Failure to deploy on netlify: failed during stage 'building site': Build script returned non-zero exit code: 255 - deployment

I failed to deploy my file, which was developed from blogdown (dev, R 3.6.1) and hugo (0.57.2) on the netlify platform.
I have tried to update the URL of my config.toml file from \ to my target web name https*.com\ .
Also, I created a netlify.toml at the root directory.
Both of them did not make any sense.
Local development is fine, while the netlify could not be deployed well.
failed during stage 'building site': Build script returned non-zero exit code: 255
Related code:
blogdown::new_site(theme = "gcushen/hugo-academic")
# netlify
publish = "public"
command = "hugo"
HUGO_VERSION = "0.57.2"
HUGO_ENV = "production"
HUGO_VERSION = "0.57.2"
# 0.57.2

This answer is probably too late, but I just had the same issue. It which was solved by the Netlify team.
Trying to deploy through Github provides a built command "hugo". This caused the error message.
Go to your netlify page and the domain settings on the failed deploy. Remove "hugo" in the command built and retry to deploy.


Is there a way to pipe the smoke test output outside the agent?

I have a release pipeline with a QA/Smoke Test stage, that generates XML files containing test results.
If I run this manually on my machine, obviously I have access to the XML files and I can see the details but on the agent I cannot since we don't have access to those Microsoft hosted agents to view the files.
Is there a way to pipe the files "out" in the task for viewing? maybe there's a third marketplace task that can achieve that?
Here's the deployment result:
2021-06-06T23:34:19.1260519Z Results File: D:\a\r1\a\qa-automation\TestResults\CurrentReport\Logs\junit.xml
2021-06-06T23:34:19.2448029Z Results File: D:\a\r1\a\qa-automation\TestResults\.\CurrentReport\Logs\detailedLogs.xml
2021-06-06T23:34:19.2596243Z Failed! - Failed: 22, Passed: 2, Skipped: 0, Total: 24, Duration: 52 m 11 s - EED.dll (netcoreapp3.1)
Here's the stage YAML:
- script: |
git clone https://.../qa-automation.git -b master
cd qa-automation
testrun.bat --cat "EDSmoke" --env dev
displayName: 'Clone qa-automation repo'
Is there a way to pipe the files "out" in the task for viewing? maybe there's a 3rd marketplace task that can achieve that?
You can try with following task:
Write-host "##vso[task.uploadfile]<PathOfTheFiles>\<filename>"
Write-host "##vso[task.uploadfile]$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\qa-automation\TestResults\CurrentReport\Logs\junit.xml"
View and download attachments associated with releases
Would you like to upload additional logs or diagnostics or images when
running tasks in a release? This feature enables users to upload
additional files during deployments. To upload a new file, use the
following agent command in your script:
Write-host "##vso[task.uploadfile]"
The file is then available as part of the release logs. When you
download all the logs associated with the release, you will be able to
retrieve this file as well.
You can also add a powershell script task in your release definition to read the smoke test output and output it to the console. Then you will be see the content of the log files from "Logs" tab powershell script step. And you can also click "Download all logs as zip" to download the smoke test result files.

