Getting wrong output for some test cases - python-3.7

We have a loud talking parrot. The "hour" parameter is the current hour time in the range 0..23. We are in trouble if the parrot is talking and the hour is before 7 or after 20. Return True if we are in trouble.
parrot_trouble(True, 6) → True
parrot_trouble(True, 7) → False
parrot_trouble(False, 6) → False
def parrot_trouble(talking, hour):
if talking and hour<7 or hour>20:
return True
if not talking and hour>7 or hour<=20:
return False
parrot_trouble(False, 21) → False, but i am getting True
parrot_trouble(False, 23) → False, but i am getting True

The problem here is with the if talking and hour<7 or hour>20: statement.
What you are really saying with this is if (talking and hour<7) or hour>20. This means that, if the hour is over 20, this will always return True no matter what.
Try something like this:
def parrot_talking(talking, hour):
if (talking and hour<7) or (talking and hour>20):
return True
else: return False

Two things:
First, remember that (P and Q) or R is different than P and (Q or R). You intended the latter, but Python interpreted it as the first. In python and several other programming languages, stringing together ands and ors, it will apply these from left to right. I am of the opinion that parentheses will help keep your thoughts organized and should be used even if leaving them out would mean the same thing. In your case, forgetting the parentheses caused the error in your code. When you ran parrot_trouble(False, 21) it returned true since hour>20 was true.
Second, rather than having a second if statement to return false, it is much cleaner here to either use an else statement or no statement at all. Even better, don't use an if statement to begin with and instead simplify all of this into a single return statement. Further, your negation of your if statement was incorrect. The negation of talking and (hour<7 or hour>20) is actually not talking or (hour >= 7 and hour <= 20)
def parrot_trouble(talking, hour):
return (talking and (hour<7 or hour>20))


If the hour is >=19 or <=8 then return a value "OOH" if its not within that range return "OPEN"

I have the formula
=IF(AND(HOUR(D2)<=8,HOUR(D2)>=19), "OPEN", "OOH")
This should return the required text values "OPEN" or "OOH" depending if the hour falls within the noted range.
When trying in cell E2 of this sheet it returns a text value but not always the correct one. What could be missing from this formula?
I have also tried swapping the range around without success
=IF(AND(HOUR(D2)>=19),HOUR(D2)<=8, "OPEN", "OOH")
Update: also tried with OR instead of AND but it does no better
=IF(OR(HOUR(C3) >=19, HOUR(C3) <=8), "OPEN", "OOH")
if from 8 to 19 = OPEN then use this in E2:
=INDEX(IF((HOUR(C2:C)>=8)*(HOUR(C2:C)<19), "OPEN", "OOH"))
Your conditions are a bit wrong. The IF form is:
=IF(condition, value_if_true, value_if_false)
In your question, you say hour >=19 OR hour <= 8, so you should be using OR, as you do in your update. However, you switched the true and false values in your updated statement. Try:
=IF(OR(HOUR(C3) >=19, HOUR(C3) <=8), "OOH", "OPEN")
With 8:01, this returns "OOH"
With 9:01, this returns "OPEN"
With 18:01, this returns "OPEN"
With 19:01, this returns "OOH"
Logic error. The thing can't be <=8 and >=19 at the same time.
If you reverse the signs to >8 and <19, you might get closer to what you want.

Does Scala intelligently terminate calculating OR expressions for fold operations?

Suppose you have a value val list: List[Date]. You would like to know if any one of the dates in this list occur after some startDate. You could do this
list.fold(false)((a, b) => startDate.compareTo(b) < 0 || a)
which would return true if any date occurred on or after startDate thus achieving our objective.
However, since this is an OR statement being used, if even only one date satisfies the condition startDate.compareTo(b) < 0, then the whole fold operation will return true. Does Scala have a way of terminating execution of the fold and just returning the true when it hits it?
This sounds like a usecase for exists.
list.exists(a => startDate.compareTo(a) < 0)
However, since this is an OR statement being used, if even only one date satisfies the condition startDate.compareTo(b) < 0, then the whole fold operation will return true.
Actually, not necessarily; startDate.compareTo(b) < 0 could throw an exception. You'd need to change the order of operands to (a, b) => a || startDate.compareTo(b) < 0; even then it would be correct for a List, but not e.g. a Stream.
At any rate, as far as I know the answer is no even for the cases where it's correct. fold can't see inside the function it receives, only call it, so it would require specific support for this case in the compiler.
See also: Abort early in a fold and

