Loop a result set and feed two tables - tsql

I have a select query that returns a huge result set (500k records). But for this example let's say it has only two records:
ON I.partcode = P.partcode
ORDER BY I.partcode
The result will look more or less like this:
pk partcode genericname partname stock
1 001 mouse logitech 10
2 002 keyboard genius 8
I have to loop the result above and feed two tables (product and variant).
I first have to insert two of the columns into 'product' table, like this:
(p_code,product_name) values (partcode,genericname)
pk p_code product_name
5 001 mouse
6 001 keyboard
Then I have to grab the pk that was automatically generated into the table above (say ppk) and then insert it together with the other two columns into the 'variant' table, like this:
(product_pk,variant_name,in_stock) values (ppk,partname,stock)
pk product_pk variant_name in_stock
10 5 logitech 10
11 6 genius 8
At the end I should have the product and the variant tables with 2 records each.
I could write a VB code to do that but I think that it can de done in pure SQL, and I just am not sure the best approach.
Someone could give me some help with this?
Thank you!

You could use a SQL cursor to loop through and insert a row at a time into PRODUCT and then use SCOPE_IDENTITY() to get the newly assigned identity value to insert a corresponding row into VARIANT, but best practice is to avoid cursors if there's another way. (There usually is, but not always.)
If the partcode/genericname combination will uniquely identify 1 record in PRODUCT, you could do this:
INSERT INTO PRODUCT (p_code,product_name)
SELECT partcode, genenricname
(I would eliminate the ORDER BY from your query unless you care about the order the identity values are assigned.)
Then, run this:
SELECT pr.ppk, i.partname, i.stock
FROM inventory i INNER JOIN parts p ON i.partcode = p.partcode
INNER JOIN product pr on i.partcode = pr.p_code and i.genericname = pr.product_name
You may have to clean up the aliases between i and p in the 2nd query. I can't tell which table (inventory or parts) the variant_name and in_stock fields are coming from so I just used i.
Again - this assumes that partcode/genericname combination is unique in the PRODUCT table.


Best usage of indexes and primary key on joined and filtered data in PostgreSQL

I have 2 tables with the exact same number of rows and the same non-repeated id. Because the data comes from 2 sources I want to keep it 2 tables and not combine it. I assume the best approach would be to leave the unique id as the primary key and join on it?
SELECT * FROM tableA INNER JOIN tableB ON tableA primary key = tableB primary key
The data is used by an application that force the user to select 1 or many values from 5 drop downs in cascading order:
select 1 or many values from tableA column1.
select 1 or many values from tableA column2 but filtered from the first filter.
select 1 or many values from tableA column3 but filtered from the second filter which in turn is filtered from the first filter.
For example:
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Selecting "Doe" from column1 would limit the second filter to ("Jane","John"). And selecting "Jane" from column2 would filter column3 to ("2022-01","2021-12")
And last part of the question;
The application have 3 selection options for column3:
picking the exact value (for example "2022-01") or picking the year ("2022") or picking the quarter that the month falls into ("Q1", which equates in "01","02","03").
What would be the best usage of indexes AND/OR additional columns for this scenario?
Volume of data would be 20-100 million rows.
Each filter is in the range of 5-25 distinct values.
Which version of Postgres do you operate?
The volume you state is rather daunting for such a use case of populating drop-down boxes using live data for a PG db.
No kidding, it's possible, Kibana/Elastic has even a filter widget that works exactly this way for instance.
My guess is you may consider storing the different combinations of search columns in another table simply to speed up populating the dropboxes. You can achieve that with triggers on the two main tables. So instead of additional columns/indexes you may end with an additional table ;)
Regarding indexing strategy and given the hints you stated (AND/OR), I'd say there's no silver bullet. Index the columns that will be queried the most often.
Index each column individually because Postgres starting from 11 IIRC can combine multiple indexes to answer conjunctive/disjunctive formulas in WHERE clauses.
Hope this helps

How to sort table alphabetically by name initial?

