TomEE - Netbeans - folder outside project - netbeans

I'm using Netbeans 8.2. for JavaEE Webapp with a TomEE 1.7.xx Server.
I need a folder with images, that is changed by the users.
Therefore I can't have the folder within in my project, because with war deployment it would be overwritten all the time with my development files.
Does anyone know how I can handle this?

You could deploy another another empty web application next to your application.
If a user upload an image in your application you would write it into e.g.:
and reference it from inside your application
<img src=""/>
Like this you can deploy anytime any new version of your application. Of course
you are not allowed to undeploy the imagecontainer application.


Deploy OpenUI5 on phoenixframework

I created my first openui5 hello world application on eclipse and want to deploy on my phoenix(elixir webserver) server.
Application structure:
And the app looks as follow:
My question is, how make the application ready to deploy?
Its all static content. Copy all files and folders inside Webcontent to your web server. You can put it to the web servers root, but you don't have to. WEB-INF and META-INF are not needed.
Then copy the openui5 framework to the Webserver to a folder of your choice. You may have to change the bootstrap element to point to your sap-ui-core.js.
That's it. Optionally You can use the grunt-openui5 plugin to build a packaged preload file of your application.

hosting a GWT application on private machine

I have a GWT application for some highcharts visualizations, that accesses Cassandra database in the back end. Obviously, because of privacy of data in the database I can not host the application on Google App Engine.
This application being a private one which is used by very few people, I dont expect lot of traffic.So, I was thinking of hosting the application on my own machine.
Please some one tell me is it good idea?, and how to go about implementing that.
It is not a problem at all, just set up some application server, like Tomcat, compile your gwt project, and export the war folder to the Tomcats webapps folder. Your war contents should have following structure (or similar):
- css
- images
- gwt compiled_javascript folder
- index.html

deploying spring mvc web app to tomcat: classpath issue

I am developing a small web app using Spring MVC framework. Basically, the app provides web interface, where user can upload XML file and verify it against specific XSD file. I put my XSD file within "src/main/webapp/XSDfoler". I put this folder into my Tomcat's classpath. (I am using Tomcat embedded into my Eclipse). In my code, in order to access my XSD file I simply used
It works fine. Now, I created a .war file from my webapp and tried to deploy it to another standalone Tomcat. When trying to run it, it give NullPointer exception since it cannot locate "myXSD.xsd" file. So as I get it, I have to somehow include this file into classpath of this standalone Tomcat instance. I looked for some nice step by step tutorial or article explaining how to deploy webapp to a standalone Tomcat server after doing the development in IDE with embedded Tomcat. Could anyone please explain/help. Thanks!
ServletContext context = httServletRequest.getSession().getServletContext();
InputStream is = context.getResourceAsStream("/XSDfoler/myXSD.xsd");
alternatively use getResource() instead of getResourceAsStream()

How to deploy Java web application project from Eclipse to live Tomcat server?

I have developed an web application using HTML, Java Servlet and all. While developing I was using Tomcat to deploy it in order to test it.
Now my development is done and I want to make it live. For that we have live server but as I am new to all this I dont know how to deploy my java web application on live server?
So please help me if you know to answer?
My Project Structure
->lib(contain javascript files)
I am also using MySql so what I have to about it..
You will have to build a WAR of the project.
You can do this
in eclipse: right click on the project, Click "Export", and choose war file in the dialog (and mention, the destination, name and all)
via ant using the war task
The ant option is better because when you have multiple developers on the project and the code is in version control, it is easier to get the project automatically (using ant) and build a war. (you have version control, don't you?)
But this is more of an operational difference (albeit an important one) but the war created in either way are same
Deploy the war to the server
You can manually copy the war file to the $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps directory (See the "Creating and Deploying a WAR File" section on this article)
You can use the Tomcat 6 "Manager" application.
You said that you are using MySql also. MySql should be installed on a server (it can be on the same server) and the configuration should be changed (username, password, server details) so that the application connects to the same database (I am sure you are not hard coding database details and credentials in your application and reading them from some configuration, this is the configuration that has to be changed)
For that we have live server but as I am new to all this I dont know how to deploy my java web application on live server?
I assume by this you meant , you have a public IP assigned to a server. Now you can install tomcat into this server and open the tomcat port for public and you will be able to access.
Now build a war file of your webapplication and put it into web-apps dir of the tomcat and start the server
Making a few assumptions here. You need
A tomcat instance running on your production server
Permissions to make changes to the tomcat instance
A war file that bundles your application
If you have both, then you need to navigate to the Tomcat manager page and follow the instructions to upload your war file.
Deploy the war to the server
You can manually copy the war file to the $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps directory.
You can use the Tomcat 6 "Manager" application.

