foldLeft : if exists add to a map else update values - scala

I wanted to try out the foldLeft similar to reduceByKey function.
If the letter exists increment by value else append the tuple in HashMap.
The below code fails:
val output = input.toLowerCase.filter(Character.isLetter).map(x => (x,1)).foldLeft(HashMap.empty[Char,Int].withDefaultValue(0)){case (acc,(x,y))=> acc += x }
Please suggest.

With Scala 2.13 you can use the new groupMapReduce().
val output = "In-Pint".collect{case c if c.isLetter => c.toLower}
.groupMapReduce(identity)(_ => 1)(_+_)
//output: Map[Char,Int] = Map(p -> 1, t -> 1, i -> 2, n -> 2)

Breaking down your code snippet:
As showcased in #jwvh's answer, this can be simplified to .collect{case c if c.isLetter => c.toLower}
.map(x => (x, 1))
This transformation is unnecessary if you intend to use foldLeft.
.foldLeft(HashMap.empty[Char,Int].withDefaultValue(0)){case (acc, (x,y)) => acc += x}
This wouldn't compile as += is an assignment which cannot be applied to the accumulator.
For counting distinct characters in a string, your foldLeft can be formulated as shown below:
"abac".foldLeft(Map[Char, Int]()){
case (m, c) => m + (c -> (m.getOrElse(c, 0) + 1))
// res1: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Char,Int] = Map(a -> 2, b -> 1, c -> 1)
The idea is simple: in foldLeft's binary operator, add to the existing Map c -> m(c)+1 if c already exists; else c -> 0+1.


Joining pairs of key-value with pairs of key-map

I am having this dataset:
, and the other dataset is:
(apple,Map(Bob -> 1))
(banana,Map(Chris -> 1))
(orange,Map(John -> 1))
(grape,Map(Smith -> 1))
(watermelon,Map(Phil -> 1))
I aiming to combine both sets to get:
(apple,1,Map(Bob -> 1))
(banana,4,Map(Chris -> 1))
(orange,3,Map(John -> 1))
(grape,2,Map(Smith -> 1))
(watermelon,2,Map(Phil -> 1))
The code I have:
val counts_firstDataset = =>
(word.firstWord, 1)).reduceByKey{case (x, y) => x + y}
Second dataset:
val counts_secondDataset = => (x._1,
I tried to use the join method val joined_data = counts_firstDataset.join(counts_secondDataset) but did not work because the join takes pair of [K,V]. How would I get around this issue?
The easiest way is just to convert to DataFrames and then join:
import spark.implicits._
val counts_firstDataset = words
.map(word => (word.firstWord, 1))
.reduceByKey{case (x, y) => x + y}
.toDF("type", "value")
val counts_secondDataset = secondSet
.map(x => (x._1,x._2.toList.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size)))
.join(counts_secondDataset, 'type === 'type_2)
As first element (name of fruits) of both the lists are in the same order, you can combine the two lists of tuples using zip and then use map to change the list to a tuple in the following way:
.map(vk => (vk._1._1, vk._1._2, vk._2._2))

How to sum a List[(Char,Int)] into a Map[Char,Int] in Scala?

I've got list of pairs:
and I would like to transform it by grouping by _1 and summing _2. The result should be like
Map('a'->4, 'b' -> 3)
I very new to Scala so please be kind :)
More direct version. We fold over the list, using a Map as the accumulator. The withDefaultValue means we don't have to test if we have the entry in the map already.
val xs = List(('a',3),('b',3),('a',1))
xs.foldLeft(Map[Char, Int]() withDefaultValue 0)
{case (m, (c, i)) => m updated (c,m(c)+i)}
//> res0: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Char,Int] = Map(a -> 4, b -> 3)
which can be written as
list.groupBy(_._1).mapValues { tuples =>
val ints = { case (c, i) => i }

fold left operation in Scala?