I have a table contains columns 'employeename' and 'id', how can I sort the 'employeename' column following alphabetical order of the names initial?
Say the table is like this now:
employeename rid eid
Dave 1 1
Ben 4 2
Chloe 6 6
I tried the command ORDER BY, it shows what I want but when I query the data again by SELECT, the showed table data is the same as original, indicting ORDER BY does not modify the data, is this correct?
FROM employee
ORDER BY employeename ASC;
I expect the table data to be modified (sorted by names alphabetical order) like this:
employeename rid eid
Ben 4 2
Chloe 6 6
Dave 1 1
the showed table data is the same as original, indicting ORDER BY does not modify the data, is this correct?
Yes, this is correct. A SELECT statement does not change the data in a table. Only UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT or TRUNCATE statements will change the data.
However, your question shows a misconception on how a relational database works.
Rows in a table (of a relational database) are not sorted in any way. You can picture them as balls in a basket.
If you want to display data in a specific sort order, the only (really: the only) way to do that is to use an ORDER BY in your SELECT statement. There is no alternative to that.
Postgres allows to define a VIEW that includes an ORDER BY which might be an acceptable workaround for you:
CREATE VIEW sorted_employee;
FROM employee
ORDER BY employeename ASC;
Then you can simply use
select *
from sorted_employees;
But be aware of the drawbacks. If you run select * from sorted_employees order by id then the data will be sorted twice. Postgres is not smart enough to remove the (useless) order by from the view's definition.
Some related questions:
Default row order in SELECT query - SQL Server 2008 vs SQL 2012
What is the default SQL result sort order with 'select *'?
Is PostgreSQL order fully guaranteed if sorting on a non-unique attribute?
Why do results from a SQL query not come back in the order I expect?

LEFT JOIN returns incorrect result in PostgreSQL

I have two tables: A (525,968 records) and B (517,831 records). I want to generate a table with all the rows from A and the matched records from B. Both tables has column "id" and column "year". The combination of id and year in table A is unique, but not in table B. So I wrote the following query:
LEFT JOIN B ON (A.id = B.id AND A.year = B.year);
I thought the result should contain the same total number of records in A, but it only returns about 517,950 records. I'm wondering what the possible cause may be.
First of all, I understand that this is an example, but postgres may hava an issues with capital letters in the table names.
Secondly, it may be a good idea to check how exactly you calculated 525,968 records. The thing is - if you use sime kind of client of database administration / queries - it may show you different / technical information about tables (there may be internal row counters in postgres that may actually differ from the number of records).
And finally to check yourself do something like

query gives two of the same results

I have the following SQL query but I got a problem:
When I execute it I got two of the same serial numbers from the "sn" column in the "products" table.
SELECT specifications.productname,
products.sn, specifications.year,
FROM products
INNER JOIN lendings ON products.id = lendings.product_id
INNER JOIN specifications ON products.sn LIKE CONCAT(\'%\', specifications.sn, \'%\') OR products.type LIKE CONCAT(\'%\', specifications.type, \'%\')
WHERE lendings.user_id = ?
lendings table:
user_id product_id
1 1
1 2
2 3
Specifications table:
productname year type sn
name1 2012 1 1234
name2 2011 2 4321
name3 2010 3 3241
products table:
id sn
SELECT products.id,
FROM products
INNER JOIN lendings ON products.id = lendings.product_id
INNER JOIN specifications ON products2.sn LIKE CONCAT(specifications.sn, \'%\') OR products.type = specifications.type
WHERE lendings.user_id = ?
One of your Join on conditions is too slack then
for instance two lendings records pointing to the same product.
Usually, that means you don't have all the necesary join columns present in one of your joins and you are getting a cartesian product. In database terms, this means you are joining to a table and expected to join to a single row, but multiple rows match the criteria, so you are actually joining to more than one row. When this happens, you will get the same row multiple times (product row in your example) in your result.
It would have been better if you posted some test data so this scenario could be confirmed, but since you didn't, I would recommend checking each of your joins to make sure you are not getting multiple rows back for the given products row.
One part of your query I find particularly suspect is this join:
INNER JOIN specifications ON products.sn LIKE CONCAT(\'%\', specifications.sn, \'%\') OR products.type LIKE CONCAT(\'%\', specifications.type, \'%\')
You're joining using a LIKE operator, which seems to have a high chance of getting multiple rows.

