SQL statement that returns exactly one row with columns - postgresql

I'm having trouble creating a query for the following task: i want to return exactly one row with columns: region_id, region_name, province_name, province_code, country_name, country_code for any given regionid. The database has 3 tables "countrylist" , "provinces" and "regionlist"
the table countrylist has the following columns : countryid, language code, countryname, countrycode and continentid
provinces : country_code, country_name, province_code, province_name
regionlist: regionid, regiontype.
So I tried writing a query for joining the table but I'm sure if I'm doing it correct.
exactly one row with columns: region_id, region_name, province_name, province_code, country_name, country_code for any given regionid.

I am not 100% aware of the differences between Postgres and MySQL - but guess you get the idea at the very least.
One way to do it, to get your id with WHERE regionlist.regionid = and join the other tables. From either the regionlist you can use the LIMIT (reference) to get a limited amount of rows.
Apparently neither provinces nor country have a common column with regionlist, so I can not tell where the link between those are. However, once you have 1 row of the region list you should have no troubles joining them with the others (if the links are trivial).


GROUP BY and DISTINCT ON working differently for tables and views

I have a table Design and a view on that table called ArchivedDesign. The view is declared as:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public."ArchivedDesign" ("RootId", "Id", "Created", "CreatedBy", "Modified", "ModifiedBy", "VersionStatusId", "OrganizationId")
SELECT DISTINCT ON (des."RootId") "RootId", des."Id", des."Created", des."CreatedBy", des."Modified", des."ModifiedBy", des."VersionStatusId", des."OrganizationId"
FROM public."Design" AS des
JOIN public."VersionStatus" AS vt ON des."VersionStatusId" = vt."Id"
WHERE vt."Code" = 'Archived'
ORDER BY "RootId", des."Modified" DESC;
Then, I have a large query which gets a short summary of latest changes, thumbnails, etc. The whole query is not important, but it contains two almost identical subqueries - one for the main table and and one for the view.
TRIM(con."Name") AS "Contributor",
extract(epoch from x."Modified") * 1000 AS "Modified",
FROM public."Design" AS x
JOIN "Contributor" AS con ON con."DesignId" = x."Id"
WHERE x."OrganizationId" = ANY (ARRAY[]::uuid[])
AND x."VersionStatusId" = ANY (ARRAY[]::uuid[])
GROUP BY x."Id", con."Name"
ORDER BY x."Id";
TRIM(con."Name") AS "Contributor",
extract(epoch from x."Modified") * 1000 AS "Modified",
FROM public."ArchivedDesign" AS x
JOIN "Contributor" AS con ON con."DesignId" = x."Id"
WHERE x."OrganizationId" = ANY (ARRAY[]::uuid[])
AND x."VersionStatusId" = ANY (ARRAY[]::uuid[])
GROUP BY x."Id", con."Name"
ORDER BY x."Id";
Link to SQL fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!17/d1d0f/1
The query is valid for the table, but fails for the view with an error column x."Modified" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function. I don't understand why there is a difference in the behavior of those two queries? How do I fix the view query to work the same way as the table query?
My ultimate goal is to replace all table sub-queries with view sub-queries so we can easily separate draft, active and archived designs.
You get that error because when you query the table directly, Postgres is able to identify the primary key of the table and knows that grouping by it is enough.
Quote from the manual
When GROUP BY is present, or any aggregate functions are present, it is not valid for the SELECT list expressions to refer to ungrouped columns except within aggregate functions or when the ungrouped column is functionally dependent on the grouped columns, since there would otherwise be more than one possible value to return for an ungrouped column. A functional dependency exists if the grouped columns (or a subset thereof) are the primary key of the table containing the ungrouped column
(emphasis mine)
When querying the view, Postgres isn't able to detect that functional dependency that makes it possible to have a "shortened" GROUP BY when querying the table directly.

How to sort table alphabetically by name initial?

