Haw can I handle clicking back button in install4j? - install4j

I have a screen with really long action. I figured out that I can handle clicking 'Cancel' button by running scheduled task which checks the condition: context.isCancelling() during execution of this action. Is there any way to handle clicking 'Back' button during the action execution?

The back button is always disabled while an action is being executed, this cannot be changed programmatically.
If you want to provide a way to cancel an action and to go back to the previous screen, you have to add such a button yourself to the screen. In the action script of the button, you can set an installer variable to true and regularly check its value in the action. If the variable is set, call
to go back to the previous screen and return from the action.


How i can put willpop scope to this force update function in flutter?

I want to prevent user from skipping the alert pop up of force update. When alert pop up and i pressed back button the pop up will disappear and the user can skipped the update. even when user press the update and redirect to playstore, when the user pressed the back button the alert also disappear.
I know there is a way to make the allow dismissalbutton , but i want to have close button and then the user cant still skip the force update feature. you can see my code below.
when i am trying to set allow dismissal to true the close button will disappear, is there a way to prevent the close button even i will set the allowdismisal to true? also does anyone can provide how can i get a will pop my function written above

Dash progress bar with celery

I am developing a dash application. I am using docker-compose, web and celery are few services to name.
I have a long running task for this I am using celery and I have a progress bar to display progress of that task.
So basically user clicks on run button to start the task and then a progress bar and cancel button is visible to cancel the task and run button is disabled till task is running or cancel button is clicked.
This above setup is working smooth.
Now suppose user clicks on run button i.e. progress bar and cancel button is visible and run button is disabled and after that user do one of the following below actions -
If user closes the browser tab or
If user clicks the browser refresh button or
If user switches/clicks on any other page within the application
And now if user again returns/opens the same page again, I observed following things:
Page gets loaded with default page settings i.e. no progress bar and cancel button only run button is visible.
The task is still running in background.
What is preferred approach to handle above problems?
I am trying to get the status of the page as it was left i.e. progress bar and cancel button is visible and run button is disabled.Is this possible?
Please suggest.

Validation for changes on textfield in Extjs

In my UI, I have a gridpanel and 'add' button. when you click the add button, an add window will appear with a few textfields to be filled in. Under in my add window, I have a button 'save' and 'close' at the bottom part. Now, whenever I filled in a data in my textfields and accidentally click the close button, I want to have a prompt message that saying 'there are data that haven't save yet' but if there's no changes, it will close automatically without prompting message.
text: 'Close',
//...I believe this is where I have to put my code.
You can use the isDirty() method. Form components has this method available. It returns true or false.

How to prevent GWT dialogbox from closing when clicking outside it

I plan to add a menu that pop ups when a user performs a certain action. This menu will include some fields that the user will fill out and then hit "Submit" which will close the dialog box and update the client based on information inputed.
However, I want the user to be able to close the dialog window by hitting cancel or submit, and not by clicking on the screen outside of the dialog box.
How can i do this? Or maybe I should just use a PopupPanel?
It's as easy as setting the auto-hide behavior to false, either at construction time or later.

Skillbuilders save before exit

I am using the Skillsbuilders Save Before Exit Oracle ApEx plugin within one of my pages but for some reason, I do not want it to fire when the user presses the "Save" button on the page that basically branches back to itself, when they change something on the page.
Now the "Save" button is fired as part of a Dynamic Action, which basically first calls a JavaScript function, followed by PL/SQL and then performs a apex.submit("SUBMIT") JavaScript call.
With this plugin, how can I prevent it from firing when the user presses the "Save" button because when a user changes a field on the screen and then proceeds to press the "Save" button, this plugin fires and displays the dialog to the user that changes have been made, which is not what I want. I just want it to save the changes and stay on the page.
See here for plugin details:
I have read documentation http://skillbuilders.com/download/download-resource.cfm/instructions.pdf?file=Oracle-Apex/plugins/save_before_exit//instructions.pdf
You must change attribute of the plugin named "Disable Warning Selector". Specify jquery selector, applied for all buttons which you want to fire the dialog.