What is the gain of using kafka-connect over traditional approach? - apache-kafka

I have a use case where I need to send the data changes in relational database into a kafka-topic.
I'm able to write a simple JDBC program which executes set of queries for the changes in certain time period and write data into kafka-topic using KafkaTemplate (a wrapper provided by spring framework).
If I do the same using kafka-connect, which is to write a source connector. what benefits or overheads (if in case any) will I get?

The first thing is that you have "... to write a simple JDBC program ..." and take care of the logic of writing on both database and Kafka topic.
Kafka Connect does that for you and your business application has to write to the database only. With Kafka Connect you have more than that like fail-over handling, parallelism, scaling, ... it's all out of box for you while you should take care of them when for example you write on the database but something fails and you are not able to write to Kafka topic and so on.

Today you want to ingest from a database using a set of queries from one database to a Kafka topic, and write some bespoke code to do that.
Tomorrow you want to use a second database, or you want to change the serialisation format of your data in Kafka, or you want to scale out your ingest or you want to have high availability. Or you want to add in the ability to stream data from Kafka to another target, to ingest data also from other places. And, manage it all centrally using a standardised configuration pattern expressed just in JSON. Oh, and you want it to be easily maintainable by someone else who doesn't have to read through code but can just use a common API of Apache Kafka (which is what Kafka Connect is).
If you manage to do all of this yourself—you've just reinvented Kafka Connect :)
I talk extensively about this in my Kafka Summit session: "From Zero to Hero with Kafka Connect" which you can find online here


Direct Kafka Topic to Database table

Is there a way to automatically tell Kafka to send all events of a specific topic to a specific table of a database?
In order to avoid creating a new consumer that needs to read from that topic and perform the copy explicitly.
You have two options here:
Kafka Connect - this is the standard way to connect your Kafka to a database. There are a lot of connectors. In order to choose one:
The best bet is to use the specific one for your database that is maintained by confluent.
If you don't have a specific one, the second best option is to use the JDBC connector.
Direct ingestion from the database if your database supports it (for instance Clickhouse, and MemSQL are able to load data coming from a Kafka topic). The difference between this and Kafka connects is this way it is fully supported and tested by the db vendor and you need to maintain less pieces of infrastructure.
Which one is better? It depends on:
your data volume
how much you can (and need !) to paralelize the load
and how much you can tolerate downtime or latencies.
Direct ingestion from DB is usually from one node (consumer) to Kafka.
It is good for mid-low volume data traffic. If it fails (or throttles), you might have latency issues.
Kafka connect allows you to insert data in parallel into the db using several workers. If one of the worker fails, the load is redistributed among the others. If you have a lot of data, this probably the best way to load it into the db, but you'll need to take care of the kafka connect infrastructure unless you're using a managed cloud offering.

Why Kafka Connect Works?

I'm trying to wrap my head around how Kafka Connect works and I can't understand one particular thing.
From what I have read and watched, I understand that Kafka Connect allows you to send data into Kafka using Source Connectors and read data from Kafka using Sink Connectors. And the great thing about this is that Kafka Connect somehow abstracts away all the platform-specific things and all you have to care about is having proper connectors. E.g. you can use a PostgreSQL Source Connector to write to Kafka and then use Elasticsearch and Neo4J Sink Connectors in parallel to read the data from Kafka.
My question is: how does this abstraction work? Why are Source and Sink connectors written by different people able to work together? In order to read data from Kafka and write them anywhere, you have to expect some fixed message structure/schema, right? E.g. how does an Elasticsearch Sink know in advance what kind of messages would a PostgreSQL Source produce? What if I replaced PostgreSQL Source with MySQL source? Would the produced messages have the same structure?
It would be logical to assume that Kafka requires some kind of a fixed message structure, but according to the documentation the SourceRecord which is sent to Kafka does not necessarily have a fixed structure:
...can have arbitrary structure and should be represented using
org.apache.kafka.connect.data objects (or primitive values). For
example, a database connector might specify the sourcePartition as
a record containing { "db": "database_name", "table": "table_name"}
and the sourceOffset as a Long containing the timestamp of the row".
In order to read data from Kafka and write them anywhere, you have to expect some fixed message structure/schema, right?
Exactly. Refer the Javadoc on the Struct and Schema classes of the Connect API as well as the Converter interface
Of course, those are not strict requirements, but without them, then the framework doesn't work across different sources and sinks, but this is no different than the contract between producers and consumers regarding serialization

