Swift lazy var reference cycle - swift

I have a class
class SomeClass {
lazy var property1: Int = {
return 1
lazy var property2: Int = {
return self.property1
deinit {
print("SomeClass will be destroyed")
If I have the following in playground:
var a: SomeClass? = SomeClass()
a = nil
then the variable a will be deinitialized as SomeClass will be destroyed message will appear.
However if I comment out the accesses to the properties like:
var a: SomeClass? = SomeClass()
a = nil
I still got the message SomeClass will be destroyed.
I would expect that there is a reference cycle as the closure of property2 is never called and it references self through self.property1.
Is there something special with lazy variables or just my assumption is wrong that property2 hold a reference to self?

The reason that there isn't is a reference cycle is because the closure isn't stored on a. If a stored the closure and the closure contained self then there would be a reference cycle.
For lazy properties, everything after the = isn't called until the first time you access property2. When you do, the closure is created, called, freed from memory, and then the value is returned to you. This is why you can get rid of the self. in the closure since it will never capture self.


Confusion around closure in Swift strongly capturing variable used in it

I have this code snippet:
class Animal {
var stamina = 0
func increaseStamina() {
stamina += 1
deinit {
var animal : Animal? = Animal()
let closure = {
print("closure end")
animal = nil //"gone"
It prints "gone" immediately after setting animal to nil before calling the closure.
But my understanding is that the closure also strongly captures the animal instance so the instance should be deallocated after the execution of closure, not before. What's wrong with my understanding here?
That's because animal is captured when the closure is called, not when it's declared. Since you call the closure after setting nil to animal, the captured property is nil.

Strange behaviour of Swift Closure

As the apple described in swift documentation that closures are reference type. So every time when I assign a closure to another reference variable then only reference will be copied. I tried below code and here I found a strange behaviour of swift closures. Here I created an object of MyClass and assigned It to obj. And this object is captured by closure which is referred by cls1, cls2 and cls3. When I call this method, then I get retain count of MyClass object is 5. But if closures are reference type only retain count of closure object should increase not the MyClass object but here retain count of MyClass object is increased.
class ABC{
class MyClass{}
static func get(){
let obj: MyClass = .init()
let cls1: (()->Void) = {
let cls2 = cls1
let cls3 = cls1
let count = CFGetRetainCount(obj)
Firstly, you can't reliably use retain counts to track object ownership. There are too many complicating factors that are outside of your awareness or control.
Second, you forget that closures capture objects from their enclosing scope.

swift when static variable was released

I want to know when static variable will be released, so i create like below:
class A {
init() {
print("A init")
deinit {
print("A deinit")
class B {
static let a = A()
deinit {
print("B deinit")
init() {
print("B init")
var b: B? = B()
b = nil
When variable a's deinit was called? If b = nil then A's deinit wasn't called.
Objects will only be deinitialized when nothing else is holding a strong reference to it.
In your case, b is not holding a reference to a. The class B is.
Setting b to nil does not do anything to a because b never ever held a reference to a. b is essentially irrelevant. a and b are non-related objects.
Now that we know the class B is holding a reference to a, can we somehow destroy the class B so that a can be deinitialised? The answer is no. a is like a variable in the global scope. a will only be deinitialised when the program stops.
Another way to make something get deinitialised is by setting all the references to it to refer to something else. But since in this case a is declared with let, you can't really change it.
First, of all When you define static properties and method into a class (or struct), those variables are kept in the Permanent Generation area. and it will be shared among all the instances (or values).
This will be released by two ways:
1: When the classes are released but it is impossible to see Because
Classes are going in a special area on the heap: Permanent Generation
and when the application will terminate classes will be released
2: You can assign nil forcibly like this
class A {
init() {
print("A init")
deinit {
print("A deinit")
class B {
static var a:A? = A()
deinit {
print("B deinit")
init() {
print("B init")
static func call(){
a = nil
var b: B? = B()
B.call() //forcely call
b = nil
B init
A init
B deinit
A deinit
You are saying that b is nil. This does not change B.a because a is a static member. In your example, a is not deinitialised. If you want the deinit to be called, you have to assign a new object to B.a. However, B.a is a constant (let). You can change it to var, otherwise this particular object will never be deinitialized.
class B {
static var a = A()
\\ ...
B.a = A() //deinit of the old `B.a` is called
In this case, it won't since B has a strong reference of A, but you could make something like: static weak var a = A() on your B class. And when B = nil, it will call the deinit of A and then deinit of B.