I am having difficulty understanding how fold left works in Scala.
The following code computes for each unique character in the list chars the number of
times it occurs. For example, the invocation
times(List('a', 'b', 'a'))
should return the following (the order of the resulting list is not important):
List(('a', 2), ('b', 1))
def times(chars: List[Char]): List[(Char, Int)] = {
def incr(acc: Map[Char,Int], c: Char) = {
val count = (acc get c).getOrElse(0) + 1
acc + ((c, count));
val map = Map[Char, Int]()
(map /: chars)(incr).iterator.toList
I am just confused as to what the last line of this function is actually doing?
Any help wpuld be great.
foldLeft in scala works like this:
suppose you have a list of integers,
val nums = List(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
val res= nums.foldLeft(0)((m: Int, n: Int) => m + n)
you will get res=55.
lets visualise it.
val res1 = nums.foldLeft(0) { (m: Int, n: Int) => println("m: " + m + " n: " + n);
m + n }
m: 0 n: 1
m: 1 n: 2
m: 3 n: 3
m: 6 n: 4
m: 10 n: 5
m: 15 n: 6
m: 21 n: 7
m: 28 n: 8
m: 36 n: 9
m: 45 n: 10
so, we can see that we need to pass initial accumulator value in foldLeft argument. And accumulated value is stored in 'm' and next value we get in 'n'.
And finally we get the accumulator as result.
Let's start from the "last line" which you are asking about: as the Map trait extends Iterable which in turn extends Traversable where the operator /: is explained, the code (map /: chars)(incr) does fold-left over chars, with the initial value of the accumulator being the empty mapping from characters to integers, applying incr to each intermediate value of acc and each element c of chars.
For example, when chars is List('a', 'b', 'a', 'c'), the fold-left expression (map /: chars)(incr) equals incr(incr(incr(incr(Map[Char, Int](), 'a'), 'b'), 'a'), 'c').
Now, as for what incr does: it takes an intermediate mapping acc from characters to integers, along with a character c, and increments by 1 the integer corresponding to c in the mapping. (Strictly speaking, the mapping is immutable and therefore never mutated: instead, a new, updated mapping is created and returned. Also, getOrElse(0) says that, if c does not exist in acc, the integer to be incremented is considered 0.)
As a whole, given List('a', 'b', 'a', 'c') as chars for example, the final mapping would be List(('a', 2), ('b', 1), ('c', 1)) when converted to a list by toList.
I rewrote your function in a more verbose way:
def times(chars: List[Char]): List[(Char, Int)] = {
.foldLeft(Map[Char, Int]()){ (acc, c) =>
acc + ((c, acc.getOrElse(c, 0) + 1))
Let's see the first steps on times("aba".toList)
First invocation:
(Map(), 'a') => Map() ++ Map(`a` -> 1)
Second invocation:
(Map(`a` -> 1), `b`) => Map('a' -> 1) ++ Map('b' ->1)
Third invocation:
(Map('a' -> 1, 'b' ->1), 'a') =>
Map('a' -> 1, 'b' ->1) ++ Map('a' -> 2) =>
Map('a' -> 2, 'b' ->1)
The actual implementation in the scala codebase is very concise:
def foldLeft[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B = {
var acc = z
var these = this
while (!these.isEmpty) {
acc = f(acc, these.head)
these = these.tail
Let me rename stuff for clarity:
def foldLeft[B](initialValue: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B = {
//Notice that both accumulator and collectionCopy are `var`s! They are reassigned each time in the loop.
var accumulator = initialValue
//create a copy of the collection
var collectionCopy = this //the function is inside a collection class, so **this** is the collection
while (!collectionCopy.isEmpty) {
accumulator = f(accumulator , collection.head)
collectionCopy = these.tail
Edit after comment:
Let us revisit now the the OPs function and rewrite it in an imperative manner (i.e. non-functional, which apparently is the source of confusion):
(map /: chars)(incr) is be exactly equivalent to chars.foldLeft(map)(incr), which can be imperatively rewritten as:
def foldLeft(initialValue: Map[Char,Int])(incrFunction: (Map[Char,Int], Char) => Map[Char,Int]): Map[Char,Int] = {
//Notice that both accumulator and charList are `var`s! They are reassigned each time in the loop.
var accumulator = initialValue
//create a copy of the collection
var charList: List[Char] = this //the function is inside a collection class, so **this** is the collection
while (!charList.isEmpty) {
accumulator = incrFunction(accumulator , collection.head)
charList = these.tail
I hope this makes the concept of foldLeft clearer.
So it is essentially an abstraction over an imperative while loop, that accumulates some value by traversing the collection and updating the accumulator. The accumulator is updated using a user-provided function that takes the previous value of the accumulator and the current item of the collection.
Its very description hints that it is a great tool to compute all sorts of aggregates on a collection, like sum, max etc. Yeah, scala collections actually provide all these functions, but they serve as a good example use case.
On the specifics of your question, let me point out that this can be easily done using groupBy:
def times(l: List[Char]) = l.groupBy(c => c).mapValues(_.size).toList
times(List('a','b','a')) // outputs List[(Char, Int)] = List((b,1), (a,2))
.groupBy(c => c) gives you Map[Char,List[Char]] = Map(b -> List(b), a -> List(a, a))
Then we use .mapValues(_.size) to map the values of the map to the size of the grouped sub-collections: Map[Char,Int] = Map(b -> 1, a -> 2).
Finally, you convert the map to a list of key-value tuples with .toList to get the final result.
Lastly, if you don't care about the order of the output list as you said, then leaving the output as a Map[Char,Int] conveys better this decision (instead of converting it to a list).

