MongoDB shell find query - mongodb

I am running a simple find query from unix shell.
mongo <<DB NAME>> -u <<USERNAME>> -p <<PASSWORD>> <<HOST>>:<<PORT>> --authenticationDatabase <<AUTHENTICATION DB NAME>> --eval db[<<COLLECTION NAME>>].find({"name":"Harsha"})
I am getting below error.
[js] SyntaxError: missing ; before statement #(shell):1:6
I also tried by changing DB name place (ex: host:port/db_name)
mongo -u <<USERNAME>> -p <<PASSWORD>> <<HOST>>:<<PORT>>/<<DB NAME>> --authenticationDatabase <<AUTHENTICATION DB NAME>> --eval db[<<COLLECTION NAME>>].find({"name":"Harsha"})
Still getting same error.
Am I missing something? Can anyone please help?

MongoDB expects the argument of --eval to be passed as string like in this example:
--eval "db[<<COLLECTION NAME>>].find({'name':'Harsha'})"


remove document from mongodb collection with curl

I want to remove document from mongodb collection in script linux(with curl).
like elastic commands ::
curl -X GET "localhost:9200/my-index-000001/_search?pretty"
AS #Wernfried mentioned mongoDB do not provide HTTP service so you cannot use curl , however you can do something like this from your linux shell script:
echo 'db.getCollection("myCollection").remove({_id:"documentIdforRemoval"})'| mongo --quiet --host myDBhost --port myDBport myDB --AuthenticationDatabase=admin -u myuser -p mypass

Mongodb authentication error when selecting database from command line

I am trying to delete a mongo database inside a shell script. The server requries authentication with a password. When I type the following into the command line:
mongo -u mun -p 'themongopassword'
I am able to connect to the database and then when run the following commands:
use dbname
The database is successfully deleted. However I would like to do the following:
mongo -u mun -p 'themongopassword' --eval 'db.dropDatabase()' sigma
I get the following output:
MongoDB shell version v4.2.6
connecting to: mongodb://
2020-05-06T13:13:53.419+0300 E QUERY [js] Error: Authentication failed. :
2020-05-06T13:13:53.420+0300 F - [main] exception: connect failed
2020-05-06T13:13:53.420+0300 E - [main] exiting with code 1
Removing the eval option like so:
mongo -u mun -p 'themongopassword' sigma
also results in an authentication failure with the same output.
Did you tried this:
mongo <dbname> -u mun -p 'themongopassword' --eval "db.dropDatabase()"
If you want to get a readable result try this:
mongo <dbname> -u mun -p 'themongopassword' --eval "printjson(db.dropDatabase())"
Try adding option "--authenticationDatabase admin", i.e.:
mongo <dbname> -u mun -p 'themongopassword' --authenticationDatabase admin --eval "printjson(db.dropDatabase())"

getting error while exporting mongodb using mongo cmd in windows

I am trying to export mongodb database using this command:
mongoexport -d db_name
But I am getting this error:
SyntaxError: missing ; before statement #(shell):1:15
What will be the command to export db?
You can use mongodump it's faster:
mongodump -d <database_name> -o <directory_backup>
And to restore/import that, i used (from directory_backup/dump/):
mongorestore -d <database_name> <directory_backup>

mongodb database don't export from mLab cloud

I have try to export my old mongodb database from mLab cloud, but it's show an SyntaxError. Please see my query and SyntaxError below :
query: mongoexport -h -d heroku_g2dn9rd9 -c accounts -u adam -p dino -file accounts.json
And SyntaxError: 2017-12-28T10:36:37.340+0600 E QUERY [thread1] SyntaxError: missing ; before statement #(shell):1:15
Please tell me how can i export it, It's really important for me now
Mongoexport should be run from the system command line, not from the mongo shell.

unexpected identifier error while bulk insert into mongodb

I have a json file and am trying to insert in bulk to mongodb
I do
mongoimport --host localhost --db testdb --collection testdbjson --username user -- password pass --type json --file /home/pet/mng/json_test.json
It gives the following error
SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
Please help!
the document mongoimport the correct syntax
mongoimport -host -port 27017 -u user -p pass -collection testdbjson --db testdb --file /home/pet/mng/json_test.json
mongoimport -host -u user -p pass -collection testdbjson --db testdb --file /home/pet/mng/json_test.json
I had the exact same error now - I figured it out. I think you have connected to your mongo instance on mongolab first before you wanted to import.
You must not connect to mongolab first - disconnect by typing in "exit" in the shell to get back to command prompt. Then issue the mongoimport command again, the import should work this time.