Scaling Kafka: how new event processing capacity is added dynamically? - apache-kafka

To a large extent getting throughout in a system on Kafka rests of these degrees of freedom:
(highly recommended) messages should be share nothing. If share-nothing they can be randomly assigned to different partitions within a topic and processed independently of other messages
(highly recommended) the partition count per topic should be sized. More partitions per topic equals greater possible levels of parallelism
(highly recommended) to avoid hotspots within a topic partition, the Kafka key may need to include time or some other varying data point so that a single partition does not unintentionally get the majority of the work
(helpful) the processing time per message should be small when possible mentions other items fine tuning these principles
Now suppose that on an otherwise OK system, one will get a lot of new work. For example, a new and large client may be added mid-day or an existing client may need to onboard a new account adding zillions of new events. How do we scale horizontally adding new capacity for this work?
If the messages are truly share-nothing throughout the entire system --- I have a data pipeline of services where A gets a message, processes it, publishes a new message to another service B, and so on --- adding new capacity to the system could be easy as sending a message on an separate administration topic telling the consumer task(s) to spin up new threads. Then so long as the number of partitions in the topic(s) is not a bottleneck, one would have indeed add new processing capacity.
This approach is certainly doable but is still un-optimal in these respects:
Work on different clientIds is definitely share-nothing. Merely adding new threads takes work faster, but any new work would interleave behind and within the existing client work. Had a new topic been available with a new pub/sub process pair(s), the new work could be done in parallel if the cluster has spare capacity on the new topic(s)
In general, share-nothing work may not be always possible at every step in a data pipeline. If ordering was ever required, the addition of new subscriber threads could get messages out of order for a given topic, partition. This happens when there are M paritions in a topic but >M subscriber threads. I have one such order sensitive case. It's worth noting then that ordering effectively means at most 1 subscriber thread per partition so sizing paritions may be even more important.
Tasks may not be allowed to add topics at runtime by the sysadmin
Even if adding topics at runtime is possible, system orchestration is required to tell various produces that clientID no longer is associated with the old topic T, but rather T'. WIP on T should be flushed first before using T'
How does the Cassandra community deal with adding capacity at runtime or is this day-dreaming? Adding new capacity via in this way seems to roughly center on:
Dynamic, elastic horizontal capacity seems to broadly center on these principles:
have spare capacity on your cluster
have extra unused topics for greater parallelism; create them at runtime or pre-create but not use if sys-admins don't allow dynamically creation
equip the system so that events for a given clientID can be intercepted before they enter the pipeline and deferred to a special queue, know when existing events on the clientID have flushed through the system, then update config(s) sending the held/deferred events and any new events on new clients to the new topic
Telling consumers to spin up more listeners
Dynamically adding more partitions? (Doubt that's possible or practical)


How to replay Event Sourcing events reliably?

