Parsing Text String - command-line

I have created a running windows process list to a text file using the command:
tasklist > c:\mytasklist.txt. The result something like this:
Image Name PID Session Name Session# Mem Usage
========================= ======== ================ =========== ============
System Idle Process 0 Services 0 24 K
System 4 Services 0 12.408 K
smss.exe 320 Services 0 1.236 K
csrss.exe 424 Services 0 4.720 K
wininit.exe 516 Services 0 4.684 K
csrss.exe 524 Console 1 7.888 K
winlogon.exe 572 Console 1 7.764 K
services.exe 620 Services 0 9.532 K
and so on...
My question:
How I parsing the line on the text file, so I get output like the following format using Lua script:
PID - Process Name - Memory Usage
And the output automatic sorted by the biggest memory usage

local tasklist = io.popen"tasklist /fo csv /nh"
local list = {}
for line in tasklist:lines() do
local exe, pid, mem = line:match'^"(.-)","(%d+)",.-"([^"]+)"$'
table.insert(list, {pid = tonumber(pid), exe = exe, mem = tonumber((mem:gsub("%D", "")))})
table.sort(list, function(a, b) return a.mem > b.mem end)
for j = 1, math.min(10, #list) do
print(list[j].pid, list[j].mem, list[j].exe)
1036 549416 svchost.exe
4972 439524 firefox.exe
6540 214476 plugin-container.exe
7144 169268 OUTLOOK.EXE
532 75320 svchost.exe
1948 71644 avp.exe
3752 62704 svchost.exe
5268 61100 explorer.exe
596 56732 csrss.exe
5048 50248 CcmExec.exe


Read a big data file with headlines into a matrix

I have a file that looks like this (with real data and much bigger):
1 105.28 1 22 84 2 10.55 21 2
2 357.01 0 32 34 1 11.43 28 1
3 150.23 3 78 22 0 12.02 11 0
4 357.01 0 32 34 1 11.43 28 1
5 357.01 0 32 34 1 11.43 28 1
6 357.01 0 32 34 1 11.43 28 1
17000 357.01 0 32 34 1 11.43 28 1
I want to import all the numerical value into a matrix, skipping the headlines. For that purpose I use this code:
Filename = 'test.txt';
A = dlmread(Filename,' ',1,0); %Imports the whole data into a matrix
The problem with this is just that A is a 17 000 * 1 vector instead of a matrix with several columns. If I manual edit the data file, remove the headlines and just run this it works:
A = dlmread(Filename); %Imports the whole data into a matrix
But I would prefer not to do this since the headlines are used later on in the code. Any advice how to get this work?
edit: solved by using
' '
instead of just
' '
Use the import tool.
Make sure you choose the data.
Generate script.

Modifying perl script to not print duplicates and extract sequences of a certain length