Fully matching sets of records of two many-to-many tables

I have Users, Positions and Licenses.
Relations are:
users may have many licenses
positions may require many licenses
So I can easily get license requirements per position(s) as well as effective licenses per user(s).
But I wonder what would be the best way to match the two sets? As logic goes user needs at least those licenses that are required by a certain position. May have more, but remaining are not relevant.
I would like to get results with users and eligible positions.
PersonID PositionID
1 1 -> user 1 is eligible to work on position 1
1 2 -> user 1 is eligible to work on position 2
2 1 -> user 2 is eligible to work on position 1
3 2 -> user 3 is eligible to work on position 2
4 ...
As you can see I need a result for all users, not a single one per call, which would make things much much easier.
There are actually 5 tables here:
create table Person ( PersonID, ...)
create table Position (PositionID, ...)
create table License (LicenseID, ...)
and relations
create table PersonLicense (PersonID, LicenseID, ...)
create table PositionLicense (PositionID, LicenseID, ...)
So basically I need to find positions that a particular person is licensed to work on. There's of course a much more complex problem here, because there are other factors, but the main objective is the same:
How do I match multiple records of one relational table to multiple records of the other. This could as well be described as an inner join per set of records and not per single record as it's usually done in TSQL.
I'm thinking of TSQL language constructs:
rowsets but I've never used them before and don't know how to use them anyway
intersect statements maybe although these probably only work over whole sets and not groups
Final solution (for future reference)
In the meantime while you fellow developers answered my question, this is something I came up with and uses CTEs and partitioning which can of course be used on SQL Server 2008 R2. I've never used result partitioning before so I had to learn something new (which is a plus altogether). Here's the code:
with CTEPositionLicense as (
checksum_agg(LicenseID) over (partition by PositionID) as RequiredHash
from PositionLicense
select per.PersonID, pos.PositionID
from CTEPositionLicense pos
join PersonLicense per
on (per.LicenseID = pos.LicenseID)
group by pos.PositionID, pos.RequiredHash, per.PersonID
having pos.RequiredHash = checksum_agg(per.LicenseID)
order by per.PersonID, pos.PositionID;
So I made a comparison between these three techniques that I named as:
Cross join (by Andriy M)
Table variable (by Petar Ivanov)
Checksum - this one here (by Robert Koritnik, me)
Mine already orders results per person and position, so I also added the same to the other two to make return identical results.
Resulting estimated execution plan
Checksum: 7%
Table variable: 2% (table creation) + 9% (execution) = 11%
Cross join: 82%
I also changed Table variable version into a CTE version (instead of table variable a CTE was used) and removed order by at the end and compared their estimated execution plans. Just for reference CTE version 43% while original version had 53% (10% + 43%).
One way to write this efficiently is to do a join of PositionLicences with PersonLicences on the licenceId. Then count the non nulls grouped by position and person and compare with the count of all licences for position - if equal than that person qualifies:
DECLARE #tmp TABLE(PositionId INT, LicenseCount INT)
SELECT PositionId as PositionId
COUNT(1) as LicenseCount
FROM PositionLicense
GROUP BY PositionId
SELECT per.PersonID, pos.PositionId
FROM PositionLicense as pos
INNER JOIN PersonLicense as per ON (pos.LicenseId = per.LicenseId)
GROUP BY t.PositionID, t.PersonId
SELECT LicenceCount FROM #tmp WHERE PositionId = t.PositionID
I would approach the problem like this:
Get all the (distinct) users from PersonLicense.
Cross join them with PositionLicense.
Left join the resulting set with PersonLicense using PersonID and LicenseID.
Group the results by PersonID and PositionID.
Filter out those (PersonID, PositionID) pairs where the number of licenses in PositionLicense does not match the number of those in PersonLicense.
And here's my implementation:
CROSS JOIN PositionLicense pl
LEFT JOIN PersonLicense ul ON u.PersonID = ul.PersonID
AND pl.LicenseID = ul.LicenseID
HAVING COUNT(pl.LicenseID) = COUNT(ul.LicenseID)