Azure build pipeline reports cannot read password

my file looks like below
module "sql_vms" {
source = "git::"
rg_name = var.resource_group_name
location = module.resource_group.external_rg_location
vnet_name = var.virtual_network_name
subnet_name = var.sql_subnet_name
app_nsg = var.application_nsg
vm_count = var.count_vm
base_hostname = var.sql_host_basename
sto_acc_suffix = var.storage_account_suffix
vm_size = var.virtual_machine_size
vm_publisher = var.virtual_machine_image_publisher
vm_offer = var.virtual_machine_image_offer
vm_sku = var.virtual_machine_image_sku
vm_img_version = var.virtual_machine_image_version
username = var.username
password = var.password
The modules are in same repo, technically not right but for now, I want to use the Azure repo which has a terraform module and creates multiple VM's from TF modules.
I get the error like below
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1439274Z [command]/usr/local/bin/terraform init -backend-config=storage_account_name=stoaccautomationnonprod -backend-config=container_name=stoacccon01nonprod -backend-config=key=nonprod.tfstate -backend-config=resource_group_name=automation -backend-config=arm_subscription_id=cc800481-b728-4d8f-81be-e80b955d346e -backend-config=arm_tenant_id=*** -backend-config=arm_client_id=*** -backend-config=arm_client_secret=***
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1441494Z [0m[1mInitializing modules...[0m
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1442513Z Downloading git:: for sql_vms...
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1443347Z [31m
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1444113Z [1m[31mError: [0m[0m[1mFailed to download module[0m
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1445408Z [0mCould not download module "sql_vms" ( source code from
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1446189Z "git::":
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1446845Z error downloading
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1447746Z '':
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1448669Z /usr/bin/git exited with 128: Cloning into '.terraform/modules/sql_vms'...
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1449408Z fatal: could not read Password for
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1450157Z '':
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1450684Z terminal prompts disabled
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1451324Z [0m[0m
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1451716Z [31m
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1452230Z [1m[31mError: [0m[0m[1mFailed to download module[0m
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1453109Z [0mCould not download module "sql_vms" ( source code from
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1454386Z "git::":
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1454903Z error downloading
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1456723Z '':
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1457540Z /usr/bin/git exited with 128: Cloning into '.terraform/modules/sql_vms'...
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1458063Z fatal: could not read Password for
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1458813Z '':
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1459301Z terminal prompts disabled
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1459765Z [0m[0m
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1496541Z ##[error]Terraform command 'init' failed with exit code '1'.: Failed to download module | Failed to download module
2020-08-23T02:27:38.1786437Z ##[section]Finishing: terraform init
I was thinking to use SSH instead of HTTPS with PAT Token, unfortunately I couldn't figure it out how to add public key on Microsoft agent?
Please assist
When using the SSH key to pull the Terraform modules, you need to generate the SSH key yourself. And then create an SSH Key in the DevOps:
And then you need to upload the private key in the pipeline variable group as secure files and add the step to install the SSH in your agent. The Install SSH in an agent job like this:
Get more details about use SSH to pull the remote Terraform module.

Azure DevOps Databricks Pipeline Release exits with [error]Bash exited with code '1'

My Azure Devops pipeline fails withn [error]Bash exited with code '1'.
The script is a follows:
databricks workspace mkdirs /build
databricks workspace import --language PYTHON --format SOURCE --overwrite _databricks-example-repo/notebook/$(notebook_name)-$(Build.SourceVersion).py /build/$(notebook_name)-$(Build.SourceVersion).py
The full error message is a follows:
2019-10-16T10:41:42.2582015Z ========================== Starting Command Output ===========================
2019-10-16T10:41:42.2583038Z [command]"C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe" --noprofile --norc /d/a/_temp/
2019-10-16T10:41:42.7609581Z Error: InvalidConfigurationError: You haven't configured the CLI yet! Please configure by entering `C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.7.4\x64\Scripts\databricks configure`
2019-10-16T10:41:43.1620919Z Error: InvalidConfigurationError: You haven't configured the CLI yet! Please configure by entering `C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.7.4\x64\Scripts\databricks configure`
2019-10-16T10:41:43.1991465Z ##[error]Bash exited with code '1'.
2019-10-16T10:41:43.2007318Z ##[section]Finishing: Upload Notebook
Any thoughts
I have been trying to solve this for past two days. I finally realised that the problem was that I entered the wrong token ID. My advice is take nothing for granted when configuring systems .. I was 100% sure the token ID wasn't the issue, but when re-entered the token ID correctly it worked. I'm so upset with myself.
Thanks for your contributions anyway

Azure Pipeline Ruby Step fails without error

I build a rubygem on Azure DevOps. I used that step to use RSpec:
script: bundle exec rspec spec --format RspecJunitFormatter --out test_results/TEST-rspec.xml
displayName: 'rake spec'
While execution i'm getting that issue:
So it returns '1' without any error before. Maybe i have missed something?
As written there a system.debug = true helped me, to identify the problem. One of my tests failed.

