How can I test my code changing registers of MAX30003 in movesense? - movesense

I want to test if the code for changing register settings in MAX30003 on MAX-ECG-MONITOR works.
Checking it via PC Simulator: Is that even possible?
Checking it, when firmware is already on the sensor, with wbcmd or adbBridge. Unfortunately, I dont have programming jig so I would like to know how I can use Adb Bridge to read/write the register settings.
I already tried the following code:
adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MOVESENSE --es type get --es path Component/Max3000x --es value ''''''
There must be some --es settings to get the register value for the right adress, as described for wbcmd

PC Simulator is not possible since it doesn't simulate the MAX30003 chip.
The Component api of MAX30003 contains a resource /Component/MAX3000x/Register that can be used to read & write the registers of the MAX30003 chip while it's running (I'm not fluent with adb-bridge to know how the API is accessed using that).
Just some words of warning about going this route: The API in question is "non-public" API, i.e. it is possible that it will not work, it will change or it will disappear in future software versions or Movesense sensor hardware revisions. If there is something specific you need that is not part of the /Meas/HR or /Meas/ECG API's, it is a good idea to create a Request in the bitbucket issues.
Full Disclosure: I work for the Movesense team


'Activate' Bluetooth LE Energy Data stream

For a student project, we're working on connecting a Bluetooth LE device (that both transmits and receives) to an iPhone or iPad in order to read data from it to display to the user in realtime. We have proof that this is doable by the company that made the device and we've actually managed to get a connection and get some data.. however it pings every 5-10 seconds and seems to be a random subset of numbers with minimal changes after changing something on the device which is making us none the wiser.
Now, of course, we went to the company that made the device and app first and we do have approval for us to use their hardware, but haven't been able to get a SDK / API from them to use with the application. So, our plan is to make our own way through it and find what we need.
This is where we're getting stuck. We have the following:
Connection based on Name or Bluetooth Device Address
Scan services (and cascading scan in case the services have services within them as specified in the CoreBluetooth documentation)
Read Characteristics from said services.
Decrypt value into 8bit UInt so we get some actual readable data.
This is an example of what we've got with the value still as it comes in.
Service: 0x1c0476440, is Primary = yes. UUID: 058d0001-ca72-4c8b-8084-25e049936b31
value <53636da1 7a616c74 73616c74 73616c74 73616c27>
Now, looking at this all, I presume the service here is some kind of 'staying alive' ping and it's giving some auxiliary info about the device's current state.
The question we have then boils down to this:
How can we further 'explore' the device? We don't seem to be getting any additional output aside from this however looking in the device manager from windows we get a couple of hits that look like this (Example):
Which have values in either a hexidecimal value, boolean or datetime without clear identifiers. Is there a way for us to send a message to the device to change the value in that uuid using Swift, or is this impossible?
While solved now, I'm not accepting this as the answer. My solution? Try things. Stupid 'Needle in a haybale' things.
I changed the uuid from 058d0001-ca72-4c8b-8084-25e049936b31 to 058d0002-ca72-4c8b-8084-25e049936b31
and voila. I could do more. I tried 3, and again, a new result and a working data stream...
#Paulw11's comment is also a good way to solve this issue we found out.

Directly connecting two Arduino Yun boards to each other

I am trying to connect two Arduino Yun boards to each other via WIFI (make one board control a pin on the other board an vice versa) and I am having trouble making it work the way I want to.
This is where I've gotten so far:
I have two Arduino Yun boards with a simple sketch installed on each, which works fine as long as I keep the "connecting-each-other"-part out of it. It uses a potentiometer on the analog port, reads its value, maps it to the range of 0-255 an fades a LED up or down on one of the digital pins (brighter / darker) depending on the given value. Now I want to use the potentionmeter of one board to control the LED on the OTHER board.
To do that, I tried to use the REST API. I combined my sketch with the code from the "Bridge" Example Sketch, which sets up a http-client/server on the Arduino Yun (on the Linux part) allowing it to receive requests to control and read patricular pins via http.
When using the specific URL for the REST API in a browser, it works fine. For example: when I type "http://myarduino.local/arduino/digital/3/1" it sets the value of digital pin 3 to 1 (i.e. LED is switched on) --> so that's all fine
I am not sure how to continue at this point, since I dont want to control the board from a browser or app but make one Arduino Yun control another Arduino Yun directly. If I put a http request in my sketch like mentioned above via client.get and (as in the example sketch) it does not work. See example code below. It doesnt have any effect nor does anything appear in the serial monitor (with the original URL "" like in the example, the ascii code appears in the serial monitor)
HttpClient webclient;
while (webclient.available()) {
char c =;
I am a beginner with Arduino Yun boards and maybe I am missing something?
Thanks for any help or pointing me in the right direction. Or if you need more information to help me with this problem, please let me know.
I found another way to connect two Arduino Yun boards directly, or as close to "directly" as it probably gets. The REST API was not the right way to go. So this is for anyone who might encounter the same "problem":
After some research I came across "Spacebrew". It's based on "websockets" and requires a server to connect the boards to each other, but it is very flexible. It's also fairly easy to setup a spacebrew server locally. It allows every client (like a Arduino Yun board) connected to the server to publish different types of data (boolean, range, value) and/or to subscribe to the published data from other devices using a simple webinterface. The good thing is, that the connection is fast and there's no waiting for the connection to be reestablished when there is data to be sent.
I used the Arduino Example Sketch "spacebrewRange" and it worked fine for me.
It also requires a few other things before it can work, but its explained on the website and in a tutorial:
Trying to do the same, it seems, and for me it works (this bit at least :-|
I let one arduino request the URL "http://router.domain:port/arduino/key/value", using a Process which runs cURL. The receiving arduino interprets this request to set the key to the value, using a YunClient.
From the URLs in your question, it seems that you are missing the mandatory "/arduino/" component in the path name. As far as I know, this is needed to direct any requests directed at the OpenWRT stack to the arduino/Leonardo part.

