Get specific product with id via Rest API Magento 2 - rest

I want to get the information from an specific product.
I am using this reference in this moment, and get all the products in given searchCriteria:
Is there a way I can send the product id in the url and get only all its information?

You can add the filter[filterGroups][0][filters][0][field]=entity_id&searchCriteria[filterGroups][0][filters][0][value]=1&searchCriteria[filterGroups][0][filters][0][condition_type]=eq
use field entity_id instead of id, value is product id here 1, condition_type is equal to here eq.

You can fetch product info by SKU, not ID.
API endpoint (get method) will pull product info. vendor/magento/module-catalog/etc/webapi.xml
So, your rest API calling URL should be like this
Note: If you want to fetch product info by id, you probably need to create a simple rest API. you can check this out.


How to get only specific value in REST API JSON response?

I'm using REST API to get data from my Learndash courses. I need a list of ID, title, and feature images. I used .. to get the lists of IDs and titles. But when I use _embed I also get IDs from wp:featuredmedia. So I want just source_link from wp:featuredmedia
I tried _fields parameter and also _embedded. Nothing is working
My question is, How to get only the id, title, and featuredmedia link from REST API call?

Magento 2 rest order API show duplicate sku in order item if product is configurable

I am getting Magento 2 order details by rest order API but the result is showing the same SKU in configured product order item that is creating an issue in SAP integration.
Anyone let me know how can we overwrite Magento 2 rest API code?
You should not need to “overwrite magento 2 rest API code” because what you described is perfectly normal and expected.
In Magento orders, each configurable product creates two sales order line items due to the way that configurable product data is structured in the catalog. One line corresponds to the “parent” catalog product, and one corresponds to the specific variant “child” (simple) product. Both records contain the same SKU value but their product IDs are different.
In order to get all information about the ordered item both of those records could be important, however if you can get by with just the data from the simple product then you could filter your REST request like below:
GET <host>/rest/V1/orders/items?

WooCommerce rest api include parameter not fetching variation with variable product product type=variable and it is working fine product type=variation and it is working fine
But it fetch only one product (with id 10) using include parameter like,11
I need help so that i can fetch 2 or more products (any type) in one API call
Do you need to retrieve all the products in woo commerce. If try with this call " /wp-json/wc/v3/products"
A bit late but maybe someone has the same problem still
The include parameter should be array and as this thread explains How to pass an array within a query string?
you should send your parameters as this[]=10&include[]=11

Use Facebook API to list group members' join date and inviter

I can use the Facebook Graph API to get a list of group members. The simplest way to do this is to go to the Graph API Explorer and do a GET request of the form {group_id}/members. Is there a way to similarly obtain the members' join date and who they were invited by?
The relevant Graph API doc doesn't seem to mention it. But I know the information is stored by Facebook because it is possible to list all of the group members and their inviters through Facebook itself. Is there a way to get this information through the API?
EDIT: Nothing in the FQL group or group_member API either.
While this information is not available on the API, you can get it by using Selenium to scrape the members page.
First, instantiate a driver and use it to get the members page:
driver.get group number/members
Then, look for the member information:
containers = driver.find_elements_by_tag_name('td')
Finally, iterate through the web elements, extracting text and parsing resulting list for joined date information:
member_info = container.text.split('\n')
name = member_info[0]
member_since = member_info[-1]
You'll still have to map this information to the user ids, which you can do by looking for another element in the container and using REGEX.
`def parse_id(self, container, name):
hovercard = container.find_element_by_link_text(name).get_attribute('data-hovercard')
regex_id = re.compile('php\?id=(\d*)')
member_id =
return member_id`
It is indeed stored by Facebook and retrieved for use with internal APIs. For the Graph API however it is not possible to get this information.
All the fields available for a group_member are listed at SELECT column_name FROM column WHERE table_name = "group_member"

Getting multiple invoices from intuit anywhere api at once

When I update an invoice in QB (after its been changed in my system), I want to avoid updating anything that the user has modified in QB. My plan was to use the filter API method and filter by Ids to get the list of invoices from QB that my app created. However, it doesn't look like InvoiceFilter accepts ListIdSet. It does have a TransactionIdSet, but I can't find a way to get ahold of that number (i.e., the TransactionId) via Data Services. It's certainly not in the response when invoices are read. So, how do I query for a specific set of invoices via the API?
The transaction id refers to the id of the invoice here.
For eg, the following invoice query will retrieve the invoice with Id 4 -
<InvoiceQuery xmlns="">
<Id idDomain="QB">4</Id>