Stream CDC change with Kafka and Spark still processes it in batches, whereas we wish to process each record

I'm still new in Spark and I want to learn more about it. I want to build and data pipeline architecture with Kafka and Spark.Here is my proposed architecture where PostgreSQL provide data for Kafka. The condition is the PostgreSQL are not empty and I want to catch any CDC change in the database. At the end,I want to grab the Kafka Message and process it in stream with Spark so i can get analysis about what happen at the same time when the CDC event happen.
However, when I try to run an simple stream, it seems Spark receive the data in stream, but process the data in batch, which not my goal. I have see some article that the source of data for this case came from API which we want to monitor, and there's limited case for Database to Database streaming processing. I have done the process before with Kafka to another database, but i need to transform and aggregate the data (I'm not use Confluent and rely on generic Kafka+Debezium+JDBC connectors)
According to my case, is Spark and Kafka can meet the requirement? Thank You
I have designed such pipelines and if you use Structured Streaming KAFKA in continuous or non-continuous mode, you will always get a microbatch. You can process the individual records, so not sure what the issue is.
If you want to process per record, then use the Spring Boot KAFKA setup for consumption of KAFKA messages, that can work in various ways, and fulfill your need. Spring Boor offers various modes of consumption.
Of course Spark Structured Streaming can be done using Scala and has a lot of support obviating extra work elsewhere.
https://medium.com/#contactsunny/simple-apache-kafka-producer-and-consumer-using-spring-boot-41be672f4e2b This article discusses the single message processing approach.

How to get data from Kafka into a store without Kafka Connect sink?

When reading about Kafka and how to get data from Kafka to a queryable database suited for some specific task, there is usually mention of Kafka Connect sinks.
This sounds like the way to go if I needed Kafka to search indexing like ElasticSearch or analytics like Hadoop to Spark where there's a Kafka Connect sink available.
But my question is what is the best way to handle a store that isn't as popular say MyImaginaryDB, where the only way I can get to it is through some API, and the data needs to be handled securely and reliably, as well as decently transformed before inserting? Is it recommended to:
Just have the API consume from Kafka and use the MyImaginaryDB driver to write
Figure out how to build a custom Kafka Connect sink (assuming it can handle schemas, authentication/authorization, retries, fault-tolerance, transforms and post-processing needed before landing in MyImaginaryDB)
I have also been reading about Kafka KSQL and Streams and am wondering if that helps with transforming the data before it is sent to the end store.
Option 2, definitely. Just because there isn't an existing source connector, doesn't mean Kafka Connect isn't for you. If you're going to be writing some code anyway, it still makes sense to hook into the Kafka Connect framework. Kafka Connect handles all the common stuff (schemas, serialisation, restarts, offset tracking, scale out, parallelism etc etc), and leaves you just to implement the bit of getting the data to MyImaginaryDB.
As regards transformations, standard pattern is either:
Use Single Message Transform for lightweight stuff
Use Kafka Streams/KSQL and write back to another topic, which is then routed through Kafka Connect to the target
If you try to build your own app doing (transformation + data sink) then you're munging together responsibilities, and you're reinventing a chunk of wheel that exists already (integration with an external system in a reliable scalable way)
You might find this talk useful for background about what Kafka Connect can do: http://rmoff.dev/ksldn19-kafka-connect

Kafka streams vs Kafka connect for Kafka HBase ETL pipeline

I have straightforward scenario for the ETL job: take data from Kafka topic and put it to HBase table. In the future i'm going to add the support for some logic after reading data from a topic.
I consider two scenario:
use Kafka Streams for reading data from a topic and further writing via native HBased driver each record
Use Kafka -> HBase connector
I have the next concerns about my options:
Is is a goo idea to write data each time it arrives in a Kafka Stream's window? - suggest that it'll downgrade performance
Kafka Hbase connector is supported only by third-party developer, i'm not sure about code quality of this solution and about the option to add custom aggregation logic over data from a topic.
I myself have been trying to search for ETL options for KAFKA to HBase, however, so far my research tells me that it's a not a good idea to have an external system interaction within a KAFKA streams application (check the answer here and here). KAFKA streams are super powerful and great if you have KAFKA->Transform_message->KAFKA kind of use case, and eventually you can have KAFKA connect that will take your data from KAFKA topic and write it to a sink.
Since you do not want to use the third party KAFKA connect for HBase, one option is to write something yourself using the connect API, the other option is to use the KAFKA consumer producer API and write the app using the traditional way, poll the messages, write to sink, commit the batch and move on.