Deploying a WAR in Tomcat / Eclipse

I use Tomcat 6.0 and Eclipse 3.0 under Linux and I try to deploy a WAR in Tomcat. The problem is that the server is managed by Eclipse and I have some Eclipse project deployed. I tried to modify the server.xml file then launch Tomcat via Eclipse but it doesn't work:
Could not load the Tomcat server configuration at /Servers/Tomcat v6.0 Server at localhost-config. The configuration may be corrupt or incomplete.
I tried to extract the war in the webapps directory but the webapp is still inaccessible.
What is the best practice to deploy a War ?
Tomcat behaves differently in development and production mode. When you develop your webapp in Eclipse there is no reason to deploy a WAR file of your application as a WAR during development.
Just go to the "servers" view and add a new server (you should already have done this otherwise you could not create your Dynamic Web project). In the server view you should see the server you created (Tomcat at localhost or something similar) just right click it and go to the Add and Remove section. Here you can add and remove the Dynamic Web projects you created in Eclipse. Once you added your project, all you have to do is click the green start button in the servers view and your app should be available in at localhost:8080/mycontext.
When you're done building your app just right click the project and go the the Export section in the menu. You should be able to export a WAR file. Once you have your WAR file you can upload and deploy that on a Tomcat instance that is NOT tied to Eclipse running in dev mode.
Yes, in a way, you can deploy a war in the dev mode.
I have the same problem.
I have an Eclipse webapp project, which Eclipse deploys to an instance of Tomcat run by Eclipse, so I can hot-edit the project.
This Web project needs to use resources published by another webapp that has to be run within the same instance of Tomcat. The other webapp is a completed project by someone else, so it is already in a war form.
I needed to File->Import the war as an Eclipse project and let Eclipse deploy it to the same instance of Eclipse, in order to run it in the same instance of Tomcat in which my webapp also runs.
The problem is that some wars work this way but some others do not, while all of them work perfectly fine in a stand-alone Tomcat (started by I can't figure out why.
This is old but is one of the first answers in google search.
You can import the war file:
A Web Archive (WAR) file is a portable, packaged Web application
that you can import into your workspace.
Before importing a WAR file,
you should first determine if the WAR file contains needed Java™ source
files. When importing a WAR file into an existing Web project, the imported
Web deployment descriptor files are either not changed or overwritten by the
ones included in the imported WAR file, based on your response to the prompt
that is provided. In either case, this action does not represent a
merging of the two sets of deployment descriptors.
To import the
Web project resources in a WAR file into your workspace, complete the following
Select File > Import
In the Import dialog, select WAR file and
then click Next.
Locate the WAR file that you want to import using the Browse button.
The wizard assumes you want to create a new Web project with the
same name as the WAR file. If you accept this choice, the project will be
created with the same servlet version as specified by the WAR file and in
the same location. If you want to override these settings, you can click New and
specify your new settings in the Dynamic Web Project wizard.
Click Finish to populate the Web
If all you have is a binary WAR (no source code), it cannot be installed within Eclipse. This can happen in certain scenarios outside of normal development workflows. Here's the work-around solution:
Launch another instance of Tomcat (outside Eclipse).
Modify the tomcat-users.xml file to enable admin
Go to http://localhost:8080/manager/html
Scroll down to WAR file to deploy
Click Choose File (next to Select WAR file to upload) and click Deploy.