How to stream the response of dispatcher? - scala

I have to export the CSV data. The volume of data is very high. So I am streaming the response from the microservice.
We hit our microservice using dispatcher.
def stream(method: String, urlString: String): Future[Source[ByteString, NotUsed]] =
method match {
case GET =>
val request = Http(url(urlString)) { response =>
response.getStatusCode match {
case StatusOk => Source.single(ByteString(response.getResponseBody))
It will bring all the data. So to fix this issue, I like to modify it and streamed the data from here as well.
I searched a lot and found this question Scala dispatch stream response line by line
But it has no answer.
Thanks and any help will be appreciated.

After searching much, I read it as Input stream and converted to Akka Stream. It worked for me.
def stream(method: String, urlString: String): Future[Source[ByteString, Future[IOResult]]] =
method match {
case GET =>
val futureStream = Http(url(urlString) > as.Response(_.getResponseBodyAsStream)) { inputStream =>
val source = () => inputStream


Facing issue testing akka http cache

I am using Akka HTTP cache to cache my result. But i am facing issue to test it.
class GoogleAnalyticsController #Inject()(cache: Cache[String, HttpResponse],
googleAnalyticsApi: GoogleAnalyticsTrait,
googleAnalyticsHelper: GoogleAnalyticsHelper)
(implicit system: ActorSystem, materializer: ActorMaterializer) {
def routes: Route =
post {
pathPrefix("pageviews") {
path("clients" / Segment) { accountsClientId =>
entity(as[GoogleAnalyticsMetricsRequest]) { googleAnalyticsMetricsRequest =>
val googleAnalyticsMetricsKey = "key"
cache.getOrLoad(googleAnalyticsMetricsKey, _ => getGoogleAnalyticsMetricsData(accountsClientId, googleAnalyticsMetricsRequest))
private def getGoogleAnalyticsMetricsData(accountsClientId: String,
request: GoogleAnalyticsMetricsRequest) = {
val payload = generate(request)
val response = googleAnalyticsApi.googleAnalyticsMetricResponseHandler(accountsClientId, payload) // response from another microservice
googleAnalyticsMetricsRequest.metricName, response)
class GoogleAnalyticsHelper extends LoggingHelper {
def googleAnalyticsMetricResponseHandler(metricName: String, response: Either[Throwable, Long]): Future[HttpResponse] =
response.fold({ error =>
logger.error(s"An exception has occurred while getting $metricName from behavior service and error is ${error.getMessage}")
Marshal(FailureResponse(error.getMessage)).to[HttpResponse].map(httpResponse => httpResponse.copy(status = StatusCodes.InternalServerError))
}, value =>
Marshal(MetricResponse(metricName, value)).to[HttpResponse].map(httpResponse => httpResponse.copy(status = StatusCodes.OK))
Test case: Sharing only the relevant part
"get success metric response for " + pageviews + " metric of given accounts client id" in { fixture =>
import fixture._
val metricResponse = MetricResponse(pageviews, 1)
val eventualHttpResponse = Marshal(metricResponse).to[HttpResponse].map(httpResponse => httpResponse.copy(status = StatusCodes.OK))
when(cache.getOrLoad(anyString, any[String => Future[HttpResponse]].apply)).thenReturn(eventualHttpResponse)
when(googleAnalyticsApi.getDataFromGoogleAnalytics(accountsClientId, generate(GoogleAnalyticsRequest(startDate, endDate, pageviews))))
.thenReturn(ApiResult[Long](Some("1"), None))
when(googleAnalyticsHelper.googleAnalyticsMetricResponseHandler(pageviews, Right(1))).thenReturn(eventualHttpResponse)
Post(s"/pageviews/clients/$accountsClientId").withEntity(requestEntity) ~>
googleAnalyticsController.routes ~> check {
status shouldEqual StatusCodes.OK
responseAs[String] shouldEqual generate(metricResponse)
By doing this, I am best to test if the cache has the key but not able to test if cache misses the hit. In code coverage, it misses following highlighted part
cache.getOrLoad(googleAnalyticsMetricsKey, _ =>
If there is a design issue, please feel free to guide me on how can I make my design testable.
Thanks in advance.
I think you don't need to mock the cache. You should create an actual object for cache instead of mocked one.
What you have done is, you have mocked the cache, in this case, the highlighted part will be not called as you are providing the mocked value. In the following stubbing, whenever cache.getOrLoad is found, eventualHttpResponse is returned:
when(cache.getOrLoad(anyString, any[String => Future[HttpResponse]].apply)).thenReturn(eventualHttpResponse)
and hence the function getGoogleAnalyticsMetricsData(accountsClientId, googleAnalyticsMetricsRequest) is never called.

