NSAnimationContext issue: no animation with isHidden property - swift

I have the following view structure:
In the Date Stack View, I want to hide/unhide the Advanced Stack Viewin an animated way (like the height was reduced to zero).
I searched a lot for a solution and I came up with this:
dateStackView.wantsLayer = true
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ context in
context.duration = 0.5
context.allowsImplicitAnimation = true
advancedDateStackView.animator().isHidden = true
}, completionHandler: nil)
But it does not work --> no animation
However, if I replace:
advancedDateStackView.animator().isHidden = true
advancedDateStackView.animator().alphaValue = 0,
I can see a fadeout animation for the advancedDateStackView. Which is not the desired behaviour, but proves the animation can work.
I also tried self.advancedDateStackView.animator().frame.size.height = 0
but no animation either.
Any help would be appreciated, I struggle to find a solution.
EDIT to answer the comment below saying my question is a duplicate: Here my code works and allows me to perform a transition with alphaValue. However, what I need, and what does not work, is to perform a transition on isHidden.


Delay before beginning animation of NSView (AppKit)

The following code from here shows how to do a fade-out for NSView in Swift:
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ context in
context.duration = 1
self.view.animator().alphaValue = 0
}, completionHandler: {
self.view.isHidden = true
self.view.alphaValue = 1
I am using this code to display a status notification -> i.e. the text appears, stays for around a few seconds, and then fades out. Is there a way to delay the start of the fade out to accomplish this?
Is there a way to delay the start of the fade out to accomplish this?
One way is to use NSTimer to run your animation after whatever delay you choose. For example, you could pass a block containing your code to +scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:repeats:block:, and once the interval expires the block will run.

Using Swift, how do I animate the .setPosition() method of an NSSplitView without visually stretching its contents?

I would like to animate the appearance of a NSSplitViewItem using .setPosition() using Swift, Cocoa and storyboards. My app allows a student to enter a natural deduction proof. When it is not correct, an 'advice view' appears on the right. When it is correct, this advice view will disappear.
The code I'm using is the below, where the first function makes the 'advice' appear, and the second makes it disappear:
func showAdviceView() {
// Our window
let windowSize = view.window?.frame.size.width
// A CGFloat proportion currently held as a constant
let adviceViewProportion = BKPrefConstants.adviceWindowSize
// Position is window size minus the proportion, since
// origin is top left
let newPosition = windowSize! - (windowSize! * adviceViewProportion)
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup { context in
context.allowsImplicitAnimation = true
context.duration = 0.75
splitView.animator().setPosition(newPosition, ofDividerAt: 1)
func hideAdviceView() {
let windowSize = view.window?.frame.size.width
let newPosition = windowSize!
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup{ context in
context.allowsImplicitAnimation = true
context.duration = 0.75
splitView.animator().setPosition(newPosition, ofDividerAt: 1)
My problem is that the animation action itself is causing the text in the views to stretch, as you can see in this example: Current behaviour
What I really want is the text itself to maintain all proportions and slide gracefully in the same manner that we see when the user themselves moves the separator: Ideal behaviour (but to be achieved programmatically, not manually)
Thus far in my troubleshooting process, I've tried to animate this outside of NSAnimationContext; played with concurrent drawing and autoresizing of subviews in XCode; and looked generally into Cocoa's animation system (though much of what I've read doesn't seem to have direct application here, but I might well be misunderstanding it). I suspect what's going on is that the .animator() proxy object allows only alpha changes and stretches---redrawing so that text alignment is honoured during the animation might be too non-standard. My feeling is that I need to 'trick' the app into treating the animation as though it's being performed by the user, but I'm not sure how to go about that.
Any tips greatly appreciated...

Added subview is positioned slightly off - how can I get it back into place?