One of great promises of Event Sourcing is the ability to replay events. When there's no relationship between entities (e.g. blob storage, user profiles) it works great, but how to do replay quckly when there are important relationships to check?
For example: Product(id, name, quantity) and Order(id, list of productIds). If we have CreateProduct and then CreateOrder events, then it will succeed (product is available in warehouse), it's easy to implement e.g. with Kafka (one topic with n1 partitions for products, another with n2 partitions for orders).
During replay everything happens more quickly, and Kafka may reorder the events (e.g. CreateOrder and then CreateProduct), which will give us different behavior than originally (CreateOrder will now fail because product doesn't exist yet). It's because Kafka guarantees ordering only within one topic within one partition. The easy solution would be putting everything into one huge topic with one partition, but this would be completely unscalable, as single-threaded replay of bigger databases could take days at least.
Is there any existing, better solution for quick replaying of related entities? Or should we forget about event sourcing and replaying of events when we need to check relationships in our databases, and replaying is good only for unrelated data?
As a practical necessity when event sourcing, you need the ability to conjure up a stream of events for a particular entity so that you can apply your event handler to build up the state. For Kafka, outside of the case where you have so few entities that you can assign an entire topic partition to just the events for a single entity, this entails a linear scan and filter through a partition. So for this reason, while Kafka is very likely to be a critical part of any event-driven/event-based system in relaying events published by a service for consumption by other services (at which point, if we consider the event vs. command dichotomy, we're talking about commands from the perspective of the consuming service), it's not well suited to the role of an event store, which are defined by their ability to quickly give you an ordered stream of the events for a particular entity.
The most popular purpose-built event store is, probably, the imaginatively named Event Store (at least partly due to the involvement of a few prominent advocates of event sourcing in its design and implementation). Alternatively, there are libraries/frameworks like Akka Persistence (JVM with a .Net port) which use existing DBs (e.g. relational SQL DBs, Cassandra, Mongo, Azure Cosmos, etc.) in a way which facilitates their use as an event store.
Event sourcing also as a practical necessity tends to lead to CQRS (they go together very well: event sourcing is arguably the simplest possible persistence model capable of being a write model, while its nearly useless as a read model). The typical pattern seen is that the command processing component of the system enforces constraints like "product exists before being added to the cart" (how those constraints are enforced is generally a question of whatever concurrency model is in use: the actor model has a high level of mechanical sympathy with this approach, but other models are possible) before writing events to the event store and then the events read back from the event store can be assumed to have been valid as of the time they were written (it's possible to later decide a compensating event needs to be recorded). The events from within the event store can be projected to a Kafka topic for communication to another service (the command processing component is the single source of truth for events).
From the perspective of that other service, as noted, the projected events in the topic are commands (the implicit command for an event is "update your model to account for this event"). Semantically, their provenance as events means that they've been validated and are undeniable (they can be ignored, however). If there's some model validation that needs to occur, that generally entails either a conscious decision to ignore that command or to wait until another command is received which allows that command to be accepted.
Ok, you are still thinking how did we developed applications in last 20 years instead of how we should develop applications in the future. There are frameworks that actually fits the paradigms of future perfectly, one of those, which mentioned above, is Akka but more importantly a sub component of it Akka FSM Finite State Machine, which is some concept we ignored in software development for years, but future seems to be more and more event based and we can't ignore anymore.
So how these will help you, Akka is a framework based on Actor concept, every Actor is an unique entity with a message box, so lets say you have Order Actor with id: 123456789, every Event for Order Id: 123456789 will be processed with this Actor and its messages will be ordered in its message box with first in first out principle, so you don't need a synchronisation logic anymore. But you could have millions of Order Actors in your system, so they can work in parallel, when Order Actor: 123456789 processing its events, an Order Actor: 987654321 can process its own, so there is the parallelism and scalability. While your Kafka guaranteeing the order of every message for Key 123456789 and 987654321, everything is green.
Now you can ask, where Finite State Machine comes into play, as you mentioned the problem arise, when addProduct Event arrives before createOrder Event arrives (while being on different Kafka Topics), at that point, State Machine will behave differently when Order Actor is in CREATED state or INITIALISING state, in CREATED state, it will just add the Product, in INITIALISING state probably it will just stash it, until createOrder Event arrives.
These concepts are explained really good in this video and if you want to see a practical example I have a blog for it and this one for a more direct dive.
I think I found the solution for scalable (multi-partition) event sourcing:
create in Kafka (or in a similar system) topic named messages
assign users to partitions (e.g by murmurHash(login) % partitionCount)
if a piece of data is mutable (e.g. Product, Order), every partition should contain own copy of the data
if we have e.g. 256 pieces of a product in our warehouse and 64 partitions, we can initially 'give' every partition 8 pieces, so most CreateOrder events will be processed quickly without leaving user's partition
if a user (a partition) sometimes needs to mutate data in other partition, it should send a message there:
for example for Product / Order domain, partitions could work similarly to Walmart/Tesco stores around a country, and the messages sent between partitions ('stores') could be like CreateProduct, UpdateProduct, CreateOrder, SendProductToMyPartition, ProductSentToYourPartition
the message will become an 'event' as if it was generated by an user
the message shouldn't be sent during replay (already sent, no need to do it twice)
This way even when Kafka (or any other event sourcing system) chooses to reorder messages between partitions, we'll still be ok, because we don't ever read any data outside our single-threaded 'island'.
EDIT: As #LeviRamsey noted, this 'single-threaded island' is basically actor model, and frameworks like Akka can make it a bit easier.