Akka-http: How do I map response to object

Not sure if I'm getting this whole routing DSL thing right but here's the question. I want to do a post to external service such as:
val post = pathPrefix("somePath") {
post {
//get the response mapped to my Output object
Then I want the response (which is a Json) to be mapped to an object matching the fields for example Output (assuming I have my JsonProtocol set up). How is this done?
You are using HTTP server directives to "retrieve" something "externally". This is what typically an HTTP client does.
For this sort of things, you can use akka http client api.
For example:
val response = Http().singleRequest(HttpRequest(uri = ""))
response onComplete {
case Success(res) =>
val entity = Unmarshal(res.entity).to[YourDomainObject]
// use entity here
case Failure(ex) => // do something here
However, this requires some Unmarshaller (to deserialize the received json). Take also a look at Json Support, as it helps you define marshallers easily:
case class YourDomainObject(id: String, name: String)
implicit val YourDomainObjectFormat = jsonFormat2(YourDomainObject)
I think what you are trying to ask is how to get the body i.e in JSOn format to the Case class that you have
Here is a quick example:
path("createBot" / Segment) { tag: String =>
post {
decodeRequest {
entity(as[CaseClassName]) { caseclassInstance: CaseClassName =>
val updatedAnswer = doSomeStuff(caseclassInstance)
complete {
You can find more detailed example from here :
I hope it answers your question.

Scala & Play Websockets: Storing messages exchanged

I started playing around scala and came to this particular boilerplate of web socket chatroom in scala.
They use MessageHub.source() and BroadcastHub.sink() as their Source and Sink for sending the messages to all connected clients.
The example is working fine for exchanging messages as it is.
private val (chatSink, chatSource) = {
// Don't log MergeHub$ProducerFailed as error if the client disconnects.
// recoverWithRetries -1 is essentially "recoverWith"
val source = MergeHub.source[WSMessage]
.recoverWithRetries(-1, { case _: Exception ⇒ Source.empty })
val sink = BroadcastHub.sink[WSMessage]
private val userFlow: Flow[WSMessage, WSMessage, _] = {
Flow.fromSinkAndSource(chatSink, chatSource)
def chat(): WebSocket = {
WebSocket.acceptOrResult[WSMessage, WSMessage] {
case rh if sameOriginCheck(rh) =>
Future.successful(userFlow).map { flow =>
}.recover {
case e: Exception =>
val msg = "Cannot create websocket"
logger.error(msg, e)
val result = InternalServerError(msg)
case rejected =>
logger.error(s"Request ${rejected} failed same origin check")
Future.successful {
I want to store the messages that are exchanged in the chatroom in a DB.
I tried adding map and fold functions to source and sink to get hold of the messages that are sent but I wasn't able to.
I tried adding a Flow stage between MergeHub and BroadcastHub like below
val flow = Flow[WSMessage].map(element => println(s"Message: $element"))
But it throws a compilation error that cannot reference toMat with such signature.
Can someone help or point me how can I get hold of messages that are sent and store them in DB.
Link for full template:
Let's look at your flow:
val flow = Flow[WSMessage].map(element => println(s"Message: $element"))
It takes elements of type WSMessage, and returns nothing (Unit). Here it is again with the correct type:
val flow: Flow[Unit] = Flow[WSMessage].map(element => println(s"Message: $element"))
This will clearly not work as the sink expects WSMessage and not Unit.
Here's how you can fix the above problem:
val flow = Flow[WSMessage].map { element =>
println(s"Message: $element")
Not that for persisting messages in the database, you will most likely want to use an async stage, roughly:
val flow = Flow[WSMessage].mapAsync(parallelism) { element =>
println(s"Message: $element")
// assuming DB.write() returns a Future[Unit]
DB.write(element).map(_ => element)

