Vue2 - Importing Classes, Access and Instantiation - import

By importing classes at two places do I create 2 different instances?
* content of "MyClass.js"
class MyClass {
constructor() {}
isAuthenticated() {}
const cls = new MyClass();
export default cls;
* content of "router.js"
import auth from "./MyClass";
content of "./plugins/MyPlugin.js"
import clsInstance from "./MyClass";
export default {
install(Vue) {
Vue.prototype.$auth = clsInstance;
* content of main.js
import myFirstPlugin from "./plugins/MyPlugin.js";
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
if( auth.isAuthenticated() ){}
new Vue({
* content of someComponent.vue
methods: {
logOut() {
Is "auth.isAuthenticated" inside of "router.beforeEach" in "main.js"
this.$auth.isAuthenticated() inside of "logOut" in "someComponent.vue"
or there are actually two different instances of "MyClass"created?

import is much the same as require. The code in MyClass.js will only be run once, creating a single instance of MyClass. Both calls to import will be pulling in the same instance.
You can confirm this by:
Putting some console logging in MyClass.js. Note that it only gets run once no matter how many times you import it.
Add a property to the object you import in one file (e.g. set auth.myFlag = true) and then check whether that flag is also present in the other file (i.e. check clsInstance.myFlag). This isn't totally conclusive but it's a pretty good way to verify that it's the same object rather than two separate instances.
If you wanted separate instances you might want to try exporting the class itself so that each file can create its own instance.
From the code you've posted I believe auth.isAuthenticated() and this.$auth.isAuthenticated() are calling the same method on the same object and (depending on what isAuthenticated does) should give the same result.


Can I use in Google Apps Scripts a defined Class in a library with ES6 (V8)?

I'm trying to use a class defined in a library but I only receive an error as a result.
class Update {
constructor(obj = {}) {
if(typeof obj == "string"){
options = JSON.parse(obj);
Object.assign(this, obj);
return (this.message && this.message.text)?this.message.text:''
✅ Create a new version of the project. (File > Manage versions...)
✅ Load this library in another project [Alias: CustomService] (Resources > Libraries...)
✅ Use functions of CustomService
❌ Use class of CustomService
If I try to use a Class
function test (){
var update = new CustomService.Update("");
TypeError: CustomService.Update is not a constructor (línea 3, archivo "Code")
How can I instantiate an Object of this Class?
If I run...
As written in the official documentation,
Only the following properties in the script are available to library users:
enumerable global properties
function declarations,
variables created outside a function with var, and
properties explicitly set on the global object.
This would mean every property in the global this object are available to library users.
Before ES6, All declarations outside a function (and function declaration themselves) were properties of this global object. After ES6, There are two kinds of global records:
Object record- Same as ES5.
Function declarations
Function generators
Variable assignments
Declarative record - New
Everything else - let, const, class
Those in the declarative record are not accessible from the global "object", though they are globals themselves. Thus, the class declaration in the library is not accessible to library users. You could simply add a variable assignment to the class to add a property to the global object(outside any function):
var Update = class Update{/*your code here*/}
Library official documentation
Global environment records
Related Answers:
ES6- What about introspection
Do let statements create properties on the global object
Based on your tests, it appears that you cannot directly import a class from a GAS library. I'd recommend creating a factory method to instantiate the class instead.
Something along these lines:
// Library GAS project
* Foo class
class Foo {
constructor(params) {...}
bar() {...}
/* globally accessible factory method */
function createFoo(fooParams) {
return new Foo(fooParams);
// Client GAS project
function test() {
var foo = FooService.createFoo(fooParams);

