Vscode API - Custom View Container Icon - visual-studio-code

I'm wanting to use an SVG for the viewcontainer part of my VS Code extension.
I've been given some PNG files to use, but unfortunately:
When just using 32x32 PNG files, the icons always show up as a blank white square in the activity bar, and if used as SVG the images don't scale properly to the container in the activity bar.
It's as though they are "zoomed in" on if using the SVG versions.
Anyone have tips or tricks to suggest working around this?

This the open tag of the debug.svg icon used in the action bar
<svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
Do you have a viewbox set?


..net maui splash screen change not displaying correctly

I'm experimenting with .net maui. i'm using vs 17.3 preview 4. I'd like to change the spash screen. i would think that i would change the content of the spash.svg file. I've changed the content of the file. I've left the property of the file as mauispashscreen. I've created a simple png file and have converted it with an online svg converter. the file is viewable with msft edge browser. All i get is a purple screen without the text changes. I'm just trying to do something simple. what should i look for in the setup of the file or the project? any suggestions are appreciated.
At first, please double click your project and check if there is the code in your projectname.csproj file or not. It seems when you delete the splash.svg file and add a new one in the resources, the code will be auto deleted.
<MauiSplashScreen Include="Resources\Splash\splash.svg" Color="#512BD4" />
And then, I have tried to convert a png to svg, but the picture can't show perfectly as the splash. So I download a svg from the svg picture website and it can work well.
It seems maui can't make all the svg show as the splash screen perfectly. You can also download one instead of converting the png.

How do I associate makis in a custom style with a poi-label in Mapbox Studio?

I am creating in Mapbox Studio a style from scratch. I have a poi-label layer that filters by data. I can see the filter works. I can place a text label at the location of the poi, all in Mapbox Studio.
For the life of it I cannot show an icon with the text. I have tried to paste a some_maki.svg from the Maki iconset in to the "Icon image" field. THe cursor indicates that pasting is a valid operation, the image is uploaded, but it does not show on the map. What gives?
The Maki icon set provides each icon in two SVG sizes: 11px by 11px and 15px by 15px. So, when you use the name of a particular Maki icon in the 'icon-image' layout property, you also need to append the icon's name with either -11 or -15.
For example, consider the 'icon-image' for the poi-label layer in the default Mapbox Street style when inspected in Mapbox Studio:
So, if you include & "-11" or & "-15" in your icon image formula, and the referenced icon is included in your style's sprite sheet, the icons should show up as expected. You can add and remove image's in your style's sprite with the image toolbar, as described in the documentation here.

How to define a background image for the page master in Apache FOP 2.0

I try to setup a background image for a simple-page-master in FOP 2.0.
I tried the following code:
<fo:simple-page-master master-name="Screen169"
page-height="1080px" page-width="1920px" margin="0" background-image="Screen169.svg"
background-color="#fecc6c" background-repeat="repeat"
background-position-horizontal="center" background-position-vertical="center">
but is does not work. It does not render the background color neither the background image.
The image should fill the whole page even if the page is not completely covered with text.
What can I do ?
Background properties apply to page regions and to block-level and inline-level formatting objects, but they don't apply to page masters.
Moreover, their value is not inherited, so setting them on an element has no effect on its descendants.
Just set them on the fo:region-body and you should get the desired result.
You can not use background properties on the master, but you do not need to chop the background up, to fit your individual regions, either.
You simply need to load the background image as an external graphic inside an absolutely positioned container. Place this absolutely positioned container in what ever occupies your top left corner (region-before, region-start, region-body, ...) and it will render beneath everything that follows after it.
E.g. I have a layout with region-before taking the the top 40mm of an A4 page, with region-body and region-after taking up the rest of my page.
<fo:page-sequence master-reference="mya4">
<fo:static-content flow-name="region-before">
<!-- this absolutely positioned container renders
a full size background image -->
<fo:block-container width="210mm" left="0mm" top="0mm"
height="297mm" position="absolute">
<!-- all other content must follow after background -->
<!-- all other region-before stuff goes here-->
<fo:flow flow-name="body">
renders a4-bg.pdf as a full page background underneath all other page elements.
I use this in a production environment on FOP 2.1, but it should work for older FOP versions as well.

Display image in Leaflet (Cloudmade) popups

I am using the default settings for the Leaflet (cloudmade) Simple project (https://github.com/perrygeo/leaflet-simple-csv/blob/master/README.md).
I have a 1300 record CSV which displays well, and on-click the attributes display text in popup window.
Two of the fields are URLs to small JPG images. I would like these to display in the popup window. I've tried but to no avail.
Link to project: http://erichsen-group.com/demoland/datademo/projects/
How can I show the images?
Have you tried using <img></img> tags instead of <a href></a>? they are links because they are written as links. Or you can do <img src="mySource"> dont forget to play with the styling of the img tag. The height and width.

Transparent Top Bar ios7

Is there a way to make Top Bar background absolutely transparent? I'd like the page title to be visible along with buttons but make the rest completely invisible? Anything I can do with the appearance API?
that's something that i was looking into and it seems like it has to do with the meta tag in the beginning of the page
i found out that if your using
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black-translucent" />
then you have a transparent background, only with white text and icons, there's no way to change it into black/dark text to fit into anyones CSS.
also you have an issue where the top of the page is right at the pixel line of the iOS 7 device.
which is retarded
i've been doing tests on here