MSDeploy reporting "could not find file" when using setParamFile

I'm using MSDeploy as part of a custom task in TFS2017 (Update 1) but I can't get the setParamFile option to work. It throws one of two errors. If I specify no path, it says "could not find file" (see trace below). If I specify the path to the file on the build machine, it says invalid path.
I'm sure it's something incredibly simply but it's got me beat and Google is, for once, not being my friend! Any help is greatly appreciated.
I have provided the log unaltered as all this is only on internal servers. Without the setParamFile parameter, it deploys fine without updating the variable connection strings I'm trying to update, obviously.
2017-04-15T22:41:13.5065833Z Executing the powershell script: D:\BuildAgent\tasks\MSDeployPackageMultiSync\1.1.16\MSDeployPackageSync.ps1
2017-04-15T22:41:13.6472111Z packageFile= Find-Files -SearchPattern D:\BuildAgent\_work\194fdc7b9\Data Collection App - Release\drop\_PublishedWebsites\Cabi.FormsAdmin.Api_Package\
2017-04-15T22:41:13.6472111Z packageFile= D:\BuildAgent\_work\194fdc7b9\Data Collection App - Release\drop\_PublishedWebsites\Cabi.FormsAdmin.Api_Package\
2017-04-15T22:41:13.6784674Z DCA_API.SetParameters.xml
2017-04-15T22:41:13.7097114Z Package= D:\BuildAgent\_work\194fdc7b9\Data Collection App - Release\drop\_PublishedWebsites\Cabi.FormsAdmin.Api_Package\
2017-04-15T22:41:13.7097114Z ParamFile= -setParamFile:'DCA_API.SetParameters.xml'
2017-04-15T22:41:13.7097114Z DestinationProvider= auto
2017-04-15T22:41:13.7097114Z DestinationComputer= prerelweb3,prerelweb4
2017-04-15T22:41:13.7097114Z Username=
2017-04-15T22:41:13.7097114Z AdditionalArguments=
2017-04-15T22:41:13.7253453Z Deploying package to prerelweb3,prerelweb4
2017-04-15T22:41:13.7253453Z Deploying to prerelweb3
2017-04-15T22:41:13.7253453Z "C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe" -verb:sync -source:package='D:\BuildAgent\_work\194fdc7b9\Data Collection App - Release\drop\_PublishedWebsites\Cabi.FormsAdmin.Api_Package\' -setParamFile:'DCA_API.SetParameters.xml' -dest:auto,computerName='prerelweb3',userName='',password='',authType='ntlm',includeAcls='False' -setParam:name='IIS Web Application Name',value='WebServices (Secure)\FormsAdmin' -setParam:kind=DestinationVirtualDirectory,scope='WebServices (Secure)\\FormsAdmin',value='e:\cabi_sites\WebServices_Secure\FormsAdmin' -allowUntrusted
**2017-04-15T22:41:14.1315861Z ##[error]System.Management.Automation.RemoteException: Error: Could not find file ''DCA_API.SetParameters.xml''.**
2017-04-15T22:41:14.1315861Z ##[error]System.Management.Automation.RemoteException: Error count: 1.
2017-04-15T22:41:14.1315861Z Deployment to prerelweb3 complete
2017-04-15T22:41:14.1315861Z Deploying to prerelweb4
2017-04-15T22:41:14.1315861Z "C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe" -verb:sync -source:package='D:\BuildAgent\_work\194fdc7b9\Data Collection App - Release\drop\_PublishedWebsites\Cabi.FormsAdmin.Api_Package\' -setParamFile:'DCA_API.SetParameters.xml' -dest:auto,computerName='prerelweb4',userName='',password='',authType='ntlm',includeAcls='False' -setParam:name='IIS Web Application Name',value='WebServices (Secure)\FormsAdmin' -setParam:kind=DestinationVirtualDirectory,scope='WebServices (Secure)\\FormsAdmin',value='e:\cabi_sites\WebServices_Secure\FormsAdmin' -allowUntrusted
**2017-04-15T22:41:14.4909648Z ##[error]System.Management.Automation.RemoteException: Error: Could not find file ''DCA_API.SetParameters.xml''.**
2017-04-15T22:41:14.4909648Z ##[error]System.Management.Automation.RemoteException: Error count: 1.
2017-04-15T22:41:14.4909648Z Deployment to prerelweb4 complete
I assume that you are using this task: MSDeployAllTheThings. According to the logs, you are using it from Release. So you need to make sure that the "DCA_API.SetParameters.xml" file is published to artifact drop during the build and is also downloaded correctly during release. And then, you need to enter the absolute path in the Additional Arguments so that the task can find the file. For your scenario, if the "DCA_API.SetParameters.xml" file is placed in the same folder with "" file, you need to use this:
-setParamFile:"D:\BuildAgent\_work\194fdc7b9\Data Collection App - Release\drop\_PublishedWebsites\Cabi.FormsAdmin.Api_Package\DCA_API.SetParameters.xml"
I tried with absolute path at my side and didn't see any issue with it.