React Boilerplate : Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded - babeljs

I am getting the error of Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded because of the following reason :
npm.babel.e5824bbfde6f57781e4f.chunk.js:1 #babel/polyfill is loaded more than once on this page. This is probably not desirable/intended and may have consequences if different versions of the polyfills are applied sequentially. If you do need to load the polyfill more than once, use #babel/polyfill/noConflict instead to bypass the warning.
It only happens when I build for production using npm run build command and serve those files with http-server or serve.
I had integrated React-Boilerplate with antd Theme and I had to change in the configuration in webpack though it's working as expected on development mode but throwing error when build for production.

Actually, I was using a third party library which was causing that issue.
As I had removed that library and run the production build again it's working perfectly fine.


Having and error with dart2js as a result of dash_chat

dart2js error with dash_chat
One of our existing applications makes use of dash_chat, which is working on a V2, however, v2 has a fraction of the APIs implemented. The project is somewhat dormant so today we just doing housekeeping and trying to keep the project up-to-date.
I am now getting this error, and sadly I went and updated all packages and we are using FLutter 3 and Dart 2.17 in all our other projects.
Target dart2js failed: Exception: Warning: The 'dart2js' entrypoint script is deprecated, please use 'dart compile js' instead.
So not sure which of the many things I changed is ultimately the cause of this issue, which crops up when trying to build for web.
No relevant issues on the DC repo and google is being very unhelpful on this one, was hoping someone had some insight that would allow me to take the correct steps forward (or back if need be) to get around this.

Internal build system error. Backend exited with code 2. Unitu

When I create/open projects, I have this error:
Internal build system error. Backend exited with code 2.
I don't know what to do, I tried to reinstall Unity, but it didn't change anything.
Here is image of the error
It happens on the latest version of macOS because it dropped support for older versions of python.
Temporary workaround here:

Flutter web throws error on same project but different laptop

So I just won a new laptop in a competition and now I am having some trouble migrating my flutter projects. I have set up the editor and migrated the important files in the code, i.e the lib, image, font, pubspec.yaml and web. But this app is now throwing the following error
Launching lib\main.dart on Chrome in debug mode...
Waiting for connection from debug service on Chrome...
ERROR - 2020-12-29 13:08:07.845202
GET /main_module.bootstrap.js
Error thrown by handler.
AbsoluteImportUriError: 'file:///C:/FlutterProjects/xspectre/lib/help/Auth.dart'
package:dwds/src/debugging/metadata/provider.dart 154:9 MetadataProvider._addMetadata
package:dwds/src/debugging/metadata/provider.dart 133:15 MetadataProvider._initialize.<fn>
I thought it may be a problem with my flutter but it runs the default flutter app without problem.
I also tried deleting the file but the problem just shifts to another file. I can safely say that this a is a problem with the help folder which provides me essential tools such as the auth service. What should I do? I will provide any code neccesary. You can find the entire code here
The Error:
The error is happening because when importing your new project, some imports in your .dart files are now using absolute paths instead of relative paths. In your case, this is happening at least in one .dart file that is calling your Auth.dart.
Step 1: Look at the top of all your .dart files, more precisely at every single import. You will have to change everything starting with:
import 'file:///C:/...
import 'package:... and add the name of your app
Step 2: Rerun your project and everything should work now
If still issues, then make sure you looked at all your files to ensure you did not miss other wrong import... also, you can run flutter clean then run a Pub Get
(thanks to melwinlobo18)
Please mark the answer if this was useful ;0)

Failed to load 'CrystalReport' from Crystl32.OCX

Whenever I try to run this application (I didn't write it) that uses Crystl32.OCX, I get the error...
Run-time error '372':
Failed to load control 'CrystalReport' from Crystl32.OCX. Your version of
Crystl32.OCX may be outdated. Make sure you are using the version of the
control that was provided with your application.
For a long time, I was getting an error about Crystl32.OCX could not be found, but I ultimately managed to register it. However, it's not working properly now. Any ideas?
I solved this problem by reloading the Crystl32.ocx file and installing it in the path. C:\Windows\System\crystl32.ocx or C:\Windows\SysWow64\crystl32.ocx and you can download the update file this link --->

Tests fail sporadically using CruiseControl.NET with NUnit: error 800704a6

My partner and I have a suite of tests running nightly on a build server for our project. We use CruiseControl.NET to run the server, and the tests are written using WatiN and NUnit. We have CruiseControl.NET running as a service with access to interact with the desktop on a local system account. Every few times that we run a build, certain tests will fail with error messages such as the following:
Test: cfarmweb.tests.Views.GeneralRegressionTest.DuplicateUsernameTest
Type: Failure
Message: SetUp : System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException : Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {0002DF01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 800704a6. TearDown : System.NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at WatiN.Core.IE.CreateNewIEAndGoToUri(Uri uri, IDialogHandler logonDialogHandler, Boolean createInNewProcess)
at WatiN.Core.IE..ctor(String url)
at cfarmweb.tests.Navigator.SiteNavigator..ctor(String browserName, Boolean visible) in c:\ccworkdir\CFarm\builddir\cfarmweb.tests\Navigator\SiteNavigator.cs:line 35
at cfarmweb.tests.Views.GeneralRegressionTest.MakeNavigator() in c:\ccworkdir\CFarm\builddir\cfarmweb.tests\Views\GeneralRegressionTest.cs:line 34
at WatiN.Core.Browser.OnGetNativeDocument()
at WatiN.Core.DomContainer.get_NativeDocument()
at WatiN.Core.Document.ContainsText(String text)
at cfarmweb.tests.Navigator.SiteNavigator.HasText(String target) in c:\ccworkdir\CFarm\builddir\cfarmweb.tests\Navigator\SiteNavigator.cs:line 213
at cfarmweb.tests.Navigator.SiteNavigator.SignOut() in c:\ccworkdir\CFarm\builddir\cfarmweb.tests\Navigator\SiteNavigator.cs:line 110
at cfarmweb.tests.Views.GeneralRegressionTest.DisposeNavigator() in c:\ccworkdir\CFarm\builddir\cfarmweb.tests\Views\GeneralRegressionTest.cs:line 123
The success of the builds does not seem to be dependent on changes to the code itself, as we have had builds break or be fixed after changes to parts of the program that are unrelated to the tests.
We are both new to the field of software testing (and development in general), but nothing we've found online about this error seems to pertain to our situation. We've seen everything from a system reboot pending to compatibility issues with Internet Explorer 8 to JavaScript errors, but nothing we've tried has fixed the issues. One of the most difficult parts is that it's not consistently reproducible. How can we fix this problem?
I had the exact same issue, surprisingly enough...I think I have the solution. It appears to be a threading issue. The [RequiresSTA] tag at the top of a test is meant to create each test to be single-threaded by implicitly placing the tag [STAThread] on each method. However, I am inclined to believe that these tags are not being called on the [SetUp] or [TearDown] methods, creating threading issues. I have hopefully resolved the issue by placing the [STAThread] tag on each method (including the [SetUp] and [TearDown] methods) explicitly. I will let you know of any further changes, but it's worth a shot.
There are some similar issues related to Watin and IE8.
Running Watin on TeamCity
failed due to the following error: 800704a6 while trying to read data from a text file in teamcity
From what i understand, make sure you windows is fully updated, make another restart just to make sure and check if problem persist.
If it does, try runnning ccnet not in service mode.
If still no good, try to play with internet options security to determine if this affect the problem.