UPDATE: Solved! While the contentMode for pianoNoteDisplayed and piano_background were indeed the same, apparently this wasn't true for the added subviews. I simply added the line subview.contentMode = superview.contentMode to the function vdmzz suggested, and now everything looks right on all 4 screen sizes.
There are two image views: one called "piano_background" holds a background image (a piano keyboard) and the other will be used to display highlighted notes. The second is constrained to the first:
(the width constraint is probably unnecessary, because the leading and trailing constraints are already set, right?)
To display multiple highlighted keys, I am programmatically adding subviews to the piano_note view and activating the NSLayoutConstraints to get it into place (otherwise it shows up way out of position) like so:
pianoNoteDisplayed.image = nil
if !notesAlreadyAttempted.contains(currentUserAnswer) {
let wrongNoteImageName = "large_\(currentUserAnswer)_wrong"
let wrongNoteImage = UIImage(named: wrongNoteImageName)
let wrongNoteImageView = UIImageView(image: wrongNoteImage!)
wrongNoteImageView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
wrongNoteImageView.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: pianoNoteDisplayed!.frame.width),
wrongNoteImageView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: pianoNoteDisplayed!.frame.height)
The issue is that the subview is displayed slightly off, and I can't seem to figure out why:
(as you can see, the highlight looks slightly compressed vertically.. the top lands correctly, but the bottom doesn't reach far enough by about 5px)
I have tried centering and constraining the subview in multiple ways, using suggestions from about 5 different answers on stack, and a few other articles I found. The images I am using (the piano background and the overlaying note highlight subview) are identical sizes. I have tried adding more or fewer constraints in the interface builder, and I have tried adding subviews to the original piano_background view instead of the second pianoNoteDisplayed view - same result. Using the pianoNoteDisplayed view itself to display the highlighted note works fine by the way:
And these are displayed using the usual .image method:
pianoNoteDisplayed.image = UIImage(named: "large_\(currentCorrectAnswer)_right")
Any suggestions for how to troubleshoot the issue further?
First of all, as far as I understood pianoNoteDisplayed doesn't need to be an UIImageView.
Secondly, if you align piano_background and pianoNoteDisplayed by top, leading, trailing and bottom edges, one will be exactly on top of other. Or you could set them equal height, width and center positions.
The problem with your current set of constraints is that piano_background's Y position is determined by Safe Area and therefore might defer from pianoNoteDisplayed's Y position.
Try using this function:
func addSameSize(subview: UIView, onTopOf superview: UIView) {
subview.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
subview.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: superview.centerXAnchor).isActive = true
subview.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: superview.centerYAnchor).isActive = true
subview.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: superview.widthAnchor).isActive = true
subview.heightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: superview.heightAnchor).isActive = true
subview.contentMode = superview.contentMode
addSameSize(subview: wrongNoteImageView, onTopOf: pianoNoteDisplayed)
It will add your image views exactly aligned on top of pianoNoteDisplayed view

Turn off touch for whole screen, SpriteKit, how?

I'm trying to temporarily disable touch on the entire screen, despite their being many sprites with touchesBegun onscreen.
I thought, obviously wrongly, turning off touch for the scene would do it:
scene?.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
But that didn't work, so I tried this, which also didn't work:
view?.scene?.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
That also didn't work, so I tried this, also from inside the scene:
self.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
There is no global method to turn off the touch, whatever is at the top of the drawing queue is the first responder.
You need to iterate through all of your nodes from your scene and turn them off:
enumerateChildNodesWithName("//*", usingBlock:
{ (node, stop) -> Void in
node.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
Now the problem is turning them back on, if you use this method, you will turn it on for everything, so you may want to adopt a naming convention for all your touchable sprites
enumerateChildNodesWithName("//touchable", usingBlock:
{ (node, stop) -> Void in
node.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
This will look for any node that has a name that begins with touchable.
This method involves recursion, so if you have a ton of nodes, it can be slow. Instead you should use an alternative method:
let disableTouchNode = SKSpriteNode(color:SKColor(red:0.0,green:0.0,blue:0.0,alpha:0.1),size:self.size)
disableTouchNode.isUserinteractionEnabled = true
disableTouchNode.zPosition = 99999
What this does is slap on an almost transparent node on top of all elements the size of the scene. This way when a user touches the screen, this node will absorb it instead of anything else.
The following will disable all touches
self.view?.isUserInteractionEnabled = false

UIView.animation only running once?

The following code runs once and it doesn't even animate..it just appears 20 pixels higher. Any idea why? What I want is for the button to move up and down forever.
scrollButton.frame = CGRectMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.view.frame)-20, (self.view.frame.size.height-64)*1-80, 40, 16)
scrollButton.setImage(UIImage(named: "ARROW.png"), forState: .Normal)
scrollButton.tintColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
UIView.animateWithDuration(1.0, delay: 0, options: UIViewAnimationOptions.Repeat | UIViewAnimationOptions.Autoreverse, animations: {
self.scrollButton.frame.origin.y -= 20
}, completion: nil)
Although this question is quite old I wanted to add some light to new users.
UIView Animations doesn't work well when called from viewDidLoad try calling it instead from viewWillAppear.
Hope it helps.
I am not sure if that is going to work well , you can make two functions and each one has to move the body and then call the other one . You can use a boolean variable to stop the functions work.