Synchronize Data From Multiple Data Sources

Our team is trying to build a predictive maintenance system whose task is to look at a set of events and predict whether these events depict a set of known anomalies or not.
We are at the design phase and the current system design is as follows:
The events may occur on multiple sources of an IoT system (such as cloud platform, edge devices or any intermediate platforms)
The events are pushed by the data sources into a message queueing system (currently we have chosen Apache Kafka).
Each data source has its own queue (Kafka Topic).
From the queues, the data is consumed by multiple inference engines (which are actually neural networks).
Depending upon the feature set, an inference engine will subscribe to
multiple Kafka topics and stream data from those topics to continuously output the inference.
The overall architecture follows the single-responsibility principle meaning that every component will be separate from each other and run inside a separate Docker container.
In order to classify a set of events as an anomaly, the events have to occur in the same time window. e.g. say there are three data sources pushing their respective events into Kafka topics, but due to some reason, the data is not synchronized.
So one of the inference engines pulls the latest entries from each of the kafka topics, but the corresponding events in the pulled data do not belong to the same time window (say 1 hour). That will result in invalid predictions due to out-of-sync data.
We need to figure out how can we make sure that the data from all three sources are pushed in-order so that when an inference engine requests entries (say the last 100 entries) from multiple kakfa topics, the corresponding entries in each topic belong to the same time window?
I would suggest KSQL, which is a streaming SQL engine that enables real-time data processing against Apache Kafka. It also provides nice functionality for Windowed Aggregation etc.
There are 3 ways to define Windows in KSQL:
hopping windows, tumbling windows, and session windows. Hopping and
tumbling windows are time windows, because they're defined by fixed
durations they you specify. Session windows are dynamically sized
based on incoming data and defined by periods of activity separated by
gaps of inactivity.
In your context, you can use KSQL to query and aggregate the topics of interest using Windowed Joins. For example,
FROM topic_1 t1
INNER JOIN topic_2 t2
ON =;
Some suggestions -
Handle delay at the producer end -
Ensure all three producers always send data in sync to Kafka topics by using batch.size and
eg. if is set to 1000, all messages would be sent to Kafka within 1 second.
Handle delay at the consumer end -
Considering any streaming engine at the consumer side (be it Kafka-stream, spark-stream, Flink), provides windows functionality to join/aggregate stream data based on keys while considering delayed window function.
Check this - Flink windows for reference how to choose right window type link
To handle this scenario, data sources must provide some mechanism for the consumer to realize that all relevant data has arrived. The simplest solution is to publish a batch from data source with a batch Id (Guid) of some form. Consumers can then wait until the next batch id shows up marking the end of the previous batch. This approach assumes sources will not skip a batch, otherwise they will get permanently mis-aligned. There is no algorithm to detect this but you might have some fields in the data that show discontinuity and allow you to realign the data.
A weaker version of this approach is to either just wait x-seconds and assume all sources succeed in this much time or look at some form of time stamps (logical or wall clock) to detect that a source has moved on to the next time window implicitly showing completion of the last window.
The following recommendations should maximize success of event synchronization for the anomaly detection problem using timeseries data.
Use a network time synchronizer on all producer/consumer nodes
Use a heartbeat message from producers every x units of time with a fixed start time. For eg: the messages are sent every two minutes at the start of the minute.
Build predictors for producer message delay. use the heartbeat messages to compute this.
With these primitives, we should be able to align the timeseries events, accounting for time drifts due to network delays.
At the inference engine side, expand your windows at a per producer level to synch up events across producers.