I have a table contains columns 'employeename' and 'id', how can I sort the 'employeename' column following alphabetical order of the names initial?
Say the table is like this now:
employeename rid eid
Dave 1 1
Ben 4 2
Chloe 6 6
I tried the command ORDER BY, it shows what I want but when I query the data again by SELECT, the showed table data is the same as original, indicting ORDER BY does not modify the data, is this correct?
FROM employee
ORDER BY employeename ASC;
I expect the table data to be modified (sorted by names alphabetical order) like this:
employeename rid eid
Ben 4 2
Chloe 6 6
Dave 1 1
the showed table data is the same as original, indicting ORDER BY does not modify the data, is this correct?
Yes, this is correct. A SELECT statement does not change the data in a table. Only UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT or TRUNCATE statements will change the data.
However, your question shows a misconception on how a relational database works.
Rows in a table (of a relational database) are not sorted in any way. You can picture them as balls in a basket.
If you want to display data in a specific sort order, the only (really: the only) way to do that is to use an ORDER BY in your SELECT statement. There is no alternative to that.
Postgres allows to define a VIEW that includes an ORDER BY which might be an acceptable workaround for you:
CREATE VIEW sorted_employee;
FROM employee
ORDER BY employeename ASC;
Then you can simply use
select *
from sorted_employees;
But be aware of the drawbacks. If you run select * from sorted_employees order by id then the data will be sorted twice. Postgres is not smart enough to remove the (useless) order by from the view's definition.
Some related questions:
Default row order in SELECT query - SQL Server 2008 vs SQL 2012
What is the default SQL result sort order with 'select *'?
Is PostgreSQL order fully guaranteed if sorting on a non-unique attribute?
Why do results from a SQL query not come back in the order I expect?

PostgreSQL 9.5 Select only non matching records from two tables

I have three tables representing some geographical datas and :
- one with the actual datas,
- one storing the name of the streets,
- one storing the combination between the street number and the street name (table address).
I already have some address existing in my table, in order to realize an INSERT INTO SELECT in a fourth table, I am looking on how to build the SELECT query to retrieve only the objects not already existing in the address table.
I tried different approaches, including the NOT EXISTS and the id_street IS NULL conditions, but I didn't manage to make it work.
Here is an example : http://rextester.com/KMSW4349
You can simply use EXCEPT to remove the rows already in address:
INSERT INTO address(street_number,id_street)
SELECT DISTINCT datas.street_number, street.id_street
FROM datas
LEFT JOIN street USING (street_name)
SELECT street_number, id_street FROM address;
You could end up with duplicates if there are concurrent data modifications on address.
To avoid that, you'd add a unique constraint and use INSERT ... ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING.
Your sub query is not correct. You have to match with the outer tables:
INSERT INTO address(street_number,id_street)
SELECT DISTINCT street_number, id_street
FROM datas
LEFT JOIN street ON street.street_name=datas.street_name
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM address a2 WHERE a2.street_number = datas.street_number AND a2.id_street = street.id_street);

LEFT JOIN returns incorrect result in PostgreSQL

I have two tables: A (525,968 records) and B (517,831 records). I want to generate a table with all the rows from A and the matched records from B. Both tables has column "id" and column "year". The combination of id and year in table A is unique, but not in table B. So I wrote the following query:
LEFT JOIN B ON (A.id = B.id AND A.year = B.year);
I thought the result should contain the same total number of records in A, but it only returns about 517,950 records. I'm wondering what the possible cause may be.
First of all, I understand that this is an example, but postgres may hava an issues with capital letters in the table names.
Secondly, it may be a good idea to check how exactly you calculated 525,968 records. The thing is - if you use sime kind of client of database administration / queries - it may show you different / technical information about tables (there may be internal row counters in postgres that may actually differ from the number of records).
And finally to check yourself do something like

T-SQL LEFT JOIN on bigint id return only ids lower than 101 on right table

I have two tables on a Sql Server 2008.
ownership with 3 fields and case with another 3 fields I need to join both on the ID field (bigint).
For testing purposes I'm only using one field from each table. This field is bigint and has values from 1 to 170 (for now).
My query is:
ownership LEFT JOIN case ON (case.id=ownership.fCase)
This was expected to return 4 rows with the same values on both columns. Problem is that the last row of the right table comes as null for the fCase = 140. This is the only value above 100.
If I run the query without the WHERE clause it show all rows on the left table but the values on the right only apear if below 101 otherwise shows null.
Can someone help me, am I doing something wrong or is this a limitation or a bug?
Case is also a verb so it may be getting confused. Try your table and column names in []. E.G. [case].[id] = [ownership].[fCase]. Are you like double check sure that [case].[id] and [ownership].[fCase] are both bigint. If your current values are 1-170 then why bigint (9,223,372,036,854,775,807)? Does that column accept nulls?