How to un-nest a spark rdd that has the following type ((String, scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Int]]))

Its a nested map with contents like this when i print it onto screen
(5, Map ( "ABCD" -> Map("3200" -> 3,
"3350.800" -> 4,
"200.300" -> 3)
(1, Map ( "DEF" -> Map("1200" -> 32,
"1320.800" -> 4,
"2100" -> 3)
I need to get something like this
Case Class( 5, ABCD 3200, 3)
Case Class(5, ABCD 3350.800, 4)
CaseClass(5,ABCD., 200.300, 3)
CaseClass(1, DEF 1200, 32)
CaseClass(1 DEF, 1320.800, 4)
etc etc.
basically a list of case classes
And map it to a case class object so that i can save it to cassandra.
I have tried doing flatMapValues but that un nests the map only one level. Also used flatMap . that doesnt work either or I'am making mistakes
Any suggestions ?
Fairly straightforward using a for-comprehension and some pattern matching to destructure things:
val in = List((5, Map ( "ABCD" -> Map("3200" -> 3, "3350.800" -> 4, "200.300" -> 3))),
(1, Map ("DEF" -> Map("1200" -> 32, "1320.800" -> 4, "2100" -> 3))))
case class Thing(a:Int, b:String, c:String, d:Int)
for { (index, m) <- in
(k,v) <-m
(innerK, innerV) <- v}
yield Thing(index, k, innerK, innerV)
//> res0: List[maps.maps2.Thing] = List(Thing(5,ABCD,3200,3),
// Thing(5,ABCD,3350.800,4),
// Thing(5,ABCD,200.300,3),
// Thing(1,DEF,1200,32),
// Thing(1,DEF,1320.800,4),
// Thing(1,DEF,2100,3))
So let's pick part the for-comprehension
(index, m) <- in
This is the same as
t <- in
(index, m) = t
In the first line t will successively be set to each element of in.
t is therefore a tuple (Int, Map(...))
Patten matching lets us put that "patten" for the tuple on the right hand side and the compiler picks apart the tuple, sets index to the Int and m to the Map.
(k,v) <-m
As before this is equivalent to
u <-m
(k, v) = u
And this time u takes each element of Map. Which again are tuples of key and value. So k is set successively to each key and v to the value.
And v is your inner map so we do the same thing again with the inner map
(innerK, innerV) <- v}
Now we have everything we need to create the case class. yield just says make a collection of whatever is "yielded" each time through the loop.
yield Thing(index, k, innerK, innerV)
Under the hood, this just translates to a set of maps/flatmaps
The yield is just the value Thing(index, k, innerK, innerV)
We get one of those for each element of v{x=>val (innerK, innerV) = t;Thing(index, k, innerK, innerV)}
but there's an inner map per element of the outer map
m.flatMap{y=>val (k, v) = y;{x=>val (innerK, innerV) = t;Thing(index, k, innerK, innerV)}}
(flatMap because we get a List of Lists if we just did a map and we want to flatten it to just the list of items)
Similarly, we do one of those for every element in the List
in.flatMap (z => val (index, m) = z; m.flatMap{y=>val (k, v) = y;{x=>val (innerK, innerV) = t;Thing(index, k, innerK, innerV)}}
Let's do that in _1, _2 style-y.
in.flatMap (z=> z._2.flatMap{y=>{x=>;Thing(z._1, y._1, x._1, x._2)}}}
which produces exactly the same result. But isn't it clearer as a for-comprehension?
You can do this like this if you prefer collection operation
case class Record(v1: Int, v2: String, v3: Double, v4: Int)
val data = List(
(5, Map ( "ABC" ->
3200. -> 3,
3350.800 -> 4,
200.300 -> 3))
(1, Map ( "DEF" ->
1200. -> 32,
1320.800 -> 4,
2100. -> 3))
val rdd = sc.parallelize(data)
val result = rdd.flatMap(p => {
.flatMap(q => => (q._1, l)))
.map((p._1, _))
}).map(p => Record(p._1, p._2._1, p._2._2._1, p._2._2._2))
// Record(5,ABC,3200.0,3),
// Record(5,ABC,3350.8,4),
// Record(5,ABC,200.3,3),
// Record(1,DEF,1200.0,32),
// Record(1,DEF,1320.8,4),
// Record(1,DEF,2100.0,3)

What is a more functional way of creating a Map of List?

I have this working code to create a Map between the characters in a String, and a List containing the indexes.
scala> "Lollipop".zipWithIndex.foldLeft(Map[Char, List[Int]]())((acc, t) => acc + (t._1 -> (acc.getOrElse(t._1, List[Int]()) :+ t._2)))
res122: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Char,List[Int]] = Map(i -> List(4), L -> List(0), l -> List(2, 3), p -> List(5, 7), o -> List(1, 6))
But the use of acc.getOrElse looks imperative.
Is there a more functional way that hides this from the user?
for {
(c, l) <- "Lollipop".zipWithIndex.groupBy{ _._1 }
} yield c ->{ _._2 }
// Map(i -> Vector(4), L -> Vector(0), l -> Vector(2, 3), p -> Vector(5, 7), o -> Vector(1, 6))
After groupBy{ _._1 } you'll get a Map[Char, Seq[(Char, Int)]]. So you have to convert pairs (Char, Int) to Int, using p => p._2 or just _._2.
You could use mapValueslike this:
"Lollipop".zipWithIndex.groupBy{ _._1 }.mapValues{{_._2} }
But mapValues creates a lazy collection, so you could get a performance issue in case of multiple access to the same element by key.
Alternative is to use default value for your map (rewritten code a little bit to be more explicit):
val empty = Map.empty[Char, List[Int]].withDefaultValue(List.empty)
"Lollipop".zipWithIndex.foldLeft(empty) {
case (acc, (char, position)) => {
val positions = acc(char) :+ position
acc + (char -> positions)