Kafka Stream: KTable materialization

How to identify when the KTable materialization to a topic has completed?
For e.g. assume KTable has few million rows. Pseudo code below:
KTable<String, String> kt = kgroupedStream.groupByKey(..).reduce(..); //Assume this produces few million rows
At somepoint in time, I wanted to schedule a thread to invoke the following, that writes to the topic:
I wanted to ensure all the data is written as part of the above invoke. Also, once the above "to" method is invoked, can it be invoked in the next schedule OR will the first invoke always stay active?
Follow-up Question:
1) Ok, I see that the kstream and the ktable are unbounded/infinite once the kafkastream is kicked off. However, wouldn't ktable materialization (to a compacted topic) send multiple entries for the same key within a specified period.
So, unless the compaction process attempts to clean these and retain only the latest one, the downstream application will consume all available entries for the same key querying from the topic, causing duplicates. Even if the compaction process does some level of cleanup, it is always not possible that at a given point in time, there are some keys that have more than one entries as the compaction process is catching up.
I assume KTable will only have one record for a given key in the RocksDB. If we have a way to schedule the materialization, that will help to avoid the duplicates. Also, reduce the amount of data being persisted in topic (increasing the storage), increase in the network traffic, additional overhead to the compaction process to clean it up.
2) Perhaps a ReadOnlyKeyValueStore would allow a controlled retrieval from the store, but it still lacks the way to schedule the retrieval of key, value and write to a topic, which requires additional coding.
Can the API be improved to allow a controlled materialization?
A KTable materialization never finishes and you cannot "invoke" a to() either.
When you use the Streams API, you "plug together" a DAG of operators. The actual method calls, don't trigger any computation but modify the DAG of operators.
Only after you start the computation via KafkaStreams#start() data is processed. Note, that all operators that you specified will run continuously and concurrently after the computation gets started.
There is no "end of a computation" because the input is expected to be unbounded/infinite as upstream application can write new data into the input topics at any time. Thus, your program never terminates by itself. If required, you can stop the computation via KafkaStreams#close() though.
During execution, you cannot change the DAG. If you want to change it, you need to stop the computation and create a new KafkaStreams instance that takes the modified DAG as input
Follow up:
Yes. You have to think of a KTable as a "versioned table" that evolved over time when entries are updated. Thus, all updates are written to the changelog topic and sent downstream as change-records (note, that KTables do some caching, too, to "de-duplicate" consecutive updates to the same key: cf.
will consume all available entries for the same key querying from the topic, causing duplicates.
I would not consider those as "duplicates" but as updates. And yes, the application needs to be able to handle those updates correctly.
if we have a way to schedule the materialization, that will help to avoid the duplicates.
Materialization is a continuous process and the KTable is updated whenever new input records are available in the input topic and processed. Thus, at any point in time there might be an update for a specific key. Thus, even if you have full control when to send updates to the changelog topic and/or downstream, there might be a new update later on. That is the nature of stream processing.
Also, reduce the amount of data being persisted in topic (increasing the storage), increase in the network traffic, additional overhead to the compaction process to clean it up.
As mentioned above, caching is used to save resources.
Can the API be improved to allow a controlled materialization?
If the provided KTable semantics don't meet your requirement, you can always write a custom operator as a Processor or Transformer, attach a key-value store to it, and implement whatever you need.

