I'd like to sort a list of countries in Dart, by localised country name. This is how I'm doing it:
final countryNames = CountryNames.of(context);
_countries.sort((a, b) =>
(countryNames.data[a.isoCode.toUpperCase()] ?? "").compareTo(
countryNames.data[b.isoCode.toUpperCase()] ?? ""));
I'm not worried about the countries that aren't found in countryNames.data -- I just filter those out of the displayed list. The problem is that in English,
Åland Islands
appears at the bottom of the forward-sorted list, and in French and other languages with a proliferation of special characters, the situation is even worse.
Is there an idiomatic way to sort strings in Dart so that special characters are treated more logically?
You would have to create a mapping between regular characters and characters with diacritics, and use it within the comparison such that 'Åland Islands' is considered to be 'Aland Islands' for comparison purposes.
It looks like someone else has already done that and published it as a package: https://pub.dev/packages/diacritic
I'm building an application that requires the use of emojis, specifically generating large sequences of random emojis. This requires having a large list to pull from. Rather than taking the approach detailed here by looping over hardcode hex ranges, I decided to take a different approach and download and parse data from the Unicode website. From there, I do some code-generation and write all the unique emojis to disk which I can then pick up inside my application. All this happens either as a manual step or a build step for my app.
However, the Unicode specification is complicated and I'm unsure which data I should be pulling from to build up a definitive list. There are three files under the latest version of Unicode (14.0):
There are also two files in the Unicode Character Database (UCD):
There are definitely duplicates amongst all these lists such as 😀 and while I could download and parse all five files and reduce the list down to unique instances in my script, I'd like to keep my script as simple as I can without doing unnecessary work.
From what I understand:
emoji-test.txt is a grouping of emoji characters as you might see in a keyboard, grouped by category
emoji-sequences.txt is a list of emoji ranges, single emojis, and multi character emojis such as 🇦🇨 (1F1E6 1F1E8) or emojis combined with a variation selector like FE0F
emoji-zwj-sequences.txt is a list of emojis joined by the zero width joiner character
emoji-variation-sequences is a list of emojis that can be presented either in textual form or as emojis
emoji-data.txt seems to be a very comprehensive list of not just emojis but also emoji modifiers and the like
All this has left me rather perplexed as to which list or combination of lists would give me the most comprehensive list of emojis. emoji-data.txt seems to have a most wide-ranging list but I don't want things like emoji modifiers or emoji components; I'm only looking for emojis that a user can select with the keyboard (for example you can't select a skin tone modifier by itself).
Which lists or combination of lists would yield the most comprehensive, wide-ranging list of emojis that I could use in my app?
Use the union of emoji-sequences.txt and emoji-zwj-sequences.txt. That set comprises the emoji recommended for general interchange. see https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51/tr51-19.html#def_rgi_set.
Disclaimer: I have no engineering background whatsoever - please don't hold it against me ;)
What I'm trying to do:
Scan a bunch of text strings and find the ones that
are more than one word
contain title case (at least one capitalized word after the first one)
but exclude specific proper nouns that don't get checked for title case
and disregard any parameters in curly brackets
Example: Today, a Man walked his dogs named {FIDO} and {Fifi} down the Street.
Expectation: Flag the string for title capitalization because of Man and Street, not because of Today, {FIDO} or {Fifi}
Example: Don't post that video on TikTok.
Expectation: No flag because TikTok is a proper noun
I have bits and pieces, none of them error-free from what https://www.regextester.com/ keeps telling me so I'm really hoping for help from this community.
What I've tried (in piece meal but not all together):
I think your problem is not really solvable solely with regex...
My recommendation would be splitting the input via [\s\W]+ (e.g. with python's re.split, if you really need strings with more than one word, you can check the length of the result), filtering each resulting word if the first character is uppercase (e.g with python's string.isupper) and finally filtering against a dictionary.
[\s\W]+ matches all whitespace and non-word characters, yielding words...
The reasoning behind this different approach: compiling all "proper nouns" in a regex is kinda impossible, using "isupper" also works with non-latin letters (e.g. when your strings are unicode, [A-Z] won't be sufficient to detect uppercase). Filtering utilizing a dictionary is a way more forward approach and much easier to maintain (I would recommend using set or other data type suited for fast lookups.
Maybe if you can define your use case more clearer we can work out a pure regex solution...
I have search indexes containing Greek characters. Many people don't know how to type Greek so they enter something called "beta-code". Beta-code can be converted into Greek. For example, beta-code "NO/MOU" would be converted to "νόμου". Characters such as a slash or parenthesis is used to indicate an accent.
Desired Behavior
I want users to be able to search using either beta-code or text in the Greek script. I figured out that the Whoosh Variations class provides the mechanism I need and it almost solves my problem.
The Variation class works well except for when a slash or a parenthesis are used to indicate an accent in a users' query. The problem is the query are parsed such that the the special characters used to denote the accent result in the words being split up. For example, a search for "NO/MOU" results in the Variations class being asked to find variations of "no" and "mou" instead of "NO/MOU".
Is there a way to influence how the query is parsed such that slashes and parentheses are included in the search words (i.e. that a search for "NO/MOU" results in a search for a token of ""NO/MOU" instead of "no" and "mou")?
The search parser uses a Tokenizer class for breaking up the search string into individual terms. Whoosh will use the class that is associated with the schema. For example, the case below, the SimpleAnalyzer() will be used when searching the "content" field.