Lazy initialisation and retain cycle

While using lazy initialisers, is there a chance of having retain cycles?
In a blog post and many other places [unowned self] is seen
class Person {
var name: String
lazy var personalizedGreeting: String = {
[unowned self] in
return "Hello, \(self.name)!"
init(name: String) {
self.name = name
I tried this
class Person {
var name: String
lazy var personalizedGreeting: String = {
//[unowned self] in
return "Hello, \(self.name)!"
init(name: String) {
print("person init")
self.name = name
deinit {
print("person deinit")
Used it like this
let person = Person(name: "name")
And found that "person deinit" was logged.
So it seems there are no retain cycles.
As per my knowledge when a block captures self and when this block is strongly retained by self, there is a retain cycle. This case seems similar to a retain cycle but actually it is not.
I tried this [...]
lazy var personalizedGreeting: String = { return self.name }()
it seems there are no retain cycles
The reason is that the immediately applied closure {}() is considered #noescape. It does not retain the captured self.
For reference: Joe Groff's tweet.
In this case, you need no capture list as no reference self is pertained after instantiation of personalizedGreeting.
As MartinR writes in his comment, you can easily test out your hypothesis by logging whether a Person object is deinitilized or not when you remove the capture list.
class Person {
var name: String
lazy var personalizedGreeting: String = {
_ in
return "Hello, \(self.name)!"
init(name: String) {
self.name = name
deinit { print("deinitialized!") }
func foo() {
let p = Person(name: "Foo")
print(p.personalizedGreeting) // Hello Foo!
foo() // deinitialized!
It is apparent that there is no risk of a strong reference cycle in this case, and hence, no need for the capture list of unowned self in the lazy closure. The reason for this is that the lazy closure only only executes once, and only use the return value of the closure to (lazily) instantiate personalizedGreeting, whereas the reference to self does not, in this case, outlive the execution of the closure.
If we were to store a similar closure in a class property of Person, however, we would create a strong reference cycle, as a property of self would keep a strong reference back to self. E.g.:
class Person {
var name: String
var personalizedGreeting: (() -> String)?
init(name: String) {
self.name = name
personalizedGreeting = {
() -> String in return "Hello, \(self.name)!"
deinit { print("deinitialized!") }
func foo() {
let p = Person(name: "Foo")
foo() // ... nothing : strong reference cycle
Hypothesis: lazy instantiating closures automatically captures self as weak (or unowned), by default
As we consider the following example, we realize that this hypothesis is wrong.
/* Test 1: execute lazy instantiation closure */
class Bar {
var foo: Foo? = nil
class Foo {
let bar = Bar()
lazy var dummy: String = {
_ in
self.bar.foo = self
/* if self is captured as strong, the deinit
will never be reached, given that this
closure is executed */
return "dummy"
deinit { print("deinitialized!") }
func foo() {
let f = Foo()
// Test 1: execute closure
print(f.dummy) // executed, dummy
foo() // ... nothing: strong reference cycle
I.e., f in foo() is not deinitialized, and given this strong reference cycle we can draw the conclusion that self is captured strongly in the instantiating closure of the lazy variable dummy.
We can also see that we never create the strong reference cycle in case we never instantiate dummy, which would support that the at-most-once lazy instantiating closure can be seen as a runtime-scope (much like a never reached if) that is either a) never reached (non-initialized) or b) reached, fully executed and "thrown away" (end of scope).
/* Test 2: don't execute lazy instantiation closure */
class Bar {
var foo: Foo? = nil
class Foo {
let bar = Bar()
lazy var dummy: String = {
_ in
self.bar.foo = self
return "dummy"
deinit { print("deinitialized!") }
func foo() {
let p = Foo()
// Test 2: don't execute closure
// print(p.dummy)
foo() // deinitialized!
For additional reading on strong reference cycles, see e.g.
"Weak, strong, snowned, oh my!" - A guide to references in Swift
In my onion, things may work like this. The block surely capture the self reference. But remember, if a retain cycle is done, the precondition is that the self must retain the block. But as you could see, the lazy property only retains the return value of the block. So, if the lazy property is not initialized, then the outside context retains the lazy block, make it consist and no retain cycle is done. But there is one thing that I still don't clear, when the lazy block gets released. If the lazy property is initialized, it is obvious that the lazy block get executed and released soon after that, also no retain cycle is done. The main problem lies on who retains the lazy block, I think. It's probably not the self, if no retain cycle is done when you capture self inside the block. As to #noescape, I don't think so. #noescape doesn't mean no capture, but instead, means temporary existence, and no objects should have persistent reference on this block, or in an other word, retain this block. The block could not be used asynchronously see this topic. If #noescape is the fact, how could the lazy block persist until the lazy property get initialized?

lazy variable with closure

In this article, it says (referencing the code below): "You must use lazy to prevent the closure for being created more than once."
private lazy var variable:SomeClass = {
let fVariable = SomeClass()
fVariable.value = 10
return fVariable
Why would lazy prevent the closure from being created more than once? And why would the lack of lazy cause it to evaluate more than once?
The tutorial code you quote is this:
private lazy var variable:SomeClass = {
let fVariable = SomeClass()
fVariable.value = 10
return fVariable
Contrast it with this:
private var variable:SomeClass {
let fVariable = SomeClass()
fVariable.value = 10
return fVariable
The first one initializes variable to a newly created SomeClass instance, once at most (and maybe not even that many times). The second one is a read-only computed variable and creates a new SomeClass instance every time its value is read.
Your intuition is right, that article is incorrect. I'm guessing the author is conflating/confusing computed property syntax with the immediately-executed-closure trick. The lazy keyword has nothing to do with how many times the closure is executed. lazy simply causes the property to remain uninitialized until first access, at which point the expression on the right hand side of the equal sign is evaluated.
To simplify, this:
var myVar: MyType {
return MyType()
is very different than this:
var myVar: MyType = MyType()
which is similar in storage but has different initialization semantics than this:
lazy var myVar: MyType = MyType()
In the first example, myVar is a computed property and the code inside of the curly braces is executed every time myVar is accessed. In other words, every time you access myVar you'd get a newly created object back.
In the second example, myVar is a stored property and the expression after the equal sign is evaluated once during initialization of the class or struct that contains that property.
In the third example, myVar is still a stored property but the evaluation of the expression after the equal sign (be it an initializer expression, a function invocation, or a closure invocation) is delayed until it's accessed.
As a side note, this line of code:
lazy var myVar: MyType = { ... }()
is equivalent to:
func doStuffAndReturnMyType() { ... }
lazy var myVar: MyType = doStuffAndReturnMyType()
The shorthand in the first example wasn't specifically designed for–it just works because Swift's type system (is awesome and) treats closures as unnamed (anonymous) functions.