Annotation "blinks" when updated frequently - mapbox

I receive a steam of GPS locations representing a vehicle, and I want to show it as an annotation on the map. Showing the annotation is fine.
Whenever I receive a new GPS location, I update the symbol with:
However, the symbol "blinks", apparently mostly when I zoom in. This can be seen on the following video:
Am I doing something wrong? Is there a maximum rate at which I can update the symbol?

Setting setIconAllowOverlap to true did it:


Anylogic: Dynamically change source rate using variable/slider

I am trying to dynamically change the source Arrival rate using a variable "arrivalRate" linked to a slider (see image).
However, during the simulation the initial rate remains the same, even when I change the arrivalRate. I know that the arrivalRate variable is changing successfully (it is an int) - but this has no effect on the source rate during the simulation.
Anyone have an idea what the issue is - or how to fix it?
Whenever you see the = sign before a field, it means it's not dynamic, it is only evaluated at the start of the model or at the element creation and will not change throughout the simulation run unless you force it. In other words, the variable arrivalRate is checked only once to assign the source's arrival rate and that's it.
Now if you want to change it dynamically, in the slider's Action field, write the following:
source.set_rate( arrivalRate );

How to persist markers using ADF in TangoARPoseController

I am trying to persist markers in an augmented reality game. Here is the gist of what I am doing:
I have my users recording and saving an area to an ADF. Then they drop marker’s into the scene and save out their position data in Unity World coordinates to a text file. I then restart the app, load and localize to the ADF and load the markers.
In order to get this working, I've modified the ARPoseController.cs file in the Unity demo package to use the Area Description as it's base frame. In the _UpdateTransformation method I've swapped out the frame pairs
pair.baseFrame = TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType.TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_START_OF_SERVICE;
pair.targetFrame = TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType.TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_DEVICE;
pair.baseFrame = TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType.TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_AREA_DESCRIPTION;
pair.targetFrame = TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType.TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_DEVICE;
I've also added some code confirming that I'm successfully localizing to the ADF, but I'm noticing that my markers position in Unity World Space do not position properly relative to real environment.
I can confirm that my markers save and load properly based on START_OF_SERVICE origin so I assume that they are properly serializing and deserializing. What could be causing this? Am I wrong in assuming this should just work by switching the base framepair to Area_Description instead of START_OF_SERVICE?
I had a similar problem getting the AR and ADF integrated, I had to modify the TangoPointCloud to check if you're using an AreaDescription in OnTangoDepthAvailable() and adjust the baseFrame target as required.
if (m_tangoDeltaPoseController.m_useAreaDescriptionPose)
pair.baseFrame = TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType.TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_AREA_DESCRIPTION;
pair.targetFrame = TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType.TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_DEVICE;
pair.baseFrame = TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType.TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_START_OF_SERVICE;
pair.targetFrame = TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType.TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_DEVICE;
That way, the geometry of the point cloud adjusts itself based on the ADF offset instead of from device start.
After that change, when I'm using the sample code for AR to drop markers, it registers the surface properly so I'm placing the markers in the correct spots and orientation. I'm still encountering some flakiness with the markers not adjusting when relocalized though, have to look into the AreaLearningInGameController for loop closure events.
Hope that helps!

Bing Maps search defaults to Lancaster

I don't know if anyone have noticed this, when requesting from Bing maps REST service for some locations, or if the query was not well formed, the response from Bing maps gives the coordinates of Lancaster, Lancashire, as if it was defaulting to this location...
try this request and check the coordinates, it should yield the coordinates of "Bethnal Green, London - East", instead it is "Lancaster, Lancashire":
Any info about this and how to stop it is appreciated.
What is happening is that the geocoder isn't understanding your lower level address information so it moves up through the address until it finds something. In this case it is returning a coordinate for the center of the UK. This just happens to be near Lancaster, Lancashire. If you look at the Name or address property of the result you will be able to see this pretty clearly. Also, since you are working with the REST services take a look at these tips and tricks:

Adding videos to Unity3d

We are developing a game about driving awareness.
The problem is we need to show videos to the user if he makes any mistakes after completing driving. For example, if he makes two mistakes we need to show two videos at the end of the game.
Can you help with this. I don't have any idea.
#solus already gave you an answer, regarding "how to play a (pre-registered) video from your application". However, from what I've understood, you are asking about saving (and visualize) a kind of replay for the "wrong" actions, performed by the player. This is not an easy task, and I don't think that you can receive an exaustive answer, but only some advices. I will try to give you my own ones.
First of all, you should "capture" the position of the player's car, in various time periods.
As an example, you could read player's car position every 0.2 seconds, and save it into a structure (example: a List).
Then, you would implement some logic to detect the "wrong" actions (crashes, speeding...They obviously depend on your game) and save a reference to the pair ["mistake", "relevant portion of the list containg car's positions for that event"].
Now, you have all what you need to recreate a replay of the action: that is, making the car "driving alone", by reading the previously saved positions (that will act as waypoints for generating the route).
Obviously, you also have to deal with the camera's position and rotation: just leave it attached to the car (as the normal "in-game" action), or modify it during time to catch the more interesting angulations, as the AAA racing games do (this will make the overall task more difficult, of course).
Unity will import a video as a MovieTexture. It will be converted to the native Theora/Vorbis (Ogg) format. (Use ffmpeg2theora if import fails.)
Simply apply it as you would any texture. You could use a plane or a flat cube. You should adjust its localScale to the aspect ratio of your video (movie.width/(float)movie.height).
Put the attached audioclip in an AudioSource. Then call movie.Play() and audio.Play().
You could also load the video from a local file path or the web (in the correct format).
var movie = new WWW(#"file://C:\videos\myvideo.ogv").movie;
renderer.material.mainTexture = movie;
audio.clip = movie.audioClip;
Use MovieTexture, but do not forget to install QuickTime, you need it to import movie clip (.mov file for example).

How to simulate a user driving a route in a MKMapView?

I need to simulate how my application will look when a user is driving around for a demo. I have a MKMapView, how can I simulate the look of a user driving around which will use the map.userLocation functionality, which obviously will not be available in the demo.
No way to simulate in iPhone simulator. You'll need to load it onto your device and move around.
Well I got something going, I just did essentially this
- (void)moveIcon:(MKAnnotationView*)locationView toLocation:(CLLocation*)newLoc
LocationAnnotation* annotation = [[[LocationAnnotation alloc] initWithCoordinate:newLoc.coordinate] autorelease];
[locationView setAnnotation:annotation];
[map setCenterCoordinate:newLoc.coordinate animated:YES];
Then I call this guy in a loop between all of my vertices with a slight delay. Works quite qell.
I'm not an iPhone dev expert, but how does the map view receive the coordinates? If it's through a function that calls the CoreLocation API, could you possibly just write a function that randomly generates longitude and latitude values at a certain time interval and have your map view pull the coordinates from there instead? Just a thought.
You could also check out iSimulate which claims to be able to simulate several features only available on the iPhone in the iPhone simulator include CoreLocation. I have not tried this myself so your mileage may vary.
In order to simulate driving you'll need to establish 2 basic functionalities:
Reading CLLocations from an archive (which you'd log during the drive test with a device). Ideally you'll do this based on the timestamps on the locations, i.e. reproducing the exact same location updates which were received during the drive test.
Updating your MKAnnotationView's position on the map based on the locations read from log.
For part 1, take a look at CLLocationDispatch, a handy class which provides archiving/unarchiving of CLLocations and dispatches them to one or more listeners (using CLLocationManagerDelegate protocol).
For part 2, take a look at Moving-MKAnnotationView.
I found a better way would be to subclass MKUserLocation:
class SimulatedUserLocation: MKUserLocation {
private var simulatedCoordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 39, longitude: -76)
override dynamic var coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D {
get {
return simulatedCoordinate
set {
simulatedCoordinate = newValue
Then add it as an annotation mapView.addAnnotation(SimulatedUserLocation()). (You might also want to hide the real location first mapView.showsUserLocation = false)
iOS would render the annotation exactly like the real user location.
dynamic is used on the property so that changing coordinate triggers KVO and moves it on the map.
The answer is NO. Then, how about adding an abstraction layer between your code and MKMapKit? You can do xUnit tests for your objective.