Schema( verse_id = NUMERIC(unique=True, stored=True),
content = TEXT(analyzer=SimpleAnalyzer()) )
By default, the SimpleAnalyzer() uses the following regular expression to tokenize search terms: "\w+(.?\w+)*"
To use a different regular expression, assign the first argument to the SimpleAnalyzer to another regular expression. For example, to include beta-code characters (slashes, parentheses, etc.) in tokens, use the following SimpleAnalyzer:
SimpleAnalyzer( rcompile(r"[\w/*()=\+|&']+(\.?[\w/*()=\+|&']+)*") )
Searches will now allow terms to include the special beta-code characters and the Variations class will be able to convert the term to the unicode version.
Where can I find a Unicode table showing only the simplified Chinese characters?
I have searched everywhere but cannot find anything.
I have found that there is another encoding called GB 2312 -
- which contains only simplified characters.
Surely I can use this to get what I need?
I have also found this file which maps GB2312 to Unicode -
- but I'm not sure if it's accurate or not.
If that table isn't correct maybe someone could point me to one that is, or maybe just a table of the GB2312 characters and some way to convert them?
This site also provides a GB/Unicode table and even a Java program to generate a file
with all the GB characters as well as the Unicode equivalents :
The Unihan database contains this information in the file Unihan_Variants.txt. For example, a pair of traditional/simplified characters are:
U+673A kTraditionalVariant U+6A5F
U+6A5F kSimplifiedVariant U+673A
In the above case, U+6A5F is 機, the traditional form of 机 (U+673A).
Another approach is to use the CC-CEDICT project, which publishes a dictionary of Chinese characters and compounds (both traditional and simplified). Each entry looks something like:
宕機 宕机 [dang4 ji1] /to crash (of a computer)/Taiwanese term for 當機|当机[dang4 ji1]/
The first column is traditional characters, and the second column is simplified.
To get all the simplified characters, read this text file and make a list of every character that appears in the second column. Note that some characters may not appear by themselves (only in compounds), so it is not sufficient to look at single-character entries.
The OP doesn't indicate which language they're using, but if you're using Ruby, I've written a small library that can distinguish between simplified and traditional Chinese (plus Korean and Japanese as a bonus). As suggested in Greg's answer, it relies on a distilled version of Unihan_Variants.txt to figure out which chars are exclusively simplified and which are exclusively traditional.
p string
=> "我的氣墊船充滿了鱔魚."
> string.chinese?
=> true
> string.traditional_chinese?
=> true
> string.simplified_chinese?
=> false
But as the Unicode FAQ duly warns, this requires sizable fragments of text to work reliably, and will give misleading results for short strings. Consider the Japanese for Tokyo:
p string
=> "東京"
> string.chinese?
=> true
> string.traditional_chinese?
=> true
> string.japanese?
=> false
Since both characters happen to also be valid traditional Chinese, and there are no exclusively Japanese characters, it's not recognized correctly.
I'm not sure if that's easily done. The Han ideographs are unified in Unicode, so it's not immediately obvious how to do it. But the Unihan database (http://www.unicode.org/charts/unihan.html) might have the data you need.
Here is a regex of all simplified Chinese characters I made. For some reason Stackoverflow is complaining, so it's linked in a pastebin below.
You'll notice that this list features ranges rather than each individual character, but also that these are utf-8 characters, not escaped representations. It's served me well in one iteration or another since around 2010. Hopefully everyone else can make some use of it now.
If you don't want the simplified chars (I can't imagine why, it's not come up once in 9 years), iterate over all the chars from ['一-龥'] and try to build a new list. Or run two regex's, one to check it is Chinese, but is not simplified Chinese
According to wikipedia simplified Chinese v. traditional, kanji, or other formats is left up to the font rendering in many cases. So while you could have a selection of simplified Chinese codepoints, this list would not be at all complete since many characters are no longer distinct.
I don't believe that there's a table with only simplified code points. I think they're all lumped together in the CJK range of 0x4E00 through 0x9FFF
In my current implementation of a UISearchBarController I'm using [NSString compare:] inside the filterContentForSearchText:scope: delegate method to return relevant objects based on their name property to the results UITableView as you start typing.
So far this works great in English and Korean, but what I'd like to be able to do is search within NSString's defined character clusters. This is only applicable for a handfull of languages, of which Korean is one.
In English, compare: returns new results after every letter you enter, but in Korean the results are generated once you complete a recognized grapheme cluster. I would like to be able to search through my Korean objects name property via the individual elements that make up a syllable.
Can anyone shed any light on how to approach this? I'm sure it has something to do with searching through UTF16 characters manually, or by utilising a lower level class.
Here is a specific example that's just not working:
`NSString *string1 = #"이";
`NSString *string2 = #"ㅣ";
NSRange resultRange = [[string1 decomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping] rangeOfString: [string2 decomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping] options:(NSLiteralSearch)];
The result is always NSNotFound, with or without decomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping.
Any ideas?
I'm no expert, but I think you're very unlikely to find a clean solution for what you want. There doesn't seem to be any relationship between a Korean character's Unicode value and the graphemes that it's made up of.
e.g. "이" is \uc774 and "ㅣ" is \u3163. From the perspective of the NSString, they're just two different characters with no specific relationship to each other.
I suspect that you will have to find or create an explicit mapping between characters and their graphemes, and then write your own search function that consults this mapping.
This very long page on Unicode Korean can help you, if it comes to that. It has a table of all the characters which suggests some structured relation between the way characters are numbered and their components.
If you use compare:options with NSLiteralString, it should compare character by character, that is, the Unicode code points, regardless of the grapheme. The default behavior of compare: is to use no options. You could use - decomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping to get the Unicode bytes of the input string, but I'm not sure how that would interact with compare:.