Unable to use generic function in a generic function

I have the following class in my code
abstract class DatabaseKey<T> implements Built<DatabaseKey<T>, DatabaseKeyBuilder<T>> {
factory DatabaseKey([void Function(DatabaseKeyBuilder<T>) updates]) = _$DatabaseKey<T>;
String get name;
Then, I define the following generic typedef function:
typedef ObserveDatabaseEntity = Observable<DatabaseEntity<T>> Function<T>(DatabaseKey<T> key);
But, when I try to use it as follows, the code has an error.
static ObserveConfigurationValue observe(
GetConfigurationState getState,
ObserveDatabaseEntity observeDatabaseEntity,
) {
assert(getState != null);
assert(observeDatabaseEntity != null);
return <KT>(ConfigKey<KT> key) {
return Observable.just(getState())
.flatMap((state) {
final dbKey = _databaseKeyFromConfig<KT>(key);
return observeDatabaseEntity(dbKey)
DatabaseKey<T> _databaseKeyFromConfig<T>(ConfigKey<T> key) {
return DatabaseKey((build) => build = key.value,
The error I am getting is:
The argument type DatabaseKey can't be assigned to the parameter DatabaseKey.
I see nothing wrong with this code or why it shouldn't work, but maybe my understanding of what can be written in Dart is wrong. What would be the correct way to write this, if possible at all?
The typedef ObserveDatabaseEntity is in one file
The static ObserveConfigurationValue observe(GetConfigurationState getState, ObserveDatabaseEntity observeDatabaseEntity) is is another file
From playing around, it seems that placing them in a single file, the error disappears.
Still, I believe that this should work in separate files as well,
This error looks like an import mismatch.
In dart, you can import file either through relative path or package.
import 'lib/some_file.dart'; //relative
import 'package:myapp/lib/some_file.dart'; //package
There's really no better way but once you choose one, you have to stick to it. If you don't (meaning you have imported a file using a package import and the same file elsewhere with a relative path) Dart will place them in two different namespaces and think they are two different classes.

Coffeescript "#" variables

What does it mean in Coffeescript when a variable name begins with an "#" sign?
For example, I've been looking through the hubot source code and just in the first few lines I've looked at, I found
class Brain extends EventEmitter
# Represents somewhat persistent storage for the robot. Extend this.
# Returns a new Brain with no external storage.
constructor: (robot) ->
#data =
users: { }
_private: { }
#autoSave = true
robot.on "running", =>
#resetSaveInterval 5
I've seen it several other places, but I haven't been able to guess what it means.
The # symbol is a shorcut for this as you can see in Operators and Aliases.
As a shortcut for, you can use #property.
It basically means that the “#” variables are instance variables of the class, that is, class members. Which souldn't be confused with class variables, that you can compare to static members.
Also, you can think of #variables as the this or self operators of OOP languages, but it's not the exact same thing as the old javascript this. That javascript this refer to the current scope, which causes some problems when your are trying to refer to the class scope inside a callback for example, that's why coffescript have introduced the #variables, to solve this kind of problem.
For example, consider the following code:
Brain.prototype = new EventEmitter();
function Brain(robot){
// Represents somewhat persistent storage for the robot. Extend this.
// Returns a new Brain with no external storage. = {
users: { },
_private: { }
this.autoSave = true;
var self = this;
robot.on('running', fucntion myCallback() {
// here is the problem, if you try to call `this` here
// it will refer to the `myCallback` instead of the parent
// this.resetSaveInterval(5);
// therefore you have to use the cached `self` way
// which coffeescript solved using #variables
Final thought, the # these days means that you are referring to the class instance (i.e., this or self). So, #data basically means, so, without the #, it would refer to any visible variable data on scope.

How can I export an interface that I have imported?