I want to first apologize for the biological nature of this post. I thought I should post some background first. I have a set of gene files that contain anywhere from one to five DNA sequences from different species. I used a bash shell script to perform blastn with each gene file as a query and a file of all transcriptome sequences (all_transcriptome_seq.fasta) from the five species as the subject. I now want to process these output files (and there are many) so that I can get all subject sequences that hit into one file per gene, with duplicate sequences removed (except to keep one), and ensure I'm getting the length of the sequences that actually hit the query.
Here is what the blastn output looks like for one gene file (columns: qseqid qlen sseqid slen qframe qstart qend sframe sstart send evalue bitscore pident nident length)
Acur_01000750.1_OFAS014956-RA-EXON04 248 Apil_comp17195_c0_seq1 1184 1 1 248 1 824 1072 2e-73 259 85.60 214 250
Acur_01000750.1_OFAS014956-RA-EXON04 248 Atri_comp5613_c0_seq1 1067 1 2 248 1 344 96 8e-97 337 91.16 227 249
Acur_01000750.1_OFAS014956-RA-EXON04 248 Acur_01000750.1 992 1 1 248 1 655 902 1e-133 459 100.00 248 248
Acur_01000750.1_OFAS014956-RA-EXON04 248 Btri_comp17734_c0_seq1 1001 1 1 248 1 656 905 5e-69 244 84.40 211 250
Btri_comp17734_c0_seq1_OFAS014956-RA-EXON04 250 Atri_comp5613_c0_seq1 1067 1 2 250 1 344 96 1e-60 217 82.33 205 249
Btri_comp17734_c0_seq1_OFAS014956-RA-EXON04 250 Acur_01000750.1 992 1 1 250 1 655 902 5e-69 244 84.40 211 250
Btri_comp17734_c0_seq1_OFAS014956-RA-EXON04 250 Btri_comp17734_c0_seq1 1001 1 1 250 1 656 905 1e-134 462 100.00 250 250
I've been working on a perl script that would, in short, take the sseqid column to pull out the corresponding sequences from the all_transcriptome_seq.fasta file, place these into a new file, and trim the transcripts to the sstart and send positions. Here is the script, so far:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
# v. 1.0 by Michael F., XXXXXX
my($progname) = $0;
# Initialize variables
if ( #ARGV != 2 ) {
print "Usage:\n \$ $progname <infile> <transcriptomes>\n";
print " infile = tab-delimited blastn text file\n";
print " transcriptomes = fasta file of all transcriptomes\n";
print "exiting...\n";
# Read the input file
print "Reading the input file... ";
open (my $INF, $infile) or die "Unable to open file";
my #data = <$INF>;
print #data;
close($INF) or die "Could not close file $infile.\n";
my($nlines) = $#data + 1;
my($inlines) = $nlines - 1;
print "$nlines blastn hits read\n\n";
# Extract hits and place sequences into new file
my #temparray;
my #templine;
open ($INF, $infile) or die "Could not open file $infile for input.\n";
#temparray = <$INF>;
close($INF) or die "Could not close file $infile.\n";
$t1 = $#temparray + 1;
print "$infile\t$t1\n";
$seqfname = "$infile" . ".fasta";
if ( -e $seqfname ) {
print " --> $seqfname exists. overwriting\n";
# iterate through the individual hits
for ($jter=0; $jter<$t1; $jter++) {
(#templine) = split(/\s+/, $temparray[$jter]);
$com = "./extract_from_genome2 $transcriptomes $templine[2] $templine[8] $templine[9] $templine[2]";
# print "$com\n";
system("cat temp.3 >> $seqfname");
} # end for ($jter=0; $jter<$t1...
# Arguments for "extract_from_genome2"
# // argv[1] = name of genome file
# // argv[2] = gi number for contig
# // argv[3] = start of subsequence
# // argv[4] = end of subsequence
# // argv[5] = name of output sequence
Using this script, here is the output I'm getting:
As you can see, it's pretty close to what I'm wanting. Here are the two issues I have and cannot seem to figure out how to resolve with my script. The first is that a sequence may occur more than once in the sseqid column, and with the script in its current form, it will print out duplicates of these sequences. I only need one. How can I modify my script to not duplicate sequences (i.e., how do I only retain one but remove the other duplicates)? Expected output:
The second is the script is not quite extracting the right base pairs. It's super close, off by one or two, but its not exact.
For example, take the first subject hit Apil_comp17195_c0_seq1. The sstart and send values are 824 and 1072, respectively. When I go to the all_transcriptome_seq.fasta, I get
