Address form with country filter dropdown - google maps - autocomplete

I'm trying to add a "country" filter for an an autocomplete address form.
So when a user selects a certain country, the google autocomplete filters the address according to that country.
For some reason I cannot get the change event to happen when the user changes the country, and it seems to always just sit on "US".
What am I doing wrong?
Here is my my jfiddle:
Here is the code to change filtering:
function initAutocomplete() {
// Create the autocomplete object, restricting the search predictions to
// geographical location types.
autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(
document.getElementById('autocomplete'), {types: ['geocode'],
componentRestrictions: countryRestrict});
places = new google.maps.places.PlacesService(map);
autocomplete.addListener('place_changed', onPlaceChanged);
// Add a DOM event listener to react when the user selects a country.
'change', setAutocompleteCountry);
// Set the country restriction based on user input.
// Also center and zoom the map on the given country.
function setAutocompleteCountry() {
var country = document.getElementById('country').value;
if (country == 'all') {
autocomplete.setComponentRestrictions({'country': []});
//map.setCenter({lat: 15, lng: 0});
} else {
autocomplete.setComponentRestrictions({'country': country});


Enter on cypress after type is not input the value

I just did a cypress curse on Udemy and I am trying to learn a bit more.
I am using this simple code line to get a box and enter a value inside using type and enter, however I am getting no error and the value is not showing inside the box.
here is the code line cy.get('[class="multiselect__tags"]').eq('10').type('2,000,000{enter}')
how I am new I am using index to get the box since in the page there is more than 18 boxes with the attributes.
Here is the DOM
here is how it shows in the test
The Vue-multiselect control allows the user to select items from a list, or type a value and press enter to select it.
The result is a "tag" for each of the selected items is added to the input box.
To select by typing, this is how it can be done on the demo page
it('selects from vue-multiselect by typing', () => {
cy.get('div.multiselect').eq(0) // there is no id to work with so just get 1st
.type('NO Dependencies{enter}'); // select an item
cy.get('div.multiselect').eq(0) // same parent as above
.within(() => { // now work within that select
cy.get('span.multiselect__tag') // check the tags
.should('have.length', 1) // only one selected
.should('contain', 'NO Dependencies') // has the expected text
cy.get('div.multiselect').eq(0) // same select
.type('GitHub Stars{enter}'); // select another item
.within(() => {
cy.get('span.multiselect__tag') // check the tags
.should('have.length', 2) // now two selected
.should('contain', 'GitHub Stars') // has the expected text
To select by clicking the dropdown list
it('selects from vue-multiselect by clicking', () => {
.within(() => {
cy.get('div.multiselect__select').click() // open the dropdown
.contains('NO Dependencies')
.click() // select an item
cy.get('div.multiselect').eq(0) // same parent as above
.within(() => { // now work within that select
cy.get('span.multiselect__tag') // check the tags
.should('have.length', 1) // only one selected
.should('contain', 'NO Dependencies') // has the expected text
In your web page, the multiselect has a data-vv-name attribute which should pinpoint the particular control we want,
const controlSelector = 'div.multiselect[data-vv-name="data.eoConditions.liability"]';
.type('2,000,000{enter}'); // select an item
cy.get(controlSelector) // same parent as above
.within(() => { // work within that control
cy.get('span.multiselect__tag') // check the tags
.should('have.length', 1) // only one selected
.should('contain', '2,000,000') // has the expected text
I'm not sure if you can select two values on this particular control, it does not make sense to do so since there could be only one liability limit.

Need to add regional bounds for HERE maps. For eg : I want to add the view bounds of the map for a particular city on flutter platform

How can I achieve to show the view bounds on the HERE maps for a particular city on flutter platform?
First you need to get bounding box for your city that available in property "boundingBox" of Place object
To search your city and look at it view bounds use this roughly sample of code (not tested):
await (new SearchEngine()).searchByText("DEU Berlin", SearchOptions.withDefaults(),
(SearchError searchError, List<here.Place> placeList) async {
if (SearchError == null) {
here.Place place = placeList.first;, MapCameraOrientationUpdate.withDefaults());
} else {
var error = searchError.toString();
Additional help links:

How to get city name from ion-input field in ionic 3?

