks instead of buttons to run Basic macros. It seems to be more natural to me because hyperlinks are directly connected to a cell and buttons are not.
I'm using the following Formula:
It should call the Subroutine Test placed in the document's macros under Standard.Module1 and display the Text 'Check' in the Cell it is written.
This works absolutely fine with libreoffice but it doesn't work at all with version I can't see any errors it just happens nothing at all. I tried to simply click the Hyperlink and also to hold CTRL and click it. Same result - nothing.
When I use a button the macro works as expected.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
This seems to be a bug in Calc. The protocol vnd.sun.star.script runs in hyperlink URLs in Writer still in version 4.2. But in Calc it runs not.
As a workaround you could have the following function attached to the sheet event "Double click". Then the macro runs if you double click the cell with the =HYPERLINK formula.
The last two versions are the results of my first ideas. I will let them in the answer because of comprehensibility reasons. But this last version is the best workaround in my opinion. It will closest work like the original vnd.sun.star.script: URL.
public function Doubelclicked(target) as Boolean
if left(target.formula, 32) = "=HYPERLINK(""vnd.sun.star.script:" then
sFormulaHyperlink = target.formula
sMacroURLRaw = mid(sFormulaHyperlink, 13, instr(13, sFormulaHyperlink, ";") - 13)
target.formula = "=""" & sMacroURLRaw
sMacroURL = target.string
target.formula = sFormulaHyperlink
oDisp = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
dim args(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
args(0).Name = "URL"
args(0).Value = sMacroURL
oFrame = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
oDisp.executeDispatch(oFrame, sMacroURL, "", 0, args)
end if
Doubelclicked = false
end function
Here are the previous versions:
public function Doubelclicked(target) as Boolean
if left(target.formula, 32) = "=HYPERLINK(""vnd.sun.star.script:" then
sMacroURL = mid(target.formula, 13, instr(13, target.formula, chr(34))-13)
oDisp = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
oFrame = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
oDisp.executeDispatch(oFrame, sMacroURL, "", 0, Array())
end if
Doubelclicked = false
end function
With this it is not possible to pass parameters in the macro URL. But if it only is the goal to get the address of the cell from which the macro was called, then this is possible because we have the target of the double click. So i have updated my workaround.
public function Doubelclicked(target) as Boolean
if left(target.formula, 32) = "=HYPERLINK(""vnd.sun.star.script:" then
lStartLocation = instr(13, target.formula,"&location=")
if lStartLocation > 0 then
lEndLocation = instr(lStartLocation + 1, target.formula,"&")
if lEndLocation = 0 then lEndLocation = instr(lStartLocation + 1, target.formula,"""")
sMacroURL = mid(target.formula, 13, lEndLocation - 13)
'msgbox sMacroURL
oDisp = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
dim args(2) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
args(0).Name = "TargetAddress"
args(0).Value = target.AbsoluteName
oFrame = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
oDisp.executeDispatch(oFrame, sMacroURL, "", 0, args)
end if
end if
Doubelclicked = false
end function