Implementing sagas with Kafka

I am using Kafka for Event Sourcing and I am interested in implementing sagas using Kafka.
Any best practices on how to do this? The Commander pattern mentioned here seems close to the architecture I am trying to build but sagas are not mentioned anywhere in the presentation.
This talk from this year's DDD eXchange is the best resource I came across wrt Process Manager/Saga pattern in event-driven/CQRS systems:
(requires registering for a free account to view)
The demo shown there lives on github:
I've given it a spin and I quite like it. I do recommend watching the video first to set the stage.
Although the approach shown is message-bus agnostic, the demo uses Kafka for the Process Manager to send commands to and listen to events from other bounded contexts. It does not use Kafka Streams but I don't see why it couldn't be plugged into a Kafka Streams topology and become part of the broader architecture like the one depicted in the Commander presentation you referenced.
I hope to investigate this further for our own needs, so please feel free to start a thread on the Kafka users mailing list, that's a good place to collaborate on such patterns.
Hope that helps :-)
I would like to add something here about sagas and Kafka.
In general
In general Kafka is a tad different than a normal queue. It's especially good in scaling. And this actually can cause some complications.
One of the means to accomplish scaling, Kafka uses partitioning of the data stream. Data is placed in partitions, which can be consumed at its own rate, independent of the other partitions of the same topic. Here is some info on it: how-choose-number-topics-partitions-kafka-cluster. I'll come back on why this is important.
The most common ways to ensure the order within Kafka are:
Use 1 partition for the topic
Use a partition message key to "assign" the message to a topic
In both scenarios your chronologically dependent messages need to stream through the same topic.
Also, as #pranjal thakur points out, make sure the delivery method is set to "exactly once", which has a performance impact but ensures you will not receive the messages multiple times.
The caveat
Now, here's the caveat: When changing the amount of partitions the message distribution over the partitions (when using a key) will be changed as well.
In normal conditions this can be handled easily. But if you have a high traffic situation, the migration toward a different number of partitions can result in a moment in time in which a saga-"flow" is handled over multiple partitions and the order is not guaranteed at that point.
It's up to you whether this will be an issue in your scenario.
Here are some questions you can ask to determine if this applies to your system:
What will happen if you somehow need to migrate/copy data to a new system, using Kafka?(high traffic scenario)
Can you send your data to 1 topic?
What will happen after a temporary outage of your saga service? (low availability scenario/high traffic scenario)
What will happen when you need to replay a bunch of messages?(high traffic scenario)
What will happen if we need to increase the partitions?(high traffic scenario/outage & recovery scenario)
The alternative
If you're thinking of setting up a saga, based on steps, like a state machine, I would challenge you to rethink your design a bit.
I'll give an example:
Lets consider a booking-a-hotel-room process:
Simplified, it might consist of the following steps:
Handle room reserved (incoming event)
Handle room payed (incoming event)
Send acknowledgement of the booking (after payed and some processing)
Now, if your saga is not able to handle the payment if the reservation hasn't come in yet, then you are relying on the order of events.
In this case you should ask yourself: when will this break?
If you conclude you want to avoid the chronological dependency; consider a system without a saga, or a saga which does not depend on the order of events - i.e.: accepting all messages, even when it's not their turn yet in the process.
Some examples:
Modeled as business process: parallel gateways (parallel process flows)
Do note in such a setup it is even more crucial that every action has got an implemented compensating action (rollback action).
I know this is often hard to accomplish; but, if you start small, you might start to like it :-)

Changing number of partitions for a reliable actor service

When I create a new Service Fabric actor the underlying (auto generated) actor service is configured to use 10 partitions.
I'm wondering how much I need to care about this value?
In particular, I wonder whether the Actor Runtime has support for changing the number of partitions of an actor service on a running cluster.
The Partition Service Fabric reliable services topic says:
In rare cases, you may end up needing more partitions than you have initially chosen. As you cannot change the partition count after the fact, you would need to apply some advanced partition approaches, such as creating a new service instance of the same service type. You would also need to implement some client-side logic that routes the requests to the correct service instance, based on client-side knowledge that your client code must maintain.
However, due to the nature of Actors and that they are managed by the Actor Runtime I'm tempted to believe that it would indeed be possible to do this. -- That the Actor Runtime would be able to take care of all the heavylifting required to re-partition actor instances.
Is that at all possible?
The number of partitions in a running service cannot be changed. This is true of Actors as well as Reliable Services. Typically, you would want to pick a large number of partitions (more than the number of nodes) up front and then scale out the number of nodes in the cluster instead of trying to repartition your data on the fly. Take a look at Abhishek and Matthew's comments in the discussion here for some ideas on how to estimate how many partitions you might need.