I am creating a library in typescript, which is spread across multiple files. I take all the classes and constants I have defines and import them into one module, which exports them all under one namespace. I have just defines an interface, and I wish to include it in the same namespace/module as all the other parts of my library. But apparently I can't.
Here's a simplified example:
/app.ts is the entry point of the application, all I do in it at the moment is include my library MyLib:
import myLib = require("lib/MyLib/MyLib"); // this works fine
/lib/MyLib/MyLib.ts is the file in which I import all of the things defined by MyLib, and export them together:
// lib/MyLib/MyLib.ts
import VehiclesImport = require("./transport/vehicles");
// error under VehiclesImport.IAutomobile, saying that VehiclesImport has no property IAutomobile
export var IAutomobile = VehiclesImport.IAutomobile;
export var Car = VehiclesImport.Car;
In /lib/MyLib/transport/vehicles.ts, I define several classes and interfaces of vehicles, here, I'll just show IAutomobile and Car:
// lib/MyLib/transport/vehicles.ts
export interface IAutomobile {
weight: number
export class Car implements IAutomobile {
weight = 3000
I have tried creating a class truck in MyLib.ts, which properly implements IAutomobile, and that works fine, without any error messages. The problem only seems to arise when I want to access IAutomobile outside of an 'implements' statement.
I apologize if this seems like a 'code dump', but in my opinion, this is a serious problem that I cannot access my interfaces except in a class declaration. I have searched Google for the past two hours and found nothing on the subject. Thanks for any help you can give me!
Edit: I understand that typescript interfaces are not part of the compiled javascript code, but that should not stop me from manipulating them within typescript.
Use the import keyword to bring in something into the type declaration space (as opposed to var which brings it into the variable declaration space).
This is demonstrated below. a.ts:
export interface A {
val: number;
To re-export this from another file b.ts:
import a = require('./a');
export import B = a.A; // Important use of import
Sample usage in some other file c.ts:
import b = require('./b');
var foo: b.B;
foo.val = 123;
interface C extends b.B {
var bar: C;
bar.val2 = 456;
The example rewritten following TS language specification:
export interface A {
val: number;
To re-export this from another file b.ts:
export {A} from './a'
Usage in some other file c.ts:
import {A} from './b'
var foo: A = {val: 2};
foo.val = 123;
interface C extends A {
var bar: C = {val: 1, val2: 3};
bar.val2 = 456;
Types can't be assigned to variables, they exist in different "declaration spaces". Classes can be assigned to variables, because they contribute their names to the type declaration space as well as defining the class objects. Interfaces only contribute to the types declaration space, so can't be referenced as values.
The language is a bit verbose, but this is spelt out in detail in section 2.3 of the language spec
export interface ITest {
import * as foo from "./foo";
export type ITest = foo.ITest;
This works to re-export types/interfaces
import type { MyInterface, MyType } from './randomModule';
export { MyInterface, MyType }
The key is the surrounding braces in the export statement. Works in TypeScript 4.7.4. Reference.
In TypeScript 3.9.6, this worked for me:
import { Foo as FooType } from './some-path';
export type Foo = FooType;

Extending a class in another file

I have some TypeScript code that is being generated by a tool. I'd like to extend this class in another file. As of, what's the best way to go about this?
I thought maybe I could staple my additional functions onto the prototype, but this is giving various errors (which change depending what mood the compiler is in).
For example:
Foo.ts (generated by a tool)
module MyModule {
export class Dog { }
module MyModule {
function bark(): string {return 'woof';}
Dog.prototype.bark = bark;
You cannot split a class definition between multiple files in TypeScript. However typescript understands how JavaScript works and will let you write idomatic JavaScript classes just fine:
module MyModule {
export function Dog(){};
module MyModule {
function bark(): string {return 'woof';}
Dog.prototype.bark = bark;
Try it online
One way around this is to use inheritance:
class BigDog extends Dog{
I have encountered your problem as well before, but I had some deeper problems. You can see from basarat's example, that simple functions can be added as an extension to the prototype, but when it comes to static functions, or other static values you might want to extend your (presumably third party) class, then the TSC will warn you, that there is no such method defined on the class statically.
My workaround was the following little hack:
module MyModule {
export function Dog(){};
// in the other file
if (typeof MyModule !== 'undefined'){
Cast<any>(MyModule.Dog).Create = ()=>{return new Dog();};
// where Cast is a hack, for TS to forcefully cast types :)
Cast<T>(element:any):T{ return element; }
This should cast MyModule.Dog, to an any object, therefore allowing attachment of any kinds of properties, functions.