Reverse TakeUntil logic using RX.NET

First off, for full disclosure I'm a n00b in RX, but I'm learning daily now...
I need to build an Observable that's going to enable a button (or automatically start an action) as long as a stream of another incoming observable averaged signals is coming in within a certain range. As far as I've learned so far, I could do that by adding a .Where to an averaged Observable in which I can then check that my observed average values created from an event handler are in fact within a given range...
What I need also however is to have these observable values influence the state of my action/button (allow it to be executed) just until its underlying/inner signals overstep the given range. Is such a thing in RX possible as a reversed .TakeUntil(inverse where clause) which I now think could maybe solve my problem, or should I just reuse the original observable and copy it with a negated .Where clause and then use that as another independent observable...if latter, is there some performance loss by reusing almost identical observables multiple times, just changing few their linq many observables is too much please?
It seems to me that something like this is sufficient.
var source = Observable.Range(0, 10);
var query =
.Buffer(4, 1)
.Select(xs => xs.Average())
.Select(x => x > 5.0 && x <= 7.0);
query.ObservableOn(button).Subscribe(enabled => button.Enabled = enabled);
(I've assumed Windows forms.)
This gives me:
I can improve it slightly like this:
var query =
.Buffer(4, 1)
.Select(xs => xs.Average())
.Select(x => x > 5.0 && x <= 7.0)
That then gives me:
Please let me know if I've missed anything.

What is wrong with my understanding of Scala Sets?

Full disclosure: I am (was?) taking Coursera's Scala course but was stumped by the second assignment on Sets. I'm not looking for just the answers (which are easily obtainable) and would receive marginal credit anyway. But I would really like to understand what is happening.
Okay, so here is the first question: "Define a function which creates a singleton set from one integer value: the set represents the set of the one given element." So my first attempt was this:
def singletonSet(elem: Int): Set = Set(elem)
So this function, singletonSet, just returns a newly created Set. It could be invoked thusly:
val why = singletonSet(3)
// now why is a singleton set with a single integer, 3
This implementation seemed trivial, so I Googled for the answer, which seems to be this:
def singletonSet(elem: Int): Set = (x => x == elem)
Now my understanding is that (x => x == elem) is an anonymous function which takes an integer x and returns a boolean. But... what? So as a JavaScript developer, I decided to translate it:
function singletonSet(elem) {
return function(x) {
return x === elem;
So then I can write (am I currying?):
// singletonSet(3) => returns an anonymous function, function(x) { x === 3; };
// function(4) { return 4 === 3; }
// false
If this is even close to what is happening in Scala, it seems like I am not creating a singleton set. Rather, I am just checking if two numbers are the same.
What am I missing here? I feel like it must be something very basic.
Thanks in advance.
Remember this implementation of a set is a function. In particular its a boolean function, so the function can just be seen as asking the question: "Is this number in the set? - true or false." The function can be called as many times as you want, in effect asking the question multiple times:
"is this number in the set? Is that number in the set?" etc, etc.
As the set is a singleton set, there is only one number in the set. So you use the set by calling the function, asking the question, in effect, "is this number the one and only number that is in the set?" So you are correct this set, the singleton set is just asking are these two numbers the same.
It should be emphasised that this example is from the course Functional Programming Principles in Scala. The course is not meant as an easy introduction to Scala. In fact the course is deliberately making things difficult, in order to enable a deep understanding of functional programming. Normally one would just use the in scope immutable Set class.
If you wanted to work with say the even numbers between -1000 and 1000, you'd probably use an iterator like:
(-1000 to 1000).withFilter(_ %2 == 0)
(-1000 to 1000 by 2)

What is the preferred order for operands in boolean expressions?

Is there any benefit to structuring boolean expressions like:
if (0 < x) { ... }
instead of
if (x > 0) { ... }
I have always used the second way, always putting the variable as the first operand and using whatever boolean operator makes sense, but lately I have read code that uses the first method, and after getting over the initial weirdness I am starting to like it a lot more.
Now I have started to write all my boolean expressions to only use < or <= even if this means the variable isn't the first operand, like the above example. To me it seems to increase readability, but that might just be me :)
What do other people think about this?
Do whatever is most natural for whatever expression you are trying to compare.
If you're wondering about other operations (like ==) there are previous topics comparing the orderings of operands for those comparisons (and the reasons why).
It is mostly done to avoid the problem of using = instead of == in if conditions. To keep the consistency many people use the same for with other operators also. I do not see any problem in doing it.
Use whatever 'reads' best. One thing I'd point out is that if I'm testing to see if a value is within bounds, I try to write it so the bounds are on the 'outside' just like they might be in a mathematical expression:
So, to test that (0 < x <= 10):
if ((0 < x) && (x <= 10)) { ... }
instead of
if ((0 < x) && (10 >= x)) { ... }
if ((x > 0) && (10 >= x)) { ... }
I find this pattern make is somewhat easier to follow the logic.
An advantage for putting the number first is that it can prevent bug of using = when == is wanted.
if ( 0 == x ) // ok
if ( 0 = x ) //is a compiler error
compare to the subtle bug:
if ( x = 0 ) // assignment and not comparison. most likely a typo
To be honest it's unusual to write expressions with the variable on the right-side, and as a direct consequence of that unusualness readability suffers. Coding conventions have intrinsic value merely by virtue of being conventions; people are used to code being written in particular standard ways, x >= 0 being one example. Unnecessarily deviating from simple norms like these should be avoided without good cause.
The fact that you had to "get over the initial weirdness" should perhaps be a red flag.
I would not write 0 < x just as I would not use Hungarian notation in Java. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. The Romans write x >= 0. No, it's not a huge deal, it just seems like an unnecessary little quirk.