Download media file from twilio, using the media URI

I have been having issues with downloading media from the media uri provided on the mms messages.
val url =
the media url provided is in the above structure,
new URL(url) #> new File("file.png") !! //this fails, due to multiple redirects
When I open the URI in browser the redirect ends up in
1st url -> 2nd url -> above url ;so,all in all 2 redirects
And if I try the snippet posted above with the new url, it works. I am sure its because of the multiple redirects, the snippet didnt work in the first place.
Been using play framework with scala, can I get any source example to download the file. Any help or pointers is appreciated. Tried various examples but still could not solve the issue.
Some findings =>
Accessing Twilio MMS images
anything similar for scala?
Update: #millhouse
def fileDownloader(urls: String, location: String) = {
import play.api.Play.current
// Make the request
val futureResponse: Future[(WSResponseHeaders, Enumerator[Array[Byte]])] =
futureResponse.flatMap {
case (headers, body) =>
val file = new File(location)
val outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file)
// The iteratee that writes to the output stream
val iteratee = Iteratee.foreach[Array[Byte]] { bytes =>
// Feed the body into the iteratee
(body |>>> iteratee).andThen {
case result =>
// Close the output stream whether there was an error or not
// Get the result or rethrow the error
}.map(_ => file)
This is the approach I had been using till now(works), as explained in the play docs. But I needed a sync approach, meaning I would need to carry out another step on successful file download. Sorry, for not clarifying out ahead.
Update 2 : Solved in this manner,
def fileDownloader(urls: String, location: String) = {
import play.api.Play.current
// Make the request
val futureResponse: Future[(WSResponseHeaders, Enumerator[Array[Byte]])] =
val downloadedFile: Future[File] = futureResponse.flatMap {
case (headers, body) =>
val file = new File(location)
val outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file)
// The iteratee that writes to the output stream
val iteratee = Iteratee.foreach[Array[Byte]] { bytes =>
// Feed the body into the iteratee
(body |>>> iteratee).andThen {
case result =>
// Close the output stream whether there was an error or not
// Get the result or rethrow the error
}.map(_ => file)
}{ fileIn =>
//things needed to do
I haven't used the Twilio MMS API but it should be very straightforward to get the Play Framework HTTP client to follow redirects, using the documented option to the client:
val url = ""
ws.url(url).withFollowRedirects(true).get().map { response =>
val theBytes:Array[Byte] = response.bodyAsBytes // Play 2.4 and lower
// ... save it
Note that the above code works for Play 2.4.x and lower; the bodyAsBytes method of WSResponse returns an Array[Byte]. If you're on the current cutting-edge and using Play 2.5.x, bodyAsBytes gives you an Akka ByteString with lots of nice functional methods, but you probably just want to call toArray on it if all you want is to store the data:
ws.url(url).withFollowRedirects(true).get().map { response =>
val theBytes:Array[Byte] = response.bodyAsBytes.toArray // Play 2.5
// ... save it

Play / Logging / Print Response Body / Run over enumerator / buffer the body

I'm looking for a way to print the response body in Play framework, I have a code like this:
object AccessLoggingAction extends ActionBuilder[Request] {
def invokeBlock[A](request: Request[A], block: (Request[A]) => Future[Result]) = {"""Request:
val ret = block(request)
/* {result =>"""Response:
*/ //TODO: find out how to print result.body (be careful not to consume the enumerator)
Currently the commented-out code is not working as I wanted, I mean, it would print:
So, I need to find a way to get a String out of Enumerator[Array[Byte]]. I tried to grasp the concept of Enumerator by reading this:
So..., if I understand it correctly:
I shouldn't dry-up the enumerator in the process of converting it to String. Otherwise, the client would receive nothing.
Let's suppose I figure out how to implement the T / filter mechanism. But then... wouldn't it defeat the purpose of Play framework as non-blocking streaming framework (because I would be building up the complete array of bytes in the memory, before calling toString on it, and finally log it)?
So, what's the correct way to log the response?
Thanks in advance,
This code works:
object AccessLoggingAction extends ActionBuilder[Request] {
def invokeBlock[A](request: Request[A], block: (Request[A]) => Future[Result]) = {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis"""Request:
val resultFut = block(request) {result =>
val time = System.currentTimeMillis - start
Result(result.header, result.body &> => {
val body = new String("""Response:
}), result.connection)
I partly learned it from here (on how to get the byte array out of enumerator): Scala Play 2.1: Accessing request and response bodies in a filter.
I'm using Play 2.3.7 while the link I gave uses 2.1 (and still uses PlainResult, which no longer exists in 2.3).
As it appears to me, if you do logging inside result.body &> (as suggested in and the result body is presented in more than one chunk, then each chunk will be logged independently. You probably don't want this.
I'd implement it like this:
val ret = block(request).flatMap { result =>
val consume = Iteratee.consume[Array[Byte]]()
val bodyF = Iteratee.flatten(result.body(consume)).run { bodyBytes: Array[Byte] =>
// Log the body
result.copy(body = Enumerator(bodyBytes))
But be warned: the whole idea of this is to consume all the data from the result.body Enumerator before logging (and return the new Enumerator). So, if the response is big, or you rely on streaming, then it's probably also the thing you don't want.
I used the above answer as a starting point, but noticed that it will only log responses if a body is present. We've adapted it to this:
var responseBody = None:Option[String]
val captureBody =[Array[Byte]](arrOfBytes => {
val body = new String(
responseBody = Some(body)
val withLogging = (result.body &> captureBody).onDoneEnumerating({
logger.debug(.. create message here ..)