Here I want to have only city name how simply I can get, I followed some blogs but kind of confused.
my html
<ion-input type="text" [(ngModel)]=""></ion-input>
I am expecting something like
this.cityName = somefunction(inputText) {
return city;
I am looking for some ionic cordova plugin to autocomplete the typed location and list down the possible location and select one of them.
Depending on when you wish to show you autosearch results you can bind it to an event
<ion-input type="text" [(ngModel)]="" (ionBlur)="someFunction()"></ion-input>
If you wish the autosearch results to come after he clicks out of the input box
you could use
(ionChange)="someFunction()" or (input)="someFunction()"
also if you need to
For Reverse geocoding you could use the geocoder plugin plugin
somefunction(inputText) {
this.nativeGeocoder.forwardGeocode('Berlin', options)
.then((coordinates: NativeGeocoderForwardResult[]) => {
this.autosearchresult = coordinates[0] // If you want one
.catch((error: any) => console.log(error));
and display it on the somwhere in the dom
<div (click)="completeauto()" *ngIf="showAutosearch">{{autosearchresult}}</div>
Keep in mind that you will also need some method to remove the search results and set the searchbar to the clicked value. If the user clicks on it.
Additionally if you have a Google Cloud Account you can activate the Google Places API which is more Robust than the Ionic Native version but you would require a credit card enabled account for it.
MapBox API also provides geocoding but I am not all that familiar with it.
If you have an Array of Object City cities, you can filter it by the name of the city in the following way
searchCityByName(searchText: any) {
const length = searchText.length;
if (length > 0) {
this.cities= this.cities.filter(city=> {
return >= 0;

Having trouble attaching event listener to a kml layer's polygon

Using Google Earth I have a loaded kml layer that displays polygons of every county in the US. On click a balloon pop's up with some relevant info about the state (name, which state, area, etc) When a user clicks the polygon I want the information to also pop up on a DIV element somewhere else.
This is my code so far.
var ge;
google.load("earth", "1");
function init() {'map3d', initCB, failureCB);
function initCB(instance) {
ge = instance;
ge.getLayerRoot().enableLayerById(ge.LAYER_ROADS, true);
//here is where im loading the kml file, href, function (kmlObject) {
if (kmlObject) {
// show it on Earth
} else {
setTimeout(function () {
alert('Bad or null KML.');
}, 0);
function recordEvent(event) {
// Listen to the mousemove event on the globe., 'click', recordEvent);
function failureCB(errorCode) {}
My problem is that when I change ge.getGlobe() to kmlObject or ge.getFeatures() it doesn't work.
My first question is what should I change ge.getGlobe() to to be able to get a click listener when a user clicks on a kml layer's polygon?
After that I was planning on using getDescription() or getBalloonHtml() to get the polygons balloons information. Am I even on the right track?
...what should I change ge.getGlobe() to...
You don't need to change the event object from GEGlobe. Indeed it is the best option as you can use it to capture all the events and then check the target object in the handler. This means you only have to set up a single event listener in the API.
The other option would be to somehow parse the KML and attach specific event handlers to specific objects. This means you have to create an event listener for each object.
Am I even on the right track?
So, yes you are on the right track. I would keep the generic GEGlobe event listener but extend your recordEvent method to check for the types of KML object you are interested in. You don't show your KML so it is hard to know how you have structured it (are your <Polygon>s nested in <Placemarks> or ` elements for example).
In the simple case if your Polygons are in Placemarks then you could just do the following. Essentially listening for clicks on all objects, then filtering for all Placmark's (either created via the API or loaded in via KML).
function recordEvent(event) {
var target = event.getTarget();
var type = target.getType();
if(type == "KmlPolygon") {
} else if(type == "KmlPlacemark") {
// get the data you want from the target.
var description = target.getDescription();
var balloon = target.getBalloonHtml();
} else if(type == "KmlLineString") {
};, 'click', recordEvent);
If you wanted to go for the other option you would iterate over the KML Dom once it has loaded and then add events to specific objects. You can do this using something like kmldomwalk.js. Although I wouldn't really recommend this approach here as you will create a large number of event listeners in the api (one for each Placemark in this case). The up side is that the events are attached to each specific object from the kml file, so if you have other Plaemarks, etc, that shouldn't have the same 'click' behaviour then it can be useful.
function placeMarkClick(event) {
var target = event.getTarget();
// get the data you want from the target.
var description = target.getDescription();
var balloon = target.getBalloonHtml();
}, href, function (kml) {
if (kml) {
} else {
setTimeout(function () {
alert('Bad or null KML.');
}, 0);
function parseKml(kml) {
walkKmlDom(kml, function () {
var type = this.getType();
if (type == 'KmlPlacemark') {
// add event listener to `this`, 'click', placeMarkClick);
Long time since i have worked with this.. but i can try to help you or to give you some tracks...
About your question on ", 'click', recordEvent);"
ge.getGlobe can not be replaced with ge.getFeatures() : if you look in the documentation ( for GEFeatureContainer ( which is the output type of getFeatures() , the click Event is not defined!
ge.getGlobe replaced with kmlObject: waht is kmlObject here??
About using getDescription, can you have a look on the getTarget, getCurrentTarget ...
As I told you, i haven't work with this since a long time.. so I'm not sure this can help you but at least, it's a first track on which you can look!
Please keep me informed! :-)