at that base pair range, not
as outputted by my script, which is what I'm expecting. You will also notice that the sequence outputted by my script is slightly shorter than it should be. Does anyone know how I can fix these issues in my script?
Thanks, and sorry for the lengthy post!
Edit 1: a solution was offered that work for some of the infiles. However, some were causing the script to output fewer sequences than expected. Here is one such infile with 9 hits, from which I was expecting only 4 sequences.
Note: this issue has been largely resolved based on the solution provided below the answer section
Apil_comp16418_c0_seq1_OFAS000119-RA-EXON01 1587 Apil_comp16418_c0_seq1 2079 1 1 1587 1 416 2002 0.0 2931 100.00 1587 1587
Apil_comp16418_c0_seq1_OFAS000119-RA-EXON01 1587 Atri_comp13712_c0_seq1 1938 1 1 1587 1 1651 75 0.0 1221 80.73 1286 1593
Apil_comp16418_c0_seq1_OFAS000119-RA-EXON01 1587 Ctom_01003023.1 2162 1 1 1406 1 1403 1 0.0 1430 85.07 1197 1407
Atri_comp13712_c0_seq1_OFAS000119-RA-EXON01 1441 Apil_comp16418_c0_seq1 2079 1 1 1437 1 1866 430 0.0 1170 81.43 1175 1443
Atri_comp13712_c0_seq1_OFAS000119-RA-EXON01 1441 Atri_comp13712_c0_seq1 1938 1 1 1441 1 201 1641 0.0 2662 100.00 1441 1441
Atri_comp13712_c0_seq1_OFAS000119-RA-EXON01 1441 Acur_01000228.1 2415 1 1 1440 1 2231 797 0.0 1906 90.62 1305 1440
Ctom_01003023.1_OFAS000119-RA-EXON01 1289 Apil_comp16418_c0_seq1 2079 1 3 1284 1 1714 430 0.0 1351 85.69 1102 1286
Ctom_01003023.1_OFAS000119-RA-EXON01 1289 Acur_01000228.1 2415 1 1 1287 1 2084 797 0.0 1219 83.81 1082 1291
Ctom_01003023.1_OFAS000119-RA-EXON01 1289 Ctom_01003023.1 2162 1 1 1289 1 106 1394 0.0 2381 100.00 1289 1289
Edit 2: There is still an occasional output lacking fewer sequences than expected, although not as many after incorporating modifications to my script from Edit 1 suggestion (i.e., accounting for reverse direction). I cannot figure out why the script would be outputting fewer sequences in these other cases. Below the infile in question. The output is lacking Btri_comp15171_c0_seq1:
Apil_comp19456_c0_seq1_OFAS000248-RA-EXON07 2464 Apil_comp19456_c0_seq1 3549 1 1 2464 1 761 3224 0.0 4551 100.00 2464 2464
Apil_comp19456_c0_seq1_OFAS000248-RA-EXON07 2464 Btri_comp15171_c0_seq1 3766 1 1 2456 1 3046 591 0.0 1877 80.53 1985 2465
Btri_comp15171_c0_seq1_OFAS000248-RA-EXON07 2457 Apil_comp19456_c0_seq1 3549 1 1 2457 1 3214 758 0.0 1879 80.54 1986 2466
Btri_comp15171_c0_seq1_OFAS000248-RA-EXON07 2457 Atri_comp28646_c0_seq1 1403 1 1256 2454 1 1401 203 0.0 990 81.60 980 1201
Btri_comp15171_c0_seq1_OFAS000248-RA-EXON07 2457 Btri_comp15171_c0_seq1 3766 1 1 2457 1 593 3049 0.0 4538 100.00 2457 2457
You can use hash to remove duplicates
The bellow code remove duplicates depending on their subject length (keep larger subject length rows).
Just update your # iterate through the individual hits part with
# iterate through the individual hits
my %filterhash;
my $subject_length;
for ($jter=0; $jter<$t1; $jter++) {
(#templine) = split(/\s+/, $temparray[$jter]);
$subject_length = $templine[9] -$templine[8];
if(exists $filterhash{$templine[2]} ){
if($filterhash{$templine[2]} < $subject_length){
$filterhash{$templine[2]}= $subject_length;
$filterhash{$templine[2]}= $subject_length;
my %printhash;
for ($jter=0; $jter<$t1; $jter++) {
(#templine) = split(/\s+/, $temparray[$jter]);
$subject_length = $templine[9] -$templine[8];
if(not exists $printhash{$templine[2]})
if(exists $filterhash{$templine[2]} and $filterhash{$templine[2]} == $subject_length ){
$com = "./extract_from_genome2 $transcriptomes $templine[2] $templine[8] $templine[9] $templine[2]";
# print "$com\n";
system("cat temp.3 >> $seqfname");
if(exists $filterhash{$templine[2]} and $filterhash{$templine[2]} == $subject_length ){
$com = "./extract_from_genome2 $transcriptomes $templine[2] $templine[8] $templine[9] $templine[2]";
#print "$com\n";
system("cat temp.3 >> $seqfname");
} # end for ($jter=0; $jter<$t1...
Hope this will help you.
Edit part update
for negative stand you need to replace
$subject_length = $templine[9] -$templine[8];
if($templine[8] > $templine[9]){
$subject_length = $templine[8] -$templine[9];
$subject_length = $templine[9] -$templine[8];
You also need to update your extract_from_genome2 code for negative strand sequences.