GWT - How to detect if we are on the same machine as the server

I`m currently developing a gwt application on a embedded device (linux with touchscreen) the server and client is started on the device.
I want my client to detect if it`s on the device or not. Because some screen are not available when connecting remotely
You can make a call to the server first and check there if it was made from remote or local address. A response from server should indicate if show screen "A" or not. Hope this helps.
Deferred binding might be the answer. GWT MobileWebApp sample app uses it to discern the form factor of the target in FormFactor.gwt.xml. In essence you define a property and write a provider which determines its value. You then read the property and deliver the appropriate View (in the MVP sense).
BTW I am developing an app for a similar scenario and I'm thinking of reimplementing my solution: reading a URL query parameter which is only present in the browser on the embedded device. Not too awesome. The aforementioned example should allow better hiding of the embedded platform identifier.

How To Monitor Network Activity From Within App?

I'm trying to monitor network activity on my iPhone from within an app I'm developing. Does iOS support a netstat-like command or something similar that can tell me what what inbound and outbound connections are active ?
After some searching I found Apple's code used for netstat.
Everything you need in the void protopr(uint32_t proto, char *name, int af) function.
I tested on the device and sysctlbyname("net.inet.tcp.pcblist_n",...) works.
That should be all you need.
I can't test this but from what I gather you will have to use sysctl in combination with sysctlnametomib or alternatively sysctlbyname for this:
sysctlbyname("net.inet.tcp.pcblist", ...)
sysctlbyname("net.inet.udp.pcblist", ...)
You can use burp suite for this purpose , By this you can inspect all the http data going through your phone.
You have to install this in your mac/ubuntu/windows machine, and then create a proxy server with help of this tool and then modify your wifi setting in iphone/android phone to use your pc as proxy , and then it will capture all the input/output traffic.
Read full instruction here -

best tool to reverse-engineer a WinXP PS/2 touchpad driver?

I have a PS/2 touchpad which I would like to write a driver for (I'm just a web guy so this is unfamiliar territory to me). The touchpad comes with a Windows XP driver, which apparently sends messages to enable/disable tap-to-click. I'm trying to find out what message it is sending but I'm not sure how to start. Would software like "Syser Debugger" work? I want to intercept outgoing messages being sent to the PS/2 bus.
IDA Pro won't be much use to you if you want to find out what 'messages' are being sent. You should realise that this is a very big step up for most web developers, but you already knew that?
I would start by deciding if you really need to work at the driver-level, often this is the Kernel level. The user mode level may be where you want to look first. Use a tool like WinSpy or other Windows debug tool to find out what messages are getting passed around by your driver software, and the mouse configuration applet in control panel. You can use the Windows API function called SendMessage() to send your messages to the application from user mode.
Your first stop for device driver development should be the Windows DDK docs and OSR Online.
I suggest reading the synaptics touchpad specs (most of the touchpads installed on notebooks are synaptics') available here
I believe on page 18 you'll find the feature you are looking for. At least you'll know what to expect.
So, very likely, the touchpad driver "converts" the command coming from user mode to this PS/2 command.
I don't know the specifics of the touchpad PS/2 driver but I see two major ways for the user mode panel to communicate with the driver:
- update some key in the registry (this is actually very common)
- the driver provides an alternate "channel" that the user mode app opens and writes specific commands to
You may want to try using the process monitor from sysinternals to log registry activity when setting/resetting the feature.
As for the options 2 you may want to try IRP tracker from OSR and see if there's any specific communication between the panel and the driver (in the form or IRPs going back and forth). In this case, kernel programming knowledge is somewhat required.
The windows kernel debugger may also be useful to see if the PS/2 driver has some alternate channel.
Have a look at IDA Pro - The Interactive Disassembler. It is an amazing disassembler.
If you want to debug, not just reverse engineer, try PEBrowse Professional Interactive from SmidgeonSoft