What is the proper way in OpenLayers (OSM) to trigger a popup for a feature?

I have the feature ID, I can grab the marker layer on GeoRSS loadend, but I'm still not sure how to cause the popup to appear programmatically.
I'll create the popup on demand if that's necessary, but it seems as though I should be able to get the id of the marker as drawn on the map and call some event on that. I've tried using jQuery and calling the $(marker-id).click() event on the map elements, but that doesn't seem to be working. What am I missing?
Since I was asked for code, and since I presumed it to be boilerplate, here's where I am so far:
map = new OpenLayers.Map('myMap');
map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM());
map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer.GeoRSS(name,url));
//I've done some stuff as well in re: projections and centering and
//setting extents, but those really don't pertain to this question.
Elsewhere I've done a bit of jQuery templating and built me a nice list of all the points that are being shown on the map. I know how to do a callback from the layer loadend and get the layer object, I know how to retrieve my layer out of the map manually, I know how to iter over the layers collection and find my layer. So I can grab any of those details about the popup, but I still don't know how to go about using the built-in methods of the DOM or of this API to make it as easy as which is what I would prefer to do.
You don't have to click the feature to open a popup.
First you need a reference to the feature from the feature id. I would do that in the loadend event of the GeoRSS layer, using the markers property on the layer.
Assuming you have a reference to your feature, I would write a method which handles the automatic popup:
var popups = {}; // to be able to handle them later
function addPopup(feature) {
var text = getHtmlContent(feature); // handle the content in a separate function.
var popupId = evt.xy.x + "," + evt.xy.y;
var popup = popups[popupId];
if (!popup || ! {
popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored(
" ",
function(evt) {
delete popups[];
popup.autoSize = true;
popup.useInlineStyles = false;
popups[popupId] = popup;, true);
popup.setContentHTML(popup.contentHTML + text);;
fwiw I finally came back to this and did something entirely different, but his answer was a good one.
//I have a list of boxes that contain the information on the map (think google maps)
$('.paginatedItem').live('mouseenter', onFeatureSelected).live('mouseleave',onFeatureUnselected);
function onFeatureSelected(event) {
// I stuff the lookup attribute (I'm lazy) into a global
// a global, because there can be only one
hoveredItem = $(this).attr('lookup');
/* Do something here to indicate the onhover */
// find the layer pagination id
var feature = findFeatureById(hoveredItem);
if (feature) {
// use the pagination id to find the event, and then trigger the click for that event to show the popup
// also, pass a null event, since we don't necessarily have one.[0], event)
function onFeatureUnselected(event) {
/* Do something here to indicate the onhover */
// find the layer pagination id
var feature = findFeatureById(hoveredItem);
if (feature) {
// use the pagination id to find the event, and then trigger the click for that event to show the popup
// also, pass a null event, since we don't necessarily have one.[0], event)
/* Do something here to stop the indication of the onhover */
hoveredItem = null;
function findFeatureById(featureId) {
for (var key in map.layers) {
var layer = map.layers[key];
if (layer.hasOwnProperty('features')) {
for (var key1 in layer.features) {
var feature = layer.features[key1];
if (feature.hasOwnProperty('id') && == featureId) {
return feature;
return null;
also note that I keep map as a global so I don't have to reacquire it everytime I want to use it