Exporting to .csv format from matlab or log file

I am running a simulation which displays a list of parameters at every time step and displays it on the command window. It also generates a separate log file which shows all the parameters at each time step.Is there a way where i can export into a .csv file in a structured manner.There is no structure in which the output is displayed.Every row has different number of parameters.
Part of output looks like this
Time = 80.0000 sec =======================================
rmc_gr 22 DTT_pos_in: 5 Veh_Spd(mph): 1.9 fhtyi_st_pr_des: 3 ttgyda_pc_dd: 0.000
rmip_pc_dot_dd: -0.000 rmssh__thld: 0.000 rmssh_tm_tin_exit: 0.000 rmssh_gr_des: 1
tin_ne: 676 tdc_t_bar: 602 tdc_nbar: 407 tdc_n_isb_bar: 0
tfp_nerq: 7000 tcrpmbar: 408 tpm__bar: 89
r56sc_gr_t: 22 sacr_d_ele: 0 saprc_p_lnp: 180
saseq_gr: 22 sautl_gr_end: 0 sautl_gr_strt: 0 sautl_gr_end: 22
sautl_grstrt: 0 sa_slp: 0 satq_tqhld: 0.000000 sacorst: 0

Hung processes resume if attached to strace

I have a network program written in C using TCP sockets. Sometimes the client program hangs forever expecting input from server. Specifically, the client hangs on select() call set on an fd intended to read characters sent by server.
I am using strace to know where the process got stuck. However, sometimes when I attach the hung client process to strace, it immediately resumes it's execution and properly exits. Not all hung processes exhibit this behavior, some processes stuck in the select() even if I attach them to strace. But most of the processes resume their execution when attached to strace.
I am curious what causing the processes resume when attached to strace. It might give me clues to know why client processes are getting hung.
Any ideas? what causes a hung process to resume it's execution when attached to strace?
Here's the output of strace on hung processes.
> sudo strace -p 25645
Process 25645 attached - interrupt to quit
--- SIGSTOP (Stopped (signal)) # 0 (0) ---
--- SIGSTOP (Stopped (signal)) # 0 (0) ---
[ Process PID=25645 runs in 32 bit mode. ]
select(6, [3 5], NULL, NULL, NULL) = 2 (in [3 5])
read(5, "\0", 8192) = 1
write(2, "", 0) = 0
read(3, "====Setup set_oldtempbehaio"..., 8192) = 555
write(1, "====Setup set_oldtempbehaio"..., 555) = 555
select(6, [3 5], NULL, NULL, NULL) = 2 (in [3 5])
read(5, "", 8192) = 0
read(3, "", 8192) = 0
close(5) = 0
kill(25652, SIGKILL) = 0
exit_group(0) = ?
Process 25645 detached
> sudo strace -p 14462
Process 14462 attached - interrupt to quit
[ Process PID=14462 runs in 32 bit mode. ]
read(0, 0xff85fdbc, 8192) = -1 EIO (Input/output error)
shutdown(3, 1 /* send */) = 0
exit_group(0) = ?
> sudo strace -p 7517
Process 7517 attached - interrupt to quit
--- SIGSTOP (Stopped (signal)) # 0 (0) ---
--- SIGSTOP (Stopped (signal)) # 0 (0) ---
[ Process PID=7517 runs in 32 bit mode. ]
connect(3, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(300), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
close(3) = 0
dup(2) = 3
fcntl64(3, F_GETFL) = 0x1 (flags O_WRONLY)
close(3) = 0
write(2, "dsd13: Connection timed out\n", 30) = 30
write(2, "Error code : 110\n", 17) = 17
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [], NULL, 8) = 0
exit_group(1) = ?
Process 7517 detached
Not just select(), but the processes(of same program) are stuck in various system calls before I attach them to strace. They suddenly resume after attaching to strace. If I don't attach them to strace, they just hang there forever.
Update 2:
I learned that strace could start a process which was previously stopped (process in T sate). Now I am trying to understand why did these processes go to 'T' state, what's the cause. Here's the /proc//status information:
> cat /proc/12554/status
Name: someone
State: T (stopped)
SleepAVG: 88%
Tgid: 12554
Pid: 12554
PPid: 9754
TracerPid: 0
Uid: 5000 5000 5000 5000
Gid: 48986 48986 48986 48986
FDSize: 256
Groups: 9149 48986
VmPeak: 1992 kB
VmSize: 1964 kB
VmLck: 0 kB
VmHWM: 608 kB
VmRSS: 608 kB
VmData: 156 kB
VmStk: 20 kB
VmExe: 16 kB
VmLib: 1744 kB
VmPTE: 20 kB
Threads: 1
SigQ: 54/73728
SigPnd: 0000000000000000
ShdPnd: 0000000000000000
SigBlk: 0000000000000000
SigIgn: 0000000000000006
SigCgt: 0000000000004000
CapInh: 0000000000000000
CapPrm: 0000000000000000
CapEff: 0000000000000000
Cpus_allowed: 00000000,00000000,00000000,0000000f
Mems_allowed: 00000000,00000001
strace uses ptrace. The ptrace man page has this:
Since attaching sends SIGSTOP and the tracer usually suppresses it,
this may cause a stray EINTR return from the currently executing system
call in the tracee, as described in the "Signal injection and
suppression" section.
Are you seeing select return EINTR?

What's the format of tm->when in /proc/net/tcp?

I need to know what tm->when means, but proc(5) doesn't mention anything helpful,
So, does it store the creation time of the socket? The number seems to be decreasing each time I view the file.
root#ubuntu-vm:~# cat /proc/net/tcp
sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode
0: 00000000:0CEA 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 104 0 17410 1 dddb6d00 100 0 0 10 -1
1: 00000000:0016 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 0 0 7959 1 dddb4500 100 0 0 10 -1
2: B238A8C0:0016 0138A8C0:9C96 01 00000000:00000000 02:00061444 00000000 0 0 8243 4 daa3c000 20 4 27 10 16
3: B238A8C0:0CEA 0138A8C0:8753 01 00000000:00000000 02:0009C787 00000000 104 0 19467 2 daa3e300 20 4 18 10 -1
From Exploring the /proc/net/ Directory
The tr field indicates whether a timer is active for this socket. A value of zero indicates the timer is not active. The tm->when field indicates the time remaining (in jiffies) before timeout occurs.